Philosophy From A Most Advanced Being
Dear Sister: “There is indeed much that happens to people in the spiritual worlds in lives in between earth lives which explains the differences perhaps in the way that they interpret life to their various different missions on the earth plane. The great musicians, the artists, poets – those who have added some luster to the otherwise earthly drab existence – these things are all correlated organizations or coalitions which have been started as spiritual movements in some other spiritual plane or plateaus of understanding.
By far the average person’s understanding of life leaves much to merely suppose that these things happen in the reactionary stances of everyday living but it is not so, for no one becomes intelligent until he exemplifies a much higher degree of interpolation of the way of life but basically, from the spiritual plateaus of understanding. For life, in itself, as far as the earth is concerned, is merely shadows of that which has transcended and already transpired in the higher dimensions.
And so it is with all those who we might call great minds, or to those who are outstanding in an intellectual way, as they did not come by these things by studying books that were written in the earth man’s ideas. They did not come by them by obtaining mastery over their fellow man with the sword or spear, or some other superiority of armament or weapon. They came by them by the junction and the union of intelligence from the higher spheres of understanding – the common pool of human wisdom which is gathered together in the Infinite Cosmos and reside as participating agents in the Infinite Mind of God, and thus become a well-spring from which all may draw. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Tempus Invictuswith comments disabled.
Etheric Energy
by Dolly Knight and Jonathan Stromberg
The Greek-derived word ‘ether’ is defined as a,
“hypothetical medium, supposed to fill space, by means of vibrations in which light and other forms of radiation are transmitted”.
Up until the latter part of the nineteenth century the ‘ether theory’ was an established scientific fact. Then in 1881, two men named Michelson and Morley carried out an experiment, which concluded that there was no earth motion relative to the ether.
This experiment discredited the ether theory and caused its rejection in favor of the theory that space is a vacuum and air is merely a chemical composition of oxygen and nitrogen plus other minor constituents.
Today, there is a return amongst many scientists, to some sort of ether theory, whether they call it ether, orgone, quantum sea of energy, zero point energy, scalar wave fields or whatever.
Here at the Centre for Implosion Research, we believe that the ether is for real, that it is basically dynamic vibratory energy. Dynamic, because it is in motion, and this motion always follows a vortex path. (more…)
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George Ritchie’s Near-Death Experience
In December, 1943, 20-year-old Army private George Ritchie died of pneumonia. Nine minutes later, he came back profoundly changed. What had happened to him while his dead body lay under a sheet would change his life, and that of his family, friends, and patients. His first book, Return From Tomorrow, has sold over 200,000 copies and has been translated into nine languages. Now, in Ordered to Return, George Ritchie briefly re-tells the story of that strange experience and then tells what happened later, including the real miracles that he has seen in his years of practice as a physician and psychiatrist. (more…)
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Personal Metaphysics
“There is still another element, which, up until this point, is somewhat missing and perhaps has gone unrecognized by you; it is this: that in the recognition of all these presentations, even if you can envision the enormous concept of Infinity and Infinite Intelligence, you are still an earth creature. This is because you have not yet reconstructed your psychic anatomy to its complete and entire content. You have started, and perhaps, it can be granted, you have made some progress; but not until that time when your psychic anatomy has been completely rebuilt in these concepts can you say you are progressively situated in the higher spiritual worlds.
It might be mentioned at this point that the concept of baptism, being born into the spirit, receiving the holy ghost, and all the familiar Christian cliches can be directly interpreted as part of the true meaning of this general conclusion and abstraction which I am making to you. Being born into the spirit, being baptized, receiving the holy ghost, etc., means that time and day when you can conceive the entire concept of Infinity, the Infinite Creative Intelligence, not just a vision, or as that something to be attained, or even a realization in a conscious way; but it means that you will have actually reconstructed your psychic anatomy to the degree that it will include, at least, all of the basic elements of this Infinite Creation. The newly reformed psychic body will be in a position to more correctly oscillate with this Infinite; it will also, on the surface of consciousness, give you a much greater and more complete degree of mental consciousness which will be far removed from your present environment. In this sense then, your flame of life is burning brightly in those far off spiritual worlds. (more…)
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Exploring The Inner Teaching Centers Of Parhelion
“Greetings, loved ones. I am speaking to you for the first time and using the transmission
of the human vocal chords after some great period of time. I am known, and if I do not have too much difficulty with my earth brother’s vocal chords, as Gamaliel. I was immediately preceded by my very worthy leader and colleague, Maha Chohan, who is the present presiding ruler or officer over this section of Parhelion, as he explained to you something of the concepts of reincarnation as they have appeared in the more spiritual concepts of the earth plane for some time to come. The past histories of your earth deal rather loosely and largely with the different concepts and translations, some of which are not quite factual. Other concepts are more relative, so it is our purpose to simplify and clear away some of the cobwebs of mystery and disillusion which are attached to these innumerable translations and concepts.
