The Great Dimensional Subdivisions, Part II

Dimensional-subdivision-mainExcerpt from Multi-Dimensional Man by Jurgen Ziewe

As we have established, it is not possible to give a comprehensive description of the higher dimension. What I’ve written is nothing more than travel journals like those written by any orthodox travel writer. The best that can be done is to describe certain universal laws which underpin the dimensions and allow the readers to use their imagination to paint their own picture.

There is a Multi-Dimensional-Man-Bookconsensus among mystics and occultists alike (who refer to these dimensions as the Astral or Mental Planes) that the purpose of these worlds is to express and fulfill desires and, as on earth, to provide a training-ground for self-development, and this is exactly what they do.

Let us start with self-development. There can’t be a better training-ground for evolution then the lowest and most hellish of dimensions where the individual is faced with the shortcomings of his or her personality and experiences the dire consequences of their actions. If this type of learning system could be implemented on Earth, replacing traditional forms of incarceration and punishment, crime rates would drop dramatically, because the instant a crime was committed, the perpetrator would experience the crime from his victim’s viewpoint and suffer the same consequences. These are simply the ways in which nature works. Justice and punishment are not administered by a superior intelligence, they are simply the result of subtle energy balances. (more…)

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Hyperdimensional Physics, Part II

hyperdimensional-physics-2-main-2This is a annotated version of an original article by Richard C. Hoagland on the subject of “Hyperdimensional Physics.”

In a tragedy for science (if not for society in general) whose outlines we are only now beginning to hoaglandappreciate, after Maxwell’s death, two other 19th Century “mathematical physicists” — Oliver Heaviside and William Gibbs — “streamlined” Maxwell’s original equations down to four simple (if woefully incomplete!) expressions. Because Heaviside openly felt the quaternions were “an abomination” — never fully understanding the linkage between the critical scalar and vector components in Maxwell’s use of them to describe the potentials of empty space (“apples and oranges,” he termed them) — he eliminated over 200 quaternions from Maxwell’s original theory in his attempted “simplification.”

[Oliver Heaviside, described by Scientific American (Sept. 1950) as “self-taught and … never connected with any university … had [however] a remarkable and inexplicable ability (which was possessed also by Newton and Laplace …) to arrive at mathematical results of considerable complexity without going through any conscious process of proof …” According to other observers, Heaviside actually felt that Maxwell’s use of quaternions and their description of the “potentials” of space was “… mystical, and should be murdered from the theory …” which — by drastically editing Maxwell’s original work after the latter’s untimely death (from cancer), excising the scalar component of the quaternions and eliminating the hyperspatial characteristics of the directional (vector) components — Oliver Heaviside effectively accomplished singlehanded.]


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Hyperdimensional Physics

hyperdimensional-physics-mainThis is a annotated version of an original article by Richard C. Hoagland on the subject of “Hyperdimensional Physics.”

hoaglandUnknown to most current physicists and students of science (if not the general media and public), the beginnings of modern physics launched over 100 years ago by the so-called “giants” — Helmholtz, Lord Kelvin, Faraday, Maxwell and many others — laid a full and rich tradition in this currently little-known field: the open, heatedly debated scientific and philosophical premise that three-dimensional reality is only a subset of a series of higher, hyperspatial, additional dimensions, which control not only the physics of our very existence, from stars to galaxies to life itself … but potentially, through time-variable changes in its foundations–dramatic coming changes in our lives.

This bold theoretical and experimental era, at the very dawn of science as we know it, came to an abrupt end at the close of the 19th Century. That was when our currently accepted (and very different) view of “physics” — everything from the “Big Bang” Expanding Universe Cosmology, to Relativistic limitations imposed by “flat” space and non-simultaneous time, complicated by a non-intuitive “Quantum Mechanics” of suddenly uncertain atomic “realities” — all took a very different turn … from where they had been headed. (more…)

