Inspirational Quotes ~ The Voice Of Venus
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The Voice Of Venus ~ Audiobook
“Very advanced human beings are concerned with the lower orders of evolution of mankind. They are concerned not only because it is the natural sequence in serving mankind—it is to serve the Infinite best.
“But there must always be, in the great Infinite Mind an Understanding, that continual movement of continual progress—that continual evolution which all things go through, not only in the atomical substances as has been shown to you here, but it follows through into the planets and into and through the solar systems themselves. (more…)
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The Pulse Of Creation – New Website!
Please take a moment to visit a new website dedicated to The Pulse of Creation Series by Ernest L. Norman.
Here is the link: — Ordering information is also available.
Here is a brief overview of the beautifully illustrated editions here and to come in the near future with descriptions from The Infinite Concept Of Cosmic Creation.
The Voice of Venus
One evening during attunement, I saw a beautiful, radiant figure standing before me. He announced himself–not in words but through the means of telepathic communication which is always used in these higher dimensions and states of consciousness; he inferred he could be known as Mal Var. We later found out from other sources that he was the disciple John, or John the Revelator. He said that he had come to give us a new version or a new translation of that part of the New Testament which had been so badly and sadly garbled in translations, (Revelations), and if I was willing, he would start from the planet Venus, which is the mother-father planet of this planetary system. From there, the higher celestial forces were in direct communication at all times in the work of psycho-therapy and spiritual healings for the people of this earth and other planets of nearby solar systems. So naturally, I gladly acquiesced. (more…)
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The Voice Of Venus-Newly Illustrated Collector’s Edition
THE VOICE OF VENUS by Ernest L. Norman
Full-color, Newly Illustrated Collector’s Edition
Did This Reclusive Author Leave Behind Secrets of the Universe?
A Cosmic “Theory of Everything” That Subsequent Science Keeps Validating?
LA MESA, CA—For the first time, all five books of Ernest L. Norman’s classic introductory series, the Pulse of Creation, will be available globally in newly illustrated, full-color Collector’s Editions, beginning with Book One, The Voice of Venus (May 11, 2021).
Through his books and lectures conducted in the late 1950s, Author Ernest L. Norman (1904-1971) put the science back into ancient concepts that have come down to us in watered-down, mystical terms such as chakras, meridians, auras, spirit bodies.
Picking up where his visionary predecessors in science and philosophy left off, Norman also spun traditional physics into a vortical schematic of pulsing, interdimensional, intelligent energy that supports and connects all forms of life.
For the relative handful of lucky readers who found his books in the late 20th century, he also changed lives. Norman took on the big questions of life and death—and life after death—using a scientific approach, and what he might describe as the interdimensional communication capacity of the human mind to reach into higher dimensions. (more…)
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Our Psychic Self
by Ernest L. Norman
Again we come to you with our love from Venus. Yes, it is quite true our sister, Ruth, has discovered in her own way through her vision, that we are Shamballa—or should we more correctly say, part of Shamballa. We here in Azure are one of seven such cities and places.
Each one of these cities is directly related to your earth plane in a certain separated type of spiritual service. We, in Azure, function with those who have passed on from the flesh in some form of maladjustment, such as the soldier boys and sailors, the suicides and murderers, and their victims. The other cities relate their activities to equally well defined fields of spiritual and physical therapies. It is my plan to go into these different cities and just as we have done here in Azure, make an exploration and find out more fully their own particular capacity. (more…)
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Governance And Leadership
by Ernest L. Norman
Greetings, brother and sister.
In going through my previous transmissions I have found that, while I have covered many subjects, I have not yet discussed government and leadership of the nations of the world. And while we here in this city of Azure do not relate ourselves in our service to you in this capacity, yet it was deemed essential that this very important topic should be discussed.
Throughout the ancient and modern civilizations which have existed on your planet, and these have been many and varied, yet in a broad sense they have all had many common basic elements and flaws. The theory of government is based on a natural desire of the many communities, states and peoples existing as a nation to factually integrate their many diversified ways of life into a harmonious combination with a peaceful expression of their life, as best suits their needs. I am speaking, of course, of such forms of government as you call democratic, socialistic, or communistic. In the later form, I am not referring to that great country across the sea which calls itself communistic, but which is really totalitarian. I am referring to the pure and basic concept of government by the people. (more…)
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More Amazing Structures On Venus
Image from Magellan Venus Global Survey Map – City Structures and Buildings (color added)
As we all know from our studies of the Science of Life, life is everywhere in the universe in all manners and forms including interdimensionally. And as we also know there is no such thing as death or termination. Everything exists in a continuous state of change unto infinity.
