New Kindle Version Of The Voice Of Eros
by Ernest L. Norman
About Eros – Fifth Spiritual Plane Of The Shamballas
Going directly to our planet of Eros, I would like to say that we alone, of the seven Shamballas, have an unfixed position; in other words, we travel in an elliptical orbit which comes in contact with a large number of planets which are similar to your earth. We make this orbit about once every 3800 years in your earth time. By dividing this into half, you will see that we will come into position, either exactly opposite your earth or exactly in its affinity in this proportion.
About 2000 years ago, you saw our planet over a certain portion of the earth which has been called the Holy Land. Many people saw the planet at that time although it is not generally visible by any known astronomical or astrophysical means, as we here are in a dimension or relationship which is not reactive to your sense of sight. However, at that time, it was necessary to make a very close contact with the earth for various purposes. Great infusions of radiant energy were projected from our planet at that time which permeated and infused the minds of many earth people. . . (more…)
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The Voice Of Eros-Newly Illustrated Collector’s Edition
Book Two of The Pulse of Creation
by Ernest L. Norman
Illustrated for the first time!
(Could this be your afterlife? Or your nightly experience?)
Continue the visionary tour of the legendary Seven Shamballas in Book Two of The Pulse of Creation, in company with the Advanced Masters who live and teach there.
“There’s science in everything,” Leonardo da Vinci tells us from his vantage point on Eros. From tiny ballerinas to full-scale operas, from new inventions to advanced cosmology, this is a dazzling, eye-popping journey into the higher-dimensional worlds you won’t want to miss.
Enjoy reading psychic, mental “transmissions” from Nikola Tesla, Leonardo da Vinci, Hilarion/Krishna, Iona, William Shakespeare, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Robert Browning, Robert Louis Stevenson, Confucius, Helena Blavatsky, Lao-Tse, Maha Chohan, Michael Faraday/Pericles, Rene Descartes, Friedrich Nietzsche, Gamaliel, and more.
With brand new, full-color illustrations from visionary artist Roslynn E. Moore, the Collector’s Edition will bring you even closer to these luminous classrooms on the Inner worlds. (more…)
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Spiritual Therapy On The Inner Planes ~ Part III
by Ernest L. Norman
If you will think now, you will see that there are also other planes which are not so conducive to a general and a better way of life. These negative planes are called the astral worlds; and there are found people who have not lived a completely positive life at sometime in their spiritual evolution. Because of the lack of fundamental knowledge and a cohesive relationship to life, they will revolve into these lower dimensions. Sometimes, of course, these individuals assume distorted personalities which defy description. They are born from the ranks of people who have lived on your earth planes as murderers, thieves, and various mental and physical prostitutes of all kinds. They have continually reincarnated into these negative planes of expressions, and thus strengthened their thought patterns of life to such a point that they are almost demoniac, or, as they have sometimes been called, devils and other types of destructive sub-astral plane personalities.
To your earth people, may I say that a single destructive thought, such as fear, hate, jealousy, rage or envy, will immediately tune you in, as it were, (using the vernacular of the earth scientist) to thousands or perhaps even millions of these lower earth plane astral entities. Were it not for your protective and guiding forces, you would almost immediately be overwhelmed. This explanation conveys to you how these protective forces do break down at times after one’s continued indulgences in negations, such as vengeful or hateful thoughts; and when the break occurs, a lurking entity may come in to take possession, project the individual from his own body, and use his body as an instrument of murder and destruction. You have read of accounts in your daily newspaper in which someone seemingly committed some heinous crime in a blacked out condition, and awakened to find the victim before him.
The psychiatrist of today does not deal in these pertinent facts; he refuses to acknowledge the dominating factors which relate man to his life upon the earth plane. As I have said, it would be impossible for a single moment for a person to sustain life upon the earth plane if it were not for the continual flow of energy into his body from the Central Divine Vortex. This, I believe, has been explained to you in other writings and in other chapters; and I need not go to any length in a dissertation to explain the process by which this energy flows into the body. It is misalignment of this ever-permeating force into your bodies which will cause diseased conditions which are termed incurable and of which your earth doctor or scientist knows little or nothing. The physician is continually looking for the symptoms of the incurable diseases in the physical or the human body, in which they are not, and cannot be cured. And so until some future day when the earth doctor becomes clairvoyant, and is able to peer into the past or into the akashic record of the individual under observation, he will have little or no success with these conditions. Nor will the high rate of insanity or mental aberrations which are confined in your mental institutions be lessened. In fact, as you know from statistics, the load is increasing daily. It is estimated that at least one person in every sixteen is badly in need of mental treatment today. The way of life on the earth planet at the present time is not conducive to any lengthy or enjoyable state of peace of mind.