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On The Nature of “Viruses”

viruses-main“I will open first by giving somewhat of a dissertation which is particularly directed to the earth scientists and doctors who are laboring in the fields which are associated with what he calls virus conditions. If he is open-minded, I believe that some of the transcript here would be of tremendous aid to him in conquering these seemingly unconquerable diseases. While the earth scientist or doctor knows these things exist, yet he is at a loss to explain their origin or how they multiply or recur in the human body. First, let us thoroughly and completely understand that these tiny sub-microscopic particles are purely the generic by-products of your vastly complicatedTosco Refinery Fire May Fuel Spiraling Gas Prices civilized age. You must realize that the mind processes which are continually being generated in the human mind in your civilized world are largely products of reactionaryism and very negative in nature. Because a person thinks a thought and discontinues that particular thought for something else, this does not mean that the thought has perished. Mind energy must and always does remain a part of the person from whence it was generated. This energy is also spontaneous in a certain sense, inasmuch as it relates itself in the law of harmonic relationship with all other such energies so generated. Thus the sum and total of all such continued and repeated generations of such energy, among the millions and millions of people who inhabit your earth plane, give rise to great seas of negative energies. These great seas of tides of negative energies hover around in the close proximity of the earth plane, something like the familiar morning ground fog that you are observant of when you arise early in the morning. However, in this case these negative energy fogs are invisible to your eyes. Nevertheless, they so exist. (more…)

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Fount of Life

1-fountainIf thou wouldst drink freely of the fount of life,
Then drink in the fullness and count not the drops,
As thou wouldst count the pearls of a broken strand,
For verily, if ye count these drops,
So shall ye count all of the things which come to ye by numbers,
And by their numbers only shall ye know them.


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Nikola Tesla’s Amazing Violet Ray

Tesla-Violet-Ray-WandThe Violet Ray was originally developed by the famous genius Nikola Tesla. Tesla was successfully experimenting on disease and rejuvenation with ozone in the late 1800s and early 1900s. In the 20s and 30s, Oxygen-Zone Therapy was used in hospitals, clinics and sanitariums. In the second half of the 20th century, pharmaceutical companies started disparaging all electro-therapies as drug-oriented medicine was taking off.

A Violet Ray is simply a small Tesla coil with a glass electrode at one end. It puts out high-frequency electricity, which, according to Tesla, can penetrate under the layer of fat cells in the skin. This electricity apparently stimulates the immune system in many cases. It also has proven effective in some cases of tendon or muscle strain, imparting relief to the affected areas. – Michael Riversong

Tesla had a hunch that, since his high-potential, high-frequency currents could be passed into the Violet-Ray-Therapybody harmlessly, “these currents might lend themselves to electro-therapeutic uses.” He experimented upon himself. When Tesla was struck down in the streets by a New York taxi, he didn’t deliver himself over to the medicals but dragged himself up to his hotel room where, in seclusion and with the help of his own electrotherapy, he recovered from his fractures and contusions. He never patented electrotherapy but in 1891 began publishing his observations in technical journals, and seven years later we find Tesla giving a speech to the American Electro-Therapeutic Association in which he details with drawings the high-frequency apparatus he has invented for this purpose, which included a Tesla coil. (more…)

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Japanese Race Descendants of Martians?

ancient-structure-in-japan-similar-to-structure-on-marsAncient Structure In Japan Similar To Structure On Mars

Kofun are megalithic tombs or tumuli in Japan, constructed between the early 3rd century and the early 7th century AD.

They gave their name to the Kofun period (middle 3rd century to early-middle 6th century). Many of the Kofun have distinctive keyhole-shaped mounds (zenpo-koenfun (前方後円墳?)), which are unique to ancient Japan. – Wikipedia.

The structure we see in Japan is unique, sharp edges and unique patterns define this incredible construction built in ancient Japan. But is there something more to this construction? Is there a small possibility that the structure found in Japan has a mysterious connection, a otherworldly connection perhaps? We believe the answer is Yes. (more…)

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More on Mind Function, Part II

psychic-anatomy“Now we have shown in a very simple manner in our lesson course diagram, what we call sine wave A, B, and C, so far as the psychic anatomy is concerned. We call those fundamental frequencies which can be compared to the pulse of the human body or the breath of the human body; that is, the psychic anatomy is breathing in and out; it is pulsating on these basic carrier frequencies. They are, shall we say, the links that tie them together. It is on these various carriers, we shall say, that the new subconscious in the new life (once born) begins to be developed because the carrier from the mental part of the psychic anatomy begins to reconstruct the subconscious in conjunction with the various experience quotients of energy which come into the newly forming subconscious from the outside world. They are, we shall say, comparatively temporary in nature; that is, they can fade simply because they can become discharged in the sense of the word that they have to depend to a large degree upon any supporting energy which comes into them from the psychic anatomy.

