Frequency And Vibration
In the year 1905, Albert Einstein proved that we can break matter down into smaller components and that, when we do, we move beyond the material realm and into a realm in which everything is energy.
This is the Law of Vibration, a law of nature that states that ‘nothing rests; everything moves; every-thing vibrates.’ The lower the vibration, the slower the vibration; the higher the vibration the faster the vibration.
The difference between the manifestations of the physical, mental, emo-tional and spiritual result simply from different levels of vibrating energy, or frequencies. So, while the feelings of fear, grief and despair vibrate at a very low frequency, the feelings of love, joy and gratitude vibrate much quicker. (more…)
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Past Lives, Reincarnation and Karma
Dr. Joel Whitton, regression hypno-therapist and author of Life Between Life has documented dozens of cases where patients have successfully regressed into a past life or into the between life state. For instance, one of his patients was a Canadian psychologist who possessed a few quirks: He had a lifelong nail-biting problem, irrational fears of air travel and breaking his leg, an obsessive fascination with torture, and as a child he strangely spoke with a British accent for years. While under hypnosis Dr. Whitton regressed him to his previous life and the man began telling what he was experiencing. He was a British WWII pilot on a mission over Germany under heavy fire. A spray of bullets hit his plane and one of them penetrated the fuselage breaking his leg. His plane crash-landed in enemy territory and he was captured then tortured for information by having his nails ripped out. After reliving this experience and coming out of hypnosis, the patient was soon able to recover from his quirks and obsessions.
“Whitton’s most remarkable discovery came when he regressed subjects to the interim between lives, a dazzling, light-filled realm in which there was ‘no such thing as time or space as we know it.’ According to his subjects, part of the purpose of this realm was to allow them to plan their next life, to literally sketch out the important events and circumstances that would befall them in the future. But this process was not simply some fairy-tale exercise in wish fulfillment. Whitton found that when individuals were in the between-life realm, they entered an unusual state of consciousness in which they were acutely self-aware and had a heightened moral and ethical sense. In addition, they no longer possessed the ability to rationalize away any of their faults and misdeeds, and saw themselves with total honesty. To distinguish it from our normal everyday consciousness, Whitton calls this intensely conscientious state of mind, ‘metaconsciousness.’ Thus when subjects planned their next life, they did so with a sense of moral obligation. They would choose to be reborn with people whom they had wronged in a previous life so they would have the opportunity to make amends for their actions. They planned pleasant encounters with ‘soul mates,’ individuals with whom they had built a loving and mutually beneficial relationship over many lifetimes; and they scheduled ‘accidental’ events to fulfill still other lessons and purposes.” -Michael Talbot, “The Holographic Universe” (more…)
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Mechanics And Dynamics of Life
“You ask something about the basic principle of life, I shall explain: Now we are going to draw the cycle (of life) here and in our hypothesis we have established in our minds that anywhere else except
as far as the third dimension is concerned that everything is a cycle; that is, we can draw a circle and see everything complete in itself as far as any idea or form of consciousness is concerned, because in any other dimension we don’t have this thing they call time and space because time then becomes an additive part of that particular thing. In other words, we can make an ‘x’ anywhere on a cycle as a point of reference and from there we can say that that is negative and our ‘x’ up above the line will be positive and from anywhere that we have an oscillating condition with this cycle as it goes around, it completes itself in a cycular form either from negative to positive or from positive to negative. Any point on that cycle, it is complete in its own consciousness. That is the dynamic principle it always has to oscillate, because in the oscillation or carrying the idea or the form of consciousness, it is completing what it is. Now if we draw a line through that cycle as far as the fourth dimension is concerned and we bring that top or upper part down below the line, then we have the same cycle but we have subtracted time from it. In other words, we have time as expressing itself into another dimension in two ways; here we have time and space. The idea or form of consciousness is always carried from positive to negative or vice versa, which we call oscillation. Oscillation is what some people confuse as the word vibration. Now if we remember that dynamic principle either in the third dimension but primarily in the fourth dimension, because this third dimension is merely a place which reflects, so to speak; it is merely a way in which something else or the true cause is expressing itself in countless other dimensions from somewhere else. So the third dimension is
always secondary. Now we will draw another big circle and we will call this you or me, or any individual you wish. This is the life cycle and we will put the ‘x’ here from birth. That is negative because he starts from there. We could say at 30 or 33, if we are going for the time of years as three score and ten, we can say that 33 is his positive – or his greatest part of his life is in his early thirties. And from there on, he starts to deteriorate because as far as his physical expression is concerned, all of the things in which this cycle is, carries only the idiom of his past experiences with which he has related himself to this dimension through time and space. In other words, thousands of past lifetimes are always oscillating with this life cycle as far as his own concepts are concerned, so far as he is indoctrinated with, and this is linked up with them. We could say there are any number of these cycles – large, small and greater sized – and these cycles go on down, and down and down. These are all past lives. As far as the future is concerned, we have the same situation here, because it is Infinite
up top. These cycles are all touching; they are all linked in a certain way through what we call frequency relationship – the same principle we use for tuning a television set or a radio, because when they oscillate they do so on a certain basic frequency. The basic frequency is their own particular consciousness or what they are expressing. So the individual is linked either into the future or into the past continuously at all times.
