Teaching From A Classroom on The Inner
Some mornings I wake up with a sleep teaching going through my head. I try to write them down as they expound on recent studies. This is a recent one. Anyone can get a sleep teaching. We all can connect in our sleep state to other dimensions or worlds where we can get the answers to our questions. All we have to do is ask.
I am not saying what I learn is what anyone else needs to learn but this does correlate with what I have been studying so I thought I would share:
We are the PART and the WHOLE all at the same time in the ever-present NOW.
How do we access any part of the whole at any time for any reason? Since time and space do not really exist and everything that has ever existed or will ever exist is in the eternal now then the way to access information is through frequency relationship as taught in our Unariun studies.
Since we are one that is the PART and the WHOLE all at the same time then we can reasonably conclude that when we are positive then we tune into the WHOLE that is positive – that is all the dimensions of so-called ‘heaven’, conversely when we are negative we tune into the WHOLE that is negative – that is all the dimensions of so-called ‘hell’, therefore it becomes important to stay attune to the positive at all times as being positive means that we move forward rather then backwards in our spiritual evolution. (more…)
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Time And Space
“The reader must remember that time and space are synonymous in all respects, for if we did not have time, we would not have space. Time and space means only the transference, in some specific relationship of an idea or form of consciousness from one plane of equation to another. The sum and total of all intelligence as posed in the Infinite Consciousness, is therefore, in direct terms of frequency relationship – space. These confusing elements of time can be eliminated, for the existence of this consciousness in any form merely means that it relates itself in frequency relationship to various existing compatible relationships in whatever position they so exist in the Infinite Consciousness. When this principle is thoroughly understood, then the scientist can separate himself from his material world and place himself in an equitable position with other different transpositions of life as they are lived by mankind on other planetary systems. (more…)
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Spiritual Emancipation
“Scientifically speaking, we can say, in a broad sense, that each individual is an electronic instrument; something like the volt ohm-meter used by the technician in his analysis of varied electronic devices, such as a TV set. Your five senses represent the different scales of interpretation which are used by this technician as they are so constructed on his ohm-meter. Your sense of sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste, are ways in which you differentiate the various wave forms into
consciousness as they stem externally or as they are regenerated as nerve impulses. This has been part of your past evolution just as it is your present, and it will continue to be the function of your life into the infinite future.
The determinant qualities here are, of course, in their particular wave lengths and in which dimension they are so propagated and from which they are reflected. As our third dimension or our earth life is, conservatively speaking, one of the very lowest of the lower planes of expression, and is considered by many in the higher worlds, as one of the astral kingdoms, the earth world will then represent, to a large degree, wave forms and interpretations of oscillating motion which can be considered as omni-directional; that is, they start and they finish. In the fourth or adjoining dimension, these motions are always cyclic in nature and therefore, as the entity of consciousness is within themselves, they have neither time nor do they occupy space in a sense that they have a starting point or a finishing point.
As you have in the past, through the thousands of years, so interpreted life as a succession of wave form motions into your consciousness, you have thus impounded them in the next adjoining dimension in your respective psychic anatomies. There, they reside until you or some other external force can cancel them out. In the eye of the Infinite Creator, it was so supremely conceived that man, as an individual entity of consciousness, so progressively inclined that he could in some future evolution of consciousness, become endowed with logic and reason to such an extent that he could be considered god-like in nature; to have power and dominion over all destructive and constructive forces, both in heaven and in hell. (more…)
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The Great Dimensional Subdivisions Part I
Excerpt from Multi-Dimensional Man by Jurgen Ziewe
After many years of leaving my body and investigating alternate realities, I feel tempted to draw a summary and paint a reasonably comprehensive image of what life will be like when we disassociate ourselves finally from the dense vibrations that form our physical dimension. In some ways this may differ from the accounts given by mediums and psychics, firstly because these are firsthand accounts and secondly because they are not addressed to those bereaved. Consequently, I see myself more as a reporter than as a councilor, a researcher rather than a transmitter of other people’s views or spirit observations. The fact that I have been there myself to see it and hear it may fill in any gaps in knowledge mediums may have brought across with them.
I am confident in fact that science has come to the conclusion that physical life in the universe simply can’t exist without other dimensions underpinning its existence. Unfortunately, I am not a scientist; if I were, my viewpoint would have been conditioned rather differently than by my work as an artist. The conclusions I draw are, obviously, subjective, and future observers may differ in their own.
