200 BILLION Earth-Like Worlds In Our Milky Way?
Stars have an average of two habitable planets in orbit, study claims.
- Australian scientists say our galaxy could be teeming with habitable worlds
- If each star has an average of two planets, there will be 200 billion
- They base this on a 200-year-old method called the Titius-Bode relation
- This was used to predict some planets in our own solar system
- But, if life is abundant, the researchers are still not sure why we haven’t made contact with extraterrestrial life
To date, astronomers have found about 1,000 planets in the Milky Way, with just a handful of these thought to be potentially habitable.
But, in the hunt for Earth-like planets, a new study says we should be optimistic – as there may be more than 200 billion in our galaxy alone.
The remarkable declaration is based on the estimate that the average stars has two Earth-like planets in orbit, and the Milky Way has about 100 billion stars.
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The Science of Obsession
“Our present-day psychiatry is indeed crude and the practice of psychology as it is expounded in our various asylums and the so-called therapeutic treatment of the different aberrations is likewise crude; the only difference being that there is now some sort of humanitarian interest to the environment with which the mentally aberrated person is immediately concerned. In other words, the psychiatrist resorts only to a temporary change of environment hoping thereby to induce a permanent change in thought patterns. Such a procedure is extremely fallacious and will explain why it is that so little success is being concurrently displayed in our modern dispensations of psychiatric treatment.
To further expurgate any particular psychic misalignments, the psychiatrist often subjects more advanced aberrations to severe shock treatments. This therapy is indeed crude and primitive and immediately is reminiscent of many of the bygone practices from the pagan or more aboriginal days of the individual healing practices wherein holes were often scraped in the cranium to let loose evil spirits and other weird practices which subjected the individual to horrible and extreme torture. Blood-letting was a common practice in the Middle Ages to relieve various kinds of diseases in the body; and this too smacked of the letting out of evil spirits. The present-day psychologist, in subjecting the patient to a severe shock, can be likened somewhat to fixing a delicate watch with a hammer; the treatment is, as previously postulated, reminiscent of bygone practices. (more…)
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Reincarnation In The Bible
Many people say that they don’t believe in reincarnation because ‘it isn’t in the bible’. Therefore, it may come as a great surprise to learn that there is, in fact, a great deal about reincarnation in the bible “For those with eyes to see and ears to hear”.
All quotes are from the King James Bible. One obvious quote is:
“Be not deceived; God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Galatians 6:7.
At the moment, a lot of good and bad people are certainly not receiving their just deserts. Some people believe that the above quote means that bad people will go to Hell. But even before I knew about past lives, I thought that was very unfair. Why should someone who has done reasonably minor sins be in the same place as really evil people?
This may be one reason why some people do not want to believe in reincarnation, apart from the fact that it’s hard to accept a truth which is opposite to what you were taught all your life. Especially when you have no memory of your past lives. If bad things that happen to us are because of bad things we did in previous lifetimes, then we have no one to blame but ourselves. There is no such thing as ‘bad luck’. The only option then is to take responsibility for whatever bad things that happen to us. (more…)
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Holographic Universe Confirmed by the Slit Experiment
Matter exists in two states: the physical and the spiritual. Like in a hologram, with the holographic view and the film plate view, matter exists in two states: the illusion and the reality; the reality being the radius of a black hole or a two dimensional construct which unfolds or is infolded into a seemingly third dimensional experience. The radius of the black hole is two dimensional or a flat plane containing actual waveforms of energy. When a hologram is examined as two dimensional, then one sees interference patterns like those of a waveform when dropped into a pond of water. I think this solves the slit experiment because sometimes a photon or electron appears as a wave or a particle depending on whether or not it’s being viewed. A hologram appears as a hologram only when it is viewed from a certain point of view. But one knows that a hologram is just an illusion because all a hologram is (when not being viewed as a hologram) is a set of interference patterns (or waveforms).
The theory of the holographic universe solves the slit experiment. Particles are the holographic image of the waveforms but the waveforms present the true reality. The slit experiment confirms the theory of the holographic universe. We exist in two realities – the fake one – hologram and the real one – waves. Our senses detect the fake world but underneath all this holographic illusion is the real deal – an infinite number of wave forms. (more…)
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Raise not thine arms and shout that ‘I am He’
Neither that thy mind and voice is greater than all others.
For surely there is none amoung ye, but who canst also raise his voice and crieth out.
