Why The Sun Does Not Radiate Heat or Light Through Free Space

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An Open Letter From The Brotherhood
“Today the peoples of the world are anxiously seeking and looking forward to world peace. This anxiety has been increased a million-fold when it is realized that modern science has placed in the hands of man, the potential power to completely destroy the world. History reveals that for thousands of years man has followed this same destructive course of evolution and that today he is no closer, yea, even farther away from peace than ever before.
Paradoxically, while he is thus anxiously looking to the leadership of his nation for this peace, he has not realized that he, himself, just as every individual, has a full measure of this peace and that if he is willing to make personal adjustments in his life, form new thought patterns, he can quite easily, over a period of time, acquire this much sought after peace of mind. (more…)
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Scientific Research Confirms Brain Is Like A “Computer”
Here’s Why Most Neuroscientists Are Wrong About the Brain
By C.R. Gallistel
Most neuroscientists believe that the brain learns by rewiring itself—by changing the strength of connections between brain cells, or neurons. But experimental results published last year, from a lab at Lund University in Sweden, hint that we need to change our approach. They suggest the brain learns in a way more analogous to that of a computer: It encodes information into molecules inside neurons and reads out that information for use in computational operations.
With a computer scientist, Adam King, I co-authored a book, Memory and the Computational Brain: Why Cognitive Science Will Transform Neuroscience. We argued that well-established results in cognitive science and computer science imply that computation in the brain must resemble computation in a computer in just this way. So, of course, I am fascinated by these results.
A computer does not learn by rewiring itself; it learns by encoding facts into sequences of ‘0s’ and ‘1s’ called bit strings, which it stores in addressable registers. Registers are strings of tiny switches. When a switch is set one way, it physically represents ‘1’; when set the other way, it physically represents ‘0’. The registers in a computer’s memory are numbered, and the numbers constitute addresses. The computer stores a bit string by choosing an available address and setting the switches in accord with the string to be stored there. (more…)
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Keshe Releases Free Energy Plans To World
KFSSI Blueprint Teaching Week. From Monday Oct 26 2015, the Keshe Foundation is live and open to the public, with teachings about the understanding and application of the Magrav system technology.
Starting at 10:00 am CET Monday Oct 26 2015, on all weekday mornings, and at 2 pm CET weekday afternoons through Friday Oct 30 2015. Same links below for all sessions.
Livestreaming at:
At Zoom Meeting (when live):
Keshe Foundation Broadcast page:
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Will NASA Be Forced To Admit There is Life Out There?
15 Recent Compelling Scientific Findings for Alien Life
by Jessica Orwig
Every one of us is made up of atoms that were once part of an exploding star, including atomic carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen — some of the fundamental ingredients for life.
Over billions of years, these ingredients condense to form gas clouds, new stars, and planets, which means that the ingredients, and therefore the potential, for life beyond Earth are scattered across the universe.
What’s more, a number of recent discoveries also strongly suggest that alien life exists, either in our own solar system or beyond.
The ultimate question is no longer “Is there life beyond Earth?” but rather “When will we find it?”
Here’s what we know:
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Introduction to Healing
“In order to aid the student in gaining the greatest benefits from his self-corrective study of life psychology in the interest of human relationships, individually and collectively, it is of paramount importance that each student enrolled in the organization of UN.AR.I.U.S. should fully understand the scientific psychological principles involved in this study.
It is suggested that each student make out a sheet listing his fears whereby he may check from time to time in comparison. The word “fear” itself as well as other factors involves certain subconscious reflexes known as defense mechanisms and the student frequently sidesteps this analysis and thereby cheats himself of great benefits which could be gained by more complete objectivism in this pychosomatic analysis. The concept of fear must be more properly understood as one of the most powerful and dynamic moving forces which has helped man to construct this present civilization and as such, fear is therefore either constructive or destructive. (more…)
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The Cyclic Interplay – Part IV
“Another way which might better help you to understand is to picture in your mind’s eye the vast Infinite Cosmos, a sea of Radiant Energy, infinitely filled with whirling vortexes. Just above the earth is a great sieve perforated with countless billions of tiny holes, and through these holes this energy is streaming into all forms of earth life. Every human receives his own individual stream of life-giving energy. This is the ‘mysterious’ energy which is behind all thought and action. Through the psychic anatomy it gives life to all the cells; it keeps all constructive life formations constantly reconstructing their own form and purpose. This Infinite life energy flows into each atom and
exactly equalizes its position to all other atoms through these electromagnetic fields. Yes, even the stones which form the hard core surface and the earth itself are held so equalized by the exact equilibrium expressed in all these apparent physical forms. Yet, they too — just as you must — are progressively or psychically being reformed, even in the beginning of any form whether it is an atom or an earth or a solar system, or even a galaxy. The beginning of a cycle also marks its end. For all these apparent forms are only following in this third dimension, the cyclic movements which engendered their existence. (more…)
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Einstein Wouldn’t Like It: New Test Proves Universe Is “Spooky”
The universe really is weird, which is bad news both for Albert Einstein and for would-be hackers hoping to break into quantum encryption systems.