Now the psychic anatomy is more closely attuned to the superconscious, which means that the Higher_Self-4-postsuperconsciousness is actually a combination of a large number of dimensions; that is, it has an alignment with a large number of dimensions. It is composed of facsimiles of energy quotients from a large number of dimensions; therefore, it has contact we shall say, in this broad term of reference with a certain amount of power or force which is stemming into it constantly in a regenerative wave form fashion. This gives the superconscious tremendous power – power in the sense of the word that it is a positive potential and so much stronger than any other comparative potentials in the psychic anatomy. So when it beats in various different impulses, very positive, powerful entities of consciousness come in contact with various other portions of the psychic anatomy; it will automatically transform them, or we shall say, performs in some sense of the word the same capacity as the brain cells do; it polarizes it and reconstructs out of the harmonics, an exact facsimile in another dimension of what has happened in the subconscious. (more…)

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ICCC Lesson 2: The Universal Concept of Energy

universal-concept-of-energy-main“In the foregoing lesson, certain presentations were made which included the tearing down of old and reactive dogmas, creeds, thought patterns, etc. Like the farmer who plows the soil preparing it for the new crop, you too, must prepare the soil in your own dimension of understanding so that the first seeds of wisdom may be planted there and which will eventually grow into fulfillment, bringing you the much desired and long-sought-after fruit of life.

The first tiny seed we shall plant will be the Universal Concept of Energy. Einstein and nuclear e=mc2physics have destroyed the illusion of mass. Actually you and the world about you are solid only as a matter of reactive comparisons which always originate and function when mass is so associated with other various mass proportions.

To understand this reactive principle, mass must be thoroughly understood as constituting aggregates of atoms. Atoms are more or less complex solar systems of energy. Therefore, your home, your body, etc., all things about you are really not solid at all but are all composed of these same tiny energy forms called atoms. (more…)

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Teaching From A Classroom on The Inner

sleep-teaching-4-postSome mornings I wake up with a sleep teaching going through my head. I try to write them down as they expound on recent studies. This is a recent one. Anyone can get a sleep teaching. We all can connect in our sleep state to other dimensions or worlds where we can get the answers to our questions. All we have to do is ask.

I am not saying what I learn is what anyone else needs to learn but this does correlate with what I have been studying so I thought I would share:

We are the PART and the WHOLE all at the same time in the ever-present NOW.

How do we access any part of the whole at any time for any reason? Since time and space do not really exist and everything that has ever existed or will ever exist is in the eternal now then the way to access information is through frequency relationship as taught in our Unariun studies.

Since we are one that is the PART and the WHOLE all at the same time then we can reasonably conclude that when we are positive then we tune into the WHOLE that is positive – that is all the dimensions of so-called ‘heaven’, conversely when we are negative we tune into the WHOLE that is negative – that is all the dimensions of so-called ‘hell’, therefore it becomes important to stay attune to the positive at all times as being positive means that we move forward rather then backwards in our spiritual evolution. (more…)

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Time And Space

Space_time_continuum-main“The reader must remember that time and space are synonymous in all respects, for if we did not have time, we would not have space. Time and space means only the transference, in some specific relationship of an idea or form of consciousness from one plane of equation to another. The sum and total of all intelligence as posed in the Infinite Consciousness, is therefore, in direct terms of frequency relationship – space. These confusing elements of time can be eliminated, for the existence of this consciousness in any form merely means that it relates itself in frequency relationship to various existing compatible relationships in whatever position they so exist in the Infinite Consciousness. When this principle is thoroughly understood, then the scientist can separate himself from his material world and place himself in an equitable position with other different transpositions of life as they are lived by mankind on other planetary systems. (more…)

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Spiritual Emancipation

spiritual-emancipation-main“Scientifically speaking, we can say, in a broad sense, that each individual is an electronic instrument; something like the volt ohm-meter used by the technician in his analysis of varied electronic devices, such as a TV set. Your five senses represent the different scales of interpretation which are used by this technician as they are so constructed on his ohm-meter. Your sense of sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste, are ways in which you differentiate the various wave forms into meter-measuring-sine-wavesconsciousness as they stem externally or as they are regenerated as nerve impulses. This has been part of your past evolution just as it is your present, and it will continue to be the function of your life into the infinite future.

