Ye Seek
Ye are lonesome?
Then listen to the sea
Ten thousand ages its waters
Have moaned and cried
Against the sands and rocks of time
And nothing has answered back
Yet all rivers and streams
Yea and storms have added to it
Thinking that which was there
Would be the answer
Posted in Book Excerpts, Infinite Contact, Poetrywith comments disabled.
10 Ways Science Proves There Is Life After Death
{Please Note: Due to several video links, this page may take longer to download.}
E=MC Squared
If mass which is composed of atoms is energy and our bodies are composed of atoms, it must be concluded that we therefore are composed of energy – energy is indestructible and cannot be created or destroyed. The energy used to power our bodies must therefore in some manner or form survive after the incapacitation of the body or death.
String Theory
Further confirming E=MC Squared, energy is vibrating strings composing the fundamental particles in an atom. As all things including our bodies are atoms then we are also vibrating strings of energy. Whatever laws of physics that apply to energy also apply to ourselves, that is to say that since we are composed of energy then frequency, harmonics and how energy expresses itself as a sine wave also applies to the energy that composes our being and since energy is indestructible then we as consciousness controlling the physical is indestructible. (more…)
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Cycles And Civilizations
(This dissertation was included in a student’s life reading.)
Excerpt from Tempus Interludium Vol. I
We will present a synopsis or trace and present various civilizations, a starting place of these cycles and of their appearance of so many countless thousands of people who have lived in these age-old civilizations, and have incarnated back and forth through these various epochs countless times. For convenience sake, we shall start with Atlantis. As every truth seeker knows or has heard something about this ancient civilization which was predated by the Lemurian civilization even many thousands of years previously. In this old Atlantis about 25,000 years ago there was a very wonderful and beautiful civilization which flourished on the continent somewhere in the mid-Atlantic ocean.
This civilization, which lasted for many thousands of years, was directed under spiritual leadership from a great temple in Atlantis. Stemming out into various corners of the world, there flourished numerous colonies which were also largely directed by this same priesthood. Some several thousands of years later, a race of dark-skinned people succeeded in stealing certain secrets of machinery which were atomically conceived in nature, and handed down from the Lemurian Masters, and with these secrets the dark-skinned ones actually succeeded in blowing Atlantis completely out of the ocean.
Along with this terrible destruction, there was naturally a great loss of life. Then too, before this cataclysm, many thousands of people who had, by being forewarned, migrated to various other countries such as Egypt, India, Persia, and Central and South America. From these remnants sprang other civilizations. So it was that through the many epochs of time, various and countless millions of citizens who had resided in these ancient civilizations, and knowing of this great Spiritual Leadership and that wonderful way of life, began seeking to find themselves in some new age and time wherein these same spiritual concepts were further expressed, and also that they might gain more wisdom and advance themselves in their own spiritual evolution, which is always a strong and motivating, inward desire of every human being. (more…)
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“…The reader therefore, must realize that it makes little difference in what direction he begins to
analyze, how he would subdivide or fractionalize various expressive forms of life about him, whether his objectivism is animate or inanimate, he must first reduce all such apparent forms into a common constituent – energy. the illusion of mass was “destroyed” by nuclear physics and by Einstein, who first conceived some small part of this truth.
The subject of mass itself, like psychokenesis, or any other divisions, have broad and infinite ramifications. Energy therefore becomes the keystone in the arch of understanding. We will therefore begin with the most common expressive form of energy called by science, the sine wave. This is a certain quotient of energy traveling through space or matter, in a manner which can be best likened to a wave traveling across the ocean. It is either a molecular or an atomic transference of energy from any given point to another. To do this it must have two poles. This is necessary because any media through which the wave travels must thus retransfer this energy wave in direct facsimile to other and similar constituents of this media. Positive and negative polarities are therefore used to describe the energy transference contained in the wave frequency. Also necessary to understand, is the number of times this wave repeats itself, positively and negatively from its source or EMF. (This is the frequency). (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Infinite Contactwith 1 comment.
Tesla – The UFO Mars Connection
The Secrets of Tesla and Marconi – The UFO-Mars Connection
by UFO Sightings Hotspot
Tesla elaborated on the subject of “Talking with the Planets” in Collier’s Weekly (March 1901):
Tesla: “I can never forget the first sensations I experienced when it dawned upon me that I had observed something possibly of incalculable consequences to mankind.