I believe Maha Chohan explained to you that there have appeared in your earth plane in the past several thousand years seven Messiahs or Buddhas, as they have been loosely called. We refer to Horus who was the immaculate conception, of Osiris, to the Jesus, to the Krishna, to the Shankara, and to one who was also known as Buddha in the northern China and Japanese areas. I believe that is seven, is it not? My pardon, I did not include him who you call the great Manu who was also known by another name in another civilization which antidated any of your present earth books, one which was referred to you which existed in the northern Tibetan or southern Mongolian area something like a half million years ago. However, such as these Messiahs or Buddhas have been, they have been working out through the countless ages of time their own destinies, their own reincarnations upon the pathway of truth so they might in the end evolve into such leadership of the Shamballas as they are now expressing. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, True History of Man, Voice of Eroswith comments disabled.
And when thy hour has struck,
Thou must come into the place of the Most High.
Then therefore, let us remove our sandals and with them their earthly taint.
Posted in Book Excerpts, Poetry, The Elysiumwith comments disabled.
Historical References of Reincarnation
The whole process of transmigration is expressed in Eastern philosophy by the doctrine of the Reincarnation of the individual soul. Although this doctrine is commonly rejected in the West, it is unreservedly accepted by the vast majority of mankind of the present day, as it was in past centuries. The scientific explanation of this theory we find nowhere except in the writings of the Hindus; still we know that from very ancient times it was believed by the philosophers, sages and prophets of different countries. The ancient civilization of Egypt was built upon a crude form of the doctrine of Reincarnation. Herodotus says: “The Egyptians propounded the theory that the human soul is imperishable, and that where the body of any one dies it enters into some other creature that may be ready to receive it.” Pythagoras and his disciples spread it through Greece and Italy. Pythagoras says: “All has soul; all is soul wandering in the organic world, and obeying eternal will or law.”
In Dryden’s Ovid we read:—
“Death has no power the immortal soul to slay,
That, when its present body turns to clay,
Seeks a fresh home, and with unlessened might
Inspires another frame with life and light.” (more…)
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Hysteresis: The Electric Universe
“I have, on numerous occasions, and in many instances throughout the liturgies of UN.AR.I.U.S., stated that we do not get heat or light directly from the sun, as our present-day scientists understand heat and light; and that this aforesaid heat and light is a conversion of energy which, for want of a better word, I have called hysteresis. However, a much clearer explanation is in order.
In presenting the entire infinite cosmos as a tremendously compact amassment of large and small centrifuges or vortexes of energy which, in turn, through internal positive-negative oscillations, remanifest third dimensionally as universes, galaxies, star-suns and their solar systems, etc., we must at this point now conceive that all such fourth-dimensional compositions and third-dimensional materializations must, according to the law of universal dynamics, function and oscillate under a closed circuit condition; that is, positive to negative and vice versa. It is these oscillating conditions in the electromagnetic fields of atoms that form the so-called ‘glue’ which holds them and their molecular compositions together, or conversely, as opposites in their oscillating polarities; a difference which is called mass, or a different atomic weight, thus determining one element from another. The synthesis of heat and light, as it is known by the earth scientist, is also determined by closed circuit conditions – positive attracts negative, and vice versa. (more…)
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Egyptian-Like Pyramid Found On Mars?
NASA’s Curiosity Rover Snaps Pyramid On Mars, Is This Proof Of An Early Civilization?
In the latest news on space exploration, NASA’s Mars rover found what looks like the image of a Great Pyramid found back on Earth. The images are part of a series of anomalies found on the Red Planet. This May 7 “pyramid” image has stargazers believing that intelligent life exists or once thrived on Mars.
