11 Examples of Seeing Into The Future
Does ESP Exist? Eleven Premonitions That Came True
Though some psychologists and natural scientists remain skeptical, many agree telepathic abilities and related phenomena exist.
Chris Carter, an Oxford University-educated author of “Science and Psychic Phenomena: The Fall of the House of Skeptics,” cited two surveys in an article he published in Epoch Times last year that show a majority of scientists believe in such abilities.
One survey was conducted among more than 500 scientists; 56 percent said extra-sensory perception (ESP) is “an established fact” or a “likely possibility.” The other survey was conducted among more than 1,000 scientists; 67 percent said it is an established fact or likely possibility.
Here are some anecdotes of premonitions, some are famous cases from history, others were shared via social media.
1. Pizza Place Premonition
While I was employed at Tiny Julius’s pizza place, I started to feel like I was about to die. Just an absolute feeling of death. [I] asked my boss to leave, and did. I felt fine once I got to my car and got home.
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Remote Viewing Atlantis
Not long ago, a technologically advanced human civilization thrived on Earth. This was Atlantis, the real Atlantis, not a mythological story. Here—documented for the first time with new scientific data—is the true story of their demise. They were not undone because of a natural cataclysm. Rather, through the reckless misuse of their own science, they destroyed their civilization. Only a few thousand people survived, and everyone on Earth today is related to that same small group of survivors.This is a breakthrough scientific study that combines the use of remote viewing, U.S. government originating underwater imaging data, a touch of genetic knowledge, and a hefty amount of open-minded thinking. Remote viewing is a mental procedure that was originally developed by the United States military and used for espionage purposes. Now, civilians employ the same methods, or procedures that are derivative of those methodologies, to study human history. Using remote-viewing data collected by two of the most accomplished “military grade” remote viewers of the day, the true story of what happened when Atlantis collapsed is told with striking detail and clarity.Forget what you learned in school about human civilization being a recent phenomenon. All that you see today, all the wonders of human achievement, have all been done before. And it all ended very badly.This time, we need to learn from our past mistakes. We humans have a complicated history on this planet. We need to discover that history, not censor it, if we are to be a species with a destiny. Let us begin that process of discovery here, today, now. (more…)
Posted in True History of Manwith 2 comments.
To Be Or Not To Be?
“One of the never-ending, herculean tasks performed here at the Center is in the constant urging for various students to remain sincere and dedicated in their Unariun studies, to realize the tremendous importance of UN.AR.I.U.S. not only to themselves personally, but to millions of others – yes, even to the Infinite Intelligence Itself! In this respect, Ruth has served most auspiciously, and through her letters, has very greatly aided and abetted this cause, and sometimes, I might add, she is often at her ‘wit’s end’, so to speak, to try and represent the great importance of UN.AR.I.U.S. and all that it implies.
Since the beginning or dawn of history or since man began his evolution on this planet, he has in this evolution, proportionately increased his fear of death with his knowledge of his physical life. Different deistic beliefs or religions became the placebos or opiates with which he attempted to assuage this fear. As of today, the situation is much more complex and proportionately increased.
Modern science, in any of its branches, does not officially recognize personal survival after death, even though it is at this moment, spending vast sums of money to further explore or extend different avenues in the material world to find the riddle of life, which could only ultimately and inevitably lead into different dimensions or the mansions, as Jesus called them. (more…)
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“Consciousness Creates Reality”
Physicists Admit The Universe Is Immaterial, Mental & Spiritual
by Arjun Walia: “Consciousness creates reality,” a statement that has gained a lot of attention across various alternative media outlets around the world…
Make no mistake, consciousness has been (for quite some time) studied by numerous scientists, especially in its relation to quantum physics and how it might be correlated with the nature of our reality.
What is consciousness? Consciousness includes a number of things. It’s how we perceive our world, our thoughts, being aware, our intentions and more.
“Looking for consciousness in the brain is like looking in the radio for the announcer.” – Nasseim Haramein, director of research for the Resonance Project
“I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulating consciousness.” – Max Planck, theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory, which won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918
“It was not possible to formulate the laws of quantum mechanics in a fully consistent way without reference to consciousness.” Eugene Wigner, theoretical physicist and mathematician. He received a share of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1963
The statement that “consciousness creates reality” comes with a number of different questions. Does this mean we as individuals (and on a collective level as one human race) can shape and create whatever reality we’d like for ourselves? Does it mean we can manifest a certain lifestyle, and attract certain experiences? Does it happen instantly? Does it take time? How do we do it? (more…)
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How To Discern Between Positive And Negative Influences
“In this discussion I am going to depart from my usual procedure of acquainting you with some of the more abstract principles of progressive evolution and enter into a more personal dimension of introspection, or one which can be considered as a detrimental influential aspect. You have all heard of the Battle of Armageddon, either as it was historically depicted by Nostradamus in his prophetic poems, or as it was Biblically prophesied. However, the Battle of Armageddon is not some advent which is to be fought in some future time between certain good and evil forces. The Battle of Armageddon has been going on for some years; as a matter of fact, throughout the past histories of the world, it has been fought in different epochs of time; such as in ancient Lemuria, more than 100,000 years ago, and at later dates in civilizations, such as Atlantis some 15,000 years ago, and on down to the present time. But wherever we find various civilizations and these confluxus of migratory peoples, as they have swarmed upon the surface of the earth, we have found them
fighting, to an extent, the Battle of Armageddon. This is not merely a parable which exists as an advent but is an actual conflict between the astral worlds and those people who have, to some degree, succeeded in placing their feet firmly upon the evolutionary pathway in a progressive manner which will lead them into higher spiritual worlds.
