Spectacular Structures On Mars: Is NASA Finally Allowing Disclosure?
(Digital Art Photo of Mars by Kees Keenenbos)
Unequivocal Evidence of Alien Structures on Mars
According to a new set of images beamed back by NASA’s rovers exploring the red planet, there are giant structures half buried near Mt. Sharp on the red planet. According to UFO hunters and Ufologists, there are several structures that are clearly visible half-buried in the harsh Martian soil.
Not long ago we shared the images of a mysterious dome-shaped structures on Mars, another image that seemed to prove there are more things on Mars than what NASA and other space agencies are willing to accept.
While many readers might remain skeptical about these images, no one can deny there is a certain degree of mystery around them.
Looking at the images present in the article, we can clearly see what appear to be several perfectly shaped lines in the background. According to UFO hunters, these lines are the ultimate evidence of half-buried structures on Mars. Not only are these present in the vicinity of Mount Sharp, they can be seen in many images from the Red Planet. These images are, according to Ufologists the ultimate evidence that proves the red planet was inhabited by intelligent beings in the distant past. (more…)
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Magnetism: The Universal ‘I Am’
“In the discussion of The Grand Man of the Universe, we have shown the similarity, or oneness of all Creation from Microcosm to Macrocosm.
When we previously mentioned an electromagnetic field or vortex, we were referring to the Fourth Great Primary Force, or the Resonating Electromagnetic Field (RMF) which present day science knows nothing about although they suspect its existence.
The Four Forces are: Static-Magnetic Field (SM), as in a bar magnet; Electro-Static Field (ES), as in a charged capacitor; Electro-Magnetic Wave (EM), as radio waves, light, heat, etc.; Resonating Electromagnetic Field (RMF), like that of all celestial bodies (operating in a vortex), space craft propulsion field, the basis of life, the elemental life.
Throughout space are positive and negative parallel light lines of force running between each other at right angles and consisting of charged particles vibrating at varying rates producing a rhythmic wave effect of bands. These lines of force also vary in the number of particles they contain in a given distance, that is, they vary in their density. When negative and positive lines or bands ( equal to the diameter of the particle to be) with equal densities and vibrations cross, a vortex is set up which condenses the positive particles and these become substance as nuclei . . . either a proton (atomic nucleus), or a comet (early evolutionary form of a planet), or a sun (nucleus of a solar system). The negative particles are condensed as the Resonating Electromagnetic Field (vortex) of an atom, a planet, or a sun. (more…)
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Past Life Therapy: The Many Faces of Fear – Part II
“Fear of fire is another common problem, which often comes up in sessions. A healthy respect for fire is normal, but when one has a severe reaction to it usually it’s because of either being severely injured or killed by fire sometime in the past. This includes such experiences as being burned at the stake, dying in a house or building fire, having been burned or seeing someone else burned in this or some other lifetime. The emotions associated with these causal events often are buried at soul level, where they remain dormant until they are triggered by a future incident at which point they can develop into a full-blown, paralyzing fear.
Because Donna, a thirty-six-year-old woman, actually suffered panic attacks whenever she was around any type of an open flame, she took extreme measures to protect herself. Campfires and weenie roasts definitely were out. For that matter, she had nothing but electrical appliances in her home. In regression she found the cause of her fear was traceable to a past life when, as a child of five, she was trapped in a burning apartment building during World War II. Because her rescuers’ ladders were too short to reach her fourth floor apartment, they couldn’t rescue her. Unable to escape, she quickly was surrounded by flames, which quickly engulfed her. Unlike most others who have found themselves in similar situations and are asphyxiated, she suffered a horrible death by fire. (more…)
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The Superconscious Self
“The term Infinite itself can be considered of the utmost importance. The term Superconsciousness also may indeed at this point, present certain aspects which are not at present fully apparent in the reader’s interpolation. Therefore, we shall approach this subject and its context by stating that the much confused term God, or gods, as posed in numerous cultisms, religions and texts in past dispensations of mankind throughout his existence on the planet earth, can and should be resolved into this one common equation: There is indeed no personal relationship or personal deification involved in the relationship of the Infinite to man as the Infinite is, in all aspects, just as it should be thoroughly understood — Infinite.