My first observations positively terrified me, as there was present in them something mysterious, not to say supernatural, and I was alone in my laboratory at night; but at that time the idea of these disturbances being intelligently controlled signal did not yet present itself to me. (more…)
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An Angel’s Way
How oft it is that high above, in some bright lighted sky
An Angel’s caught by planets rushing by
An Earthly place that spins a web of prayers that reaches out and holds Him fast
And there within its earthly coils He’s born again, and lives within a body made of flesh
And comes and goes as all men do, and called by all of them as such as they;
Yet, there remains within His heart and mind an Angel’s way
And in His hand an Angel’s touch. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Poetry, The Antheniumwith comments disabled.
Nazi Airman Reincarnated as English Railway Worker?
Nazi Airman Reincarnated as English Railway Worker? Stunning Coincidences Suggest So
By Tara MacIsaac, Epoch Times | December 11, 2014
Since the age of 3, Carl Edon had spoken of a previous life as a Nazi airman. His parents didn’t believe he was truly remembering a past life, but decades later evidence emerged that made them wonder.
Edon was a railway signalman in the town of Middlesbrough, northeastern England. He met with a tragic end in this life as well as in his alleged past life. At the age of 22, he was stabbed to death by his work colleague, Gary Vinter. Vinter was jailed in 1996 for the murder, but proceeded to kill others including his estranged wife upon his release in 2006 (after which he was locked up for good). (more…)
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More Evidence Supporting “The Truth About Mars”
Again, The Truth About Mars is confirmed by the latest discoveries of the planet surface of Mars. The following is just a few of these confirmations. There are many more. Remember that “The Truth About Mars” was published in 1956 more than 55 years ago.
In the following I will provide an excerpt from The Truth About Mars then the video, article, or image recently published that supports the aforementioned.
“The presence of the green maria, which he calls sponge-like algae, proves the presence of oxygen, although in a comparatively rare state. As everyone knows oxygen is necessary in the breathing cycle of any plant which contains chlorophyll (oxygen on Mars is about 10% of the density of the earth’s oxygen) as was stated in the afore-mentioned article. This sponge-like algae is found growing along the edges of the snow banks and often attains a depth of forty to fifty feet. It dries up with the vanishing of the snow caps and regrows the following spring.”
Could this be what he spoke of (actual photos of Mars from Nasa): (more…)
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Researchers Have Teleported Light 15 Miles
A new distance record has been set in the strange world of quantum teleportation.
In a recent experiment, the quantum state (the direction it was spinning) of a light particle instantly traveled 15.5 miles (25 kilometers) across an optical fiber, becoming the farthest successful quantum teleportation feat yet.
Advances in quantum teleportation could lead to better Internet and communication security, and get scientists closer to developing quantum computers.
About five years ago, researchers could only teleport quantum information, such as which direction a particle is spinning, across a few meters. Now, they can beam that information across several miles. [Twisted Physics: 7 Mind-Blowing Findings] (more…)
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Little Known Facts of Jesus
“Biblical historians and other historical sources believe Jesus was actually born in the temple, His birthday the 2nd of April – His true paternal father was Ananias who appears in the book of Acts as the judge and prosecutor of Paul. There is strong circumstantial evidence to support this belief.
It is well known that Jesus spent many of His boyhood years living in the temple grounds with His mother Mary and His foster-father, Joseph, a carpenter, whose task it was to keep the temple in repair.
No doubt it was this close contact with the workings of the temple in His boyhood, which later powered a tremendous incentive to overthrow the tyrannical hypocracy which He witnessed as the daily practice of Rabbinical dispensations. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Infinite Contact, The True Life of Jesuswith comments disabled.
What Is The Sun?
“To the earth scientist the sun is only a hard core or nucleus of energy which expresses frequency in an earth or material spectrum; however, the sun is actually larger than our entire solar system. If we refer back to our concept of the atom, here is an allegorical equation. The atom has the hard core or nucleus which is the central vortex, while around in space surrounding this nucleus are vibrations or circular tracts of energy wave forms which carry positive and negative charges.
Our solar system functions just the same way. It is actually a blown-up atom on a tremendously large scale. The various planets are revolving around the nucleus or sun, on orbits which are wave from patterns. The planets, themselves, are revolving around the nucleus or sun, on orbits which are wave form patterns. The planets, themselves, although they may appear solid, are only so because they are a product of concept. Actually, each planet, in turn, represents a hard core, or nucleus of energy. Surrounding each planet and out into space are the unseen, invisible fluxes which you have called magnetic forces. This is a misnomer. These so-called magnetic structures are actually connecting spectra of energy which connect the whole structure of your solar system with the radiant energies which surround it in free space.
Thus you see, from our perspective, we view your whole planetary system as a tremendously enlarged atom; as one of such similarly related component parts which form, in either case, the positive and negative charges or, as the planets themselves, whichever the case may be. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Tempus Invictuswith comments disabled.