In a June 20 report, ExoPolitics said NASA’s Curiosity Rover discovered a large triangle-shaped stone structure that conjures up images of pyramids. While the exact size of the Mars sighting is unclear – some suggest the image could be an outcropping of rocks made to resemble the familiar formation, a grave marker or even a “capstone.” (more…)
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On The Mechanics of Personal Constructive Evaluation
“To express a good and constructive thought, whether or not it is followed by an action, means this good and constructive thought, as a definite wave form, has behind it the potential of consciousness and is psychokinetically projected into the Infinite Cosmos. There, in frequency relationship, it finds an infinite number of wave forms which are compatible to it in nature and also good in nature which can be considered constructive. Therefore this thought regenerates a certain harmonic structure which, in turn through cyclic patterns, regenerates itself on the surface of the life of the individual who first cast the good and constructive thought into the ethers.
This same principle holds true of people who cast negative thoughts into the Infinite; and here is a measure of warning: Thought without action is just as potent as if the action had been committed. To commit adultery mentally is just as much of a sin as actually to perpetrate the sin in a physical sense; the idea behind all such manifestations is that these things usually enslave the perpetrator to the exclusion of all constructive ideologies, forms and manifestations. Here again we find that common linkage through frequency relationship, not only to the Infinite Cosmos but to an infinite number of people who are or who have committed such nefarious or negative relationships in their life.
These negative thoughts, in turn, will regenerate those harmonic structures which are very increasingly negative in nature and which, through cyclic patterns and frequency relationship, will regenerate those harmonic structures which are ever increasingly negative in nature and which, through cyclic patterns and frequency relationship, will regenerate themselves on the surface of the life of the individual who first cast them into the Infinite. Thus we see the beginning of both a spiritually good person and a very vile or evil person and it can truly be said to be the beginning, or the end. (more…)
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The Healing Nature of Music, Part II
“The usage of this sound in these high frequency spectrums as a therapeutic agent in the clinics and hospitals of your day is still in a very crude state, and is quite liable to, and sometimes does, subject the patient to severe burns, or may injure him in some other way. If the operator who is using the instrument is not thoroughly familiar with the proper usage of this apparatus, very serious damage could be incurred in the body of the patient.
Light structures, too, have a very therapeutic effect. This is called the science of chromotherapy. If you were momentarily placed within a room which was very brilliantly lighted with an intense violet or purple radiation, you would immediately become dizzy and fall to the floor in a dead faint. The time required for you to become faint and dizzy would depend upon the intensity of the light itself. It merely means that light had so affected you because you could not properly compensate or compromise the proper orientation of frequency within the immediate confines of your own objective consciousness. This produced a distortion of such an intense nature that it completely obstructed the functional orders of integration of mind forces into the body itself; and therefore you became weak and fainted. (more…)
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The Healing Nature of Music, Part I
“Entering the main portal, or doorway, of this section of Parhelion is somewhat similar to entering the other centers. Here you will immediately be confronted by a very beautiful fountain of pure energy, which is in somewhat of a large circular courtyard. The ceiling, as it rises in rather a high and arched fashion, is composed of the endless, ceaseless, and pulsating energies of the Great Celestial Universe which seems to form a canopy above. The ceiling itself is constructively proportioned to contain many prisms, and because these are properly focused, they function by bringing into harmonic and corrective relationship, the different frequency spectrums of these energies, in order that the various personages who pass up and down the corridor and through the great central portico or courtyard, will thus be energized and conditioned in such a way that they can more readily associate and absorb the energies and projections of mind intelligences, which they encounter in their various activities.
This conditioning process is universal throughout the other sections, and is a very important fact which I would like to interject and point out to you. You may thus better understand the difference in the relationship of these sections to mankind in general, when an individual comes as an Initiate, or an Adept, or a Master into these sectional orders. (more…)
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Sleep Teaching
“Our love to you again, brothers and sisters. It has suddenly occurred to me that I left you standing in one of the healing wards of our city of Azure while I have spent some time in a somewhat lengthy discourse. Yet if it seemed lengthy to you, may I say that I have touched upon a few of the more vital factors which relate to your very immediate future. By now you may be thinking that we here on Venus do nothing but heal the sick who have departed from your earth plane or to otherwise help them adjust themselves to their new spiritual home. This is not true. We have another very important element of work which may be more to your liking. But in order to visualize its nature we will again seek out another one of the great and mysterious rooms which compose this city.
