Questions On Healing Answered by the Moderator – Part I
Q – Is it best for the person to know at what time you are directing healing to him?
A – No, not necessarily. It is all done in the spiritual consciousness anyway. For instance, when a person is asleep the healer goes out and contacts the person who needs the healing and so this was the proper background to become manifest into the physical dimension. Sometimes it is very helpful if the person can realize that the Infinite has healed him through some channel because that begins to enter into what we call the actual mechanics of spiritual healing.
Q – Would you say that the person who seems to be drawn to those who need healing, even though the person does not feel as though he is advanced sufficiently to do this type of work, might nevertheless be ready and able to aid these persons?
A – We can say that 98 percent of the homosapiens on the earth today function from the subconscious, the reactionary mind, or the reactionary self, which is a conglomeration of all the thought patterns which have occurred from past experience. In the wakening moments, these thought patterns which the individuals have built up are so very, very strong; in fact, they are almost inviolate, even though sometimes they go against the inward will and jurisdiction of the person.
The fact of the matter is that if a person is helped or healed, and if in some way he has contacted spiritual healing or has come in contact with anyone who is in a position to help in a spiritual way, then his superconscious mind or inner self is working and he has actually made the contact with these higher forces which have moved the individual into the position of meeting and contacting the healer. (more…)
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Even The Sparrow Is Noted ~ Part II
“Remembering that an atom is a solar system of energy, and is sustained from the next adjacent dimension; we can look into our physical bodies and see that these physical bodies are comprised from some sixteen elements. An element is simply an atom which has a different number of positive or negative charges of energy in respect to similarities in the nucleus of the atom itself. This gives it that which the scientist calls its atomic weight. There are sixteen different kinds of a
toms in your body. These range from calcium, potassium, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, iron, sulphur, etc., to the entire number of sixteen; each one with its own particular atomic weight and consequently, just as you have in the auric sense, each one of these tiny atoms has its own base plane frequency rate in which it oscillates. These, in turn, just as we have equated your own mental position, are oscillating into the adjacent fourth dimension on the same basis of harmonic relationships, and in this way they are connected and interconnected with all other atomic forms.
Likewise, through this same system of harmonic interplay, we can extend these connections on into an infinite distance, so to speak, in the cosmogony. In fact, we can trace the energy source of all atoms through this harmonic system of energy transferences clear into the very heart of the celestial kingdoms, or possibly the originating source of energy itself. Therefore you can now see that all atoms are connected on the basis of harmonic relationship. All humans are connected on the basis of harmonic relationship. We can also extend this same calculus to include all fauna and flora which exist in these planetary systems; that is, all of the animals of the forests and the fields, the birds, fishes, the plant life, as well as all of the innumerable forms of the invisible. The macrocosm, and the microcosm which is not visible to you can be so included in this same interplay of this same harmonic relationship. At this point we can easily see how it is that this vast macrocosm and microcosm are really one and the same thing, on the basis of this harmonic relationship.
As it has been so previously described, the motivating force behind all of this is that constant and never-ending interplay of regeneration, which not only sustains all of these forms, but also is continuously regenerating new forms; this is God, the Infinite Intelligence. It is the sum and total of all things visible and invisible. When the complete concept of this tremendously enlarged macrocosm and microcosm can be somewhat equated within the dimension of your mind, then it can easily be seen how God can note the fall of the sparrow by the wayside and He can also simultaneously feel, sense, hear, or otherwise be entirely conscious of every other thing which is happening, not only in these visible astral or solar systems in which you may find yourself, such as the planet earth, but in the vast invisible microcosm which you will yet visit in your future evolutions into time and space. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Infinite Perspectuswith 1 comment.
Son Of The Sun by Orfeo Angelucci

After covering UFOs, alien abduction and many other paranormal subjects for over 25 years, I thought I’d seen it all. But once again, publisher, editor, writer and talk show host Timothy Green Beckley has shown me just how wrong that assumption can be. Tim recently sent me a book that contains two full-length tomes by the late contactee Orfeo Angelucci combined in one volume. Though the books were originally published in the 1950s, they contain so much that is relevant and precious about UFO contact and the mortals who come under their purview for reasons they themselves do not comprehend.
In the case of Orfeo Angelucci, I would hazard a guess that he was chosen because of his sincere, guileless innocence. Orfeo was 39 years old when he had his first consciously-recalled alien encounter, but there is an undeniable childlike quality that comes across in his writing that makes it difficult to imagine he was seeking fame or attention or money. He honestly believed that the Space Brothers – who had walked into his life from out of the blue – had charged him with the mission of making their presence and good intentions for mankind known.