There are innumerable compensations in your daily life today which give rise to frustrations and eventually to neurotic conditions, and must in some way be adjusted or compensated for. The earth doctor or psychiatrist has taken only a partial step in the evaluation of these psychiatric conditions. He may have instituted himself into such position by the use of technical nomenclature and terminology of words that he has constructed for himself a dimensional world within a world, which is a superimposed facility of knowledge and wisdom which he actually does not possess. I am not in any sense of the word chiding or mentally castigating any of the earth scientists at the present time. I am merely pointing out these things so that they may be interwoven into your future daily lives.
The patients whom you now see in the wards about you will, in a few day’s time, disappear into other worlds and other planes, and will be replaced by a continually emerging stream of other badly malformed wrecks from the astral worlds and those before you are but a small fraction of those who are thus cared for in other portions of this great city. If we were to explore some of these other wards, you would be shocked almost beyond the point of sanity in viewing some of these badly malformed wrecks which have been brought to us; and so for this particular purpose at this time, I shall not endeavor to show you any of them. However, I may say that some of the things which you find in your penal institutions on your earth plane are but mild in comparison to what their actual psychic bodies in their malformed conditions are when they arrive here on this side of life in their spiritual sense. In some way they defy description; and, as I have said, they would completely nauseate you to a point where you might be seriously affected mentally.
Excerpt from The Voice of Eros
See Part II here.
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Spiritual Therapy On The Inner Planes ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
Greetings to you again, brother and sister. Your earth scientist would be very surprised if he knew how vast is the distance which he calls space,-one you spanned in a split second of time and enables you to arrive here upon our planet of Eros and in our city of Parhelion. I see that we are standing again in the ward where we left off our previous transmission; but before renewing our discussion in psychiatry and obsession, let me say that your arrival here in this particular city was timed at such a moment so that you would be able to witness at least a part of some of the ceremonies attendant to a conclave of various forces which came from the different planetary systems. These conclaves or gatherings express a part of the science which is taught here in Parhelion. (more…)
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Spiritual Therapy On The Inner Planes
by Ernest L. Norman
. . . we are about to go into this large room I might say that it concerns part of the previous book which was given you on the planet Venus, and at which time was omitted, although this therapy work is necessarily a function performed in conjunction with the planet Venus. We refer to the part which relates to people who have become mentally disarranged, and have various mental aberrations of such nature that it is necessary to have certain special types of treatment before the proper rest and convalescence; thus spiritual therapy is applied. The corrective therapy is applied through various scientific apparatus of a very highly evolved nature, of which the earth planet scientist knows little or nothing. I believe that in your past few years of experience, you have had some inkling of the nature of these types of apparatus and of the nature of the things which they can do. I shall attempt at this point, before we are through with this ward, to go into the relative values of a science which has, at different times, been practiced rather loosely on your earth planet. (more…)
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Shamballa And The Seven Root Races ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
The Shamballa, as you know, began about a million years ago in your time. However, do not pay too much attention to such chronological statistics as may be given to you as such appearances of time in your earth planet are rough summations of such occurrences. Time, as you know, assumes a different factor and perspective in our dimension. Shamballa was the net and conglomerate efforts of the seven Shamballas in the higher astral spiritual dimensions, combined with the efforts of the numerous Lords and of the thirty-three Logi who rule our particular dimensional system. This was a very beautiful city as it existed on the great crystal plateau in the southern central section of what is now known as the Gobi desert in Mongolia. Through the many thousands of years, there came into being numerous tribes and and races of people who surrounded the mountains, valleys and plains on this wonderful and beautiful land. Under the direction of these Lords of the earth, the land was very fruitful and brought forth a tremendous abundance of all of the necessities of life for man as he existed in these numerous places about this great Shamballa. (more…)
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Shamballa And The Seven Root Races
by Ernest L. Norman
Through the many ages of existence of man through the thousands of years, there have been references to this mysterious Shamballa and its existence in the southern Gobi desert or that in some such place there was some great holy city of supernatural splendor and brilliance.
Now you earth people have a quotation something like, “Where there is smoke, there is fire”, and as there has been much smoke, we will see just exactly what the fire is like. We will thus start our story somewhere in the chronology of the earth about a million years ago. At that time the earth had so developed on its outer exterior that it could now support the higher and more advanced forms of life and that the time had now come when man in his entirety should be firmly planted upon this earth. (more…)
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Discovery Of A Parallel Universe Going Backwards In Time?
