Scientists Send Energy 55 Meters Away Through Air

Wireless Electricity - Scientists Send Energy 55 Meters Away Through Airby

Japanese scientists have made a breakthrough step towards developing new energy source for humans in the future by for the first time transmitting electric power wirelessly to a pinpoint target using microwaves.

Japanese scientists from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) have succeeded using microwaves to deliver 1.8 kilowatts of power through the air to a pinpoint target 55 meters away, a spokesman for the agency said.

“This was the first time anyone has managed to send a high output of nearly two kilowatts of electric power via microwaves to a small target, using a delicate directivity control device,” he said as quoted by AFP on Thursday.

Though the energy was only enough to run an electric kettle and the distance was not huge, this appears to be a giant leap in developing new energy sources. The successful experiment could pave the way to collecting inexhaustible solar energy in space and transmitting it to Earth, the researchers said. (more…)

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Heaven and Hell Revised: Updates From the World of Spirit

heaven-hell-main-4-postby Stafford Betty– Professor of religious studies, California State University, Bakersfield

Heaven and Hell — are they real places, or are they fantasies invented to inspire good behavior and overcome our fear of dying? In my new book, Heaven and Hell Unveiled: Updates from the World of Heaven-Hell-bookSpirit, I share the bounty of 30 years of research. I allow deceased human beings, our “spirit friends,” speaking through reputable mediums to describe their actual worlds. And what they tell us would revolutionize the world’s religions if they would listen.

Our brothers and sisters in the afterlife are not “resting,” as Christian theology often asserts. They live in a world of infinite possibility, and their wills are as free over there as here. They are busy beings, and some are climbing toward higher realms while others languish. Suffering in the afterworld, not just joy, can be intense; it exists to awaken souls to their mistakes so they will long for the happiness of those higher spheres, where corruption doesn’t exist.

Those realms where love reigns will come vividly alive in this book — as will those unhappy places where it doesn’t. (more…)

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Milky Way May Be More Enormous Than We Ever Imagined

How big is the Milky Way? Way bigger than we thought, it seems.

Surprising new research suggests that our home galaxy is about 50 percent bigger than previously thought, spanning some 150,000 light-years across rather than the 100,000 light-years that has been the generally accepted number.

We know quite a lot about the Milky Way, so how can it be that we’re just now realizing that we were so wrong about its size? It turns out that what seemed to be concentric rings of stars surrounding our galaxy’s bulging center are instead concentric ripples–and that means the galaxy doesn’t end where we thought it did.

“If there are ripples, then it looks like the number of stars in the (presumed flat) disk drops off quickly, and then farther out where the disk ripples back up it looks like a detached ring of stars appears,” Dr. Heidi Newberg, professor of physics, applied physics, and astronomy at Rensselaer Polytechnic University in Troy, NY, told The Huffington Post in an email. “We now understand that the galaxy didn’t end; the disk is just going up and down–in and out of our view.”

(Story continues below illustrations.)
Illustration showing the density of light in the Milky Way. (more…)

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The Lemurian Continuity

Lemuria-main“To the best accounts and records and to the knowledge that has been given, the destruction to Atlantis occurred about 25,000 years ago. Since that time other civilizations have risen and fallen. From the time of Osiris more than 12,000 years ago, Egypt was, at that time, in the height of its ascendency and was a brilliant and luminous star in the historical firmament of the planet Earth. Gradually, too, Egypt deteriorated. The dark-skinned snake cultists again succeeded in robbing the power from the Egyptian priesthood and instilled in its place a warped distorted concept of black magic wherein animals were worshipped instead of Amen-Ra or the sun, the one god monotheistic religion which had existed in Atlantis and in the time of Osiris.

To those who know something of these histories and that in the time of Osiris, Egypt too had the Isis-Osiris-Horusstory of the Immaculate Conception and that Horus, the son of Osiris, was borne by mother earth, or Isis, through immaculate conception. In those ancient days, immaculate conception happened quite frequently and to almost all of the men who came as Avatars or Savants to teach a better way of life and that with the passing of these men, they became linked in a historical way with the immaculate conception. Zoroaster, who laid down a great religion in ancient Persia and Arabia, also was believed to have had an immaculate conception which was witnessed by shepherds as he was born in a hillside but under almost identical conditions which were given in our present-day Biblical version of the birth of Jesus in the New Testament. Actually, a Catholic Pope borrowed this story. (more…)

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Earth’s Address Within Massive Supercluster of 100,000 Galaxies


Astronomers have mapped the Milky Way’s position to the outskirts of a supercluster of galaxies, newly dubbed Laniakea, meaning “Immense Heaven”.

