Hope Springs Eternal – Part II
“Truth is infinite and remains absolute to all people, yet is understood in the progressive evolution in an infinite number of ways by each person – a formative process which builds and rebuilds the psychic anatomy thus enabling a person to progressively evolve. In understanding the broadest and most abstract tenets of life, the author therefore does not view the physical life as does mankind in general. Neither does he stress its importance in the physical sense that is held by the average individual. (more…)
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Suicides In The Afterlife
“A pleasant day to you, brother and sister!
Because of the length of our previous transcription I was forced to terminate our contact before the subject of suicide had been adequately covered. Because of the seriousness of this subject, and the large numbers of people who so terminate their lives, I believe it is well worth some additional time, using statistics which are currently available. It is said that in your America in the last year about 19,000 persons voluntarily concluded their own lives; more than 100,000 additional persons attempted self-conclusion, in which fortunately for them, they were not successful. (As of 2013 – 41,149 committed suicide and 494,169 attempted suicide). Many of these however will make future attempts as they were turned back into society without proper corrective therapy. (more…)
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“Information” In The Creation Of The Cosmos
Forget Space-Time: Information May Create the Cosmos
by Robert Lawrence Kuhn, creator and host, “Closer To Truth“
What are the basic building blocks of the cosmos? Atoms, particles, mass energy? Quantum mechanics, forces, fields? Space and time — space-time? Tiny strings with many dimensions?
A new candidate is “information,” which some scientists claim is the foundation of reality. The late distinguished physicist John Archibald Wheeler characterized the idea as “It from bit” — “it” referring to all the stuff of the universe and “bit” meaning information.
It’s no revelation that information is changing society. What’s novel is that information is changing science. So, the question then becomes how to understand “information,” a common term whose technical or scientific sense can be disruptive.
Information has multiple meanings: facts or knowledge (things one can learn); a measure of difference or surprise (how much one learns); one of two opposite states (on-off, yes-no, one-zero); the mathematical description of a communication system; the content of computation; quantum entangled states (enabling vast computing power); and power to explain and possibly to cause. [National Geographic: First Glimpse of the Hidden Cosmos ] (more…)
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Man – The Computer
“Every human who has lived or is so living, or will live, functions basically in principle as does a computer, except that it is a vastly expanded system of function and which is also bi-dimensional, or functions simultaneously in two dimensions. Like all computers, man has been fed or feeds himself information which is done on the life experience basis and from life to life. This information is stored in his memory banks – the psychic anatomy. This is a timeless proposition where any such experience as an energy wave form vibrating in a closed circuit oscillates forever.
The memory banks of our psychic anatomy function on many levels which could be called base plane frequencies. A very important function is in the supervision, maintenance, repair of the physical body. There are hundreds of millions of cells in a human body and there are thousands of different kinds of cells. Loosely speaking, each cell is surrounded by a micro-thin membrane. Within the protoplasm of the cell, there is a complete chemical laboratory which carries on a chemical synthesis above and beyond any contrived by science. It takes in certain chemicals, re-manufactures them, and even converts them into other substance. It even generates an electrochemical charge of ultrahigh-frequency electricity with which it carries on through the nerves, conversation with the brain and the psychic anatomy; and just as in the computer, this conversation is in the form of different sequential signals. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Tempus Invictuswith comments disabled.
Personal Evolution
“The beginning, or terminating point in any evolutionary concept is practically nonexistent; that is, in infinite conception nothing is incomplete in itself, but functions perfectly in principle; therefore there is no terminating point nor is there any beginning point in Infinite Consciousness. Infinite Consciousness has survived, and always should be pictured in the individual consciousness as a constant survival, a never-ending and a never-beginning survival of Infinite consciousness which supersedes far in advance of any concept or tenet of human consciousness that can presuppose the starting or ending point in any evolutionary cycle.
Therefore, the individual must remain content, for the present at least, with this particular concept of Infinity. Infinity must wait, so to speak, as far as you are concerned, until that day and age when you can conceive Infinity in a somewhat more expanded position. Even in that future day however, do not presume that you will find a terminating point; neither will there be a beginning; for a beginning and an ending are synonymous in all respects, and one must be present in order for the other to manifest. The function of the Infinite is completely abstract in all expressions, and therefore, remains as a completeness in cyclic form which is manifest in its entirety in interdimensional function. It can never be separated from itself; it cannot be placed in any particular position but resides infinitely throughout Infinity.
