Self Mastery
“It is truly said that each person is his own worst enemy and this is quite true when we consider, from the personal psychology viewpoint, the great web of fallacious thought patterns that an
individual has woven for himself and in the weaving has become thoroughly enmeshed; the more he struggles, the more closely do the coils draw about him.
The “Father” of which Jesus spoke was the Superconscious Self which is within everyone and is the very well-spring of life for that person, just as it is in everyone. We all have the Father within; Jesus also referred to this Father as the Christ-self. It is linked up through frequency vibration just the same as in television or radio, to all of the Infinite Intelligence of the great God Mind. We cannot go within to this Superconsciousness, this Christ or Father and accept or reject what is there and what we need by the standards of our thought patterns in which we have enmeshed ourselves. We cannot put the stamp of personal censorship on everything in God’s Infinite Mind. If we say this is so, or it is not so, if we refuse to give up petty vices and various perversions in which most all of us indulge – either knowingly or unknowingly – then we are not approaching the Father within as little children.
Without these escape mechanisms, thought patterns and various mental and physical perversions which everyone has—only the best of us, those who have schooled themselves to go within and approach the seat of Infinity without the constrictions of these thought patterns—only that person can get what he needs and can be healed. (more…)
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More On The Dangers of Atomic Detonation And The Fall of Lucifer
Here is a short synopsis of Maldek also known as Lucifer by George King (also see Maldek and Malona):
“Hundreds of thousands of years ago there was another planet in this Solar System, about the size of Earth, which made its orbit between Mars and Jupiter. It was a green prosperous world inhabited by a people who had not reached a state of really advanced culture, but had nevertheless attained a stage which afforded an abundance of necessities which made life comparatively comfortable for all.
They studied the philosophies and dabbled in the sciences as do we, except that these people were more advanced in many ways than we are. The planet was so highly mechanized that robots took care of all the menial tasks. The inhabitants had discovered a rudimentary form of space travel, and could control their weather so that drought and famine became long forgotten. The majority, having an abundance of food, and having no menial tasks to perform, soon became content to while away their time in the sun. They became, in comparison with higher planetary cultures, a selfish, lackadaisical people seeking after their own enjoyment, as do the majority of people on Earth today.
Then the disease came. (more…)
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Nuclear Energy And Planet Earth
A UFO contactee in Minnesota, who also is told by his entirely human extraterrestrial visitors that they are coming from what we call the Pleiades, who has been visited by them since his first abduction in 1958, has carried on extensive dialogues on scientific and technical subjects so profound that he had to enroll in college physics courses to learn enough to grasp what they were trying to explain to him.
They told him that our toying with the atom was our greatest danger, and worse, our scientists had no knowledge of the dangers they were introducing in our world.
At those extraterrestrials’ suggestion, he produced a monograph on “Nuclear Energy vs. Planet Earth”, and sought to bring it to the attention of science circles and open minds wherever he could. And to give this emphasis, they the ETs told him in advance what our survey team sent to the South Pole to study the recently discovered hole in the ionosphere over the Antarctic would find.
This monograph was written in August 1986, as a team was being prepared for the expedition to Antarctica to try to find out what is causing the hole discovered by the IRAS satellite in 1979 and growing.
A copy of that monograph is reproduced here for your review: (more…)
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Swedish Mystic: Emanuel Swedenborg
Born in 1688, Swedenborg was the Leonardo da Vinci of his era. In his early years he studied science. He was the leading mathematician in Sweden, spoke nine languages, was an engraver, a politician, an astronomer, and a businessman, built watches and microscopes as a hobby, wrote books on metallurgy, color theory, commerce, economics, physics, chemistry, mining, and anatomy, and invented prototypes for the airplane and the submarine.
Throughout all of this he also meditated regularly, and when he reached middle age, developed the ability to enter deep trances during which he left his body and visited what appeared to him to be heaven and conversed with “angels” and “spirits.”
That Swedenborg was experiencing something profound during these journeys, there can be no doubt. He became so famous for this ability that the queen of Sweden asked him to find out why her deceased brother had neglected to respond to a letter she had sent him before his death. Swedenborg promised to consult the deceased and the next day returned with a message which the queen confessed contained information only she and her dead brother knew.