Bizarre Particles Keep Flying Out of Antarctica’s Ice
And They Might Shatter Modern Physics
by Rafi Letzter (LiveScience)
There’s something mysterious coming up from the frozen ground in Antarctica
And it could break physics as we know it.
Physicists don’t know what it is exactly. But they do know it’s some sort of cosmic ray — a high-energy particle that’s blasted its way through space, into the Earth, and back out again. But the particles physicists know about — the collection of particles that make up what scientists call the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics — shouldn’t be able to do that. Sure, there are low-energy neutrinos that can pierce through miles upon miles of rock unaffected. But high-energy neutrinos, as well as other high-energy particles, have “large cross-sections.” That means that they’ll almost always crash into something soon after zipping into the Earth and never make it out the other side. (more…)
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The Voice of Eros – Full Book Download
The Voice of Eros, due to lack of renewal of copyright, is in public domain and available for download here.
I plan to continue to post a link to one book per week that is in public domain by Dr. Ernest L. Norman so stay tuned for more a-coming! If you are a serious student of Dr. Normans then this will bring you great joy as well as I hope you share with your friends.
What does it mean when a book is in public domain?
“When a book (or any written work) enters the public domain, you can copy and use it without getting permission or paying fees. That’s because public domain books are no longer — or never were — protected by copyright.
What can you do with public domain books? Republish them as they are, or add your own material to create new works. Recast them in new media, remix them with other works, translate them into new languages … the possibilities are limited only by your imagination.
You can also quote freely from public domain books and other writings. Also if a book or other written work is in the public domain you won’t have to pay permissions fees and you won’t have to rely on fair use. You can stage your play, or write your screenplay, or digitize the work and publish it online … you can create stuff without needing a lawyer.” per Public Domain Sherpa
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An Astral Visit To Eros
“Let us now go directly to our planet and obtain our first view of the fifth spiritual plane of Shamballa which is the scientific plane. Now we find ourselves sitting on what apparently looks like a mountain top; and while you are looking at the substance upon which you are sitting as something similar in shape and form to your familiar earth planet as rock, yet it possesses some peculiar transparency or brilliance to which you are unaccustomed. As in the case of Venus, all elemental substances are in a much higher state of evolution than your earth planet. This principle of evolution was somewhat explained to you and in a more proper understanding of this principle, you will begin to understand that there is nothing happenstance or by chance in God’s great Celestial universe, but is all a thoroughly and completely integrated relationship. And so it is with the things around you on your earth plane: your mountains, your trees, your streams, your lakes, your cities, and so on, are all just a very small fragment of manifestation of the Infinite Mind. If you will think a moment, you can see that this same manifestation will take place on and on up into many, many other dimensions which are completely foreign to your understanding. Thus it is with Venus, and so it is with us and numerous other great planets and solar systems throughout the universe. (more…)
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Our Evolutionary Pathway
…I would like to explain something of the theory which was expounded in reincarnation or evolution by
the Grecian philosopher Plato. It was Plato, as I have said, who brought the first constructive ideology of the perfect order and sequence of conception which is called reincarnation to the minds of the intellectuals of the Western world. To those of you who have started on the pathway of truth, a little more light cast upon this subject would perhaps be in order. So let us begin by assuming that some individual is starting at the very beginning of his evolution.
