Giving Freely – Part II
“At this point it is necessary to interject other adjunctive functions of the principle of “giving one’s self;” for in the function of this principle with the Infinite there are an infinite number of ramifications. In other words, no individual supports a singular oscillation or oscillating condition with the Infinite. This would, in itself, defeat its purpose, for the Infinite is NOT singular. An oscillating condition with the Infinite means the individual carries on the oscillating condition in an infinite number of ways.
This is done through the part of principle known in the vernacular of the modern-day scientist as harmonic relationship. In other words, through multiples of approximately two, the consciousness between the Infinite and the individual is thus made possible in an infinite number of ways simply by this regenerative condition of harmonic relationship. (more…)
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Misconceptions About Life After Death
Excerpt from Vistas of Infinity: How To Enjoy Life When You Are Dead
by Jurgen Ziewe
“Afterlife states are as numerous as human beings, and as complex. The most important things we will have to reassess, and most probably shake off, is a widely held belief that our afterlife will magically change everything and reset all our parameters. Individual reports by near-death-experiencers and channelling mediums are very specific and will almost certainly never apply to ourselves. Some of the medium reports I found were very confirmative to what I have experienced. There is still the rather romantic view that with the end of our life our suffering will come to an end and we will live in eternal peace. RIP is a fallacy which has been implanted in us from early childhood, mainly as a result of ignorance and, our inability to look beyond the great curtain. When people proclaim at funeral services, ‘Well, at least now he/she is at peace’, mostly this is not the case unless the deceased was already at peace at the time of death. What in fact happens is that nothing changes and at the same time everything changes in some ways.
My perception when visiting ‘tourist city’ was that I was indeed on a level in which most decent people’ would probably find themselves when they had finished on Earth and had dealt with all their various personal issues. Though this is not a given. Again and again I was directed into regions to take note of all the things that many will need to face before they are in a position to relish the beautiful land and its people. I found that with the majority of people who are mostly driven by powerful needs for self-gratification and subjected to strong drives over which they have little control, their first encounter with the afterlife reality is anything but the proverbial Summer-Land. (more…)
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Talking With The Planets by Nikola Tesla
Collier’s Weekly, February 9, 1901
Whence, then, does it come? Who knows? Who can assign limits to the subtlety of nature’s influences? Perhaps, if we could clearly perceive all the intricate mechanism of the glorious spectacle that is continually unfolding before us, and could, also, trace this desire to its distant origin, we might find it in the sorrowful vibrations of the earth which began when it parted from its celestial parent. But in this age of reason it is not astonishing to find persons who scoff at the very thought of effecting communication with a planet. First of all, the argument is made that there is only a small probability of other planets being inhabited at all. This argument has never appealed to me. In the solar system, there seem to be only two planets–Venus and Mars–capable of sustaining life such as ours: but this does not mean that there might not be on all of them some other forms of life. Chemical processes may be maintained without the aid of oxygen, and it is still a question whether chemical processes are absolutely necessary for the sustenance of organized beings. My idea is that the development of life must lead to forms of existence that will be possible without nourishment and which will not be shackled by consequent limitations. Why should a living being not be able to obtain all the energy it needs for the performance of its life functions from the environment, instead of through consumption of food, and transforming, by a complicated process, the energy of chemical combinations into life-sustaining energy? |
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Giving Freely – Part I
“In various texts which have been given, there has been frequent mention of a certain phrase, “To Give Freely of Himself”. Lest this be misinterpreted, or that it could be used by some person with a strong escape mechanism to vindicate his own mental objectivisms, this particular phrase will therefore be more fully explained.
To give freely of himself does not mean that this person should lay his neck, so to speak, upon any chopping block which might come his way, or that giving freely is a means of atonement for any sense of guilt which such a person may have. Giving freely of himself means simply this: All objectivisms, mental or physical, all concepts and all perspectives of life are carried beyond the horizon of the individual’ s subconscious, reactionary self. In other words, all mental functions and their relative physical manifestations are an oscillating process carried on with the Higher or Superconscious Self. This is a two-way, back-and-forth transference of energy which will manifest itself in form in the individual’s life. In a sense, the individual has thus become a substation of the main power plant wherein this person will transfer such various forms of consciousness as they stem from the Higher, or Infinite Self. It should go without saying at this point that such forms of consciousness from the Higher Self will always be pure expressive forms, completely detached from the stigma of selfhood, originating in the subconscious.