Swedenborg performed this service several times for various individuals who sought his help, and on another occasion told a widow where to find a secret compartment in her deceased husband’s desk in which she found some desperately needed documents. So well known was this latter incident that it inspired the German philosopher Immanuel Kant to write an entire book on Swedenborg entitled Dreams of a Spirit-Seer. (more…)
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Interdimensional Energy Transductance ~ Part II
“The world in itself, as well as the planetary system, the galaxy and the universe in which the earth is so situated, presents to even the most casual observer, a very obvious fact: There is much more to science at the present time than has been presupposed in any scientific dispensations. The vague and nebulous theories as they are posed by science — that any planet or sun represents in its formation, a long-term period of the collection of many tiny dust particles from space — is quite infantile and completely refutes any of the existing knowledge or laws of electronic force or motion. The various suns, stars, solar systems and galaxies only represent certain terminating points in the dispensations of energy wave forms and energy manifestations in the interdimensional expansion and contraction process. These planetary systems, as well as the universes themselves, represent
only certain conjunctions or parallaxes, which can be considered as certain terminating points for a large number of energy wave forms from other dimensions which have reached a common junction and which are terminating and re-expressing themselves in the common laws of multiple harmonics into a secondary or lower dimension of transference.
The theory then, as postulated by modern science, that energy, heat or light comes from the sun, is in this respect not only completely inaccurate but bespeaks of the abysmal ignorance from which science is presently trying to levitate itself. When the future scientist begins to understand that the physical dimension (whether it is the earth, the solar system, or the universe about him), represents only an infinitesimally small point of energy transference from the Infinite into his present perspective or means of the five senses, he shall then begin to understand the universal cosmogony, as it is more thoroughly understood by mankind in other planetary systems and in other dimensions. (more…)
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Past Life Therapy ~ Part II
As I see it, the past-life therapist is to the soul what a computer consultant is to the computer. Both attempt to correct whatever is causing the system to malfunction. If hidden bugs and/or viruses are detected therein, each tries to purge them from the operating system. Once this is accomplished, the computer, i.e., the soul, is immediately restored to its true capabilities and ready for a fresh start.
From what I’ve observed, when the emotional imprint of an initial trauma/bug is truly neutralized, a domino effect is created, which automatically triggers the release of other detrimental imprints, which have been incurred during subsequent incarnations. From what I’ve noticed after such a release takes place, the client’s entire spiritual dynamic undergoes a dramatic shift from negative to positive.
As might be expected, after such a spiritual cleansing, the client usually goes through a brief period of adjustment, which may last from two to three weeks. It generally requires about this much time for the regressee to become accustomed to living with his newfound freedom from pain. This adjustment process is very similar to the one a person goes through after being released from an extended prison term, or after ending a bad long-term relationship. Predictably, this sort of shift takes a little getting used to.
To illustrate how this domino effect works, suppose you’ve built a house of cards several stories high. Then imagine pulling the key support card away from the base of the structure. The effect will be the instant and total collapse of all the other cards. In this example, the support card can be compared with the original cause over which many other cards, (deleterious feelings), have been added during many other lifetimes. (more…)
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Is The Earth An Electromagnetic Coil, Step Up or Down Transformer?
The Earth theoretically has a solid iron metal core (surrounded by a liquid iron metal layer) because back in the day the Earth and all the planets of our Solar System were considered to be isolated objects in the Universe. The theory being that the Earth had no physical exchanges with the rest of the Solar System, so the Earth’s magnetic field had to be produced by and in the Earth itself. Hence the iron core.
But it has now been discovered in many ways that the Earth is very much connected in a circuit with the Sun, our Solar System and perhaps the rest of the Electric Universe. Connected by Space Tornadoes (100,000 Amps and 1 million mph speed of twisting plasma), Flux Transfer Events (2 types!) etc. This means that the old model of how the Earth produces its electromagnetic field needs to be reviewed. This includes all the theories and models based on the old idea (theory).
Is the Earth a variation of an electromagnetic coil/transformer system? Connected and energising its Electric Weather Circuit. (more…)
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Fringe Dweller on the Night Shift
True Stories From An Afterlife Paramedic (Above Artwork by Monica Holy)
by Monica Holy
“By day, Monica Holy’s life looks like millions of others. She paints, jogs, talks to friends, and worries about her children. Her nightlife is a different story. It is there, in a world she enters through the portal of lucid dreams, that she works to conduct the newly dead – especially young and/or troubled souls – to the other side. She provides emergency relief. She brings back messages from the world beyond. She works to connect the entire human community to the divine expression of all that is.”
I am in the matrix. For me to be here means that a lost soul is ready to go home.