The conflict between good and evil has been historically portrayed in many different times, and the advent of the Armageddon has been prophesied in different civilizations. Zoroaster predicted the Battle of Armageddon in his particular spiritual dispensation, just as Buddha also described the personal conflict in attaining Nirvana or the spiritual junction of consciousness with the higher dimensions of life. It was Jesus however, who carried the greatest impact and message in personal attainment and the way in which this attainment could be achieved by any individual. He also very dramatically demonstrated His own personal Battle of Armageddon and the victorious assault of the dark forces who succeeded in destroying His physical body; and actually, through their conniving cleverness, succeeded in turning His message of life and hope into one of the most dogmatic and rhetorical religious movements the world has ever seen. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Infinite Perspectus, Spirit Releasement Therapywith 1 comment.
Eternally Yours
Last night upon a garden path I walked with Christ
Yet this was not a tall and bearded man of faith I saw
But deep within I saw another form and molded in the form
Of what I am and even from the stuff of which I’m made
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Understanding Karma: An Old Chinese Tale
By China Gaze
In the Qing Dynasty, Zhao Defang, the father of three sons, enjoyed a very prosperous life. He felt especially fortunate that all his sons were married.
However, during Zhao’s 60th-birthday celebration, he confessed to his three sons that when he first set up the family business, he deliberately rigged his measuring scale to deceive his suppliers and customers. Whenever he purchased anything, the scale would show a lesser weight, and whenever he sold something to a customer, the scale would show a greater weight.
“That was why the cotton man went bankrupt after I bought thousands of kilograms of cotton from him. He tried desperately to save his business but died of typhoid 20 years ago. I still feel sorry for that cotton man today,” Zhao said.
“There was also an herbalist who died after I cheated him with my scale. There were others too, but these two were the most serious cases. Even though I now enjoy much wealth and a happy life, whenever I think of the people who died because of my actions, I feel so guilty that I cannot sleep at night. (more…)
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The Inner Portal
Fears, ghostly wraiths from untrammeled halls of time, unswept, unclean
By shafts of Light from thine own Illumined Presence
Shineth thou one star and become a part of all the Heavens
Catcheth thou one sunbeam and hold the glorious sun within thy hands
Seeth thou one flower beneath thy feet and the world blooms as a single rose.
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Woman’s Cataracts Healed After Remembering Past Life As A Hermit
Amy Weiss is the daughter of past-life regression therapist Dr. Brian Weiss, a Yale-educated psychiatrist who was recently featured on Oprah. Though her father has long guided patients to remember their past lives, she had never recalled a past life under hypnosis.
She attended a session her father was holding at the hospital she worked at as a social worker, not really expecting any results. She was 25 years old at the time and had been told she may lose her eyesight due to cataracts.
When her doctor told her she may become blind, she thought, “Why do I have the eyes of an old man?” That description of her condition was fitting in a way she didn’t imagine at the time.
She was in the room at the hospital with several others, closing her eyes and listening to her father tell the group to go back in time to when their symptoms first began. (more…)
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Man, A Musician In The Great Symphony Of Life
Excerpt from Tempus Procedium:
“All quests and unsolved indispositions which are manifested in anyone’s daily life are simply the result of lack of a definite spiritual psychology in that person’s life. Such quests, searchings and seekings can and will only be dissolved when such adequate spiritual psychology replaces the reactionary material psychology which has given rise to not only each individual’s own personal unsolved quests and searchings but that such reactionary philosophy or psychology is either directly or indirectly responsible for all of the large numbers of classified and unclassified ills of humanity.
When the light of true inward introspection from the inward consciousness is brought down and focused into our daily life as our guiding light, then all quests, searchings and seekings are dissipated as shadows before the rising sun.
Remember, too, a common metaphysical term, “like attracts like”, so one unhealthy situation would only attract another, or “two wrongs do not make a right”, and two unhappy people do not make one happy person.