Surprisingly, it has taken science quite a long time to realize that we are part of a multiple-universe. It is the same paradigm shift for our perception as the discoveries of fire, the wheel and that the Earth is a sphere and revolves around the sun. Incredibly, psychology and the science of the mind still need to catch up and move beyond looking at consciousness as a function of biological and chemical events within the brain. (more…)
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Proof Of Life, Vegetation And Water On Mars
PROOF of Life, Vegetation and Water on Mars and Remains of Ancient Civilization!
Now, lets get to the point and post some interesting images from Mars, mostly taken by satellites in orbit so you see it from a high above perspective, and a few “on ground” images taken by the Mars Rovers:
Interesting rock formation, piled up, similar to ancient man-made monuments on Earth, top photo from Mars, two bottom Earth man-made: (more…)
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More on Mind Function Part I
“Another one of the mysteries the scientist doesn’t know about is how we have life and death; why a person will be born, grows up, starts to deteriorate, grows into old age and finally dies.
There is a very logical and simple explanation for that too, because it is simply a cycle. We have to remember that every time a person dies, all of the elements which remain in the subconscious at that time of death are discharged. All that remains of that person is what has been polarized in the mental part of the psychic anatomy from out of that subconscious. Therefore, when a person is reborn again to this world, he does so without that subconscious part of his psychic anatomy; so he starts to construct that part of the psychic anatomy on his basic life cycle that he previously had. It’s like building a new house on an old foundation, we shall say.
The life cycle as it was engendered, for instance, from realizations of many, many past lifetimes and many associations, regenerated this life cycle so that it included about three score and ten years of life a man is theoretically supposed to live, so on this cycle he begins to rebuild the subconscious. Therefore, throughout that lifetime, he will be able to remember everything that goes into that subconscious, providing it has a certain greatness or intensity that it can construct some part of a vortex of energy in that subconscious part of the psychic anatomy and, in turn, will of course polarize a certain facsimile or certain picture in the vortex of the mental part of the psychic anatomy. That remains with him forever because in the mental part of the psychic anatomy, we find what is called or referred to as the akashic record. In other words, anybody who is clairvoyantly trained can tune into the mental part of the psychic anatomy and see these pictures. The reason they remain there forever is because they are oscillating with the superconscious. (more…)
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11 Examples of Seeing Into The Future
Does ESP Exist? Eleven Premonitions That Came True
Though some psychologists and natural scientists remain skeptical, many agree telepathic abilities and related phenomena exist.
Chris Carter, an Oxford University-educated author of “Science and Psychic Phenomena: The Fall of the House of Skeptics,” cited two surveys in an article he published in Epoch Times last year that show a majority of scientists believe in such abilities.
One survey was conducted among more than 500 scientists; 56 percent said extra-sensory perception (ESP) is “an established fact” or a “likely possibility.” The other survey was conducted among more than 1,000 scientists; 67 percent said it is an established fact or likely possibility.
Here are some anecdotes of premonitions, some are famous cases from history, others were shared via social media.
1. Pizza Place Premonition
While I was employed at Tiny Julius’s pizza place, I started to feel like I was about to die. Just an absolute feeling of death. [I] asked my boss to leave, and did. I felt fine once I got to my car and got home.
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Remote Viewing Atlantis
Not long ago, a technologically advanced human civilization thrived on Earth. This was Atlantis, the real Atlantis, not a mythological story. Here—documented for the first time with new scientific data—is the true story of their demise. They were not undone because of a natural cataclysm. Rather, through the reckless misuse of their own science, they destroyed their civilization. Only a few thousand people survived, and everyone on Earth today is related to that same small group of survivors.This is a breakthrough scientific study that combines the use of remote viewing, U.S. government originating underwater imaging data, a touch of genetic knowledge, and a hefty amount of open-minded thinking. Remote viewing is a mental procedure that was originally developed by the United States military and used for espionage purposes. Now, civilians employ the same methods, or procedures that are derivative of those methodologies, to study human history. Using remote-viewing data collected by two of the most accomplished “military grade” remote viewers of the day, the true story of what happened when Atlantis collapsed is told with striking detail and clarity.Forget what you learned in school about human civilization being a recent phenomenon. All that you see today, all the wonders of human achievement, have all been done before. And it all ended very badly.This time, we need to learn from our past mistakes. We humans have a complicated history on this planet. We need to discover that history, not censor it, if we are to be a species with a destiny. Let us begin that process of discovery here, today, now. (more…)
Posted in True History of Manwith 2 comments.
