Are Crop Circles Showing Us How to Produce Clean Magnetic Energy?

crop-circle-main-4-postCan we learn how to produce clean magnetic energy by studying English crop pictures? 

Electricity, magnetism, and twisted or helical magnetic fields seem to be how the saucers or drone-shaped UFOs fly – by Mark Fussell & Stuart Dike

(This is a real-life, Jodie Foster kind of “Contact” story)

Recently we became aware that a certain proportion of English or European crop pictures, perhaps 10-20%, show images of a technical or scientific nature, relating to electricity, magnetism, and twisted or helical magnetic fields. 

Those paranormal crop artists seem to be following our progress at understanding novel forms of magnetism very closely, especially in the free-energy or private-inventor areas. Some of the “magnetic principles” or “magnetic motors” shown in crops seem to be just a commentary on what Earth scientists already know, or what some Earth inventors are trying to build. Other crop pictures show novel ideas or devices in a “teaching” sense.

For example, the crop artists suggest that running electric current through a ring of magnets will release “spirals of energy” along the curved path of the ring, and also will generate a “pyramid of energy” above or below. This seems similar to mechanisms of propulsion which we can see for the “drone” class of UFOs. If we run an electric current through a magnet, it will produce a combined magnetic field which spirals around the N-S poles as a helix (see What_happens when_you_pass_a_current_through_a_magnet).

Might there be special properties arising from twisted and/or helical magnetic fields, which we do not yet fully understand?

As a related concern, the crop artists are not asking us to miraculously extract “free energy” from the vacuum. They seem to be asking us to collect “clean energy” from the Earth’s magnetic field. Nicola Tesla once planned to give clean wireless energy to the whole world, absorbed from the Earth’s Schumann Resonance (see secret-sciences) (more…)

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True Learning

true-learning-main-4-post“It must be thoroughly understood, that there is a great difference between true learning and the subconscious retentive memory process which is presently called learning. For this memory process is a “cut and dried” situation, which seldom, if ever, correctly attunes the individual to his own individual psychic constituents. True learning is a process whereby the knowledge to be learned must be first visualized as thought train wave forms containing the desired information. Through the known or unknown senses which link every person to this evolution of life, these true-learning-4-postthought train wave forms must be properly attuned so that when they are reflected into, or oscillate with the individual’s subconscious, these individual wave train constituents will so catalyze or regenerate, not only in the subconscious psychic structures, but in other adjunctive psychic structures as well. This catalyzing or regeneration thereby canceling out and rebuilding, as well as polarizing these various necessary psychic structures which will then give this individual a complete psychic rapport or attunement with the Higher Self in the perspectus of knowledge which has caused this regenerative and rebuilding process.

The individual can now use this higher form of attunement to properly align this knowledge with the Infinite perspectus. This alignment will, in turn, through the Superconscious, regenerate any number of wave train configurations which are thus pertinent to, or objectively combined with, the original existing information which so prompted this higher reactive process. The individual can now be said to possess independent creative thought, inasmuch as he is using the mind as an integrator to subtract into consciousness, the various necessary elements which exist in the Infinite Mind; and he is not dependent upon the comparatively limited subconscious content which is compounded from past life experiences (or educational symposiums). (more…)

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Mega Alien ‘Dyson Sphere’ Structure Found Surrounding a Star

dyson_sphere mainby UFO Sightings Hotspot

Researchers have revealed a ‘bizarre’ star they say could be surrounded by a huge alien mega structure.

KIC 8462852 located between two constellations Cygnus and Lyra and 1480 light-years away, was monitored by the Kepler Space Telescope for more than four years, beginning in 2009.

Now researchers say they cannot explain strange fluctuations in the light it emits – leading some to claim it could have a huge alien mega structure in front of it.


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Dawning Of The Light: Pharaoh Akhnaton – Part IV

King Tut on huntPharaoh “Ratut,” his queen, and their young friend and constant companion Rahotep, often went hunting in the Theban neighbourhood. In those days the great morass attracted and harboured large quantities of game. The marshes provided the boy king with all kinds of wildfowl. The desert afforded a varied field for the skill of the royal sportsman, who hunted in his chariot. Bulls, lions, gazelles, and hares were his favourite game.

One day in the spring of 1350 B.C., when Pharaoh was nineteen years of age, he was on a hunting trip with his devoted wife and Rahotep. He came in from the hunt, riding vigorously into camp in his chariot, which prominently displayed the royal golden solar-hawk on its poles. “Ratut’s” name was incorporated on the solar disc fixed on the head of the hawk. Since the Pharaohs were looked upon as the sun-god’s earthly representatives, it is obvious that this device symbolized Ratut’s “solar” (space) origin!