I have a vague corporeal structure—my ethereal body—with just enough form to appear human. I’m holding the hand of the person I’m leading. In the darkness that surrounds us, we head toward the cone of brilliant light that lies ahead. The light intensifies as we draw closer, becoming brighter than any sun that human eyes have seen, yet its brilliance does not spill out of its own form to light the space around it. The light is held within itself, waiting for the return of the spirit that approaches, waiting to bring the spirit home.
As we travel together, I feel the ineffable love that radiates from the cone of light—an overwhelming sense of peace, calm, wonder, compassion, and wellness. Our joy increases as we come yet closer, and all fear and hesitation is forgotten.
My being opens in wonder and innocence. I am free to be as vulnerable as a newborn, without fear of judgment. Waves of ecstasy wash through me and back again to the light from which they came in an exchange of pure and all-consuming love. In a fraction of a moment I know what it means to be at one with something. I am filled with a sense of connection to everyone and everything—the source of all that is. (more…)
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Researchers Show How Resonant Frequencies Are Used To Kill Cancer Cells
By Jeff Roberts
A new cancer treatment is using resonant frequencies to shatter various types of cancer cells.
In his Tedx Talk, “Shattering Cancer with Resonant Frequencies,” Associate Professor and Director of Music at Skidmore College, Anthony Holland, tells the audience that he has a dream. That dream is to see a future where children no longer have to suffer from the effects of toxic cancer drugs or radiation treatment, and today he and his team believe they have found the answer.
Many of us have likely seen or heard of people shattering glass with the sound of their voice. This amazing feat, Holland explains, is due to a phenomenon called resonant frequency. When someone taps a glass, it emits a natural resonant frequency. To induce shattering, a person must match the resonant frequency of the glass with the vibration of their voice, getting louder and louder until the glass finally breaks. (more…)
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Interdimensional Energy Transductance ~ Part I
“The presentation of the various concepts contained in the texts will present to the layman and the scientist alike, some rather obviously startling departures from the commonly accepted idioms of scientific knowledge which have been collectively propounded during the past hundred years or so, or since the beginning of our present-day physical science. It must be remembered however, that these concepts are not idle theorems or conjectures, but are indeed quite factual and can be proven by numerous existing mysteries, as well as the more commonly accepted forms of ph
ysical sciences as they now exist. It is our avowed purpose and intention to prove from such mysteries and unexplained paradoxes as now presently exist in our physical science and in the beginnings of this so-called new “space age”, that these concepts are indeed correct.
For instance, it has been posed that the interior of the earth will present to itself, not the commonly accepted form of molten iron, as is supposed to exist in our modern understanding in the scientific world, but will actually — so far as present instrumentation is concerned — cease to be, or shall become nonexistent in that future day when the scientist succeeds in penetrating the thin crust of the earth. Yet, indeed, it must not be surmised that the interior of the earth is a vacuum, no more so than the infinitely filled solid space which surrounds the terrestrial planet earth, and which has been accepted by the scientist as space simply because he lacks the relative means to relay any particular dispensations of reactance or resistance into the horizon of his five senses.
When the scientist does penetrate the surface of the earth, should he have, at that time, the correct instrumentation to differentiate the various types of energy spectra which exist in or beneath the crust of the earth, he will indeed find that energy forms do surpass and go beyond the limits of his present-day understanding of atomical constituents in the scale of the some 100 atoms, of which he now presupposes his science to be compounded. In this way, we shall prove that the interior of the earth is not molten, but composed of regular layers or dimensions of energy, each one in an increasingly dense layer to the immediate layer above it. That, too is part of the vortical pattern as a hard core nucleus of a great vortex. (more…)
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The Mysterious Reincarnation of Omm Sety
Born in 1904 in the London suburb of Blackheath, Dorothy Louise Eady had a rather normal early childhood until one day that would change her life forever. At the age of 3, Dorothy slipped and tumbled down a flight of stairs. This was no minor spill, as the girl was found to be not breathing and when the panicked parents called the family doctor, their worst fears were confirmed. 3 year-old Dorothy Eady was pronounced dead at the scene, after which she was placed in her bed. The distraught doctor went to fetch a nurse to help him prepare the body for removal. In most cases, this might be the end of the story, but when the doctor returned with the nurse, Dorothy was found to be miraculously sitting up in bed, wide awake and playing as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.
