“In the beginning it was posed that individually, man reflected in his earth life a certain negative polarity of transference of consciousness in respect to the Infinite, and herein enters at least one very important and dynamic concept which everyone should remember in the future. This is: Nothing is static in the Eye and Mind of the Infinite; that all consciousness is constantly in motion and so far as the terrestrial or earth dimension is concerned – in terms and references to our modern science – can be considered energy wave forms which have a positive and a negative polarity as an oscillating motion. This was further equalized in our common objectivism, that by throwing a stone into a pond we could see energy being transferred in an undulating or an up and down motion from one point to another.
In common terms of reference, therefore, it is most important to remember that in all forms of motion, whether they are concerned with the more immediate terrestrial or third dimension, or into the more infinite abstractions, there is always involved the concept of polarity. This means that always within each form of consciousness, as it is expressed in such a wave form or a motion, and whether or not it is contained in a point to point terminus, a third dimensional equivalent, or to more infinite abstractions as are contained in cyclic motions of transference within the cycle itself, there is always the resolution of the positive to negative and negative to positive equivalents of transference which always presents to the face of Infinity its own particular equivalent of consciousness as it was so regenerated from the vastness and the infinite beginnings of the most Infinite. (more…)
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Image of God
Thou shalt not knowest of thy God as any man
Nor of the likeness of any man
Nor shall He cometh amongst ye with the name of man upon His lips
But rather He shall come as all things;
As the blades of grass at thy feet, as the leaves upon the trees,
And thou shalt see His face in every cloud.
Posted in Book Excerpts, Poetry, The Antheniumwith comments disabled.
Is Boy His Own Grandfather?

A little boy referred to in case studies as “Sam,” showed convincing evidence that he is the reincarnation of his grandfather. Sam was 18 months old when his father was changing his diaper. Sam told his father, “When I was your age, I used to change your diaper.”
Dr. Jim B. Tucker at the Psychiatric Department of the University of Virginia explained Sam’s story in a video posted on the university website. Tucker has explored 2,500 cases of children remembering their past lives.
He explained that Sam made some startling statements while looking at an old photo album.
Sam was 4 years old when his grandmother died. His father brought an old photo album home from her house when he cleaned it out. To Sam’s parents’ knowledge, Sam had never seen a photo of his grandfather.
When they were looking through the album, Sam pointed to a photo of a car, and said “That’s my car.” It was his grandfather’s first car, one he’d been quite attached to.
Sam’s mother was skeptical—not predisposed to believe in reincarnation as a Baptist.
She tested him. She showed him a photo of his grandfather as a young boy with other boys of the same age. Sam pointed to his grandfather and said, “There I am.”
She corrected him and said, that’s your grandfather. “No, that’s me,” he replied.
Tucker said he looked at the photos and he would not have been able to tell which of the boys in the photo was the grandfather having seen other photos of the grandfather.
Testing it further, Sam’s mother asked if he remembered anything else from his past life. He said someone “turned my sister into a fish.”
“Who?” Sam’s mother asked. “Bad men.”
The grandfather’s sister had been murdered and her corpse was dumped in a body of water. Sam’s father said the boy would not have heard this story.
He said Sam’s case and the thousands of similar cases are based on anecdotes told by the parents, and events can sometimes become distorted when told by an excited parent. Also, parents may influence the children in various ways.
Tucker took parental enthusiasm into account, however. He recorded the initial attitude of parents and found no correlation between that attitude and what the children reported.
Some children have given detailed reports of the locations they lived in previous lives. Visiting the sites, researchers have verified that people had recently died in the areas and that those people’s lives fit the descriptions given by the children.
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Abstract Equations
“Recently, one of our dear students wrote and expressed the desire to talk to his superconscious. Now this is a typical attitude and desire which has been, to some degree, more or less expressed by a number of other students. Perhaps this would be a suitable place and opportunity to reassert and re-explain just what the superconscious is, as it has, to some degree, been so adequately postulated in other UN.AR.I.U.S. liturgy. Everything that you can see in this physical world has a psychic anatomy and a superconscious. Trees, houses, articles, animals, birds, even a stone by the side of the road has a psychic anatomy and a superconscious. In the stone this psychic anatomy and superconscious is the net sum and total of the electromagnetic fields which are radiated by the atoms which comprise the stone, and the superconscious part is the cyclic pattern of energy transmission which harmonically links this stone, its net sum and total of atomic constituents to the great interdimensional cosmic universe and to Infinite Cosmic Intelligence. The psychic anatomy of the stone, however, is basic; it has no ‘personality’ developed to a more complex degree, with a number of other constituents and embodiments which would enable it to be, for instance, a bird. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Tempus Invictuswith comments disabled.