There are many and numerous purposes to which this principle should be applied in daily life. The dimension of physical perspectives and its various appertenances should always be made or manifest from energy which thus stems from the Infinite Source. This is the direct application of a well-known but misunderstood metaphysical law. Giving freely is the right way in which goodness and virtue are made manifest in any individual’s life who so understands it correctly It is not the concentrated effort of sheer will to manifest certain physical objectivisms as is believed by so many. However, the usage of this principle to manifest supply, give guidance, healing, etc., is not the prerogative of the conscious mind which, in itself, is closely affiliated with the old reactionary subconscious. To use this principle, therefore, relaxation of the conscious mind is necessary and made subservient to the higher and more intelligent Superconsciousness. All demonstrations, therefore, will work to conclusion in the individual’s life, without his conscious knowledge or without will or effort from his conscious mind. (more…)
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Sleeping Giants In Stasis Chambers Ready To Awaken – Part II
The Moderator spoke about this similar situation in Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation. Here is the excerpt from the Question and Answer section on Healing – Lesson 12:
“Q – Referring to another subject—about the hundred priests who lie in suspended animation, are they supposed to come back in some of these future generations which will be soon or will that be a long time in the future? Will it be quite phenomenal or how?
A – Primarily, I suppose that was one of the ways in which they hoped to perpetuate into a future day, the general idea of man in his triumph over flesh, the earth and time. Now whether that will be brought into a sudden and dramatic conclusion or gradually, from what I have picked up from spirit, it could be done very dramatically and at such a time when it would mean the most to the largest number of people in dramatizing the supremacy of spirit over the so-called mortal flesh or death. So far as these 100 priests are concerned, Brunton carries that story in his book, “The Search of Secret Egypt”, and in other places the Rosicrucians portray that story. These priests incidentally, have been walking up and down the pathways of the earth since that time and I know personally one woman who has seen one of them and talked to him and I know the man’s name. I speak to them in spirit. But you see, little sister, when you get into a position where you begin to realize these things in a spiritual way, they will never become supernatural or supernormal to you again. They are only miraculous or supernatural to you because you do not understand how they work, how they are and what is behind them.
The most natural thing in the world is the inclusion of the spiritual self and working with the spiritual self. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation, True History of Manwith 1 comment.
Yada Speaks – Part II
Chapter Title: “The Moderator as the Pharaoh, Akhnaton”
“It was the first week in March 1954, that we journeyed to San Diego soon after our meeting, Ernest in his car and I in mine, pulling my house trailer. After the second day, He had need to return to Los Angeles for a few days. During the first morning, after He left, I experienced a strange and strong compulsion to go to town, and found myself stopping in an old used-book store — the largest one I have ever seen. It seemed a block long and half as wide; all used books. I had no idea why I was here or what I was looking for, but reading was one thing I had no time for then. However, I walked quickly as though I knew just where I was going; down into the basement to the very back of the shop, stood on tiptoe, reached as high as ever I could and brought down a little magazine. Its title was “Search”. I believe it has since been renamed. I was surprised when I saw what my hand held! On the cover was a picture of a very odd and interesting looking individual called Yada. The face held me spellbound; it was very oval as was the head and bald, very striking features, eyes slightly slanting upward, large flat ears and he wore a very small distinguished brush beard on the tip of his chin and a colored symbol in the center of his forehead. I could scarcely get into the magazine for the attraction that face held for me.