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Five ET Species Visiting Earth
by Locklip
While it is often believed that most aliens are an unfriendly bunch, there are a few species that have been on Earth for centuries who serve to disprove this claim. Some of the more friendly alien species are listed below.
It’s a widely held belief that the Lyrans are our oldest ancestors. In fact, there are those that believe that the Lyrans were actually the first “humans” to form a civilization in the Milky Way galaxy.
The world famous Billy Meier was one of the first people to talk about Lyrans. He claims that they revealed to him their origins and story. He was extremely gracious to share this story with mankind.
Mr. Meier reports that:
“They have described their ancient ancestry, and consequently ours, as originating in a far sun-system in a star group near what we now know as the Ring Nebula of Lyra, for which we have called them Lyrans in the same manner as we refer to human beings from what we call the Pleiades.
“These early Lyrans during their numerous migrations in their great Space Arks went to many other star systems and found suitable habitations, and put down colonies, such of which flourished and eventually launched their own space travelers.”
Many millennia ago, their civilization achieved an advanced technological level. Conflicts between different factions turned into an all-out war. The situation escalated to such a point that many fled and colonized Hyades, the Pleiades and the Vega systems. (more…)
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On The Infinite Magnetic Spectrum
“Several hundred years ago, mankind began discovering magnetism, the peculiar property of the ferrous metal known as iron, and its counterpart, steel. The exact origin or time for this
discovery is not accurately known. There are many stories and legends coming out of the past which may tend to give the belief that magnetism has been known for thousands of years.
However, so far as our present-day science is concerned, it is believed that early-day explorers such as Magellan and others may have used a crude compass formed from a piece of loadstone, a fragment of hardened steel-like pyrite which probably came from a fallen meteorite. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Tempus Procediumwith 1 comment.
Atlantis Discovered in the Bermuda Triangle {UPDATE}
The Sunken City Features Giant Pyramids and Sphinxes
by HumansAreFree
I. The report
Two scientists, Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki, working off the coast of Cuba and using a robot submersible, have confirmed that a gigantic city exists at the bottom of the ocean.
The site of the ancient city — that includes several sphinxes and at least four giant pyramids plus other structures — amazingly sits within the boundries of the fabled Bermuda Triangle.
According to a report by Arclein of Terra Forming Terra, Cuban Subsea Pyramid Complex, the evidence points to the city being simultaneously inundated with rising waters and the land sinking into the sea. This correlates exactly with the Atlantis legend.
The disaster may have occurred at the end of the last Ice Age. As the Arctic icecap catastrophically melted it caused sea levels to rise quickly around the world, especially affecting the Northern Hemisphere. Coast lines changed; land was lost; islands (even island continents) disappeared. (more…)
Posted in True History of Manwith 1 comment.
On The Proper Use of Atomic Energy
“I stated (in my previous discussion) that in the natural order of atoms that it was quite impossible
to change atomic structures. In an absolute concept, this is quite true. I am, of course, speaking of what has been called transmutation or changing from one element to another through some laboratory process. Now you say you have atomic bombs, such as fissionable or thermonuclear types. In either case, however, you have merely succeeded in so stretching or changing such atomic structures into an unnatural and unrelated perspective with their true source or dimension. Thus it is in triggering these atoms by some other smaller explosion, they, in trying to adjust themselves to their natural source or perspective, actually blow themselves to pieces. This is not atomic power. You may point out you have atomic reactors. This, too, means that you are more slowly destroying atoms. (more…)
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Ten Mars Anomalies
The following images come from the NASA Web Site.
These anomalies range from a little boy to an alligator and have been personal discoveries from hours of scanning through the many images supplied by NASA. I am sure others may or may not have come across these but nevertheless here they are and as always, you decide. The photo’s file name contains the origin of the images on NASA’s web site. (more…)
Posted in The Truth About Marswith 4 comments.
Evolution of the Spiritual Side of Life
“As I have said, the third dimension is only one of the expressionary planes which are manifest in infinity; it is an oscillating and a pulsating plane of expression. It is constantly repeating the experience or the idiom, or the intelligence of the past into the future and in that way its own cyclic patterns are superimposed in the races of peoples and to individuals who are so involved in them. This will lead us more directly into what I have described in the first lesson course as the spiritual evolution – one of which Darwin did not know about. What it means actually is that any animate or living object, as it is going through its evolution – whether it is an amoeba, a tree, a flower, an animal, man, whatever this particular specimen, whatever it is, is also contacting
infinity. It is, by the oscillating process, re-expressing its own life form and its life experience as a facsimile reproduction of Infinite Intelligence which is oscillating in these wave form patterns; or you might say that is a preconceived concept which has been created or exists in infinity since the beginning of whatever infinity is.