Now the process of evolution or reincarnation merely means that the individual is traveling through his cycular pattern or path which is, in itself, a huge cycle which goes round and round – and he is traveling around until he begins to express and contact other cycles which are larger and larger in nature. But for the time being, we are saying that he is traveling into the future very, very slowly simply because the preponderance of associations is reflected from the subconscious or the negative side of life down into the pattern in which he has previously lived before because those frequencies are closer to him. But at the same time, he has a leveling agent or a stabilizing agent or a progressive agent, which means that he has also partially, so far as the superconsciousness, the positive side of his nature is concerned, he is oscillating into the future – or into the Infinite. So therefore he is linked on up, shall we say for convenience, into the infinite cosmogony where Infinity lives in a much greater affluence or abundance than It does in this third dimension. Now, if a person understands these mechanics that are involved in this particular process, so what happens? If he is oscillating in a predominant sense with the subconscious that means that going back through his lives we can hypothesize that he has at any time been a murderer or he has been a thief or committed acts of extreme aggression or violence, etc., etc., because he has lived a thousand or so lifetimes. He may have been a warrior, he may have done this or he may have done that and the other – and it is quite likely that he has. But in one form or another, those past violent expressions of life are all very actively oscillating in cycular fashion as far as the subconscious is concerned. (more…)
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Plasma And The Helical Alfvén Wave
In order to understand the recent significant discovery of Alfvén waves being emitted from the center of black holes, one must first understand a little more about plasma, what it is although there is yet significantly more to be learned about its mysterious properties.
Plasmas are by far the most common phase of ordinary matter in the universe, both by mass and by volume. Essentially, all of the visible light from space comes from stars, which are plasmas with a temperature such that they radiate strongly at visible wavelengths. Most of the ordinary (or baryonic) matter in the universe, however, is found in the intergalactic medium, which is also a plasma, but much hotter, so that it radiates primarily as X-rays. (more…)
Posted in Science For The New Agewith 1 comment.
Was The Crucifixion A Fraud?
recovered through WayBackMachine Website
Billions of Christians believe Christ was crucified, buried, and then rose again.
This is the basis for Christian faith. What if Jesus survived the crucifixion? Would this be pure blasphemy or is there reason behind this assumption? There is evidence in the gospels themselves that say Christ may have survived the crucifixion and that the crucifixion to put it bluntly was a “fraud.” (more…)
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The Tortoise And The Hare
“Almost everyone is familiar with the classic fables of Aesop and has from time to time heard of at least one or more of these moralizing stories. The Moderator of UN.AR.I.U.S. likes the psychology involved in these stories and occasionally quotes one of them on the basis of comparative values. One of these stories concerns the race between the tortoise and the hare (rabbit); how the hare antagonized the slow tortoise to the point where the tortoise suggested a race. Ridiculous though it seemed to the hare, he agreed, believing he could make the tortoise seem even more ridiculous. So at the start of the race the hare was soon out of sight, and believing he had plenty of time to rest sat down beside the road. Not realizing it, he fell asleep only to find upon awakening, the tortoise was waiting at the finish line. (more…)
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What is Our Soul Mate?
