Multidimensional Man: Super Dimensional Excursion
by Jurgen Ziewe
“Take me to the Cities!”
This is an excerpt of a recent Super Dimensional excursion. The initiation to the experience was extremely personal and started hours before whilst I was shopping. I feel somewhat reluctant to share it at this point, as I feel the circumstances may distract from the facts about the super dimensions I am trying to explore and convey.
10th September 2011
“….I was floating through a green valley along a river. Its banks were lined with lush vegetation merging from beds of pure colors rising like morning mists into the air. These in turn transformed into gentle symmetrical shapes, morphing patterns of incredible beauty and complexity. The river valley was lined with steep translucent rock- like flint or amber, its colors affected by the subtle changes of the atmosphere and mutating through different hues. The rock, which turned out to be not like rock at all, sprouted gossamer protrusions which waved in the air and gently fell down and rose up again at the river banks as if stirred by a celestial wind. I marveled at the sublime complexity and the synchronized display around me. It all felt as if it was made to play tribute to me, a traveling point of awareness. (more…)
Posted in Life On Other Worlds, Other Topics, Out Of Body Experienceswith 1 comment.
The Seven Root Races by Madame Blavatsky
A Brief Overview Compiled by Campbell M. Gold
According to the writings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, there will be seven root races associated with the Earth – with each root race being divided into seven sub-races.
The seven root races are noted as:
1) 1st root race – Astral/Etheric
2) 2nd root race – Hyperboreans
3) 3rd root race – Lemurians
4) 4th root race – Atlanteans
5) 5th root race – Aryans
6) 6th root race – Yet to appear
7) 7th root race – Yet to appear
To date, only five root races have appeared on the earth, and the 6th root race is predicted by theosophists to emerge in the 28th century. The 7th root race will only appear several million years in the future. (more…)
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Daniel Fry’s “The White Sands Incident”
Daniel W. Fry was an engineer and contactee like George Adamski who writes, “The object was now very close, and I could see that it was an ovate spheroid about thirty feet in diameter at the equator or largest part. It was now traveling at not more than fifteen or twenty miles per hour and seemed to be decelerating at a rate that would bring it to zero velocity by the time it reached the ground. I could also see that unless it changed course, it would miss me by at least fifty feet. Somewhat reassured by its slowness of motion, I remained where I was and watched it glide in as lightly as a bit of thistle down floating in the breeze and settle to the ground about seventy feet away without the slightest bump or jar. Except for the crackling of brush beneath it, it hadn’t made a sound. For perhaps twenty or thirty seconds I stood staring at it like a child at his first circus performance.”
“I have been working for some years in the field of rocket and other missile development, and through my work and connections at White Sands, I had thought that I was fairly well acquainted with most of the developments in the aircraft field. But here was a craft so far advanced over anything I had ever heard of, that I felt like the backwoods farmer who, on first seeing a giraffe, said, “Well I see it, but I don’t believe it.” My first conscious thought was, “if the Russians have ships like this, God help America!” But with the thought came the realization that this could not be a craft from Russia, or anywhere else on earth for that matter; for whoever had built this craft had solved a lot of problems of which our best physicists are only beginning to dream.”
“The ship’s operation was silent. There had been no thrumming of propellers, any flash and roar of incandescent gases being hurled from nozzles to produce thrust. The ship had simply coasted quietly in from the “great blue yonder” and settled gently to earth. Perhaps that was the answer. The craft had been coming down since I first saw it. Perhaps it was just gliding in; but before landing it had slowed down to only a few miles per hour and had shown no evidence of falling. Only a helicopter or a “lighter than air craft” could do this, but there were no propeller blades whatever on this vehicle and the fact that the brush was crushed flat under it when it settled to the ground proved conclusively that this was no “lighter than air” craft. Whatever this vehicle was and whatever else it could do, it could land.” His book is called “The White Sands Incident.” The most complete story of Daniel’s experiences is now available in an eBook. (more…)
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Posted in Book Excerpts, Infinite Contact, Poetrywith comments disabled.
The Electric Sky
There is a revolution just beginning in astronomy/cosmology that will rival the one set off by Copernicus and Galileo.
This revolution is based on the growing realization that the cosmos is highly electrical in nature. It is becoming clear that 99% of the universe is made up not of “invisible matter”, but rather, of matter in the plasma state.
Electrodynamic forces in electric plasmas are much stronger than the gravitational force.
Mainstream astrophysicists are continually “surprised” by new data sent back by space probes and orbiting telescopes. That ought to be a clue that something is wrong. New information always sends theoretical astrophysicists “back to the drawing board”. In light of this, it is curious that they have such “cock-sure” attitudes about the infallibility of their present models.
Those models seem to require major “patching up” every time a new space probe sends back data.