The young ruler had slain a lion this day, aided by his slughi hound, and he was excited; excited as any teenager would be over such a conquest. However, these hunting expeditions on the desert were not all that they appeared to be. It was partially for relaxation, true, but it was also to get away from teeming Thebes and be able to meet with certain visitors and officials without being under the suspicious eyes of the Amun priests! (more…)

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Three Lifetimes Lived

Three-Past-Lives-main-4-postThe Court Jester, the Roman, and the Victorian Lady
by Barbara Hand Clow

“I remember exactly what it felt like to be an infant with clenched fists and kicking feet. All things were primal; emotions and actions were one. As I clenched my fist and pushed it out while kicking Barbara Hand Clowmy feet, energy moved in my system freely, and my system responded automatically. There was no fear; there was no will or self-awareness. There was no difference between my self and the things around me; this was ecstasy.

I’m dancing in court! My tunic is tight around my waist and swirls into a skirt of bell-tipped points. It is made of green and gray felt, as are my shoes. My outfit looks like fish scales, and the bells ring as I jump and stomp my feet. The Gothic ceiling above me is high and ornate, and the arches are carved of brightly painted wood. Everything is carved, and painted red, green, yellow, and blue. There are lots of people around me, and I’m moving so fast. I am highly trained as a dancer and I am kicking my feet, bending over, and swooping with my hands. I’m twirling around fast, stomping my feet hard on the floor. The pointed shoes with bells are moccasins, and I’m thumping my heels on the tile. Music rings to the high ceilings as I strike my tambourine on my knee, shaking it and stomping hard and whirling. I am almost out of balance as I swirl close to the people laughing merrily.

There are beautiful ladies here, and I pay a lot of attention to them. Dangerously close, I smile at them. They pay no attention to me, but I’m free to look at them all I want. I can look at anybody as long as I keep dancing with the rhythm of the musicians. I’m fourteen, and my eyes are darting around my head because there is so much to see. (more…)

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The Cyclic Interplay – Part II

psychic interplay two“In the foregoing discussion, we discovered and rediscovered some very important basic psychological equivalents, a psychology which, in its true form, is relatively simple and just as scientific as is any other true presentation of life. And in no way should it be compared to the pseudo Freudian psychology which is a vast jungle of vague unrealistic pseudoisms, supported by equally vague terminology and nomenclature. To be tangible, life in any form — animate or inanimate, third-dimensional or interdimensional — must always be reduced to and understood as energy wave forms and configurations. More specifically, however, our discussion was directed toward a more mans-psychic-self-4-postsuitable reorientation with thought and action or learning and usage. Our hypothesis and analysis presented an obvious conclusion — not theory but provable fact: that man is, individually and collectively, a creature who exists by virtue of the fact that he is an oscillating entity with the world about him. He is supported by wave-form oscillations; he lives and reacts according to the interplay of wave form motions, transposed as consciousness, through the psychic anatomy and the psychic mechanism which relays those impulses and which resynthesize wave form motion as consciousness.

On the basic platform of understanding, it is therefore clearly indicated that no material man as human has developed the paranormal faculty of interdimensional conversation. All third-dimensional humanity was therefore relegated in its life processes as wave form consciousness, supported and sustained from the subconscious which, in turn, partially preserved experience quotients from numerous past physical lifetimes through the subconscious into the conscious mind. (more…)

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The Forecourts of Heaven

Jurgen-pic-4by Jurgen Ziewe

‘Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known’ ~Carl Sagan

In my previous book, I submitted several detailed reports concerning the highest levels of the Astral or higher dimensional regions, which, by most people who find themselves here for the first time, is seen as Heaven itself. There are crucial characteristics missing though, which distinguishes it from Vistas of Infinity Bookthe much higher levels of Consciousness that can only be reached after the identification with our ego has been surrendered and all attachments that bind us to any remaining desires have been severed. These are regarded as the true Vistas of Heaven, as we shall see later.

Nevertheless, these realms are extraordinarily sublime, symmetrical and beautiful, characterized by interplaying harmonies that are not quite as apparent on the less energized levels, which still can be extremely beautiful though. Over the years I have taken notes and created many images inspired by this region. Short of repeating one or two reports from my previous book, none of my notes I have taken since then will make a consistent narrative to provide a comprehensive image via one report alone of what these higher realms have to offer. Often I have simply locked these impressions in my soul and later reproduced them as digital paintings, though on their way down into that format they rarely looked like their original, but I feel I have still managed to put across the key impressions. (more…)