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Progressive Thinking
Excerpt from Tempus Procedium:
“To any student who begins the study of UN.AR.I.U.S., the keystone in the arch of understanding this way of life will be the new or positive way to think. This new way of thinking is quite different from the old way which has been used through the thousands of years and many lifetimes, and therefore, it is extremely difficult to describe such a process unless the student becomes somewhat familiar with energy and the structure and function of the psychic anatomy as described in the second lesson course (Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation).
If you will think for a moment, you will easily see that it would be most difficult for you to describe this mental process to your neighbor, especially without the knowledge which is contained in the lesson course. The difficulty is increased a hundredfold if you were to attempt to describe thinking in an entirely new and different way. That is my problem. Actually, there is no short cut. It requires constant study and familiarization with the mental processes which are described in the lessons. It also requires a constant alertness in every thought and action, always being aware or trying to analyze if this thought or action comes from the subconscious or from the higher portions of the psychic anatomy. (more…)
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The Great Cosmic Universe
“…and while the astronomer and the astrophysicist are aware of perhaps 100 trillion suns which are visible in the photographic plates, within this Universe are countless millions of other solar systems similar to our own. We are familiar with the sun and the nine major planets which are revolving in their orbits around our sun; however, contained within this great cosmic universe, of which our earth is a part, are literally hundreds of millions of solar systems, some larger and some smaller than our own, although we are told that our solar system is one of the smallest. Thus we begin to get an idea with what we are confronted in this great cosmic universe, containing innumerable terrestrial planets that are similar in frequency rates of vibration or in their atomic structures.
… the symphony of life, the entire harmony of life, its conception, its manifestations and its constant creation is not happenstance. It is not a product of spontaneous regeneration. Rather, it is a manifestation and product of infinite intelligence conceived millions of years in the sense of time, beyond the periphery of its earth-life, third dimensional form; an infinity which creates and makes possible all life forms and all manners and ways of living to those who can conceive this infinity, in its manner and way of breathing, living and remanifesting itself in its numerous planes or, as it was once called, “The Many Mansions”. (more…)
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The Genesis Rock: Fallacy of the Time Concept
Excerpt from Tempus Interludium I
“It is indeed a technological achievement for the earthman to have landed men on the moon four times. However, to believe that he can acquire some sort of intelligent information about the embryonic period of the solar system, the formation of planets, etc., from such existing specimens of moon rock will, without question, lead him into another one of those insoluble enigmas or anachronisms with which he has confounded himself in his numerous attempts to explore the created world about him. This is simply because he has not as yet lifted his efforts, his introspection and analysis, into the fourth dimension–to the origin of all things.
Let us create for a moment a hypothetical situation. Suppose in the scientist’s mind, as he is concerned with moon rocks and their origins, that the Genesis rock would portray to him that at one time the moon was either very volcanic or that it was entirely a ball of molten lava. In either case the situation is quite clear: there was a huge mass of atom-molecules which formed this ball of lava that had been in existence for possibly hundreds of thousands of billions of years. So the age of the moon, to use a pun, “goes up in a puff of smoke” such as we might see from the top of a volcano. And I don’t go along with that “spin-off” theory–that all of the planets in the solar system were thrown off from the mass of the sun by centrifugal motions or some other such forces that aided in this spin-off process. (more…)
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The Clarion Call
Two thousand years ago a man walked along the shore of an inland sea, tall and of red beard and hair and of noble bearing; yet there was much more than this, which set Him apart from all others. And as He walked He came upon a boat resting upon the beach wherein sat two fishermen mending their nets. And He called
to them saying, “Come follow me, I will make you fishers of men.” And straightaway they laid down their nets and followed.
What kind of courage was this that could cause these two to follow this unknown stranger? Perhaps it was an inward knowing that superceded any natural desires or instincts to remain with the known things of their life. And as they followed, the day quickly came when they were vindicated in this apparent madness and they saw many miracles wrought and great Truths spoken. (more…)
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Visit to Venus by T. Lobsang Rampa
This short excerpt from My Visit to Venus by T. Lobsang Rampa corroborates in many ways the relatings in The Voice of Venus so is related herein:
“The evening winds sighed gently through the trees of the Hidden Valley. There was an atmosphere of peace, of harmony, of Beings working for good. We lay by the side of our camp fire, the Lama Mingyar Dondup and three companions, five of us in all. We had journeyed far from Lhasa, from the frozen slopes of mountains and barren land. Now there were but five of us though eleven of us had started out. Our companions had fallen by the wayside, victims of avalanches, victims of privation and of the bitter, freezing cold.