This means that so far as space is concerned in the understanding of the modern scientist, his belief is a complete delusion. If we could conceive in the conscious mind for an instantaneous moment, the completion of the Infinite, we would find that space is infinitely filled, infinitely hard, so far as consciousness was reactive to it. In this sense therefore, so far as the material dimension is concerned, the term resistance is of the utmost importance, for all known physical laws function from the plane of reactance or resistance. The two words or terms are synonymous in their exact proportion as far as personal identities or interpolations of science are concerned, whether they relate to any expression, as is commonly composed in diametrically opposed forces of gravity, inertia, centripetal or centrifugal forces. These are all common derivatives of reactance or resistance in their various compounded infractions in the materialistic dimension of atomic forms. (more…)
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The Secret Family of Jesus
This is the narrative of the intrigue that Dan Brown failed to address. More important than the Da Vinci Code it’s an account of past events that has been invisible for more than 2,000 years. It takes us right back to the very root of Christianity and if accurate, could shake almost everything that Christians take for granted. It’s the account of the people who were dearest to Jesus, the people who shared his lineage.
Posted in The True Life of Jesuswith 1 comment.
Einstein’s Unfinished Dream: Marrying Relativity to the Quantum World
by Don Lincoln, Senior Scientist, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory; Adjunct Professor of Physics, University of Notre Dame
This November marks the centennial of Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity. This theory was the crowning achievement of Einstein’s extraordinary scientific life. It taught us that space itself is malleable, bending and stretching under the influence of matter and energy. His ideas revolutionized humanity’s vision of the universe and added such mind-blowing concepts as black holes and wormholes to our imagination.
Einstein’s theory of general relativity describes a broad range of phenomena, from nearly the moment of creation to the end of time, and even a journey spiraling from the deepest space down into a ravenous black hole, passing through the point of no return of the event horizon, down, down, down, to nearly the center, where the singularity lurks. (more…)
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On Philosophy And Science – Part III
“However, now that the Infinite is revolving, we shall say, within an infinite number of dimensions which contain facsimiles of all that the Infinite is — except in one respect — that this Infinite must again relive itself as so compounded within this small dimension from all other different dimensions; and this again surcharges and re-creates the image of Infinity within Infinity. You have grasped that? No? So, to enable the Infinite to re-create Himself from out of this vast infinity, this united facsimile of Himself in a very small dimension must relive itself, so to speak, through all of
the other dimensions. This it does by starting at the bottom. The bottom is an earth world. There it begins to relive itself in very simple forms, the amoeba or any other particular form of bacterial or protozoan life which you may find about you. These forms are the beginnings of remanifestation of the Infinite in re-creating itself.
I have approached this particular point in a different direction from the one I just formerly gave to you. Now when we begin to understand that this Infinite is so re-creating itself and remanifesting itself upon such surface dimensions as the earth, there is the time, which I have suggested, when the Infinite again relives itself as a direct continuity with this higher self which originally started this chain reaction. This then becomes a man, that is, we can say this is the beginning of a man so individually so created. There is no direct borderline; that is, we will say there is no jumping-off place. This evolution takes place gradually and as the development of this particular form of consciousness so re-creates itself back into the material world, it increases to carry within itself its own particular personality, its own ego, if I can use the word of your present-day psychiatry. It supports from life to life its own succession of life experiences, such things which may be psychic shocks, malformations, aberrations in the wave form structures which so compose this psychic anatomy which have been created over the long evolution of time and earth world experiences. (more…)
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New Discoveries Suggest We Live In a Multiverse Teeming With Alien Life
From Mermaids to Sirens, to Gods, Goddesses, Demons and Djinn. For millennia, tales of other worlds and the creatures that live therein have fascinated the imaginations of some of this planets greatest thinkers going all the way back to ancient Greece and beyond to Babylon. These stories of other worlds have sparked interest in “that which cannot be seen” since civilization began and this idea that there is still much we do not know seems to be everlasting in the consciousness of human beings.
Now that science has advanced to such a degree and research has disproven many of these myths, most people have tossed away the notion that anything beyond the material realm that cannot currently be measured must automatically be dismissed. However, recent findings by astrophysicist Ranga-Ram Chary have again sparked interest in “that which cannot be seen.”