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The Cyclic Interplay – Part I

psychic-interplay-main-4-post-2“From time to time in various liturgies of UN.AR.I.U.S., the student is urged to learn and use the knowledge presented to him. Inasmuch as the term — ‘learn and use’ or ‘learning and usage’ — couldboy reading a book cause some confusion or misinterpretation to the student, it would therefore serve a good purpose to objectively analyze these terminologies. Learning, to the average earth man, means simply becoming acquainted with some particular objectivism. He learns by reading a book; a child learns not to poke his finger in a candle flame, etc. More correctly, so far as the material man is concerned, learning is the combination of two objectivisms which are: the object or noun, and the action or verb. A child learns that by horse, a carriage is drawn, the horse and carriage the objects with the moving action. As he passes through his educational period, all of his studies will therefore be predicated upon this same objective and reactionary system. He may read that two chemicals combined will produce an explosion; he will actually reproduce this reaction in the laboratory, and so through his various studies he is always called upon to synthesize an action from some objectivism. (more…)

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How Do I Love Thee?

Love-stanza-one-1How do I love Thee?
May I never count the ways,
But let the moments of each day,
Each bring a new way, a different meaning to my love.


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The Grand Man – Part II

grand-man-main-1-4-postby George Hunt Williamson

Now, before we leave this discussion of what an electron is, let’s include in our concept what would give rise to this more or less circular standing wave undulating to and fro. This can also be thought of as a manifestation of the vortex or electro-magnetic field. This effect can be pictured by imagining the wave effect of two series of vertical rows of fish passing uniformly between each other at a ninety-degree angle and then backing up. Would not this motion in rhythm give the effect of a spherical undulating wave? In the case of the atom these waves are produced by parallel lines of force passing between each other at right angles with a rhythmic “breathing” resulting from the positive-negative strain. The positive lines of force are composed of positively charged particles, and the negative lines of force of negative particles intersect them at right angles forming a flux effect. This intersection, when the lines are of equal density and vibration, forms an atom consisting of protons and electrons and an electro-magnetic field. It is because these two kinds of lines of force have different speeds that scientists have recently discovered that the speed of light is not constant at 186,000 miles per second.

Several months ago, a naval research engineer said he and four associates photographed a spot of light moving across a cathode ray tube at 202,000 miles per second, faster than the recognized speed of light. (more…)

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Treatment of Obsession

obsession-main“Studying the history of psychology and the treatment of mental aberrations, it was just about fifty years ago when people were confined in cages or in the barred enclosures; they were treated worse than the perverted form of wild animals. They were fed bones, or scraps, or doused with water or left in freezing temperatures without clothing, and all kinds of horrible brutalities were delivered upon them. It was only within the last fifty years or so that the last remnants or wreckages of such treatment among the mentally aberrated were somewhat completely eliminated.

There were many souls or humanitarians who indulged in the liberation of these poor temporarily deranged people. But here again we will say, while the clinic or hospital is a very clean and sanitarymental-hospital-4-post place, and these patients are indeed treated in a much more humanitarian way and with consideration, still it is merely one step forward in the general direction. It will take some time before the psychologist will reach the doorway which will conduct him into a new realm or dimension in the treatment of the mentally ill people. This is a strange paradox, incidentally, with the psychiatrist, in the treatment of mentally ill patients, for if you would approach the psychiatrist and even so much as broach the subject of exorcism, or suggest that a person could be obsessed with evil spirits, this doctor would quite likely sneer in your face, or he might laugh out loud, or he may say something very unkind to you. Yet in his treatment for these patients, he is actually conducting a form of exorcism. Whether or not he is aware of it, he is casting out evil spirits in all the forms of therapies which are thus conducted in his own dimension and within his own clinic. (more…)

Posted in Book Excerpts, Spirit Releasement Therapy, Voice of Muse, Unarius, Elysiumwith 1 comment.

The Secret History of Reincarnation

secret-history-of-reincarnation-main-4-post-2(Extracted from Healing Your Past Lives, Sounds True, Boulder, Colorado, 2004)

Worn-out garments are shed by the body: Worn-out bodies are shed by the dweller within the body. New bodies are donned by the dweller, like garments.—Bhagavad-Gita II

Not long ago, I saw a slogan on a bumper sticker: Reincarnation is having a comeback. It’s a sad fact that the scientific establishment in the United States still marginalizes most work that even hints at realities beyond our own, including regression therapy, parapsychology, and a vast body of research into paranormal phenomena, from out-of¬body experiences to children’s spontaneous past-life memories.1 By clinging to such a narrow protocol, mainstream psychology risks becoming, in George Orwell’s memorable phrase, one of “the smelly little orthodoxies which are now contending for our souls.” But fortunately, in most countries where I have lectured, the general public is far ahead of the academics. Nearly everyone has heard of the doctrine of reincarnation, and recent polls show that almost one in three Americans now believes in it, even though most of the Christian churches reject it.