“Many have heard the term…”soul mates”. Who and what is our soul mate? We must remember that in the life cycle are contained all of the elements of the Infinite concept just as the Infinite included them there. In that particular relationship of the life cycle, those intelligences must certainly function the same way that this Infinite does, from two opposite polarities. Therefore, it is in the
concept of these two diametrically opposed polarities that man will visualize himself in another form, in another shape where he has reciprocated, as we say, like the two poles of the magnet. Here are two polarities; this is his own concept.
In the Bible it says that God made woman from a rib from Adam’s body. We have only to say that this too is much more than childlike and couldn’t even be tolerated by any of our present-day youngsters because that is strictly a spiritual “parable”. It was written by men who did not interpret the spiritual writings as they were truly presented to them from the ancient archives, such as were written by the Essenes many thousands of years ago. Biocentricity or your soul mate merely means that you too, are expressing a more absolute abstraction to that of your diametrically opposed opposite. Your opposite will look much as you do and will function on the same level so that you could be taken to be twins. You will find that person from life to life because through the ages and through your evolution, contained within yourself is this law of the functioning of the two diametrically opposed poles and as a result, you have built your psychic structures in accordance with that concept. You have built it just exactly as has the other person who, so related, has built his (or hers). Consequently, you find yourself functioning with the very same law of harmonic relationship as two complete but two exactly opposite polarities, and with the interchange of that Infinite energy between you, you make all things manifest. That is biocentricity.
Q – What do you mean by their alikeness?
A – For instance, in the case of President Eisenhower and his wife, it shows that in their spiritual evolution, even though it is comparatively undeveloped at this point and will be more highly developed in their future evolutions, but still biocentricity is being manifest and exemplified with those two people. She is giving him all the necessary strength which he needs so much. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creationwith comments disabled.
A God-Like Way
To he who would God-like become will never wield a sceptor
Nor a heavy crown to wear, nor ermine robes or any of the things which emperors
or kings hold about them in their way of life
To thus become a god, each man must do a godly thing
not wrought from stone or metal rare.
Posted in Book Excerpts, Poetry, The Antheniumwith 1 comment.
Finding Our Spiritual Pathway
“Just as was prophesied in the Bible, that in the latter days there would be many false teachers and false prophets, our systems of idolatry have indeed fully justified this prophecy. However, people can be considered largely responsible, to a certain degree, for many of the false gods and teachers who they find about them in their world today.
They are continually supporting false political systems which breathe, like the fiery dragons old, the fires of war, hell, hate and destruction of their fellow men. While even on bended knee, they beseech their god to lead them to victory over their fellow men with the sword and gun. Nor is that particular custom any different from that of the pagan in the many past lifetimes of which these people were a part of at that particular time. One of the most common practices in which man has indulged throughout the various periods of history and time and which has been depicted on temple walls and in historical documentaries, are the constant prayers and pleas to the various ruling and dominating spiritual forces or gods, to lead them to victory while beheading their fellow men. (more…)
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10 Mysteries That Hint At Forgotten Advanced Civilization
Prehistory literally means the time “before we had written records” (roughly the time before the 4th Century BC) and ancient history is the time since our recorded history. Our concept of ancient history was originally firmly determined by the bible. Written from an insular point of view, the histories of some ancient cultures were distorted, badly neglected or even omitted. The existence of inexplicable monuments, certain man-made marvels and archaeological finds pertaining to our ancient- and prehistory, are leading more and more archaeologists to believe long forgotten advanced civilizations existed. As most of our ancient records were lost during the destruction of the great libraries, the following genuine mysteries are the only remnants of their existence. (more…)
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Venus Transit of Sun Displays Transparent Venus!
Transits of Venus occur in a pattern that generally repeats every 243 years, with pairs of transits eight years apart separated by long gaps of 121.5 years and 105.5 years. The periodicity is a reflection of the fact that the orbital periods of Earth and Venus are close to 8:13 and 243:395 commensurabilities.
The last transit of Venus was on 5 and 6 June 2012, (Video) and was the last Venus transit of the 21st century; the prior transit took place on 8 June 2004. The previous pair of transits were in December 1874 and December 1882. The next transits of Venus will be 10–11 December 2117, and 8 December 2125.