To Be Or Not To Be?
“One of the never-ending, herculean tasks performed here at the Center is in the constant urging for various students to remain sincere and dedicated in their Unariun studies, to realize the tremendous importance of UN.AR.I.U.S. not only to themselves personally, but to millions of others – yes, even to the Infinite Intelligence Itself! In this respect, Ruth has served most auspiciously, and through her letters, has very greatly aided and abetted this cause, and sometimes, I might add, she is often at her ‘wit’s end’, so to speak, to try and represent the great importance of UN.AR.I.U.S. and all that it implies.
Since the beginning or dawn of history or since man began his evolution on this planet, he has in this evolution, proportionately increased his fear of death with his knowledge of his physical life. Different deistic beliefs or religions became the placebos or opiates with which he attempted to assuage this fear. As of today, the situation is much more complex and proportionately increased.
Modern science, in any of its branches, does not officially recognize personal survival after death, even though it is at this moment, spending vast sums of money to further explore or extend different avenues in the material world to find the riddle of life, which could only ultimately and inevitably lead into different dimensions or the mansions, as Jesus called them. (more…)
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“Consciousness Creates Reality”
Physicists Admit The Universe Is Immaterial, Mental & Spiritual
by Arjun Walia: “Consciousness creates reality,” a statement that has gained a lot of attention across various alternative media outlets around the world…
Make no mistake, consciousness has been (for quite some time) studied by numerous scientists, especially in its relation to quantum physics and how it might be correlated with the nature of our reality.
What is consciousness? Consciousness includes a number of things. It’s how we perceive our world, our thoughts, being aware, our intentions and more.
“Looking for consciousness in the brain is like looking in the radio for the announcer.” – Nasseim Haramein, director of research for the Resonance Project
“I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulating consciousness.” – Max Planck, theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory, which won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918
“It was not possible to formulate the laws of quantum mechanics in a fully consistent way without reference to consciousness.” Eugene Wigner, theoretical physicist and mathematician. He received a share of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1963
The statement that “consciousness creates reality” comes with a number of different questions. Does this mean we as individuals (and on a collective level as one human race) can shape and create whatever reality we’d like for ourselves? Does it mean we can manifest a certain lifestyle, and attract certain experiences? Does it happen instantly? Does it take time? How do we do it? (more…)
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How To Discern Between Positive And Negative Influences
“In this discussion I am going to depart from my usual procedure of acquainting you with some of the more abstract principles of progressive evolution and enter into a more personal dimension of introspection, or one which can be considered as a detrimental influential aspect. You have all heard of the Battle of Armageddon, either as it was historically depicted by Nostradamus in his prophetic poems, or as it was Biblically prophesied. However, the Battle of Armageddon is not some advent which is to be fought in some future time between certain good and evil forces. The Battle of Armageddon has been going on for some years; as a matter of fact, throughout the past histories of the world, it has been fought in different epochs of time; such as in ancient Lemuria, more than 100,000 years ago, and at later dates in civilizations, such as Atlantis some 15,000 years ago, and on down to the present time. But wherever we find various civilizations and these confluxus of migratory peoples, as they have swarmed upon the surface of the earth, we have found them
fighting, to an extent, the Battle of Armageddon. This is not merely a parable which exists as an advent but is an actual conflict between the astral worlds and those people who have, to some degree, succeeded in placing their feet firmly upon the evolutionary pathway in a progressive manner which will lead them into higher spiritual worlds.
The conflict between good and evil has been historically portrayed in many different times, and the advent of the Armageddon has been prophesied in different civilizations. Zoroaster predicted the Battle of Armageddon in his particular spiritual dispensation, just as Buddha also described the personal conflict in attaining Nirvana or the spiritual junction of consciousness with the higher dimensions of life. It was Jesus however, who carried the greatest impact and message in personal attainment and the way in which this attainment could be achieved by any individual. He also very dramatically demonstrated His own personal Battle of Armageddon and the victorious assault of the dark forces who succeeded in destroying His physical body; and actually, through their conniving cleverness, succeeded in turning His message of life and hope into one of the most dogmatic and rhetorical religious movements the world has ever seen. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Infinite Perspectus, Spirit Releasement Therapywith 1 comment.
Eternally Yours
Last night upon a garden path I walked with Christ
Yet this was not a tall and bearded man of faith I saw
But deep within I saw another form and molded in the form
Of what I am and even from the stuff of which I’m made
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