3 ‘Modern’ Inventions That Existed Millions of Years Ago
A figure engraved on a stone believed to be as old as 65 million years holds a telescope, an invention believed to be created in 1609 by Galileo. (Courtesy of Eugenia Cabrera/Museo Cabrera)
Evidence exists pointing to prehistoric civilizations as advanced as our modern civilization—or perhaps more advanced.
Such evidence could turn our scientific certainties upside down. It wouldn’t be the first time—the history of science proves, after all, that science has been grossly wrong on countless occasions.
Paradigm shifts are ushered in amid abundant controversy. The following discoveries have been contested, but some scientists have maintained that they constitute indisputable evidence that tens of thousands, or even many millions of years ago, humans walked the earth with as much knowledge and culture as today’s people. (more…)
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Five Quotes By The UN.AR.I.U.S. Moderator
“How blessed will be the day of morrow
That brings forgetfulness of all the past
And yet the past is but the way
The morrow grows.”
Posted in Book Excerpts, Infinite Contactwith comments disabled.
My Time Is Your Time
“Ordinarily, in my presentation of universal concepts, I have shunned the word ‘law’, as one which smacks too much of dogmatic material usage. The coercive mandatory effect of too much law can and does lead to less exemplary human conduct, and makes people flaccid in problems of self-determination, proper perspectives and in moral values, etc. Perhaps, however, the usage of this term can be justified in denominators of common understanding, especially when it concerns visualizing the invisible and pondering the imponderable – Infinity.
I have frequently restated the dynamic principle, or law, if you please, of Infinite regeneration, the proposition of the ever-expanding, ever-contracting cosmogony, the interdimensional macrocosm and microcosm. To the average earth man who seems to have established within the dimension of his own life, a certain set of values which he believes to be stable, he is traveling across the desert of materialism, chasing the mirage of security. There is nothing stable in this Infinite; that is, in such values as have been set up in social systems among the races of mankind. While Infinity Itself is the only real and tangible element in the proposition of living, yet understanding and living in Infinity demands the highest flexibility. It also mandates that Infinity be understood, not as a tangible solid, but as an ever-changing ever-regenerating sea of energy wave forms, wherein life is sustained only on the basis of understanding at least a small part of this Infinity. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Tempus Procediumwith comments disabled.
Tree of Life
Behold the tree, as it grows upon the plain,
And with its roots it taketh from the soil
That which it needs to grow, and it is watered with the rains of Heaven,
And it is warmed with the sun, so it bringeth forth the fruit,
Posted in Book Excerpts, Poetry, The Elysiumwith comments disabled.
Massive Clouds Erupt Into Martian Atmosphere
Massive clouds erupted 260km into Martian atmosphere
– and no one knows why
by Christian Schroeder – Christian Schroeder is a NASA Mars Exploration Rover Athena Science Team collaborator.
Enormous cloud-like plumes reaching 260km above the surface of Mars have left scientists baffled. This is way beyond Mars’s normal weather, reaching into the exosphere where the atmosphere merges with interplanetary space. None of the conventional explanations for such clouds make sense – neither water or carbon dioxide ice nor dust storms nor auroral light emissions usually hit such heights.

These “mystery clouds” came as a surprise, in particular when considering they were first spotted by a string of amateur astronomers in 2012. After all, an international fleet of five orbiters and two rovers is currently operating on and around Mars, and one may be excused thinking the red planet has little left to hide and its exploration has become routine. (more…)
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Magnetism & EMF – Excerpt from ICCC
Atoms are either compatible or incompatible on the basis of these electromagnetic fields frequency. In other words, the compatible atoms have linked themselves, so to speak, arm in arm like a group of people might do; or that they could not link themselves because of the differences in the rate of vibration or oscillation in their electromagnetic fields.
The scientist of today possesses certain knowledge of electromagnetism; however, like all other things, including atoms, he does not know their true and originating source and therefore much of their true nature still remains hidden.
Various statements recently made public by a number of eminent scientists clearly show the limited perspectus of physical and nuclear science and among other plans for future research and development, science is planning construction of a mile-long tunnel under the university campus at Berkeley, California which will eventually become a super atom smasher–a new attempt at what is hoped will give scientists the necessary answers. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creationwith comments disabled.
How a Chinese Poet Found His Mother From a Past Life
A gifted Chinese poet in the Northern Song Dynasty, guided by a dream, found his mother from his previous life, fulfilling a vow he had made to her before his death.
Huang Tingjian (1045 – 1105), a poet, calligrapher, and painter was called “Three Unsurpassable” because of his multiple great talents. Huang passed the imperial examination at the age of 21 and was appointed administrator of Wuhu, Anhui Province, when he was only 26.