True happiness is not found in the belief that any one person can bring us happiness, nor can we, by the same token expect to find true happiness by trying to make someone else happy. True happiness is found only when we have properly placed ourselves as a positive reciprocating polarity for the Infinite Mind, and in becoming such a polarity, we incept into our daily lives a certain proportion of Infinite Wisdom which supplies all our needs and answers all our problems – remembering, however, that this is not done selfishly but rather, in a broad overall sense of interpretation which deals directly with the universal man, his infinitely numerous interpretations of life, not only on materialistic earth-plane existences but in the countless numbers of astral and spiritual worlds as well. (more…)
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Death Is Just An Illusion: We Continue To Live In A Parallel Universe
For as long as anyone can remember philosophers, scientists and religious men have pondered what happens after death.
Is there life after death, or do we just vanish into the great unknown?
There is also a possibility there is no such thing as what we usually define as death.
A new scientific theory suggests that death is not the terminal event we think.
A while ago, scientists reported they found the first evidence of parallel universe.
This discovery lead us to a thought-provoking subject called “Biocentrism”
Robert Lanza, M.D, scientist, theoretician and author of “Biocentrism” – Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe thinks there are many reasons why we won’t die.
To him death is not the end, as so many of us think. We believe we will die, because that is what we have been taught, Robert Lanza says in his book. (more…)
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Symbology And Idolatry
Excerpt from Infinite Perspectus:
“Religion is a symbology, but true religion cannot be lived until the true inward nature of the higher dimensions is fully realized within consciousness. Religion must, therefore, always exist to the earth man as a symbology, wherein he can reasonably conceive that he will escape the diverse perditions of his earth world and be rescued by some deistic system. Idolatries, of course, take form and shape in many different ways. Bank accounts are built upon a common form of idolatry which is based upon the primitive urge to survive – survival without reason or without a reasonable equation of why life does exist. Likewise, if people are presented with the inevitable and inescapable fact that they too must exist, purely within the dimension of consciousness, without being emotionally involved and without the various concurrent systems of idolatries, they are immediately frustrated because their minds refuse to function independently from other experience quotients which have been so impounded in their psychic anatomies. They have not yet risen to that plane of consciousness wherein they are, in essence, an instrument which is capable of attuning itself independently and without emotionalism into the higher interdimensional interplays of harmonic relationship which exists throughout the Infinite Cosmogony. (more…)
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Maintaining The Positive Versus Negative
Excerpt from Tempus Interludium, Vol II:
“The most important problem confronting the aspiring student of UN.AR.I.U.S. is self-mastery, and it is almost needless to point out that until certain definite steps and accomplishments in this self-mastery have been accomplished, the aspirant has no chance of becoming a better person.
The whole context of the Unariun concept is based upon this premise: you cannot become a better person until you have mastered your personal emotions. You cannot hope to escape the purgatory of karma, which you have heaped upon yourself in your past lives, no more than you can hope to escape present and future inflections by indulging yourself in emotionalisms. Therefore, if you find yourself at any time, now or in the future, emotionally involved with any person or persons or any set of circumstances, the first step in self-mastery is to realize that you and you alone are to blame and are responsible for your involvement and for your emotion.
When you have accomplished such real, honest judgment against yourself and you can judge your position on the basis of all factors involved in the situation, then you shall find that these emotionalisms will be discharged. They will lose their power to hold you and your future will become freer from recurring situations. (more…)
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Dreaming Past Lives
Recognizing Past Life Dreams
By far, the most easily recognizable past life dream is the one that recurs. The dream doesn’t necessarily repeat exactly, but the same location, time period, character or event replays over and over in different scenarios.
There have been a number of people who have had dreams or nightmares about past lives which then produced verifiable evidence. One such case convinced even the most diehard skeptic:
In 1962 Mrs. Smith went to consult with a psychiatrist, Dr. Guirdham. She was looking for help for a recurring nightmare she had experienced since her teens. However, the dream was now coming two or three times a week. In her dream she was lying on her back on the floor while a man approached her from behind. She didn’t know what was going to happen but was absolutely terrified.
Although Dr. Guirdham remained calm and professional, he had to hide his surprise while listening to his new patient because he had been having the same nightmare for more than 30 years. The doctor didn’t tell Mrs. Smith about this. The psychiatrist reported that strangely, after this meeting, neither he nor his patient had the nightmare again. (more…)
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Is There A True Utopia?
Excerpt from Infinite Perspectus:
“In his religious systems mankind has conceived the possibility of living in an immortal city completely freed from the necessities of life, and in this sense, every person does have an escape mechanism which has been engendered and formed by these different pressures. A Utopian condition of life can never be achieved by any individual; furthermore, it is not to be desired; it is to be the least desired of all situations or relationships in our daily lives. It would be incomprehensible that any human could, in any future time, be reinstated in some civilization wherein people lived without any cause or effect; they lived purely because they were living; they had no comparative systems of evaluation whereby they could say that this was destructive or constructive, that it was good or it was evil. They would not have the necessity to eat or to wear clothing; they would not have any of the other libidos or drives which they currently understand and to which they react in this present circumstance. In short, they would be completely stripped of all the necessities of life which always have, either constructively or destructively, occupied the consciousness of the individual; and they would have neither purpose, manner, nor form of life in such an Utopian condition. (more…)
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