Actually, as said, there is no beginning, so this specimen of life, whatever it is, manifests its own intelligence as it is oscillated from infinity and in the reverse process as polarized elements of experiences, reverses this oscillation back into infinity and propagates, on the basis of its own psychic anatomy, contact with the infinity which leaves its own oscillating quotient with those cyclic forms of infinity with which it was involved. Harmonically attuned, all infinity then can be said to be oscillating with, or resonating with the life experience of this specimen. Then, as the specimen progresses and gets to the point of death and reincarnates, or that another similar specimen is brought into the surface of life, this specimen can be said to be harmonically in tune with the past of this similar specimen and therefore inductive to it on the basis of frequency relationship. It will not only pick up the polarized idiom of these previous life experiences and will (just as you do) revamp them or reform them into its present life form and experience, but, through the opposition of harmonic attunements, it can very easily pick up and reproduce or reform into the present, certain other different life experiences which have happened to other specimens of life upon the planet Earth. So again, this particular specimen has added a certain adjunctive to its own particular evolution. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Tempus Interludiumwith 1 comment.
Basics of Energy – Transmission by Faraday
“Now we are progressing step by step toward a more absolute and, shall I say, abstract concept of what is called time-space or energy transference in various dimensional factors. In the beginning it was said our planet traveled in orbit. Later it was explained that such an orbit was not a physical sense of traveling as you do in the earth plane or as an evolution around some particular distance of space but rather, a pulsation or a frequency which occurred as a major cycle of about thirty-eight hundred years duration. It was also explained that such frequency alteration could change the relative perspective point of the planet in regards to the various expressions which were necessary in manifesting such portions or parts as were deemed necessary to the various planetary systems. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Voice of Eroswith 1 comment.
The Medusa
“Almost everyone who has read some of the classical fables of ancient Greece is familiar with one of the central figures of that ancient era – a Grecian prince named Perseus, who became somewhat of a crusader, going about in different countries and slaying many of the monstrosities which were peculiar to that time. One of these classical figures was the Medusa, a monster whose body was that of a woman and who had instead of hair, hundreds of writhing snakes. This creature also had a
strange power. Anyone who looked at her would be turned to stone. Perseus was able to slay the Medusa by a simple trick; he did not look directly at the Medusa but instead, used a mirror and thus escaped the penalty of being turned to stone.
Whether or not this story is true is immaterial, but like many other legends from the past, it carries a direct message in beliefs and behaviorisms which graphically illustrates that people were in those ancient times deluding themselves in the same illusionary forms as they are so presently doing. The moral message which this fable carries is immediately apparent when we transfer the elements and action into basic psychological aspects. The Medusa and her snaky hair is the subconscious, comprising as it does in wave forms of energies, the sum and total of the present physical life, and is also directly connected with other planes of the psychic anatomy to all the past lifetimes which this person has ever lived. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Tempus Invictuswith 1 comment.
On Philosophy And Science
“Greetings Friends: As you look about you in your everyday world, there is much that seems to cause you great concern. There are rumors of wars and strife and there is great unrest among the peoples of the world. There is hunger and destitution, and disease seems to be the heritage common to all men; and you may have wondered much of these things and of others, too, spoken by men presumably wiser than you, yourself. Yet where is the message of their words? These things and many others they have promised: the peace, the tranquility, the ability to live as we see within the dominion of our own expressed thoughts and actions; what is the answer when we of the material worlds must leave the flesh and journey into spirit? Yes, although much has been written, there has
been much more promised; but where can you or any other go with assuredness with all these things which have been spoken and promised? Will they ultimately be fulfilled? Indeed, there is not such proof, for if such proof was existent, then surely much of the turmoil and the strife in men’s minds would cease to exist.