In this respect the Infinite is infinitely wise; and in knowing, It must conceive evolution as a cyclic form, propagated and supported by the inner dimension of inner consciousness as having a starting point in any particular concept or realization as it concerns an individual entity of consciousness, such as a human being. Here, the scale of evolution, so far as humanity is concerned, is a collective integration of various different infinite form substances which are more or less amassed, so to speak, through the process of evolution, by the principle of harmonic attunement, which in turn, has been re-created as a negative polarity in the environment of some particular material world dispensation. (more…)
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Common Fallacies of Science
“In a quantitative assessment of cyclic phenomena, the electromagnetic force fields which we have previously discussed have pointed out the primitive ignorance of this present-day science, in regard to the creative principles of solar systems, galaxies, universes and all life forms, all of which have led us directly into other fields and other interpolations where science has made colossal and stupid blunders in his
assumptions when trying to view or rationalize such origins on the surface of their third-dimensional prospectus. Many of these stupid assumptions concern astronomical phenomena, such as believing the sun is a thermonuclear furnace. They believe the sun’s energy comes from the fusion or implosion of two hydrogen atoms into one helium atom. What then of the other sixty-odd elements they have, through spectroscopic analysis, found on the sun? Apparently it is not known that this is an evolutionary process of atoms, as I have previously outlined. To change two hydrogen atoms into one helium atom, it is first necessary for certain changes to occur in all electromagnetic fields which are the formative pattern of the atom and which, in turn, are oscillating polarities with their respective fourth-dimensional centrifuges. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Tempus Interludiumwith comments disabled.
FBI Acknowledges Visits By Inter-Dimensional Beings
The FBI now finally admits that alien beings from other dimensions visit Earth.
In startling declassified documents, it is revealed that the FBI had prior knowledge of these visits and were aware of their existence.
This admission has finally given the paranormal world the answers they’ve been waiting for.
In 2011 after some documents were “declassified” a report written by a special agent of the FBI in 1947 reached the public.
The special agent of the FBI, a lieutenant colonel whose identity, remained anonymous because of “national security” gather numerous data on the UFO phenomena after interviewing and studying the phenomena for years.
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Questions And Answers About Humanity’s Destiny
Student (S) – One mind? (regarding Dr. Norman’s ability to accurately tune in to any event).
Teacher (T) – Well, let’s put it this way; this is going on all around you all the time; it does not belong to anybody in particular, just to whoever can use it. It is the Infinite Mind. I tune into It just the way that the television tunes into the transmitter. We have to train by understanding what these things are, what the creative substance is, what or why there are atoms and how and why there is this and that and the other thing. We cannot accept these things superficially or as they appear to be. We cannot accept them as other people tell us they are; we must find out these things for ourselves because only in the dimension of your own experience can you learn to understand these principles, and you must push the dimension of your personal expression beyond the horizon or the confines of what other people tell you are the limits, because there are no limits. You have to get that into your mind right now.
You people can go just as far out or just as high or as low as you wish. If you wish to go all the way and you stick with the study and put forth effort, you can. This is a challenge of your existence because in learning this (and you will have to learn every little bit that you understand), you’ll have to learn it through the doorway of experience and then you’ll achieve an understanding of the Infinite Creator and what He is. He will not be any white-robed Santa Claus who sits up there on a big throne with a book of life. That belief belongs to the people who wish to escape, who do not wish to understand. (more…)
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Nassim Haramein – “The Connected Universe”
Breaking the Boundaries of Physics with Nassim Haramein:
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Philosophy From A Most Advanced Being
Dear Sister: “There is indeed much that happens to people in the spiritual worlds in lives in between earth lives which explains the differences perhaps in the way that they interpret life to their various different missions on the earth plane. The great musicians, the artists, poets – those who have added some luster to the otherwise earthly drab existence – these things are all correlated organizations or coalitions which have been started as spiritual movements in some other spiritual plane or plateaus of understanding.
By far the average person’s understanding of life leaves much to merely suppose that these things happen in the reactionary stances of everyday living but it is not so, for no one becomes intelligent until he exemplifies a much higher degree of interpolation of the way of life but basically, from the spiritual plateaus of understanding. For life, in itself, as far as the earth is concerned, is merely shadows of that which has transcended and already transpired in the higher dimensions.
And so it is with all those who we might call great minds, or to those who are outstanding in an intellectual way, as they did not come by these things by studying books that were written in the earth man’s ideas. They did not come by them by obtaining mastery over their fellow man with the sword or spear, or some other superiority of armament or weapon. They came by them by the junction and the union of intelligence from the higher spheres of understanding – the common pool of human wisdom which is gathered together in the Infinite Cosmos and reside as participating agents in the Infinite Mind of God, and thus become a well-spring from which all may draw. (more…)
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