An Astral Flight To Mars
“Now I w
ill contact my Martian guide and take an astral flight through space, and see just how it is that man lives on the red planet. Almost immediately a very distinguished looking man stands before me; he is Nur El, a man of high position and esteem from one of the Martian cities. He is dressed in a very brilliant red suit. The coat is long, almost to the knees, with loose fitting pantaloons. On his head is a red hat with a square-shaped brim, which is turned up on four sides.
Our trip there is a matter of split seconds as no craft is used or needed. Arriving on the surface of Mars, we are at once aware of the extremely rugged terrain, rocky hills and sandy wastes that stretch out endlessly around us. There are many peculiar whirling dust clouds all about. Nur El explains that the ionosphere is very thin, which leaves the surface almost unprotected from the various beta, gamma, and cosmic rays. This high concentration of rays ionizes the very rare and gaseous atmosphere, and together with the thermal currents, creates terrific dust storms. There is also a very thinly divided dust layer on the ionosphere, which helps create the reddish appearance of the planet. There are a number of volcanoes, three of which are of major size; one of these was just barely visible on the horizon trailing a thin wisp of smoke from its truncated cone. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Life On Other Worlds, The Truth About Marswith comments disabled.
A Visit to The Inner Plane of Azure
Excerpt from The Voice of Venus:
“The goodness of the evening to you, brother, and as you seem a little surprised to find yourself back sitting beside the lake where we left off this morning, may I say that I took the liberty to set you back in this same spot after receiving the impulses from your mind. I believe we were discussing matters pertaining to the emergence, or shall I use the word birth, into our planetary way of life. There are also other aspects which relate to the absorption of radiant energies into our bodies which replace your familiar intestinal tract. Of course by now you will have begun to cast about you and have found many heretofore seemingly unnoticed examples which are in every sense just as miraculous. Each tiny leaf and blade of grass carries on this radiant energy process. Your own bodies, using the lower orders of intestinal absorption, could not do so without the direct interpolation of this intelligent radiant energy; and while all of these things have been almost unnoticed, nonetheless, each and everything about you and within you carries its own message of its conception from the Infinite Fountainhead. But come, let us walk toward the mountain which you see in the distance; and do not be surprised if your walking has lost the laborious physical effort or that you seem to float. As you are somewhat used to astral flights, however, I do not feel you will find any great difficulty in adjusting yourself.
While we are progressing toward the city, may I say that you will quite likely see things which may stretch to the utmost your powers of conception. all things on Venus, including the substructures which compose the planet itself as I have said, in their own spectra, have a relationship to the source of Fountainhead which is much closer, or shall I say in a higher stage of evolution. Therefore, those elemental substances, as you will see, will reflect in consequence an outward expression which has a great deal more perfection and beauty. On your earth you have similar examples of this evolution. The soft black carbon in a higher state becomes the sparkling diamond. Likewise, many of the darkened masses of metal may enter, in an oxide form, into some other siliceous material and give to it the radiant hue of the ruby or the blue cool depths of the aquamarine. In fact, your gems are direct transmutations of these lower orders of elemental substances into a higher frequency expression. (more…)
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Can Remembering Past-Lives in Ancient Egypt Help Archaeologists?
By Tara MacIsaac, Epoch Times | December 6, 2014
We’ve heard of psychics helping police solve crimes, but what about those who say they can remember their ancient past lives—could they help archaeologists solve history’s mysteries?
Joan Grant was made famous by her 1937 book “Winged Pharaoh,” in which she wrote about a pharaoh’s daughter named Sekeeta—purportedly one of her past-life incarnations. What she said about ancient Egypt seems to correspond well with what archaeologists know, and even perhaps to presage some discoveries not yet made when she wrote the book. Of course, the distant history is foggy enough that this cannot be claimed as certain proof she lived a past life in ancient times.

Posted in Past Life Therapywith 1 comment.
Is Space-Time Shaped Like a Spiral?
Universe has a ‘golden ratio’ that keeps everything in order, researchers claim.
- South African researchers say the universe is governed by a ‘golden ratio’
- They say space-time itself is defined by this mathematical constant
- The ratio – 1.618 – is found across nature in plants, hurricanes and more
- But the researchers say it is also ever-present in the universe
- This means it might make up space-time itself
- Some have suggested our universe may have been the only one in the multiverse theory to have this ratio that allowed it to form
A cosmic constant known as the ‘golden ratio’ is said to be found in the shape of hurricanes, elephant tusks and even in galaxies.
Now researchers say this ratio is also seen in the topology of space-time, affecting the entire universe as a whole.
And they say this number can be used to link everything in the universe together, from space-time to chemistry to biology.
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