Much of this restlessness, this seeking for some panacea for man’s ills has been bred, brought about and fostered by the insecurities of the material world, by the lack of strength of purpose and proof in the promises of those we have set up as leaders of our destiny. Nor does history presuppose in our search among the archives of the past that any man has found the fulfillment or the attainment of this promise save those who have come with a special purpose and message and have left with the assuredness of that which they possessed. But for the masses, the many who find their way of life among the many material things of this world, from the fields, the factories and from all walks of life, assuredly theirs is neither the knowledge nor the wisdom which would enable them to completely put aside the differences, the insecurities and the many other things which are tantamount to their existence. (more…)
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Sleeping Giants In Stasis Chambers Ready To Awaken
Written by Dr Michael Salla
In the latest Cosmic Disclosure episode on Gaiam TV, Corey Goode makes some startling claims about sleeping giants located in stasis chambers hidden all around the world. He says that during his down-time in secret space program assignments (1987-2007) he would review information on “smart glass pads.” The pads were a Wikipedia-like repository of information that personnel in the Solar Warden and other secret space programs could access about various aspects of ancient Earth history, extraterrestrial life, advanced technologies, etc. Goode described seeing information about giants that once lived on Earth, now sleeping in stasis chambers.
Goode described stasis chambers as being originally built by an “Ancient Builder Race” who used crystal technologies to create time bubbles in which the flow of time on the inside is much slower than the outside. Thirty minutes can elapse inside the time bubble, while 30,000 years speed by on the outside according to Goode. He said that these stasis chambers with perfectly preserved giants inside them had been found all over the world. (more…)
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Self-Mastery: Transmission Given By Sha-Tok
“Good evening. I am known as Sha-Tok.
I will speak for Mal-Var as he will not be with you this evening. However, we all speak the same language and nothing will be lost. Mal-Var belongs to the council and is in the upper chamber this evening. In the two previous talks by my worthy brother he discussed at some length some of the underlying principles in the construction of what is called matter, and while these discussions seemed rather lengthy, it is necessary to prepare you as otherwise the true meaning of much that will be described to you, or that you may see with your mind’s eye, may be lost. In passing in review what has been previously explained, I hope that by now you will have begun to understand just what is meant by the relationship of mass and energy, and that mass and energy are all one and the same. The difference being in the way in which they are perceived, according to such dimensional factors as time and space. In the atom we find energy expressed in the relationship
of time and space in such a way that it is seemingly solid or as mass. The lightning which streaks through the sky, or the light from the sun, is somewhat the same energy expressed in a different way, with the factors of time and space.
Now that we have begun to understand the natural phenomena of energy either as a moving dynamic force, or as an apparently solid substance, we must not say that the expression or materialization of mass and energy is confined in what might be called the natural sequence of such manifestations as you are accustomed to in your daily lives. In other words you will find individually in your soul evolution your own particular cycle whereby you shall be enable to use and direct energy from a higher dimensional plane, through the channel of the mind and without the use of the hands. In your earth life existence ideas are formed usually through the interrelative thought processes. In order to materialize such an idea it must be worked out with the various materialistic processes which you have evolved in your daily transmission of life.
The use of familiar everyday objects about you were all originally such ideas. The watch which you wear on your wrist or the machine you call the automobile are all products of countless ideas and were brought into materialization only through a great deal of work and experimentation. In a more highly evolved state of consciousness such an idea of materialization would of course seem very crude. Such negative qualities as fear, human error, tolerances and production failures do not enter in. Such a highly evolved mind conceives, visualizes and realizes the infinite perfection of universal energy which stems from the Fountainhead. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Voice of Venuswith 1 comment.
Sermons In Stones
“It must be thoroughly understood by everyone who wishes to attain a higher way of life, and for an individual to emancipate into one of the long-dreamed of and hoped for Heavenly places – the great spiritual worlds – that he must do so, along one common pathway of knowledge, and through the doorway of wisdom. It is clearly indicated that no person could live in some higher spiritual world, if he were unfamiliar with the mode and way of living in such a place. No person can live in an
environment which is foreign to his nature and with which he is not compatible, in his expressive way of life. Therefore on these premises any person who so wishes to acquire this immortality and freedom from the vicissitudes from his fleshy earth life, must begin first, to thoroughly acquaint himself with the true nature of the Infinite Creator whom most people call God.
Knowledge of this Infinite Creator is, contrary to general opinion, not found through the doorway of some church or temple; but is found in the ordinary manners and forms of various living attitudes. The Infinite Creator is supremely wise in all manners and forms of expression, and it was in this Creative Intelligence that the earth was so conceived and dedicated as a place in which man could begin to learn the elemental principles of this Creative Intelligence.
To begin your flight into Eternity then, you must, by all means, become acquainted with the Infinite Creative Intelligence as it functions in all manners and forms of life about you in your daily world. It is enigmatic that by far, most people go from the cradle to the grave without knowing even the most rudimentary or elemental knowledge of this great Intelligent Creation, which is taking place all around them, every moment of their lives. (more…)
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