Since Venus exists in another astral dimension, not perceptible to common earth instruments, likely the astronomers and scientists of Earth have not been able to really get a good understanding of the surface of Venus so an attempt was made to map it with the Magellan spacecraft using SAR which is a type of radar that uses 2 or 3 dimensional images of objects, such as landscapes, etc. The video below continues with more amazing structures on Venus found on the Venus GIS Global Map which was created as a result of the mapping by the Magellan spacecraft. (more…)
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Venusian Homes And Families
By Ernest L. Norman
We welcome you back to Azure, brother, and I am very pleased with a number of things. Your continued and lengthy concentration has helped much in the continuation of our project. I see now that you are able to make contact and arrive here almost unassisted. I see also that you are beginning to expand your consciousness in your own inner eye to a point where I believe shortly you will be able to see everything about you here as it really is. I had thought at first that it might be necessary to keep part of this hidden as well as to conceal from you, as the strangeness and strength of this world might upset you. However, I am grateful for your many years of psychic work which will now enable us to progress more normally. I thought also that you might take a slight affront at being left on the doorstep, as it were, while we were just on the verge of entering in and seeing what these dwellings are like. (more…)
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The Many Dimensional Levels of Venus Presentation
For those who may have missed the Unariuns United meetup presentation in El Cajon on “The Many Dimensional Levels of Venus”, please find below the main part of the presentation as powerpoint as pdf and part as videos. Enjoy and feel free to comment below.
First we presented the article by Noel Huntley, PhD. located here. Then presented the following videos:
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Voice of Spirit
Man goeth about the earth
And there is much knocking and grinding,
Likewise there is great haste
Unto the end of nothing.
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The Voice of Venus ~ Full Book Download
The Voice of Venus, due to lack of renewal of copyright, is in public domain and available for download here.
If you are a serious student of Dr. Norman then this will bring you great joy as well as I hope you share with your friends.
What does it mean when a book is in public domain?
“When a book (or any written work) enters the public domain, you can copy and use it without getting permission or paying fees. That’s because public domain books are no longer — or never were — protected by copyright.
What can you do with public domain books? Republish them as they are, or add your own material to create new works. Recast them in new media, remix them with other works, translate them into new languages … the possibilities are limited only by your imagination.
You can also quote freely from public domain books and other writings. Also if a book or other written work is in the public domain you won’t have to pay permissions fees and you won’t have to rely on fair use. You can stage your play, or write your screenplay, or digitize the work and publish it online … you can create stuff without needing a lawyer.” per Public Domain Sherpa (more…)
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The Many Dimensional Levels of Venus – Part II
Although only a few hours have passed since my last visit conditions are so propitious that it was deemed advantageous that I again make contact. I hope that you will pardon my intrusion in your daily earth life routine.
So we will resume our little trip where it was left off the previous evening. Now we are again back on the surface of Venus and we find ourselves standing in a beautiful forest glade, and although it is quite familiar to me, I see in your mind that you are almost overwhelmed with the beauty. For the benefit of your earth brothers,
let us sit down upon this grassy bank beside a pool so that I may not only explain more fully these things about you, but that I may also clear up some of the salient points which I see are not quite transparent. As you look about you, you see many tall trees which stretch hundreds of feet into the air, and the overhanging branches seem to reach out and form a canopy which delicately laces the radiant solar energy that comes from the great golden orb which shines above; and while it is the same sun which shines on your earth it has here quite a different appearance, not being small and white and extremely brilliant, but being large and of a soft golden yellow color which can be easily looked into. As you have been told the sun is not as commonly supposed, a mass of disintegrating atomic energy which is dissipating itself as white hot heat, but is instead a radiant energy projector which converts energy and reflects its light and other associated energy fluxes into what you term your three dimensional world. This energy source is of course the Fountainhead. (more…)
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The Many Dimensional Levels of Venus – Part I
Judging by the thoughts which are received by me from you, you are quite anxious that we shall begin our exploration directly on the planet Venus. This I will be most happy to do, as I believe that by now your minds have been sufficiently freed from the bondage of the limited earth-life concepts around you. I do not wish to be misconstrued in my attitude
regarding your earth planet. It is a wondrously conceived and properly constituted place of life for people in your particular phase of development and while your history reveals that there have been some good cycles and some not so good, yet with all it can be said that you are admirably situated in a world which was conceived as a battle ground and testing place between your emotions and carnal desires and as an actual starting place in your spiritual evolution. Of course I am making an exception of the many great old souls who have reincarnated from time to time into your way of life and by the substance and strength of their wisdom have acted as a leavening agent which was a vital and necessary factor in maintaining the continuity of life in the lower orders of development in which they were working. Perhaps at some later time I will give you some more pertinent facts which will relate to the future history of your planet for not only is your past history well known to us here on Venus, but your future has also been written. (more…)
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Life On Venus
by Noel Huntley (still from Venus by Roberto Gaetan – see video below)
(five images below from Venus Global GIS Mapping showing Venus surface covered with structures)
We mentioned in the chapter about Alpha Centauri civilizations that Akon’s race was originally from Venus, but this was at a time when the surface of Venus was more habitable within a more third-dimensional perspective, somewhat commensurate with Earth.