However, as I read I learned he was a Spiritual Being who, five hundred thousand years ago, incarnated in China as a very wise philosopher. He now, said the article, worked through or inspired a certain individual there in San Diego while the medium was entranced. In other words, he entered into this medium’s (Mark Probert’s) body, and spoke through his voice. Wonders of all! I was on the trail of something, and like a hound dog with the scent, couldn’t get off the track until I had found this man, Mark. I hadn’t the slightest idea why, but was being ‘led’. (more…)
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The Principle of Progressive Evolution
“It should be further noted that any such person who embarks into the study course of UN.AR.I.U.S. and does not begin to achieve results should look into himself for the answer and that it is quite obvious that he has not achieved results because he has refused to give up his past.
He should remember at this time of analysis that what he is at the present, his ego, etc., has all been developed from out of his past many lifetimes and also any and all of the attendant evils and illnesses are also a part of him at this moment of analysis.
On this preface it is easy to rationalize that any progressive evolution in the future must be achieved by giving up the past and replacing it with this future; this in effect, the gradual tearing down and eliminating the old self as the new self is equally and constantly being rebuilt. A strong ego or self—importance evaluation, rock-like opinions, an unresponsive mind, lack of reason, etc., will make it absolutely impossible for any person to progressively advance.
It must also be remembered that the appearance of any evil, dissatisfaction, illness, maladjustment or any and all other negative conditions which may arise are not the result of circumstances in the world in general nor are other people to blame. All of these negations are symptoms of the old self and which is at that moment exercising its power, and as it is so recognized, strong measures should be immediately taken as far as possible to correct this position — not by trying to alter the existing negation — but by realizing it is the old self and which is a remanifestation of the past life and its various strong materialistic attitudes and aptitudes. This is especially true in studying futuristic science such as is contained in UN.AR.I.U.S. or that this future science is dynamically and diametrically opposed to the past. (more…)
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The Grand Cosmic Web
Blackholes Align in ‘Spooky’ Way, Showing Great Order of Universe
This artist’s impression shows schematically the mysterious alignments between the spin axes of quasars and the large-scale structures that they inhabit that observations with ESO’s Very Large Telescope have revealed. These alignments are over billions of light-years and are the largest known in the Universe. (ESO/M. Kornmesser)
When astronomers look at the universe on a grand scale—when they step back to view the arrangement of galaxies on a scale of billions of light-years—they see that galaxies are aligned in a web formation. (more…)
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Space Age Metamorphosis
“In the realm of physical science today, we are seeing a great change or metamorphosis which can be called the beginning of the “space age”, wherein man is attempting through rockets and in different ways, to shoot satellites into orbit around the earth. He is also attempting to shoot rockets to other nearby planets, the moon and also the sun, with the possibility of establishing relay systems and other types of devices intended for communication purposes so that he will be able to form
somewhat of a more comprehensive idea of the entire universe. This is indeed, from a more advanced position, rather a silly procedure, inasmuch as Infinity is in his immediate environment. He has only to stretch forth his hand and touch Infinity in all its different directions and in all its ramifications.
By substituting his mind for his hand, he could thus bring into realization all of these various implications into his present-day science. In this day and age, too, it does present many strange paradoxes in the realm of physical science and starts with the most advanced of these scientists in the days of the Reformation. It was Newton who established many different physical laws and mathematical formula which were very valuable in the succeeding hundreds of years in helping to establish a physical science upon the face of the earth. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Cosmic Continuumwith 1 comment.
Natural Gateways to the Afterlife
Excerpt from Vistas of Infinity by Jurgen Ziewe
Most of us are travelling on a train without knowing its destination or when it will arrive. Everybody is fighting for the most comfortable seat and a place by the window so we can distract ourselves by watching the world go by. We keep the fear of the great unknown at arm’s length in some distant future by using drugs, fixations and entertainment and continuously trying to pretend that we are immortal and that death only happens to others or in some almost unreachable future. And while we idle away our time with distractions our train is closing in on its inevitable destination with every hour that passes. ~ Jurgen Ziewe
“Dreams are our natural gateway into the world that awaits us after death. The problem is that dreams are also the fantasies we invent, the storylines through which we narrate our unresolved conflicts and confront our hidden demons. Our dreams are largely our own inventions which quickly dissolve into puffs of smoke. We can safely say that most of our dreams are the processing engines of our unconscious — without this processing we would hardly be able to function — and yet they can be so much more. (more…)
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Questions On Healing Answered by the Moderator – Part II
Q – Why and how is it so many teachers or teachings believe it is the subconscious that creates and if we can implant the desire or wish firmly enough within this subconscious, it will manifest on the surface or materialize?