Not long after this frightening and bizarre ordeal, little Dorothy began to exhibit unusual and uncharacteristic behavior. She became excessively nervous, jumpy, and withdrawn. She would often hide under or behind furniture and was easily startled by even the most mundane things. She also started saying increasingly bizarre things. On many occasions, she demanded that her parents “take her home,” even when they were at home. She showed a certain sense of wonder and bewilderment at certain everyday items that she had never shown any particular interest in before, and her demeanor became generally more detached and morose. She often awoke from vivid dreams in which she claimed to see ancient buildings with sweeping columns. One day when she was looking at a children’s picture book, she came upon a picture of ancient Egypt and became transfixed by it, staring at it for long periods of time and saying that it was her “other home,” which baffled her worried parents. (more…)
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The Unholy Six
“…Believe in Orion. Believe.
In the night, the moon, the crowded Earth.
Believe in Christmas and Birthdays and Easter rabbits.
Believe in all those fugitive
Compounds of nature, all doomed
To waste away and go out.
Always be true to these things.”
(Modern School of Poetry).
ONCE upon a time-five hundred thousand years ago!
Again we have a fairyland opening because we are going to tell you another so-called `unbelievable tale’. This one will be easier for you to accept because the date or age of our story is more in accordance with what ‘authorities’ and `experts’ consider sane guessing. Prepare yourself for a tale of a dark time in our galaxy, when the ‘spawn of night’ brought about a fork in the road in the sky causing the timeless highway of the stars to divide into two branches going in opposite directions.
Once upon a time-five hundred thousand years ago there was a planet in space called Tyrantor. This planet had been the capital of an old and decadent Empire of the Stars in the Milky Way galaxy. I say had been because half a million years ago it came to an end.
If you will permit, let us go back for a moment to a time about one million years ago. One of the most notable achievements of the life forms of our galaxy, after the ‘El’s’ achieved their state of Timelessness, was the formation of what has been called the Galactic Administration or the Galactic Pax. In Latin, Pax means ‘Peace’, and was deified by the Romans. Although the Romans were an aggressive and warlike people, they deified `Pax’ which symbolized the great peaceful amalgamation of numerous solar systems into the Galactic Administration. (more…)
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I called to thee into the blackness of the
night, but only echoes answered back ~
and all was still again.
I called to thee in the brightness of a new
day, but songs of birds were all that
answered my plea.
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Past Life Therapy ~ Part I
Who the first person was to recognize the therapeutic benefits of past-life regressions I don’t know. As I discovered many years after beginning my research, there were several others, Edith Fiore and Dick Sutphen among them, who also were conducting similar research. Because of the controversial nature of past-life regression, many of us kept our findings to ourselves for fear of ridicule. During the 60’s and 70’s, the idea of someone exploring his past-lives was considered bizarre. But to make any claim that there also could be a therapeutic benefit from regression would have been too much for most people to accept, especially traditionally trained psychotherapists.
Although I can offer you no prestigious clinical study supporting the effectiveness of past-life therapy, thousands of my clients, and clients of facilitators I’ve trained, have attested to achieving positive and lasting results after experiencing the amazing healing power of past-life therapy. Because of this ongoing and positive feedback, I absolutely have no doubt that past-life therapy is one of the most remarkable methods of healing the soul’s deepest wounds ever discovered and developed.
By reviewing our past lives, we usually can uncover the genesis of compulsions and longstanding emotional blocks that are preventing us from expressing our talents and abilities, fulfilling our desires and achieving our goals. By using past-life therapy (P.L.T.), we are able to neutralize and release the detrimental emotional charges associated with the causal events from the past, which have held us hostage. The result is their effects on our lives almost always are eliminated immediately. After releasing these pent-up feelings, a person usually is able to recover without further therapy, a feat most mental health professionals thought impossible to achieve before P.L.T. was discovered. (more…)
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Bizarre-Looking Star Just Got Weirder And Yes It Could Be Aliens
By Jessica Orwig
Three months ago, news broke that a giant “alien megastructure” could exist around a bizarre-looking star 1,500 light years away.
While the prospect of aliens was first launched by Penn State astronomer Jason Wright, almost everyone in the astronomy community agreed that the chances that this was the case were “very low.“
Now, the latest investigations into this strange star by Louisiana State University astronomer Bradley Schaefer have re-ignited the alien theory, New Scientist reported.
What makes this star, called KIC8462852, so bizarre is the drastic changes in light we see from it over time. Many stars experience temporary fluctuations in brightness, increasing and decreasing in luminosity over time, but KIC8462852’s changes are severe by comparison.
Between 2009 and 2013, astronomers using the Kepler space telescope discovered that it would sometimes lose up to 20% of its brightness. What’s more, the changes didn’t follow any obvious pattern.
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