Eighty years after the physicist dismissed as “spooky” the idea that simply observing one particle could instantly change another far-away object, Dutch scientists said on Wednesday they had proved decisively that the effect was real.
Writing in the journal Nature, researchers detailed an experiment showing how two electrons at separate locations 1.3 km (0.8 mile) apart on the Delft University of Technology campus demonstrated a clear, invisible and instantaneous connection.
Importantly, the new study closed loopholes in earlier tests that had left some doubt as to whether the eerie connection predicted by quantum theory was real or not. (more…)
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God Particles From The Galactic Core
Is the Galactic Center in our Milky Way sending our beloved Earth the healing energies she requires to realign in harmony with Cosmic Law? Chandra X-ray Observatory, Cambridge, Massachusetts and Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama report in Astronomy magazine that the center heart of our galaxy, known as Sagittarius A* has recently shown a ten-fold increase in its flaring:
A new study reveals that Sgr A* has been producing one bright X-ray flare about every 10 days. However, within the past year, there has been a ten-fold increase in the rate of bright flares from Sgr A*, at about one every day. This increase happened soon after the close approach to Sgr A* by a mysterious object called G2. [Source]
What our eyes may perceive as empty sky space is more a crowded densely packed shooting gallery for trillions of highly charged energetic wave particles as rays — a pulsating ocean in the vastness of interplanetary space. Some of us can ‘see’ these energies in the sky above us. The emerging science of space physics reveals the ubiquitous complexities of Cosmic Rays, which are of two types: the Galactic Cosmic Rays, GCRs high energy particles originating outside the solar system, and Solar Energetic Particles, SEPs emitted by the Sun. Galactic Cosmic Rays may originate within or outside the galaxy, thus the energies that come into our heliosphere are from our Sun, the Heart of the Milky Way and beyond. (more…)
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How The Ancient Priesthood Fooled Their Followers With Machines
Ancient Magic: The Illusions Created in Temples by Amazing Inventions (To Fool The Gullible)
By Tara MacIsaac Left: Marvelous altar, pictured in the book “Magic, Stage Illusions and Scientific Diversions Including Trick Photography. Right: A file image of an ancient lamp.
Imagine you’re in an ancient temple, dimly lit by rays of sunlight peaking in. A worshipper lights a fire on the altar, and steps back. A statue beside the altar begins to move! It pours libations to the god for whom the temple is built. A door behind the altar opens of it’s own accord, and the statue of that god appears.
But behind the mystique was the ingenuity of inventors, not the miracles of the gods.
Inventor Heron of Alexandria (10–70 A.D.) described in “Pneumatics” how such devices worked. The statue stood on a pedestal connected to the altar by a tube. The tube extended from the altar, through the statue, and into a cup held by the statue. Water was poured into the pedestal through a hole that was then corked up. (more…)
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The Cyclic Interplay – Part III
“Now we have discovered that learning and usage are synonymous and are actually equalized or
balanced motions of energy which do, in effect, re-create the psychic anatomy, and which also help to polarize the Superconscious Self. Polarization, like all other Infinite functions, is extremely important; and in understanding polarization, you will begin to understand the very essence of creation. For it is through polarization that the Infinite Intelligence recreates atoms, planets, solar systems, galaxies and universes. Also through the understanding of polarization any person becomes Immortal.
The Superconscious has been frequently mentioned as an Infinite facsimili of the Infinite. You can picture this situation if you can see, in your mind’s eye, a certain whirling vortex of energy. This vortex is actually composed of billions of other vortexes; each one, in turn, contains vast numbers of much smaller vortexes. All of these whirling masses of energy are actually billions of wave forms of energy each one vibrating at tremendous speed. They are, in other words, becoming positive and negative, and in this phase shift, they determine their respective affiliation to any and all other wave forms and vortexes in the Infinite Cosmos. As all of these vortexes revolve within themselves, their cyclic patterns are therefore complete. They do not, in a sense, go anywhere; nor do they come from some place. You can find them only if you can tune into their respective wave lengths; otherwise, they do not exist in consciousness.