While mapping the “cosmic microwave background,” or light left over from the early universe, Chary discovered mysterious bright spots which he believes may be matter from another universe “leaking” into ours. In a study recently published in the Astrophysics Journal, Chary writes, “Our universe may simply be a region within an eternally inflating super-region.” He also writes, “Many other regions beyond our observable universe would exist with each such region governed by a different set of physical parameters than the ones we have measured for our universe.” (more…)
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Eric Dollard on The True Scientists of Electrical Theory
An Interview With Eric Dollard on Farnsworth, Tesla, Reich, Schauberger and Other True Scientists of Electrical Theory (by Tom Brown) and True History of Electricity (Video)
Eric P. Dollard, Wireless Engineer, is a scientist who bases his work on observation of phenomenon and practical experimentation. He is the Vice-President of BSRF and the author of five published papers on electrical phenomena: CONDENSED INTRO TO TESLA TRANSFORMERS, DIELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC DISCHARGES IN ELECTRICAL WINDINGS, SYMBOLIC REPRESENTATION OF ALTERNATING WAVES, SYMBOLIC REPRESENTATION OF THE GENERALIZED ELECTRIC WAVE (IN TIME), and THE THEORY OF WIRELESS POWER.
In the course of Eric’s research he has investigated the works of Nikola Tesla, Charles Proteus Steinmetz, Philo Taylor Farnsworth II, Johann Sebastian Bach, Wilhelm Reich and other true Scientists of our era. I have personally witnessed the propagation of electricity without wires, the phenomenon of drawing several inch sparks off insulators and mysterious living forms in plasma gas bulbs connected to Eric’s Tesla apparatus. Eric speaks a knowledge gained by hands-on experience. This interview will certainly change your point of view about the Borderlands of Science and will certainly shatter any preconceived notions you once had about Tesla, Free Energy, ELF, The American Dream, etc…
Tom: What first interested you in the works of Nikola Tesla and electrical engineering in general?
Eric: I’ve always been interested in the subject. Years ago someone gave me a copy of Co-Evolution Quarterly that had an article on Tesla, Philo Farnsworth and Edwin Armstrong. That got me thinking about what was going on as I had basically reinvented the Tesla coil as a teenager using equipment given to me by RCA. Things started to connect at that point. Then I read PRODIGAL GENIUS (by John O’Neill) and it was like I was hit with a bolt of lightning. That book shocked me into action.
T: What do you think that Tesla was trying to attempt in his work? (more…)
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An Angel’s Way
How oft it is that high above, in some bright lighted sky
An Angel’s caught by planets rushing by
An Earthly place that spins a web of prayers that reaches out and holds Him fast
And there within its earthly coils He’s born again, and lives within a body made of flesh
And comes and goes as all men do, and called by all of them as such as they;
Yet, there remains within His heart and mind an Angel’s way
And in His hand an Angel’s touch. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Poetry, The Antheniumwith comments disabled.
On Philosophy And Science – Part II
“Now, we will turn the meeting over to the scientists. My worthy colleague, Manu, (in Part I) has given you some philosophical content as to the purpose of achievement, what achievement is, what we must strive for in our realizations, what we will attain when we begin to fathom this riddle of life. This message, this solution begins here on this earth. It begins on this or some other similar terrestrial
planet just as it has done for countless millions of years for races of men, for species of plant and animal life which have inhabited these various worlds. But you cannot hope to understand these things until you first obtain basic elemental functioning principles of creation, for this is a scientific dimension.
We will first begin to destroy the illusion of mass. The world as you see it about you at this moment is ‘seemingly’ solid. Not so! You can read, and this can be proven to you in a thousand different ways that mass is an illusion. Every school boy before he graduates knows about the atoms; he knows they are tiny solar systems of energy. He knows that the spaces in an atom are comparatively as vast as those which you find in your solar system. The walls of this room, your bodies, all which you call mass is not really solid at all. You have only grown accustomed to this illusion through the countless ages of time and from the very beginnings of your embryonic life cell. You have become in direct proportion to your concept, your development in your particular environment, a creature so specifically ordinated to live in a reactive environment. We will say reactive because animals, as they so present themselves to you in your surface world, are composite reactionary systems of energy. (more…)
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Ten Things the Ancients Did Better than Us
Just a couple of decades ago, the people of ancient civilizations were viewed as simple, primitive people. However, numerous discoveries since then have revealed a number of surprising facts about ancient cultures, namely that many of them possessed advanced knowledge of metallurgy, mathematics, chemistry, astronomy, and more. With this knowledge they forged steel stronger than anything else seen until the Industrial Revolution, created a recipe for concrete so durable that their buildings would endure for millennia longer than the constructions of today, cut stones and assembled walls so precisely that attempts at modern-day replications have failed. Scientists are still scratching their heads over some of the amazing accomplishments of ancient civilizations. Here we feature ten of them.