The determinant qualities here are, of course, in their particular wave lengths and in which dimension they are so propagated and from which they are reflected. As our third dimension or our earth life is, conservatively speaking, one of the very lowest of the lower planes of expression, and is considered by many in the higher worlds, as one of the astral kingdoms, the earth world will then represent, to a large degree, wave forms and interpretations of oscillating motion which can be considered as fouth-dimensional-wave-form-4-postomni-directional; that is, they start and they finish. In the fourth or adjoining dimension, these motions are always cyclic in nature and therefore, as the entity of consciousness is within themselves, they have neither time nor do they occupy space in a sense that they have a starting point or a finishing point.

As you have in the past, through the thousands of years, so interpreted life as a succession of wave form motions into your consciousness, you have thus impounded them in the next adjoining dimension in your respective psychic anatomies. There, they reside until you or some other external force can cancel them out. In the eye of the Infinite Creator, it was so supremely conceived that man, as an individual entity of consciousness, so progressively inclined that he could in some future evolution of consciousness, become endowed with logic and reason to such an extent that he could be considered god-like in nature; to have power and dominion over all destructive and constructive forces, both in heaven and in hell. (more…)

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The Great Dimensional Subdivisions Part I

multi-dimensional-light-planeExcerpt from Multi-Dimensional Man by Jurgen Ziewe

After many years of leaving my body and investigating alternate realities, I feel tempted to draw a summary and paint a reasonably comprehensive image of what life will be like when we disassociate ourselves finally from the dense vibrations that form our physical dimension. In some ways this may Multi-Dimensional-Man-Bookdiffer from the accounts given by mediums and psychics, firstly because these are firsthand accounts and secondly because they are not addressed to those bereaved. Consequently, I see myself more as a reporter than as a councilor, a researcher rather than a transmitter of other people’s views or spirit observations. The fact that I have been there myself to see it and hear it may fill in any gaps in knowledge mediums may have brought across with them.

I am confident in fact that science has come to the conclusion that physical life in the universe simply can’t exist without other dimensions underpinning its existence. Unfortunately, I am not a scientist; if I were, my viewpoint would have been conditioned rather differently than by my work as an artist. The conclusions I draw are, obviously, subjective, and future observers may differ in their own.

Surprisingly, it has taken science quite a long time to realize that we are part of a multiple-universe. It is the same paradigm shift for our perception as the discoveries of fire, the wheel and that the Earth is a sphere and revolves around the sun. Incredibly, psychology and the science of the mind still need to catch up and move beyond looking at consciousness as a function of biological and chemical events within the brain. (more…)

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Proof Of Life, Vegetation And Water On Mars

PROOF of Life, Vegetation and Water on Mars and Remains of Ancient Civilization!
Mars Anomaly Research has done some GREAT research into Mars anomalies and discovered LOTS of evidence that there has been a previous civilization there, and still some life left from vegetation to various creatures and sources of water.

Now, lets get to the point and post some interesting images from Mars, mostly taken by satellites in orbit so you see it from a high above perspective, and a few “on ground” images taken by the Mars Rovers:

Interesting rock formation, piled up, similar to ancient man-made monuments on Earth, top photo from Mars, two bottom Earth man-made: (more…)

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More on Mind Function Part I

brain-function-main-2“Another one of the mysteries the scientist doesn’t know about is how we have life and death; why a person will be born, grows up, starts to deteriorate, grows into old age and finally dies.

There is a very logical and simple explanation for that too, because it is simply a cycle. We have to remember that every time a person dies, all of the elements which remain in the subconscious at that time of death are discharged. All that remains of that person is what has been polarized in the cycle-of-life-and-deathmental part of the psychic anatomy from out of that subconscious. Therefore, when a person is reborn again to this world, he does so without that subconscious part of his psychic anatomy; so he starts to construct that part of the psychic anatomy on his basic life cycle that he previously had. It’s like building a new house on an old foundation, we shall say.

The life cycle as it was engendered, for instance, from realizations of many, many past lifetimes and many associations, regenerated this life cycle so that it included about three score and ten years of life a man is theoretically supposed to live, so on this cycle he begins to rebuild the subconscious. Therefore, throughout that lifetime, he will be able to remember everything that goes into that subconscious, providing it has a certain greatness or intensity that it can construct some part of a vortex of energy in that subconscious part of the psychic anatomy and, in turn, will of course polarize a certain facsimile or certain picture in the vortex of the mental part of the psychic anatomy. That remains with him forever because in the mental part of the psychic anatomy, we find what is called or referred to as the akashic record. In other words, anybody who is clairvoyantly trained can tune into the mental part of the psychic anatomy and see these pictures. The reason they remain there forever is because they are oscillating with the superconscious. (more…)

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