A – Let me clear this up for you. We have many of the so-called metaphysical practitioners who are teaching from the platform. Jesus said, “Beware ye, in the latter days, of false prophets and teachers and of ravening wolves in sheep’s clothing,”-that they have not had sufficient training psychologically, spiritually, or otherwise to enter into a full and basic complete understanding of how man is made, how he functions and what he is. They are strictly tailoring their efforts along certain lines and levels whereby they can attract a comparatively large group of people to them because back of the whole thing that is motivating their entire efforts are certain subversive forces and they may also have, back in that subconscious mind about which they talk so glibly and know so little, certain elements which we would call a neurosis. Now in the first place, we do not talk about the subconscious mind in the sense of the word that ordinary psychiatrists believe that it exists because the subconscious mind is a certain level of interpretation of psychic structures that exists in the psychic body of the spiritual self; and the spiritual self or psychic body functions on two levels—the Superconsciousness and the subconscious.
Q – The psychiatrists leave out the Superconsciousness?
A – Yes, you see the whole purpose of these lessons is to acquaint you with some of the missing elements not only in our present-day psychiatry but also in some of the dispensations we find in the minds of the sciences and fundamentalisms of the earth today. These are the elements which are going to be woven and fabricated into the new philosophies and medical sciences of the future. We are going to actually be able to see the psychic body in the future on a machine similar to a television set. We may bring this to man. (more…)
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Voice of Wisdom by Thoth the Atlantean
How Thoth Explored the Far Reaches of Space Many Thousand Years Ago
(Excerpted from the Emerald Tablets)
Listen ye, O man, to the voice of wisdom,
listen to the voice of Thoth, the Atlantean.
Long time ago, I in my childhood,
lay ‘neath the stars on long-buried Atlantis,
dreaming of mysteries far above men.
Then in my heart there grew a great longing
to conquer the pathway that led to the stars.
Year after year, I sought after wisdom,
seeking new knowledge, following the way,
until at last my soul, in great travail,
broke from its bondage and bounded away.
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Basic Human Instincts
“A pleasant day to you, Brother and Sister.
I will attempt to discuss in this transmission two basic and fundamental instincts of creation which have been implanted in the life expression of every living creature on your earth and other similar planets. These two instincts are self-preservation and sex. It is obvious, with a moment’s thought, that I could devote a whole volume to each instinct. It is these instincts which often, in a perverted relationship, cause mankind his greatest sorrows, likewise in a normal relationship his most joyous and useful expressions. Many species of plant, insect and animal life exhibit strong and normal relationships with these subconscious motivating factors.
The will to live and the desire to procreate are the basic elements which make life possible for all living things to survive and multiply. The tiny ant or the honey bee are familiar to you all. Likewise are the squirrels. They and many other creatures spend many hours in carefully storing a food supply against the time when there is no natural source. However these creatures seldom, if ever, die of conditions such as heart failure, stomach ulcers, hardening of the arteries and other diseases which man inflicts upon himself in his perverted anxiety and fear for his security. While these two instincts are distinct and separate, yet they are closely interwoven and are always found in close relationship. (more…)
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Yada Speaks – Part I
“I am E Yada Di Shi’ite. I lived 500,000 years ago in the Himalaya mountains in a civilization called Yuga, meaning vast body. My city was Kaoti, meaning city of temples. I was a Kata or priest of the temples until I became a Yada or spirit light of the order of Shi’ite. The Shi’ite order exists today. There were 180 million people in my civilization, not monkeys. Yuga was destroyed by a terrible earthquake which killed 80 million people. My body was crushed by a wall of the temple—squashed me like a fly. But I took my body with me . . . .”
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