Now of course its third-dimensional atmosphere is harsh, turbulent and hot; not compatible for human life.
Nevertheless it is inhabited within a different frequency spectrum. This would be in a higher range of energies, as is the case with all the planets in our solar system other than Earth.
The surface of the planet has always caused a mystery to astronomers, with its perpetual veil of clouds. The information given in Ernest Norman’s book The Voice of Venus is that this blanket of vapor is not a natural occlusion.
The surface has been shielded by Venusians deliberately by means of high-frequency energy, with etheric condensation forming an envelope around the planet; the purpose being to prevent man’s confusion in advancing science’s possible detection of inexplicable elements and strange radiations.
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An Astral Visit To Venus
“Judging by the thoughts which are received by me from you, you are quite anxious that we shall begin our exploration directly on the planet Venus. This I will be most happy to do, as I believe that by now your minds have been sufficiently freed from the bondage of the limited earth-life concepts around you. I do not wish to be misconstrued in my attitude regarding your earth planet. It is a wondrously conceived and properly constituted place of life for people in your particular phase
of development; and while your history reveals that there have been some good cycles and some not so good, yet with all it can be said that you are admirably situated in a world which was conceived as a battle ground and testing place between your emotions and carnal desires and as an actual starting place in your spiritual evolution. Of course I am making an exception of the many great old souls who have reincarnated from time to time into your way of life; and by the substance and strength of their wisdom have acted as a leavening agent which was a vital and necessary factor in maintaining the continuity of life in the lower orders of development in which they were working. Perhaps at some later time I will give you some more pertinent facts which will relate to the future history of your planet for not only is your past history well known to us here on Venus, but your future has also been written.
In going to the planet Venus I will ask one thing of you; that you must remember that while you may see some things which may in some way remind you of your more familiar planet, yet as I have explained there is nothing similar or comparable to what you call weight or mass, and while all things on Venus do have weight and solidity; but only to those who have evolved into this plane and are properly constituted so that the elemental substructure of their minds and bodies are in close relationship with the elements around them, which is, of course, exactly the same relationship which your minds and bodies bear toward the elemental structures of the earth plane. The difference being, if you will pardon my being repetitious, in the relationship of that hackneyed word dimension. I do not like this word as it has a confining sound and relates to such limitations as measurements, or is suggestive of limited confined spaces. However I must speak in your language and in such a way as you will best understand me. Now that we are on common ground we shall approach the Planet Venus and begin what I hope will be a profitable as well as enlightening venture, as has been done many times before. We will use as our vehicle our astral body and with our mind firmly ensconced within its comforting closeness, we will see what happens. But lo, I have hardly spoken before we are there, at least to our first stopping point, which is somewhat outside the astral shell of the planet, or as your astronomers call a similar one around the earth, the ionosphere. This astral shell around Venus differs somewhat from that of the earth planet. However such differences are not so important as to warrant a further discussion. We will instead merely say that its function is somewhat similar to that of the earth and that it is a protective shield against some of the dangerous radiations which come from various sources in outer space. Yo
ur astronomers, in looking at this planet, see only vague masses of cloud-like substances which seem at all times to be a complete envelope. Actually no earth-man has seen the surface of the planet through a telescope or with any other device he may use in conjunction with these optical instruments. (more…)
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