Nothing is Something!
What is Space?
Excerpt from The Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation:
“Space to scientists today is rather a vague and insecure concept which is constantly being subjected to different changes. One day he may think it is shaped like a saddle, another day he may think it is circular. Einstein himself went into the most abstract of mathematical formulas to try to conceive with in his mind and the objective mind what this dimension of space really is. This question cannot be answered by a mathematical formula. It never has been and never shall be.
Space, the spiritual worlds, and all things which reside in them, all substance and its elements and, in the infinite sense and in the abstract formations, all which we call God, is so completely abstract that it will have to be visualized; it will have to be assimilated, not in one lifetime, not in one progression but in thousands of progressions and lifetimes. Space is not space at all; instead, it is filled with this pulsating radiant energy which is the Infinite, itself. (more…)
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What is Nothing?

by Fraser Cain, Universe Today
Is there any place in the Universe where there’s truly nothing? Consider the gaps between stars and galaxies? Or the gaps between atoms? What are the properties of nothing?
I want you to take a second and think about nothing. Close your eyes. Picture it in your mind. Focus. Fooooocus. On nothing….It’s pretty hard, isn’t it? Especially when I keep nattering at you.
Instead, let’s just consider the vast spaces between stars and galaxies, or the gaps between atoms and other microscopic particles. When we talk about nothing in the vast reaches of space, it’s not actually, technically nothing. Got that? It’s not nothing. There’s something there. (more…)
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Visit To The Inner Plane of Parhelion
“Greetings, dear ones. I may in the future be identified as Kuthumi. I see that you are staggering somewhat under the impact of a new surprise, for you find yourself directly here in the second
section of Parhelion.
In the previous and opening transmission, you were conducted by Athena to the planet of Orion and to the city of Helianthus. We here are always trying to keep the interest in these transmissions going by the element of personal surprise. Now, before we go into these explorations more fully and conduct you through these remaining sections – although you may think that much of this is seemingly repetitious – yet for the sake of clarification, I shall again interject the original concepts of Shamballa.
The Shamballas are divided into seven dimensional segments, each related not only to the history of evolution of man on your earth, but also to the numerous other astral and terrestrial planets of the cosmic universe. There is, as has been somewhat explained to you, a great deal of intercourse between the different spiritual centers existing in this great cosmic universe, called either a terrestrial or a spiritual cosmos and containing a vast number of planets, not only in the universe with which you are familiar from the picturization in the books and astronomical libraries of your world, but many of which you have not yet learned. This universe is like many others, stemming from some great radial vortex of Celestial and Infinite Energy. It is quite natural that in the spiritual centers, since man is universal, and living as he does in the countless an innumerable dimensions – both terrestrial and spiritual – there must be a great deal of intercourse between these different relationships. (more…)
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The Universal Concept of Energy
Advanced Lesson Course #2
Excerpt from The Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation
In the foregoing lesson, certain presentations were made which included the tearing down of old and reactive dogmas, creeds, thought patterns, etc. Like the farmer who plows the soil preparing it for the new crop, you too, must prepare the soil in your own dimension of understanding so that the first seeds of wisdom may be planted there and which will eventually grow into fulfillment, bringing you the much desired and long-sought-after fruit of life.
The first tiny seed we shall plant will be the Universal Concept of Energy. Einstein and nuclear physics have destroyed the illusion of mass. Actually you and the world about you are solid only as a matter of reactive comparisons which always originate and function when mass is so associated with other various mass proportions.
To understand this reactive principle, mass must be thoroughly understood as constituting aggregates of atoms. Atoms are more or less complex solar systems of energy. Therefore, your home, your body, etc., all things about you are really not solid at all but are all composed of these same tiny energy forms called atoms.
In the higher spiritual worlds, people do not have these same reactive mass formations called atoms, nor do they function in a physical body, but instead have a pulsating, glowing, energy body; and all daily interpolations of life are carried on solely as a function of the mind, a vastly expanded usage of psychokinetics. In other words, people construct their homes, cities, clothing, and all artifacts of life from out the great universal substance (energy) which is drawn into form and consciousness by these more advanced people. The manner and form in which they do this is, of course, quite beyond the realm of any earth life. (more…)
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Fire Chef Remembers Past Life As A Civil War General