The distribution of galaxies throughout the universe is not more-or-less even; instead, galaxies tend to cluster together, bound together by the pull of each other’s gravity. These groups can be a variety of sizes. The Milky Way Galaxy, for instance, is part of what is called the Local Group, which contains upwards of 54 galaxies, covering a diameter of 10 megalight-years (10 million light-years).

But this Local Group is just a small part of a much, much bigger structure, which researchers at the University of Hawai’i Mānoa have now mapped in detail. Coming in at over 100,000 galaxies, the massive supercluster has been given the name Laniakea — “immense heaven” in Hawaiian. (more…)

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Seek Ye Within

Seek-ye-within-s1Search ye not within the eye of man
whom doth but passeth by;
Neither look within his house nor
seek ye in his storehouse.
Heedeth not his word of tongue, nor
Canst thou find, with passing act,
or one so fraught with fear;
For each and everyone betokes the
thing within himself. (more…)

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Liberation of Obsessions


“A question has just arisen in regard to some of the relative factors which enter into the removal of obsessions and in regard to what happens to the obsessions after they are removed. Circumstances are such that the results from such liberations depend largely upon how the obsessions are removed. As to the obsessing entity, if he is a very forceful and dominating or extremely cruel or perverted character, a great deal more Light is needed to shine upon him to bring him from his prison than if he were a less obsessive person, or one who was merely wandering from lack of orientation. Generally speaking that in the case of the freeing of an obsession from the psychic body of any individual, usually the obsessions in the majority of cases, liberate themselves. We assume that, like some mother who attached herself to the daughter for lack of spiritual knowledge, if she is not a perverted person or is not a wicked person with murderous intents in her mind, then she will, upon the liberation, feel the full impact of the Light or the freeing force; and this will be the way in which the lock on her own prison will be forced open and the doorway will swing wide, permitting her to enter into her true spiritual consciousness. (more…)

Posted in Book Excerpts, Other Topics, Spirit Releasement Therapy, Voice of Hermeswith comments disabled.

Evidence of Vast Ancient Ocean On Mars

Mars-water-on-surfaceNasa finds evidence of a vast ancient ocean on Mars

A huge primitive ocean covered one-fifth of the red planet’s surface, making it warm, wet and ideal for alien life to gain a foothold, scientists say

Ocean on ancient Mars
An artist’s impression of the ancient ocean on Mars, which lasted for billions of years more than was previously thought. Credits: Mars Geronimo Villanueva/Nasa

A massive ancient ocean once covered nearly half of the northern hemisphere of Mars making the planet a more promising place for alien life to have gained a foothold, Nasa scientists say.

The huge body of water spread over a fifth of the planet’s surface, as great a portion as the Atlantic covers the Earth, and was a mile deep in places. In total, the ocean held 20 million cubic kilometres of water, or more than is found in the Arctic Ocean, the researchers found.

Unveiled by Nasa on Thursday, the compelling evidence for the primitive ocean adds to an emerging picture of Mars as a warm and wet world in its youth, which trickled with streams, winding river deltas, and long-standing lakes, soon after it formed 4.5bn years ago.

The view of the planet’s ancient history radically re-writes what many scientists believed only a decade ago. Back then, flowing water was widely considered to have been a more erratic presence on Mars, gushing forth only rarely, and never forming long-standing seas and oceans. (more…)

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Astral Worlds


“I would like to continue, if I may, with another discussion which is very closely related to the nature of things which were previously discussed – that of astral worlds. Every person on the pathway would like to know where he is going when he leaves the earth plane and that is only a natural attitude which is born out of the desire for security; therefore, a greater degree of faith could be expressed in each individual if he knew something of the place where he is going when he leaves this physical body. You earth people have numerous, rather vague ideas and explanations of these places. You may call them astral worlds, summerlands, or even heaven and hell, or purgatory. Other people have some vague idea that an astral world is something like a big shelf or flat place floating out there in space somewhere. If you remember, your history books tell you that a few hundred years ago people believed the earth was a large flat place which was pushed around the sun by an angel and that if you sailed a ship a little too far, you would fall off the edge. Of course such ideas are very infantile; likewise are many of the ideas of the earthman in regard to the dimensions which he calls astral worlds. (more…)

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Photo Shows Light As Wave And Particle For First Time

light,-waves-featured-2Let There Be Light! Photo Shows Light As Wave And Particle For First Time
Marshall Lemon | 2 Mar 2015 23:31 (see photo below)

According to quantum mechanics light acts as both a particle and a wave, but now we can finally see what that looks like.