Venus transits are historically of great scientific importance as they were used to gain the first realistic estimates of the size of the Solar System. Observations of the 1639 transit, combined with the principle of parallax, provided an estimate of the distance between the Sun and the Earth that was more accurate than any other up to that time. The 2012 transit provided scientists with a number of other research opportunities, particularly in the refinement of techniques to be used in the search for exoplanets. (more…)
Posted in Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation, Voice of Venuswith comments disabled.
Faith Healing
“The thought must be held in the mind of the reader that every atom is a sustained or surface appearance of a cyclic pattern as it resolves in that dimension of the psychic body; and this same cyclic relationship also relates to every other atom in the infinite universe. These same principles also hold true in any and all sundry superficial cases of healing such as are incurred in our modern everyday world, whether they take place in the hospitals, in the homes, or under any other condition which
can be envisioned by the reader. The same principles which have been explained must always be in proper conjunction and relationship before healing of any sort can take place.
It makes little difference whether the person who is ill or so concerned with healing, visualizes this catalytic agent as Jesus the Avatar, or whether he finds this catalytic and compelling agent in the face of his doctor, or that he finds it in the face of his priest; or perhaps he could even find it by swallowing a simple aspirin tablet or even by drinking a glass of water. (more…)
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Ancient Constructions ‘Dome Shaped Object’ on Mars
This image (below) is taken by the MRO with the Hirise camera, from a distance of 319,22 kilometers away.
At first I thought it was a flying saucer, but it looks more like a dome structure.
It’s hard to tell what it is, but it does look like it’s next to a docking platform, maybe it’s some kind of machine or a giant metal door covered with carvings and it’s seating in some kind of tunnel.
Posted in The Truth About Marswith comments disabled.
A Vibrational View
by David Wilcock
As our understanding of this universal energy source continues to expand, we are soon confronted with the idea that it is intelligent, that it can directly interact with our consciousness. After all, if this truly is the “Unified Field” that mainstream science has been searching for as the basis for all matter, then we are also a part of that unified field – mind, body and spirit. Or to put it in different terms, since we have consciousness, then consciousness must be a functioning part of that unified field as well.
This simple point of philosophy is quite often ignored in the course of a scientific investigation:
By virtue of the fact that consciousness exists, it must be a function of the Unified Field, whatever that turns out to be.
And in his book A Brief History of Time, well-known physicist Stephen Hawking predicted in the late 1980’s that this Unified Field Theory would be solved within twenty years.
The concept of a consciousness that is inherent in the energy of the universe is no longer in the realm of the spooks and spiritualists, as modern quantum physicists have discovered irrefutable evidence that the expectations of the experimenter can dramatically affect the outcome of the experiment – the quantum energies involved “know that they are being watched.” Anyone can go to the science section of their local bookstore and find scores of titles that will discuss this, such as the classic Dancing Wu-Li Masters by Gary Zukav, who is now well known for his frequent, insightful appearances on the Oprah Winfrey show. Furthermore, we also know that this conscious interaction with “matter” doesn’t have to stop with the quantum arena. (more…)
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Inductive Principle of Cosmic Hysteresis
“Let us now pursue a fresh course of introspection in this technical world about us to discover how science has succeeded in combining the principles of cosmic hysteresis into his present-day technocracy. We will do this by examining what is commonly referred to as a transformer. In a general sense, all mechanical and electronic devices can be considered transformers. Through thermal expansion, an automobile engine transforms gasoline into motion. However, we shall
confine our introspection into the dimension of electronic devices which function on these exact principles of cosmic hysteresis. The most common of these devices is the ordinary transformer which makes it possible to light your home, energize your hi-fl, turn your vacuum sweeper, etc.
Let us first take a long piece of copper wire which has been varnished or enameled; now let us pass an alternating electric current through it. When this is done we will see that the formerly inert copper wire has now come to life. With certain measuring devices or even an ordinary compass, we can detect energy around this wire. There is actually an electrical force field which is pulsating or vibrating according to the exact frequency of the electricity which is moving through the wire. This is because this electricity, in moving through the various molecules and atoms which compose the copper, disturbs or excites them. This causes an action something like that which you might see when a group of policemen are trying to quell a riot. (more…)
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