Developing a More Constructive Evolution
“We should never lose sight of the original objective or aim of the individual as is so contained in all of the universal concepts as they are woven or projected from the Mind of God. It is the innate knowledge and wisdom within man that relates him to the different dimensions of expression, for the purpose or intent of acquainting him with the rebuilding and revitalizing of his nature, to the point where he becomes a definite personal individual. He thus relates himself to the Infinite Mind of God in such a personal relationship, that he eventually becomes an integrated part of this Great Universal Mind of God.
As has been observed, there are definite trends or periods of evolution in the consciousness of man as he expresses himself collectively in an age of expression. We could take the Age of Reformation as an outstanding example, for it was an age of liberation in the thought and consciousness of man. Initiates from the higher astral and spiritual realms, including Shamballa, were reincarnated onto the earth, and they were thus able to interpolate their own ideas which were just beyond the boundary or the horizon of man’s thinking in his own dimension in that era. Other factors are quite obvious, inasmuch as we would see that because these expressions and their personal creators contained influences from the pure spiritual dimensions, they were thus able to give to the world a much broader and more advanced concept. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Voice of Orionwith comments disabled.
200 BILLION Earth-Like Worlds In Our Milky Way?
Stars have an average of two habitable planets in orbit, study claims.
- Australian scientists say our galaxy could be teeming with habitable worlds
- If each star has an average of two planets, there will be 200 billion
- They base this on a 200-year-old method called the Titius-Bode relation
- This was used to predict some planets in our own solar system
- But, if life is abundant, the researchers are still not sure why we haven’t made contact with extraterrestrial life
To date, astronomers have found about 1,000 planets in the Milky Way, with just a handful of these thought to be potentially habitable.
But, in the hunt for Earth-like planets, a new study says we should be optimistic – as there may be more than 200 billion in our galaxy alone.
The remarkable declaration is based on the estimate that the average stars has two Earth-like planets in orbit, and the Milky Way has about 100 billion stars.
Posted in Science For The New Agewith comments disabled.
The Science of Obsession
“Our present-day psychiatry is indeed crude and the practice of psychology as it is expounded in our various asylums and the so-called therapeutic treatment of the different aberrations is likewise crude; the only difference being that there is now some sort of humanitarian interest to the environment with which the mentally aberrated person is immediately concerned. In other words, the psychiatrist resorts only to a temporary change of environment hoping thereby to induce a permanent change in thought patterns. Such a procedure is extremely fallacious and will explain why it is that so little success is being concurrently displayed in our modern dispensations of psychiatric treatment.
To further expurgate any particular psychic misalignments, the psychiatrist often subjects more advanced aberrations to severe shock treatments. This therapy is indeed crude and primitive and immediately is reminiscent of many of the bygone practices from the pagan or more aboriginal days of the individual healing practices wherein holes were often scraped in the cranium to let loose evil spirits and other weird practices which subjected the individual to horrible and extreme torture. Blood-letting was a common practice in the Middle Ages to relieve various kinds of diseases in the body; and this too smacked of the letting out of evil spirits. The present-day psychologist, in subjecting the patient to a severe shock, can be likened somewhat to fixing a delicate watch with a hammer; the treatment is, as previously postulated, reminiscent of bygone practices. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Cosmic Continuum, Other Topics, Spirit Releasement Therapywith comments disabled.
Reincarnation In The Bible
Many people say that they don’t believe in reincarnation because ‘it isn’t in the bible’. Therefore, it may come as a great surprise to learn that there is, in fact, a great deal about reincarnation in the bible “For those with eyes to see and ears to hear”.
All quotes are from the King James Bible. One obvious quote is:
“Be not deceived; God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Galatians 6:7.
At the moment, a lot of good and bad people are certainly not receiving their just deserts. Some people believe that the above quote means that bad people will go to Hell. But even before I knew about past lives, I thought that was very unfair. Why should someone who has done reasonably minor sins be in the same place as really evil people?
This may be one reason why some people do not want to believe in reincarnation, apart from the fact that it’s hard to accept a truth which is opposite to what you were taught all your life. Especially when you have no memory of your past lives. If bad things that happen to us are because of bad things we did in previous lifetimes, then we have no one to blame but ourselves. There is no such thing as ‘bad luck’. The only option then is to take responsibility for whatever bad things that happen to us. (more…)
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