We will say that there are three initial steps which must be first taken before he is ready for the fourth step or the step of consecration. These three initiations or steps relate to the carnal, to the mental and the spiritual nature of man. They have also been called the working counterpart of the triad. So it is that the individual will reincarnate many times into such planes of expressions in the physical world which will relate him to these three basic concepts of his evolution. By the time he has passed through the carnal into the mental states of consciousness, he will find himself emerged into a spiritual state of consciousness which will focus and crystallize his ideas and his ambitions into a spiritual dimension which will enable him to take the first of seven more basic evolutions or reincarnations which will bring him to the place of his first spiritual initiation. (more…)
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Sub-Planets of Muse
“A happy day to you, brother and sister. I believe we discontinued our exploration of our particular center of Parhelion somewhere in the vicinity of the sub-planets which were related to the main center or planet of Muse. Taking up where we left off, we have just discovered that these sub-planets were something in the nature of halfway stations, we might call them, between the astral worlds below and to the actual center of Muse. It was there that the initiates who had gone through many evolutions in their various reincarnations had at least arrived to the point where they could emerge into these sub-planetary systems such as they were related into the five various sections of the inspirational arts as we have so classified them in previous discussions. It was here that we also discovered that these sub-planets were of such nature that the initiate or the plebeian could find himself or herself in such conditions which were of the most inspirational nature and more conducive and in harmony with that particular type of spiritual expression in which he or she were so engaged in participating. It can be said also that these sub-planets were places in which the individual more or less rehabilitated himself or readjusted himself to such a point or position where he could determine whether he would like to proceed onward or whether he would like to
reincarnate again into a lower earth plane and to thus work out some of the knowledge which was pertinent to his expression. These factors all, of course, are determined by the individual himself. He will evolve in his intelligence to such a point where the correlative advice of the teachers who are functioning in these various centers will advise him to or not to reincarnate into the earth planes or to other such sundry positions and such activities of an educational nature shall be entered into which will best befit him. Should he or she determine for themselves that they should reincarnate into an earth plane expression, they would therefore wait and learn and to further adjust themselves to the point in which they would be able to enter into the earth plane through the conception and the doorway of the womb. This, of course, may or may not take what would be called a time period of several hundred years. However, in any case after the emergence in the earth plane, such an individual would be an outstanding exponent of his particular art in whatever field he was actively participating. Now we have roughly discussed and found out the various functional orders of these sub-planets which are revolving — or, rather, I would not use the word revolving, as they do not actually revolve but have, just as in the case of the other more highly evolved planets, such a frequency characteristic which determines their particular position — we shall now go directly to the central planet of Muse and there we shall find out more of how the various relative factors enter into the numerous concepts in which the individual expresses himself in the inspirational arts. (more…)
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On The Proper Use of Atomic Energy
“I stated (in my previous discussion) that in the natural order of atoms that it was quite impossible
to change atomic structures. In an absolute concept, this is quite true. I am, of course, speaking of what has been called transmutation or changing from one element to another through some laboratory process. Now you say you have atomic bombs, such as fissionable or thermonuclear types. In either case, however, you have merely succeeded in so stretching or changing such atomic structures into an unnatural and unrelated perspective with their true source or dimension. Thus it is in triggering these atoms by some other smaller explosion, they, in trying to adjust themselves to their natural source or perspective, actually blow themselves to pieces. This is not atomic power. You may point out you have atomic reactors. This, too, means that you are more slowly destroying atoms. (more…)
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Basics of Energy – Transmission by Faraday
“Now we are progressing step by step toward a more absolute and, shall I say, abstract concept of what is called time-space or energy transference in various dimensional factors. In the beginning it was said our planet traveled in orbit. Later it was explained that such an orbit was not a physical sense of traveling as you do in the earth plane or as an evolution around some particular distance of space but rather, a pulsation or a frequency which occurred as a major cycle of about thirty-eight hundred years duration. It was also explained that such frequency alteration could change the relative perspective point of the planet in regards to the various expressions which were necessary in manifesting such portions or parts as were deemed necessary to the various planetary systems. (more…)
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Exploring The Inner Teaching Centers Of Parhelion
“Greetings, loved ones. I am speaking to you for the first time and using the transmission
of the human vocal chords after some great period of time. I am known, and if I do not have too much difficulty with my earth brother’s vocal chords, as Gamaliel. I was immediately preceded by my very worthy leader and colleague, Maha Chohan, who is the present presiding ruler or officer over this section of Parhelion, as he explained to you something of the concepts of reincarnation as they have appeared in the more spiritual concepts of the earth plane for some time to come. The past histories of your earth deal rather loosely and largely with the different concepts and translations, some of which are not quite factual. Other concepts are more relative, so it is our purpose to simplify and clear away some of the cobwebs of mystery and disillusion which are attached to these innumerable translations and concepts.
I believe Maha Chohan explained to you that there have appeared in your earth plane in the past several thousand years seven Messiahs or Buddhas, as they have been loosely called. We refer to Horus who was the immaculate conception, of Osiris, to the Jesus, to the Krishna, to the Shankara, and to one who was also known as Buddha in the northern China and Japanese areas. I believe that is seven, is it not? My pardon, I did not include him who you call the great Manu who was also known by another name in another civilization which antidated any of your present earth books, one which was referred to you which existed in the northern Tibetan or southern Mongolian area something like a half million years ago. However, such as these Messiahs or Buddhas have been, they have been working out through the countless ages of time their own destinies, their own reincarnations upon the pathway of truth so they might in the end evolve into such leadership of the Shamballas as they are now expressing. (more…)
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