1. Aqueducts and hydro technology
Who would have thought that 21st century governments would be looking to 1,500-year-old technology for guidance on how to solve water access problems? But that is exactly what is happening in Lima, Peru. (more…)
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Synchronicities, Energy Healing, and Other Strangeness in the Field
One piece of evidence for the holographic nature of nonstandard fields that have been proposed in recent years — the zero-point field (a candidate for the unified field [2]), the psi field of psychic phenomena, Ervin Laszlo’s Akashic field [3], and the morphic field proposed by Rupert Sheldrake [4] — is that they all share a common feature: sensitivity to similarity in vibration.
If a holographic image has many different holograms embedded within it, shining a laser of a specific frequency upon it will cause only those holograms made with lasers of the same frequency to stand out. That’s because things with the same vibration naturally resonate and reinforce one another — just as two violin strings at the same pitch resonate with one another. This property of resonance has also been used to explain how each of us might interact with mysterious fields like the psi or Akashic fields … People pick up only that with which they personally “resonate.” Each individual’s resonant frequency, determined by their life experience, physical body, and energy body, limits what they can perceive.
Biologist Rupert Sheldrake’s theory of morphic resonance also depends upon similarity in vibration. Members of the same species, being “on the same wavelength,” are able to tap into information that pertains uniquely to them. And while members of an entire species might be able to tune into a fairly broad spectrum of frequencies (think of Carl Jung’s notion of the collective unconscious that humans supposedly tap into [5]), smaller, more tightly connected groups — such as members of the same family or loving couples — resonate in more focused zones of vibration; they have access to their own “private frequency.” In fact, Sheldrake goes even further and suggests that morphic fields can explain how human memory operates. Instead of being stored in our brains, he suggests that memories are stored in the morphic field. Our brains then pick them up via resonance, like radios tuning to their own private stations. (more…)
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What Happens To a Suicide Bomber On The Other Side
Excerpt from Vistas of Infinity by Jurgen Ziewe
This book deals with the reality of our life after death, not spirit communication, but actual visits with all sensory perception intact. These reports cover the last seven years since his first book was published. As a result of lifelong practice of deep mediation, the author projects his Consciousness into parallel dimensions and non-physical reality systems while retaining full waking awareness throughout. He probes into the infinite vistas of human Consciousness and brings back detailed accounts of his journeys and observations. Here is one such observation:
The ‘Paradise’ of a Suicide Bomber
“Ever since the 9/11 atrocities of the World Trade Center bombing I have been wondering what sort of afterlife the perpetrators of such monstrous crimes would earn for themselves. It is obvious to anyone other than the most extreme fanatics that the sufferings endured by the victims, and their loved ones who are left behind, will cause deep, perhaps lifelong, trauma. It is inconceivable to imagine that some deity representing compassion, love and truth could possibly endorse such barbarity.
Nature only works because it is rooted in reality, in universal laws that only work because they are finely tuned and balanced. Nature does not act in accordance to a fantasy, however strongly we wish the fantasy to be real.
Before I had the following experience I already suspected that the feelings unleashed by the hapless victims of mass murder and those of their relatives and friends, as well as the indignation of others, would be inevitably focused on the perpetrators in some form or other, but I was not prepared for what I found. (more…)
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The Girl Who Could Recall Ten Past Lives
by IN 5D
Reincarnation is actually a very widely held belief in the world…but this girl claims to have remembered her previous ten lives.
Could someone actually recall the past ten lives that they had?
From the time Joey Verwey was just three years old, she was telling her family amazing stories that she was able to remember from her previous ten reincarnations. Stories that were so unusual and detailed, there was no way that she could have learned them on her own.
By the time she was five, she was meeting regularly with parapsychology professors, reincarnation gurus, regressive hypnotherapists, and investigative journalists, who all concluded that this innocent child offered the most convincing, modern evidence that reincarnation really exists.
Her first life was a cave dweller about 200 million years ago. She remembers being chased by a dinosaur, and leaving stone and bone tools behind in a cave. Today, she was able to lead investigators to a series of caves in South Africa that she had never seen before. These were the exact same caves where Royal Society Fellow, Robert Bloom, discovered the missing link between apes and humans, Australopithecus Africanus. (more…)
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