Retired Assistant Fire Chief Jeffrey Keene stumbled upon evidence he says suggests he was Civil War General John B. Gordon in a past life. Furthermore, Keene’s fire crew seem to strongly resemble men who fought under Gordon.
In 1991, Keene and his wife visited Sharpsburg, Md., to look at antiques. Keene felt compelled to visit the field nearby where the Civil War battle of Antietam was fought, explained Dr. Walter Semkiw in an article outlining his work with Keene.
Semkiw received his medical degree at the University of Illinois–Chicago and trained in psychiatry at the University of Colorado–Denver. He is an expert on reincarnation with the Institute for the Integration of Science, Intuition and Spirit (IISIS). He posted his research on Keene on (more…)
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How Brain Cells Are Like Little Universes

The structures of the universe and the human brain are strikingly similar.
In the Eastern spiritual discipline of Daoism, the human body has long been viewed as a small universe, as a microcosm. As billion-dollar investments are made in the United States and Europe to research brain functioning, the correlations between the brain and the universe continue to emerge.
The two pictures below illustrate the similarities. The top picture shows the neural network of a brain cell; the bottom picture shows the distribution of dark matter in the universe as simulated by Millennium Simulation. (more…)
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More Evidence Supporting “The Truth About Mars” II
The Truth About Mars is being confirmed by the latest discoveries on the planet surface of Mars. The following is just a few more of these confirmations. Remember that “The Truth About Mars” was published in 1956 more than 55 years ago.
In the following I will provide an excerpt from The Truth About Mars then the video or image recently published that supports the aforementioned.
“There are also a number of species of lizards, reptiles, and some insects whose hard shells have enabled them to weather the extreme atmospheric conditions.”
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Mysteries That Rewrite Human History
Alec Cope, Collective-Evolution
Waking Times
“History is written by the victors.” – Winston Churchill
History is a wonderful and sometimes crucial aspect of reality that can give us key insight into where we have been -and where we are going.
Throughout the ages, time and time again; humans have been lied to.
Whether it be aristocracy, royalty, oppressive regimes or a slew of other tyrants humans have been fed time and time again fabricated lies to suit the agenda of these parties.
But is that period truly over? (more…)
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The Jewel Celestial
Not fastened am I like some dark stone upon a planet’s face
But in my heart I have a jewel that’s born from out this planet’s wasted earth
A jewel not fraught with lusts or hates or dark despairs
But one which shines with Radiance fair
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Origin of the Aryans

Posted in True History of Man, Voice of Hermeswith comments disabled.
Spiritual Healing
Dear Student:
Following are a few vital points which will help you to better understand the corrective processes which enter into spiritual healing. The principles and methods are largely contained in the lessons. You will find by careful study, a scientific presentation of mass and energy and that all things resolve into energy. Therefore, in the creation of man, there is a broad departure from the Biblical, physical version of the creation of Adam and Eve.
Continuing along this line of thought and pursuing our course of reasoning, we therefore resolve man in all the tangible and intangible elements of God’s Infinite Nature. Man is therefore, individually and collectively, constantly revolving through countless dimensions, lifetimes and experiences. This is motivated not from the physical plane of existence or expression, which is only effect, but from the spiritual side of man’s true self.
It is well-known that man has a spiritual body, but very few people seem to know what that spiritual body is. I do more than presume to know, and can factually prove that it is an energy body existing in another dimension – outside the third-dimensional concept of time and space. This energy body is composed of the sum total of many lifetimes and evolutions. It also has a higher body, or the Oversoul, or the Christ Self, which is the motivating life force and which is made up from the abstract Infinity of God, Himself. (more…)
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Joseph-Louie Lagrange on Vibronics And Philosophy