The same year, through an unusual dream, he came to understand his predestined connection with Wuhu. (more…)
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A Universe of Stars May Exist Outside Galaxies

In 1998, researchers using the Hubble Space Telescope made an astounding discovery. Gazing at the Virgo Cluster of galaxies a dizzying 53.8 million light years distant, they spotted 600 red giant stars adrift in intergalactic space. Ripped from their home galaxies during tumultuous collisions with others, the stars were no longer governed predominantly by the gravity of one galaxy, but by the faint, distant pulls of many. Artists imagined the skies of planets in orbit around these lonely stars: blank and dark, flecked only with the “fuzzy apparitions” of nearby galaxies.
At the time, the study’s lead astronomer Harry Ferguson estimated that there might be as many as 10 million more of these “rogue” stars in the Virgo Cluster, stars less luminous than red giants and thus too indistinct to see with any certainty. A new report published in the journal Science shows that Ferguson may have vastly underestimated their number.
According to the study, as many as half of the universe’s stars may dwell outside of galaxies, representing a stellar population previously unknown to science! (more…)
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Visitation to Aureleus
“Welcome back to Aureleus, dear ones, and we are most happy that you have made your adjustment and found your new home, a place which will serve and be to your liking. I believe we were somewhere in the vicinity of the temple of Solomon or shall I say, rather, the central temple which was copied by Solomon on your earth plane when we temporarily discontinued our transmissions. So let us move over into another section which you saw previously and which is devoted to the Grecian time or the Hellenic arts as they existed in the field of philosophy during and after the time of such exponents of philosophy as Plato and Socrates. Now let us ascend these temple steps in this large and beautiful temple and that it looks to you something like glistening white marble although it is the same beautiful crystal structures. As you see, there is a facade of columns which rise in graceful and slender proportions across the entire front of this temple. There are also wide and ample doorways and passageways into the central portions of this beautiful academy. This particular building is an exact replica of the academy which was used by Plato in Athens in the Grecian philosophical renaissance. However, do not expect to see Plato here at this particular time. He does occasionally come to Aureleus but his services are rendered in another dimension in another teaching center which serves somewhat as our own Shamballa does in another part or another galaxy of the great celestial universe. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Voice of Eroswith comments disabled.
Origin of the Universe From a Hyper Dimensional Black Hole?
by Brian Koberlein, One Universe At A Time
Lately there’s been news of a radical new theory proposing that the universe began from a hyper-dimensional black hole. Most of the reports seem to stem from an article posted a while back on the Nature blog, which references the original paper. So let’s have a little reality check.
The standard theory of gravity (general relativity) describes our universe as a geometry of three-dimensional space with one dimension of time. This is sometimes called 3 + 1 space, and it gives a very accurate description of the universe we observe. But theorists like to play around with alternative models to see how they differ from regular general relativity. They may look at 2 + 1 space, a kind of flatland with time, or 2 + 2, with two time dimensions. There isn’t necessarily anything “real” about these models, and there certainly isn’t any experimental evidence to support anything other than 3 + 1 gravity, but alternative models are useful because they help us gain a deeper understanding of general relativity. In this particular paper, the authors were exploring 4 + 1 gravity. That is, a five-dimensional universe with 4 spatial dimensions and 1 time. (more…)
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Space-Time And The Illusion of Prophecy
In The Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation a question was asked near the end of Lesson 11 which has perplexed me and which I have continually analyzed. Here is the question and answer from ICCC:
Q -“Could these faces and visions that come to me be prophetic at times?”
A – “You know strictly in an abstract way there is no past, present or future. When you come in contact with the true spiritual self or the Higher Self that lives in the higher world that precipitates itself in the spiritual world, the element of time does not have the same relationship. Something which is prophetic means that you visualize what could happen a thousand or ten thousand years from now, but by the same circumstance as far as the Creative Infinite is concerned it has already happened, perhaps an infinite number of times.”
I have pondered this many a time trying to understand and what I have gained through what might be called sleep teaching and understanding too from some of our present-day physicists like Leonard Susskind, is that if you look at a black hole which is a singularity and composed of waveforms of which these waveforms span the entire circumference of a black hole radius, we are essentially a smear of waveforms on a smear of waveforms. These smears expand across the entire surface of the black hole. Another example is like with Brian Greene’s loaf of bread analogy. The loaf represents time as we pass through each slice so you can pull a slice from one part or another representing, to our way of thinking, the past, present or future but everything, the entire loaf of bread, is occurring in the now just like all the up and down smear of waveforms (containing information) in the black hole are happening in the now. We become conscious of an experience depending on where we are transiting (or what we are attuned with) on the surface of the black hole (or in the loaf of bread analogy where we are in a slice). That experience has repeated itself an infinite number of times because it is continuously happening in the now whether we are aware of it or not; we just become conscious of it as we live through it. We polarize those wave forms in our psychic body (which resides in another dimension) through these earth life experiences. (more…)
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