Quantum mechanics is an incredibly complex field for a simple reason: So much of what it studies can be two different things at the exact same time. Light is a great example since it behaves like both a particle and a wave, but only appears in one state during experiments. Mathematically speaking, we have to treat light as both ways for the universe to make sense but actually confirming it visually has been impossible. Or at least that was the case until scientists from Switzerland’s École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne developed their own unique photography method. (more…)

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The Mystery of Consciousness

mind-main-4-postby david

Perhaps the greatest mystery of human experience is consciousness itself. Today, the fields of neuroscience and neurotechnology provide astounding insights into the electrical and chemical processes of the brain. Consequently, institutional science proposes with confidence that the brain alone creates conscious experience. Yet despite all that science has learned, the very source and essence of consciousness remains a puzzle. Thunderbolts colleague Dr. Michael Clarage shares with us his thoughts on the enduring mysteries of consciousness. (more…)

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The Expanded Universe

vortex-universe-main“The universe is something which cannot be defined or confined in terms of third-dimensional equations or with the physical or finite eye of the individual. Man brings down into his consciousness only one small facet. In general terms, the universe can be said to be space within space, like the layers of an onion and that it is simultaneously expanding and contracting in all directions.

Man has long been trying to prove the depths of this universe with his telescope and other so-called scientific instruments; he thinks that he has arrived at some reasonable equation. This is as foolish vibration-wave-formsas trying to count the drops of water in the ocean. As the years progress, man will learn that the measure of energy or mass in the third dimension is very different from the same energy and mass expressed in the fourth dimension.

A rubber ball to a child who plays with it and sees it as a solid form is not the same ball that the child will see when he passes to the fourth dimension. There he would see the same ball as just a conglomerate mass of wave forms, so man’s understanding of future physics and astrophysics will have to be taken out of the realm of the seemingly solid third dimension and placed where it belongs in the fourth dimension where mass and energy are one and the same and the law of harmonic relationship will supersede time. (more…)

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Q & A Regarding “Teaching” from ICCC

spiritual-teacher-mainQ – How can we approach those who are not yet in this understanding, or break the ice to them and yet hit the nail on the head?

A – You have a very good point there and a very common one with all true seekers of Truth. First, in order to give something to someone, we must have it ourselves. Now there is a certain relationship which we brought about tonight and when you come in contact with these higher minds and dimensions and work through and with these individuals and organizations such as Shamballa (now UN.AR.I.U.S.) in these various spiritual alliances, you will find that you will not suffer such contradictions in your spiritual work. You will then find that you will go to people who will have first asked that a new spiritual relationship be given to them. They will have been prepared; there will be a certain rate of vibration or a spiritual umbilical cord vibrating between you and the person of that group so that you will go to them prepared and they will be prepared to receive you. There will be no resentment; there will be acceptance and everyone will have a good time. (more…)

Posted in Book Excerpts, Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creationwith comments disabled.

What Big Bang?

big-bangUniverse May Have Had No Beginning At All, Study Claims

What we don’t know about the Universe… could fill the Universe.

Two theoretical physicists have suggested nothing like the Big Bang played a role in the start of our universe 13.8 billion years ago, refuting Edwin Hubble’s 1929 theory that the universe was contained in a single point in space and some violent event caused it to expand.

“Our theory suggests that the age of the universe could be infinite,” study co-author Saurya Das, a theoretical physicist at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada, told LiveScience.

The new study denies claims of an infinitely small and dense point of matter being involved in the beginning of the Universe, as stated in the Big Bang Theory.

“So when we say that the universe begins with a big bang, we really have no right to say that,” Robert Brandenberger, a theoretical cosmetologist at McGill University in Montreal told LiveScience. (more…)

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Polarity-main-4-post“In the beginning it was posed that individually, man reflected in his earth life a certain negative polarity of transference of consciousness in respect to the Infinite, and herein enters at least one very important and dynamic concept which everyone should remember in the future. This is: Nothing is static in the Eye and Mind of the Infinite; that all consciousness is constantly in motion and so far as the terrestrial or earth dimension is concerned – in terms and references to our modern science – can be considered energy wave forms which have a positive and a negative polarity as an oscillating motion. This was further equalized in our common objectivism, that by throwing a stone into a pond we could see energy being transferred in an undulating or an up and down motion from one point to another.

In common terms of reference, therefore, it is most important to remember that in all forms of motion, whether they are concerned with the more immediate terrestrial or third dimension, or   sinewaveinto the more infinite abstractions, there is always involved the concept of polarity. This means that always within each form of consciousness, as it is expressed in such a wave form or a motion, and whether or not it is contained in a point to point terminus, a third dimensional equivalent, or to more infinite abstractions as are contained in cyclic motions of transference within the cycle itself, there is always the resolution of the positive to negative and negative to positive equivalents of transference which always presents to the face of Infinity its own particular equivalent of consciousness as it was so regenerated from the vastness and the infinite beginnings of the most Infinite. (more…)

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