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The “Red Shift” Explained
First an explanation or interpretation by the mainstream scientist of what the “Red Shift” is then an explanation of the “Red Shift” from a 4th dimensional perspective.
Excerpt from Tempus Interludium I:
“Another great and mistaken fallacy is the “Red Shift”. On a spectrographic analysis, scientists compare the appearance of certain lines as they appear on the surface of the refractory, crystal prism. Like an ordinary triangular crystal of glass, the spectrograph divides the light spectrum into certain lines somewhat similar to a rainbow. It is assumed that all known elements found on earth are part of every star-sun being viewed, as these are similar to our own sun. The thermonuclear process, or burning (fusion) of these elements, radiates the necessary light viewed on the spectroscope. From very distant star suns, the red light appears at a different place than it does here on earth. The scientist thinks this is caused by what he calls the Doppler effect; i.e., the train whistle receding away from you has a lower pitch than it does coming toward you. The scientist thinks the star-sun is moving rapidly away from the solar system and the galaxy because he is always looking out toward the outer rim of
the galaxy and he cannot see toward the center because of the many more star-suns and other conditions. He must always look out onto the Milky Way, so therefore he thinks that our galaxy and universe is expanding and this leads to the most ridiculous of all assumptions – the “Big Bang” theory; i.e., somewhere at some time, a huge ball of atoms collected together and when there were enough of them and they were compressed tightly enough, they suddenly exploded. The little pieces traveling outward formed the countless trillions of star suns of the universe. (more…)
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A True Teaching of Jesus

A sudden commotion was now seen among the people. All those that were reclining upon the ground suddenly sprang to their feet when their attention was drawn to the slope of the mountain before them. They then saw a body of men descend from a copse above, and when they came to the verge of the declivity they took up a position on the ledge of rock close to the edge, so that they were in view of the people beneath and around them. As soon as they took up their position, there was a loud shout of acclamation by the people and much commotion for a little while, but it gradually subsided as Jesus, standing alone in front of them, waved to and fro a branch of cedar, which intimated that quietness and order were required; then the multitude soon became as still as death.
Jesus appeared in his usual long blue garment open at the top, exposing to view the beautiful curves of his neck, throat and shoulders. His head being bare, displayed his glossy dark hair as it played around his neck and shoulders. He stood erect, with an air of the noble dignity of true manhood; his broad, high, spotless forehead, which seemed so expressive of majesty and wisdom, crowned his dark, fascinating eyes, which beamed with serene love and satisfaction with all around him. On his right side stood Judas, with due deference and humility expressed on his countenance, and John his personal attendant holding his tire and mantle, with James his brother by his side.
When quietness was perfectly established, Jesus commenced to address the people in a mild and melodious voice. His enunciation was slow and distinct at first, but as he progressed with his subject, he became more animated and rapid, more impressive, more eloquent and fascinating, so that people seemed to lose all consciousness of their identity and their locality so absorbed were they with the interest of the theme. (more…)
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A Visit to the Inner Plane of Parhelion
“I will introduce myself first as I was quite well known on your earth planet several hundred years ago and I believe I left a few little bits of writings around which you occasionally remember. I have been known as William Shakespeare. Let us not dawdle on the outside but come right on in. I know that you never cease to be amazed at the display of electronic pyrotechniques which you see about you each time you arrive. May I say that I have been here for hundreds of years and I still am thrilled at the continual recurrence of these displays of energies. To your earth people, your nearest thing which I could describe would be something like the Aurora Borealis or the Northern Lights which plays about the North Pole.
In the previous transmission, Kung Fu led you about to the various sections and a rather sketchy tour was instituted. I believe here that it will be to our advantage if we go into several of these centers and to more thoroughly examine just what it is that we call classrooms or various other centers of learning. We have continually tried to impress you with the tremendous size of these various centers which are divided in this great city, and this section of Muse, as you would call it, is no exception. Let us go first into this room which I have a particular affinity for as it is more relevant to that type of literature and the expression of the art known as drama on the earth plane. We will pass through this large doorway and enter into what has been previously called a room. As you will see, the word ‘room’ was used merely for lack of something more adequate. Looking above you first, the ceiling, if we can call it such, is something more than a hundred feet above you and that it does not possess the appearance of a ceiling in the commonly accepted word, rather it is a pulsating, throbbing conglomeration of brilliantly hued flowing colors which seem to stream back and forth in the immediate space above you so that you are not actually seeing any particular solid substance but rather, the living, breathing, pulsating energies which you have become somewhat familiar with. Lowering your gaze down into the level about you, you will see also that the whole appearance of things before you takes on a very sylvan appearance, in other words, it looks like a tremendous flower garden or a horticulturist’s dream. (more…)
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