Now, any vortex will, within its own circumference, encompass enough wave forms, which, when harmonically relinked, will, in all effect, make this one vortex the entire Infinite Cosmos — if we can so temporarily contain it for the moment. Therefore, within any vortex — either as it is self-contained or as it is harmonically attuned to the Cosmos — is contained the net sum and total of infinity. That means that all life, all humanity, everything which you can think of, and very, very much more, can figuratively, be squeezed into a vortex smaller than an electron. Actually, in this way, time and space have been eliminated, as was somewhat theoretically postulated by Einstein; for even in sub-infinity, or the smallest portion of such a sub-infinity is, in effect, as large as the whole of Super-Infinity. It also means that when you understand this whole concept, you will, by the simple process of attunement, be able to travel through space from planet to planet, from universe to universe — not with the speed of light — but instantaneously, simply because not only any one portion or portions thereof, but the sum and total of Infinity can he tuned in by a person who so understands this concept. It is just as close as the end of your nose. (more…)
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The Plane of Illusion
THE PLANE OF ILLUSION By Gerardus Tros ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Plane of Earth we live in... is the Plane of Illusion. This plane of illusion however is a reality system that is a valid construction in consciousness. The Earth Plane is also called... the Plane of Separation. All Things within this Reality System have their own Time... Space... and Form. All Things also... seem to be Independent. (more…)
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Are Crop Circles Showing Us How to Produce Clean Magnetic Energy?
Can we learn how to produce clean magnetic energy by studying English crop pictures?
Electricity, magnetism, and twisted or helical magnetic fields seem to be how the saucers or drone-shaped UFOs fly – by Mark Fussell & Stuart Dike
(This is a real-life, Jodie Foster kind of “Contact” story)
Recently we became aware that a certain proportion of English or European crop pictures, perhaps 10-20%, show images of a technical or scientific nature, relating to electricity, magnetism, and twisted or helical magnetic fields.
Those paranormal crop artists seem to be following our progress at understanding novel forms of magnetism very closely, especially in the free-energy or private-inventor areas. Some of the “magnetic principles” or “magnetic motors” shown in crops seem to be just a commentary on what Earth scientists already know, or what some Earth inventors are trying to build. Other crop pictures show novel ideas or devices in a “teaching” sense.
For example, the crop artists suggest that running electric current through a ring of magnets will release “spirals of energy” along the curved path of the ring, and also will generate a “pyramid of energy” above or below. This seems similar to mechanisms of propulsion which we can see for the “drone” class of UFOs. If we run an electric current through a magnet, it will produce a combined magnetic field which spirals around the N-S poles as a helix (see What_happens when_you_pass_a_current_through_a_magnet).
As a related concern, the crop artists are not asking us to miraculously extract “free energy” from the vacuum. They seem to be asking us to collect “clean energy” from the Earth’s magnetic field. Nicola Tesla once planned to give clean wireless energy to the whole world, absorbed from the Earth’s Schumann Resonance (see secret-sciences) (more…)
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True Learning
“It must be thoroughly understood, that there is a great difference between true learning and the subconscious retentive memory process which is presently called learning. For this memory process is a “cut and dried” situation, which seldom, if ever, correctly attunes the individual to his own individual psychic constituents. True learning is a process whereby the knowledge to be learned must be first visualized as thought train wave forms containing the desired information. Through the known or unknown senses which link every person to this evolution of life, these
thought train wave forms must be properly attuned so that when they are reflected into, or oscillate with the individual’s subconscious, these individual wave train constituents will so catalyze or regenerate, not only in the subconscious psychic structures, but in other adjunctive psychic structures as well. This catalyzing or regeneration thereby canceling out and rebuilding, as well as polarizing these various necessary psychic structures which will then give this individual a complete psychic rapport or attunement with the Higher Self in the perspectus of knowledge which has caused this regenerative and rebuilding process.
The individual can now use this higher form of attunement to properly align this knowledge with the Infinite perspectus. This alignment will, in turn, through the Superconscious, regenerate any number of wave train configurations which are thus pertinent to, or objectively combined with, the original existing information which so prompted this higher reactive process. The individual can now be said to possess independent creative thought, inasmuch as he is using the mind as an integrator to subtract into consciousness, the various necessary elements which exist in the Infinite Mind; and he is not dependent upon the comparatively limited subconscious content which is compounded from past life experiences (or educational symposiums). (more…)
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Mega Alien ‘Dyson Sphere’ Structure Found Surrounding a Star
by UFO Sightings Hotspot
Researchers have revealed a ‘bizarre’ star they say could be surrounded by a huge alien mega structure.
KIC 8462852 located between two constellations Cygnus and Lyra and 1480 light-years away, was monitored by the Kepler Space Telescope for more than four years, beginning in 2009.
Now researchers say they cannot explain strange fluctuations in the light it emits – leading some to claim it could have a huge alien mega structure in front of it.
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