Astrophysicists and astronomers do not study experimental plasma dynamics in graduate school. They rarely take any courses in electrodynamic field theory, and thus they try to explain every new discovery via gravity, magnetism, and fluid dynamics which is all they understand. It is no wonder they cannot understand that 99% of all cosmic phenomena are due to plasma dynamics and not to gravity alone. (more…)
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Heal Thyself: Seek Within
“One thing which all people have in common is an abnormal sense or fear of death; and here again is the strange paradox, for in the sleeping and waking state, man dies and relives at least once every 24 hours. Yet, the word death which is actually only a Latin word meaning change, strikes terror into the heart of the materialist. Even the religionist who inhabits the church is filled with dreads, fears
and vagaries. No one seems to be at the particular point in his expression of life where he can see the continuity of expression as he so lives it at any particular moment for he is directly connected through frequency relationship with at least a thousand lifetimes lived in the past. He has discarded his body at various intervals (as it is connected with that particular life), to be reborn and again live in the future in almost the identical circumstances, following the same thought patterns and obeying the same psychic impulses as motivated him in his former lives.
To study statistics as they present themselves in this present-day modern world, does indeed give everyone a sense of dread or foreboding. When we can study the high rate of incidence in the various hospitals, asylums and, in particular, the mental status quo of John Q. Citizen as he inhabits our civilized world today, these statistics do indeed indicate grave conditions.
As in all cases and in normal sequences, evolution can always be largely envisioned as a progressive cycle but understanding the structural qualities, the movement of these cyclic forms and the energy forms from which they are so constructed, you are immediately reminded that here again is our common equivalent in polarity patterns; there is always a positive and a negative. We must also resort back into history and find man has always lived, to some degree, in these cyclic patterns of progression and retrogression. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Cosmic Continuumwith comments disabled.
On The Science of Past Life Therapy
“In all cases where we analyze these diverse expressive forms of life as we live them today, whether they are merely the subconscious automations such as breathing, peristalsis of the bowels, etc., or whether they are superstitious beliefs, they can all be universally resolved into the original and dominant principle of life, that is, they are merely like the TV transmitter forms or continuities of wave forms of expression which are reflected from the psychic anatomy.
When you study and begin to understand the diagrams and descriptions as they are given to you in your second lesson course, then you will possess the greatest secret of all; and one which is being so strenuously sought by the present-day men of science and medicine – how man lives and of what life really consists, in its various expressive forms and continuities in the world about you – merely resurgent energy wave forms which are beating in a never-ending, never-ceasing pulsation into your consciousness; energy wave forms which were actual experiences through which you lived in your past lifetimes. Today in this present life, they exist as vague unrelated or even superstitious expressions. They may exist as your religion, they may exist as various expressive forms of medicine or psychology; or they may just exist without any related reason which you may seek to find, unless you carry this continuity back into your many past lifetimes. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Infinite Perspectuswith 1 comment.
DNA And The Holographic Universe
by Iona Miller and Richard Alan Miller
We are more fundamentally electromagnetic rather than chemical beings. The driver of evolution is not DNA, but even more fundamental quantum mechanical symmetry-breaking forces (King, 2003).
If we drop down another whole domain of observation from the juicy “wetware” described by chemistry and atomic structure, we enter the subatomic realm of quantum physics. At this level the behavior of matter, both organic and inorganic, is governed not by classical notions of cause and effect or even complex dynamics, but by those of quantum probability.
“Something” appears to emerge from virtually “nothing”— which physicists have come to describe as a “sea of infinite potential”. They call it “quantum foam”, “vacuum potential” or “zero-point energy”; we can call it the “vacuum substructure”.
Subatomic particles wink in and out of existence on a continuous basis, like some subatomic froth. This “something” appears paradoxically in wave/particle form. This world is not transcendent to matter, but underlies it as a coherent unity—much like ecology underlies biology. (more…)
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Pythagoras Speaks On Life Between Lives
“We have come to the plane of relationship of Shamballa which is devoted to inquiry, to synthesis and to various educational aspects. We might pause here momentarily to review some of the various facets and some of the dimensions of concepts into which we have somewhat entered.
We have learned that the earth and the inhabitants thereof, are subject to various types and forms of quite negative energies, or that their expressions in a relative sense are negative. The earth itself, if we can picture it thusly, is a planet swimming somewhat in free space, surrounded by a vast magnetic aura, in which there are great tides of discarnate entities, or humans who have lost the form of the physical flesh. (more…)
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The Life Cycle
“The all-pervading, all-permeating, all-existing intelligent God resides or lives or expresses Himself in an infinite way through many, many dimensions. Jesus spoke of it thusly, “In my Father’s house there are many mansions.” Mansions, of course, are the relative planes and the dimensions of existence. Therefore, in the creation of man, it can be said that God, as He is of infinite nature and intelligence,
must express Himself in an infinite number of ways. This, then, begins to assume a definite or a tangible or a personal expression. We will say that God is creating Himself as an individual in an infinite number of ways by the creation of each human being.
As it is quite necessary, if we think a moment, in this infinite nature of God, that God must also combine all of the elements of infinity into the nature of the personal expression or the human being; therefore comes the necessity for the living or the learning or the realization into all realms and dimensions of consciousness as an individual. God begins the creation of man something like this: we can say that, in His Infinite Mind, man so begins as a basic fundamental life cycle. This is, in itself, a cycle which will remain throughout eternity with the individual. Within this cycle or place are an infinite number of tiny or larger wave forms. These wave forms are, in themselves, frequencies or intensities which can convey – and as they are unchanged through time or eternity – and will continually reflect or convey in the proper sense of content, the intelligence which was placed within them. (more…)
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