Discussion on Karma
“Let us go directly into a further connotation of this expressionary form of karma which, in itself, as an experience, so reincarnates into our lives. If we have in some past lifetime experienced a great psychic shock, we do, from life to life create for ourselves a similar situation whereby we can again go through this same facsimile, as it were, of the previous situation. We are attempting to prove to ourselves that the reality of this experience is no longer true; it is not in effect; it does not hold power over us; or perhaps we may be more directly influenced by some knowledge gained in the spiritual worlds whereby we believe that we can institute, at the moment of re-creation of this experience, some sort of a controlling or dominating power to cancel it out. Again, the experience from the past may simply re-create itself, apparently without substantiating any continuity, which could presuppose that we were intelligently concerned with working out this situation. (more…)
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Five Quotes By The UN.AR.I.U.S. Moderator
A sunflower always turns its face toward the sun
Let us always be as wise as a sunflower
And keep our consciousness turned toward the Light.
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Infinite Cosmogony – The Facade of Immortality
“It has been said that no man is truly ignorant until he stops seeking. Yet let this seeking – and man should always seek – be one of constructivism. If the efforts in space are in any way vindicated, then it must be upon this premise and this premise alone. Such efforts could be condoned – that he is indeed seeking. Yet we must again examine all psychological factors involved which are really behind the movements of such extrusions and such seekings. Do these really come from a desire to understand life, or would the understanding of life placate, in any way, the fear of death which is rampant in the secret subconscious of every human? Or that he wishes, in some way, to perpetuate himself upon the pedestal of immortality in the eyes of his fellowman?
The motivations, psychologically speaking, behind those who motivate, engineer and participate in such space explorations or even into other excursions of scientific endeavor, must be searched and questioned for such ulterior motivations as may exist within the confines of a subverted subconscious mind – complexes which have been developed in the insecurities and fears of this nether earth world and in the numerous incarnations which any individual may have been subjected to in these various indispositions. All, as they are compounded within the psychic anatomy, give a certain malevolence to the actions and to the conduct of any person who has such a complex – a syndrome of civilization, improbables compounded within the rhetorics of his own conduct, of his own mind produce as it has been quoted, an impenetrable jungle, more dense and with more thorns indeed than that which confronted any prince in his search for the sleeping beauty. (more…)
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Our Inner Connection to The Infinite
“A pleasant day to you, brother and sister. Since terminating our last visit which took place high above the city on a balcony, there have been some new and important thought questions which I have intercepted and which I would like, if I can, to clear up for you. Some time after the close of this last visit some words were read from a magazine which dealt with relativity of various kinds of what the earth scientist calls factors. He has found that the speed of light and the pull of gravity, radio waves and such kindred and allied expressions have one common denominator, relative to their speed in their, shall I say expression or flow through his third dimension. (more…)
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Questions And Answers Regarding the Pyramids
Q – Regarding the pyramids in the Gobi Desert, were they built at the time of the Shamballas or since, as a result of that? The world seems to know very little of these things?
A – The large pyramid in China—the one to which you refer, the father of the other four or five, but the largest one in particular—was built about 150,000 years ago and was built under the direction of the Lemurian Masters who were, at that time, functioning from the continent of Lemuria in the middle of the Pacific, which was since sunk. That sank about 100,000 years ago with the conjunction of a nova, a free flying nova or star that exploded and hurled part of it past our solar system; that is all described in the book of Mars. That pyramid that these Lemurian Masters built became the father of all pyramids. The one in Giza was built about 82,000 years ago.
Q – There were also supposed to have been built, great pyramids on the North American continent during the glacial period, were there not?
A – Yes, indeed, for if we are to believe even a small part of these experiences—such as Joseph Smith, for instance, in digging up the gold plates in the Hill of Comora in New York state, the various mounds and various other edifices that have been left behind as earmarks-they might be evidences of that ground-up pile of stone which was once a pyramid. (more…)
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And now the pale dawn breaks, I see a bright and glowing morning star
So hung halfway ‘twixt Heaven and earth it beckons with an unseen hand.
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Synchronized Swimming In The Quantum Sea
Consciousness, Resonance, and The Paranormal
by Marie D. Jones
As a kid, watching the synchronized swimming competition of the summer Olympic games, I was always struck by how silly the sport seemed.
Not to mention how it looked!
Later, as a wise adult, I came to understand and appreciate both the degree of difficulty of getting human bodies to move in perfect unison, and the beauty that results when they do.
Humans often operate in synch with others. I am reminded of groups of women who work or live together menstruating at the same times, as if their hormonal systems sought a certain resonance of unity and harmony, and adjusted the individual bodies accordingly.
But bodies are not the only things that resonate. Quantum physics has taught us that there is no such thing as empty space, and that the so-called vacuum of space often called the Zero Point Field (ZPF), is teeming with quantum fluctuations that display a resonance, a vibration. (more…)
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The Original Concepts of Shamballa
“Greetings, dear ones, I may in the future be identified as Kuthumi. I see that you are staggering
somewhat under the impact of a new surprise, for you find yourself directly here in the second section of Parhelion.
In the previous and opening transmission, you were conducted by Athena to the planet of Orion and to the city of Helianthus. We here are always trying to keep the interest in these transmissions going by the element of personal surprise. Now, before we go into these explorations more fully and conduct you through these remaining sections – although you may think that much of this is seemingly repetitious – yet for the sake of clarification, I shall again interject the original concepts of Shamballa.
The Shamballas are divided into seven dimensional segments, each related not only to the history of evolution of man on your earth, but also to the numerous other astral and terrestrial planets of the cosmic universe. There is, as has been somewhat explained to you, a great deal of intercourse between the different spiritual centers existing in this great cosmic universe, called either a terrestrial or a spiritual cosmos and containing a vast number of planets, not only in the universe with which you are familiar from the picturization in the books and astronomical libraries of your world, but many of which you have not yet learned. This universe is like many others, stemming from some great radial vortex of Celestial and Infinite Energy. It is quite natural that in the spiritual centers, since man is universal, and living as he does in the countless and innumerable dimensions – both terrestrial and spiritual – there must be a great deal of intercourse between these different relationships. (more…)
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