Tesla And Energy

Tesla-And-Energy-main-4-postby George Van Tassel

Nikola Tesla was born at Smiljan, Yugoslavia, on July 10, 1856. He was the inventor of alternating current generators and motors, the polyphase system of the transmission of power, and the four tuned circuit system which is the basis of radio transmission. He radio controlled a ship model in 1898. By this he laid the basis of all radio tele-mechanics. Tesla was 18 years old when Guglielmo Marconi was born in Marzabotto, Italy in 1874. Tesla preceded Marconi’s radio discoveries by several years.

Tesla held 25 patents on electrical motors and generators from 1886, 9 patents on the transmission of electrical power, 6 patents on electric lighting, 17 patents for controllers and high frequency apparatus, 12 patents in radio technics, 5 patents for turbines, and 11 other patents on various devices. Nikola Tesla was the father of alternating current which made it possible to transmit power over great distances and run the industries of today.

In 1891 Tesla said, “There is no subject more captivating, more worthy of study, than nature. To understand this great mechanism, to discover the forces which are active, and the laws which govern them, is the highest aim of the intellect of man.” (more…)

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What I Have Learned From Interplanetarians – Part III

The-Interplanetariuns-main-4-postby George Adamski

People on Venus know no disease of mind or body, as they are free of tensions, such as are created by our personality divisions, likes and dislikes, and judgments of one kind or another. This was told in Inside The Space Ships. Many people have written to me, asking if the space people cannot give us information which would enable us to heal some of the most prevalent and cruel diseases being suffered by Earth’s humanity.

This subject has been discussed on a number of occasions.

The human body, as we all know, is the most prefect machine ever created. It works, when allowed to do so, in perfect balance and harmony. No organ or part of the body takes an attitude that it is better than all other parts, or that it is being worked more than the others. Each performs its duty freely and happily, so long as the mind of the individual permits such co-operation. (more…)

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Quantum Solar Mechanics

Quantum-Mechanics-main-2-post“In our previous discussions we approached that vital and all-important subject relative to the interdimensional cosmos termed by Einstein as the fourth, fifth, sixth, etc., fourth dimensional plasmadimensions. We have discussed some extremely important factors relevant to the structures, transmission of energy, etc. In general, scientists of today, astrophysicists, etc., recognize that space does contain plasma (sometimes called ether), a revival of a theory that existed some seventy-five or a hundred years ago. However, now, just as it was then, no information or understanding of this space plasma is currently available. Limitations imposed by explorations in the vicinity of the interdimensional cosmos are most necessarily existent. The rhetorical minds of the third dimensional scientists, lack of proper instrumentation as well as other elements such as the requisites of preconditioning in higher worlds, etc., are most necessary before sufficient curiosity and desire is aroused which would stimulate explorations into this fourth dimensional cosmos.

In certain chapters of the “Tempus Procedium” and “Tempus Invictus” books, this space plasma was discussed to some cycles-of-energy-4-postextent and in the two preceding articles, more extensive discussion was entered into. However, the subject matter is most necessarily extremely complex and deserves considerably more attention before some comprehension may be expected to be attained. We have found that space plasma, as it is loosely termed by the Earth scientist, is actually a composite form of innumerable cycles of energy, all revolving endlessly around within themselves. We also discovered that these cycles, in the vernacular of this third dimension, could be considered to be small or large on the basis of their basic frequencies which they were oscillating. However, each cycle is most necessarily complex. It does, to a certain extent and in a certain way, according to the frequency oscillations within the compound matrix, reflect the entire fourth dimensional cosmos.This it does on the basis of attunements, or similarities with different frequencies, harmonicatom-emf-and-vortex-4-post patterns, and a certain particular way in which the net sum and total of these frequencies and harmonic regenerations phase or peak, so to speak; a condition which can be called a synchronous isochronism. (more…)

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Reincarnation In Early Christianity

Reincarnation-And-The-Bible-main-4-postby Natalia Klimczak

Is it possible that early Christians believed in reincarnation? Although some may find this idea unbelievable, several Christian sources (including the Bible) suggest that many centuries ago, it was common to believe that one does not come to Earth just once, but various times.