Now let us enter into a room which is somewhat different from the two previously visited. As we step through the doorway you see, and I believe you are quite surprised to see, what apparently looks like a large number of your earth men and women, each sitting at what very obviously is a desk which is faintly familiar and reminiscent of your school days. There are, of course, outstanding differences, such as the dome-shaped crystalline roof structures which you have become familiar with, which seem to fill the room with some particularly bright shades of green. The desk-like furniture is also different from the old dark mahogany wood structures in your school inasmuch as they, too, are made of some brightly-glowing crystalline material. These people, too, are somewhat vaguely different from the earth people which you see about you every day, inasmuch as they seem to have a sort of transparency and that they assume or absorb somewhat the radiance which fills the room. Yes, these are people from the earth. They are the psychic bodies, the astral psychic selves, of real-life earth-people whose physical bodies are at this very moment in their respective homes, sound asleep. (more…)
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Chronicles of Atlantis
The highly influential ancient Greek philosopher Plato wrote about Atlantis in his dialogues “Timaeus” and “Critias.” In these dialogues it was told by the character Critias that his grandfather heard about the story of Atlantis hundred years ago from Solon, a well-known Athenian poet and politician. Solon heard about the story during his stay in Egypt in 565 BCE. The story tells us that before the advanced Greek civilization, there once was another highly advanced civilization called “Atlantis”, and was an island nation. Plato’s account is regarded by many as the most credible account of a possible ancient lost civilization.
Plato stated that the island of Atlantis was situated beyond these “Pillars of Hercules”; the Atlantic Ocean. For generations its people lived virtuous lives until greed and power began to corrupt them. Its final destruction happened some 9,500 years ago; In a single day and night, the land of Atlantis disappeared in the depths of the sea due to violent earthquakes and floods. Many scholars today believe Plato’s story about Atlantis was a fictional account, a possible metaphor, for the reason that there is no known land or civilization which fits it’s descriptions, however Plato himself did imply in his own story, even multiple times, that it once really existed.
In “Timaeus and Critias”, Plato wrote that Atlantis was founded by Poseidon: known as “the god of the sea”, who according to the myths fell in love with a mortal woman named Cleito. Cleito gave birth to five sets of twin boys, and the domain was divided amongst them. The eldest, named Atlas, became the first king of Atlantis. Poseidon had his own temple within the citadel of Atlantis City. Its exterior was entirely covered with silver and its pinnacles with gold, and the interior of the temple was of ivory, gold, silver, and orichalch, even to the pillars and floor. The temple contained a colossal statue of Poseidon standing in a chariot drawn by six winged horses, about him a hundred Nereids riding on dolphins. Arranged outside the building were golden statues of the first ten kings and their wives. (more…)
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Chronicles of Lemuria by James Churchward
by Heart of Maui Newspaper Clipping of A Churchward’s Scrapbook Page On Mu
The Hawaiian Islands and Pacific Islands are the remaining mountain peaks of the lost continent. One of the most prominent researchers on Lemuria, James Churchward, in books such as The Lost Continent of Mu (1931), wrote that the Motherland stretched from the Hawaiian Islands to Fiji and from Easter Island to the Marianas. He considered the Nan Modal site on Pohnpei Island one of the seven sacred cities of Mu. Today its ruins sit on a swampy lagoon filled with mangrove trees. Rising about 30 feet in height, black volcanic stones weighing tons are stacked crisscross like a child’s frontier fort. Reportedly Lemuria or Mu – was about 5,000 miles long, 3,000 miles wide, a tropical paradise like the Garden of Eden. By studying various ancient texts
Churchward discovered the existence of a long lost continent with an advanced civilization that 60,000 years ago had sunk below the Pacific Ocean after a cataclysmic earthquake. He believes 64 million died when it sank beneath the ocean.
Detailed maps of the lost continents Mu and Atlantis were found on stone tablets from Pre-Inca, Peru, by Dr. Javier Cabrera, engraved in stone and photographed by Robert Charroux. United Nations diplomat Farida Iskoviet, came to Maui in 1972 and researched Lemurian ruins and history and concluded that they were real. One of Hawaii’s leading authorities on Lemurian research was Sgt. Williard Wannall from Army Intelligence in Oahu. In a Top Secret project in Naval Intelligence in 1972 he reported that ruins of a submerged Lemurian city are between Maui and Oahu. (more…)
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