Now, though, in the warmth of this Hidden Valley we lay at peace. Marvels had indeed befallen us since we had first communed with the Gods from other worlds, the Gods who looked after the Earth and kept it from self-destruction. Tonight, we thought, we will retire early. We had earned our sleep, our rest, for throughout the day we had been seeing the secrets of the immense city which was half buried in the glacier. We had learned much but; we were to learn more.
We looked at each other, wondering who was speaking, because a gentle but insistent thought kept coming into our minds. “Brothers, brothers, come this way for we are waiting.” (more…)
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The Lamp
Behold, it is the early evening, and as I passeth through the village, I do see
From within the many houses the glow of the lamps therein,
And the good wife, who lighteth the lamp and trims the wick,
So it will burn more brightly,
And not cast off shadows, Or useth too much of the oil; (more…)
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How To Perform A Spirit Depossession
Excerpt from “The Unquiet Dead” by Edith Fiore
Depossession Instructions
The most effective way to do a depossession is to record it, using the transcript that follows or composing your own, based on the principles I’ll elaborate shortly.
Playing the tape one or more times a day if necessary educates the possessing spirits repeatedly, and calls their attention to their loved ones, who will have stayed with them since the first depossession when they were called upon. Sometimes it takes a while for entities to really hear what is being said–to face their conditions and their options.
Playing the tape also gives you or the person you are helping an opportunity to notice clues that may confirm the diagnosis of possession, for sometimes spirits “hide.” Any reactions, other than neutral interest, suggest the presence of possessing spirits. The reactions to watch for are thoughts that come to mind, such as “I don’t want to hear any more,” “I don’t wont to listen to it!”
Emotional responses during the depossession, such as anxiety, fear, relief, joy and anger, are those of the entity reacting. (more…)
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The Effects of Spirit Possession
Excerpt from “The Unquiet Dead” by Edith Fiore
Earthbound entities, either discarnate or incorporated, seem to remain exactly as they were moments before their deaths. It’s as though they have been “freeze-framed”; throughout their stay in the physical world they do not change or profit from anything they experience. They have all their previous attitudes, prejudices, addictions, skills, interests, fears and hang-ups. If their deaths involved physical pain, this continues unabated, even for decades! If they were anesthetized, or drugged by alcohol, prescription or illicit substances before they died, they feel “spacey” and “out of it” for as long as they are earthbound. Possessing entities who committed suicide continue to feel desolate regardless of what their hosts experience. They remain abjectly depressed.
The possession itself can range from nearly total, in which case the original inhabitant is almost completely replaced, to a very minor influence. Some of the factors that determine the extent of the possession are the intrinsic strength of the individual compared to that of the possessing spirit, and conditions that weaken the possessee, like stress, drug abuse, illness, etc.
The more the afflicted abdicate control of their consciousness, the greater the influence of their possessors. If the possessed drink, especially if they get drunk, they are unwittingly giving control to the entities. Blackouts are examples of total–though temporary–surrender of the consciousness. That is why others say, “He’s a completely different person when he’s drunk.” He is! His role had been reduced to zero during that time. (more…)
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Could Birthmarks Be Wounds From Past Lives?
The power of the mind to leave physical marks on the body
Dr. Jim Tucker at the University of Virginia had learned through years of studying reincarnation accounts to accept that reincarnation exists—but the strong indications that birthmarks correspond to past-life wounds still puzzled him.
“I didn’t see how a wound on one body could show up as a birthmark on another, even if you accepted the idea of past-life connections,” he wrote in his book “Return to Life: Extraordinary Cases of Children Who Remember Past Lives.”
His mentor and predecessor in reincarnation studies, Dr. Ian Stevenson, had verified many cases. Some children among the approximately 2,000 reincarnation cases he studied recalled their past lives in such detail that they could identify their previous incarnations. Checking autopsy records or going to talk to the families of the deceased, Stevenson learned that the children often had birthmarks that corresponded with great accuracy to the wounds suffered by their supposed past-life incarnations.
An example of a case Stevenson and Tucker worked on together is that of a boy named Patrick in the American mid-west. Patrick had three birthmarks that seemed to correspond with wounds his dead brother Kevin had on his body. Kevin had died of cancer as a child before Patrick was born. (more…)
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