In recent years, a number of influences have brought past lives into present consciousness. The widely read writings of Edgar Cayce, for one, have been surprisingly influential in America, lending credence to the idea that past lives can contribute to illness, emotional difficulties, relationship difficulties, and so on. (I say “surprisingly” because Cayce channeled thousands of past-life readings while in a trance state, even though his Christian-fundamentalist conscious self didn’t initially believe in past lives!) Many people, thanks to Cayce, now understand the idea of karma as the spiritual fallout of good or bad behavior from the soul’s past. Still others have encountered Hindu teachings, in which the idea of reincarnation is central, by being exposed to yoga or reading the popular works of authors such as Caroline Myss and Barbara Brennan on the chakras, the subtle bodies, and energy medicine. The famous Bhagavad-Gita is for sale today in nearly every bookstore. (more…)

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Dawning Of The Light: Pharaoh Akhnaton – Part III

Akhnaton-main-4-post“Pharaoh looked at his friends before him and said: “I have loved you, even as you have loved me. I go now to my Father Aton; my work is finished here in the land of Egypt. . . my heart has found peace, for, at last, the Solar Disc [Aton] is satisfied!” And Pharaoh died!

Later, gangs of workmen descended on the half empty Akhetaton. Wherever they found the name and features of Akhnaton and Nefretiti in tombs, temples, and private houses, they obliterated them. The Temple of Aton was thrown down and buried.

Akhnaton had written: “There shall be made for me a sepulchre in the Orient Mountain; my burial akhnaton-tomb-entrance-4-postshall be [made] therein in the multitude of jubilees which Aton my Father hath ordained for me; and the burial of the chief wife of the king, Nefretiti, shall be made therein in that multitude of years.. . [and the burial of] the king’s daughter Meritaton shall be made in it in that multitude of years.”

He gave orders that on his death he should be buried “in my sepulchre in the Eastern Mountain.” There is a great wadi which interrupts a line of cliffs and which leads to the solitary Royal Tomb. There is no inscription above the entrance. A sloping passage and a steep flight of steps lead to the burial pit where a sarcophagus once lay. Beyond is a hall with reliefs showing the royal family worshipping the Aton. Opening from the top of the stairs are smaller tomb chambers which were made for Princess Maketaton, the first of the seven daughters to die.

Historians believe that the body found in the so-called Tomb of Queen Tiyi in the Royal Valley at Thebes was that of Akhnaton. From inscriptional and physiological evidence it can be established that this body, which is that of a man of not more than thirty, is the body of Smenkhkare. (more…)

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Wave Structure of Matter


Wave Structure of Matter

by Ray Tomes


Wave Structures of Matter
Animation by Dr Ivanov

The idea of the Wave Structure of Matter is that all physics should ultimately be explained by a single realistic model that has real waves of a single type that will explain both light and matter and everything that exists.

The reason that WSM (Wave Structure of Matter) is important to cycles researchers is that the ultimate reason for cycles has to be tied back to vibrations of some period, and something has to be vibrating at that period. Waves and cycles are just two ways of seeing the same thing. Plenty of cases exist where a cycle period and a distance periodicity have been found for the same cycle/wave in entirely different fields of study.

When I first began to think this way I put some information about my ideas that matter was just standing waves of electromagnetism on the internet back in about 1994. After a while I was discovered by Milo Wolff who had been advocating a similar view for some time. Somewhere along the way Geoff Haselhurst appeared and read what Milo and I had to say and began to develop an extremely comprehensive web site that tied these thoughts into the whole current of philosophical thinking.


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On Astral Flight

Astral-Travel-Main-4-post“The following discourse has been dealt with to some degree in the lesson series and various other transmissions; however, there has recently been called to our attention a certain concept or terminology referred to as astral flight. Since the mechanics and concepts involved in this spiritual transposition are generally misunderstood, we will explain it as a short cut to various students who may wish to understand more about the subject.

Astral flight is generally understood and is taught by various self-styled spiritual teachers to be some sort of a transitory flight of the psychic self to some far distant portions of planet earth or various other points of interstellar interest. The process involved is usually supposed to be one in which an astral travel with silver cordindividual will sit or lie in some sort of meditative attitude, and by some strong or concerted effort of will, project his psychic self from the physical body and thus travel to the desired place. It is generally supposed that this psychic body maintains contact with the physical self through a silver cord of some sort of energy.

This concept is quite fallacious and can easily explain why so many persons who try this formula do not achieve success. Even many of those who claim to have the faculty of astral flight are only partially successful, using this false concept. (more…)

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