In 1945, researchers discovered some early Judeo-Christian writings. Two years later, the world heard about the Dead Sea Scrolls, the discovery which changed biblical history.  The early Christians and Jews followed the teachings of Jesus – including the concept of resurrection. There are several examples of this found in ancient resources.

The oldest texts provide two concepts of resurrection: spiritual and bodily. The spiritual rebirth by the Holy Spirit is also known as being born again. A bodily resurrection of a human could also be called reincarnation. According to the first important father of the early Orthodox Church, Origen (185 – 254 AD), the soul exists before birth. He suggested that pre-existence was found in the Hebrew scriptures and the teachings of Jesus. (more…)

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What I Have Learned From The Interplanetarians ~ Part II

Interplanetarians-Part-II-main-4-postby George Adamski

The people on other planets are doing the same as we. They too are traveling the pathway of life, learning lessons every day.

At times they discover that they have not built a foundation with which to stand the stresses and strains put upon the average man by our way of life. These have to return to their planet, and, if through the passing of time they reach the point where they must learn through experience the lessons of our world, they will have to be born here in order to build a foundation through which they may learn them. Others, who have grown sufficiently in understanding and control of themselves, are able to meet the problems of everyday life on Earth in a calm manner without being overcome by them.

Many of the meetings I have had with our visitors have dealt mostly with my own problems and possible solutions. While they never advise a fellowman, they have an inexplicable ability of passing thoughts to another in such a way that he believes them to be his own. Thus he is free to accept and follow them, or discard them without the thought that someone else advised him. I had to learn this myself as I carefully studied my thoughts and acts following meetings with them. Often I found myself going exactly opposite to thoughts that I had received, all because I had not understood. It takes considerable schooling of oneself in this respect, and I still have a long way to go before I have mastered this lesson.

Another thing I have noticed about the space visitors, they love fun, singing, dancing, sports of all kinds, movies and educational programs on instruments comparable to our radio and TV. Yet they are always quiet. They do not talk a lot because, as they have explained, much effort is expended in talking. A great percentage of everyday talk on Earth is idle waste of time that enervates not only the speaker but others in his presence. Many people talk incessantly and loudly only because of nervous energy which they do not understand. Few people on our planet understand themselves, or have ever taken the time, thought and effort to gain such understanding. If we are to grow as we should, preparing ourselves for life in another classroom of the Cosmos, we will have to begin taking more interest in understanding our thoughts and their effects upon us as well as others, turning our minds toward the source of these thoughts and the reasons we allow them to possess us. In reality, we should be the masters of our thoughts, yet how many of us are? (more…)

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“There Are No Gods”

There-Are-No-Gods-main-4-postThis short compelling documentary three-part series is about the responses of Theramin Trees on his former religious beliefs, and his current non-religious ones – specifically, which divine concepts he affirmatively believes to be false and which concepts he considers unknowable and in the process provides an incongruous panoply of self-contradictions in the field of religion.

Basically his three-part series looks at: 1. What he believed when he was a theist, 2. Concepts for gods he affirmatively believe do not exist, and 3. Concepts for god he believe to be unknowable.

From the author: “I’m gonna try to cover a range of ideas over three videos. It won’t be exhaustive, but hopefully it will give a decent enough feel for the scope of where I’m coming from. What I believed encompassed a lot. My beliefs evolved substantially over my time as a Christian. For brevity I’m gonna break it down into three broad phases.”

Watch the full documentary now (playlist – 39 minutes)

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The Fusor Reactor of Dr. Philo T. Farnsworth

Farnsworth-Fusor-main-4-postby Gerry Vassilatos

The father of electronic television, Dr. Philo T. Farnsworth, found the practical key toward achieving hot fusion. He demonstrated his hot fusion reactor before several highly qualified groups of analysts. They saw the system in operation and yet testify that it really worked.

In a brief biographic sketch, it must be recalled that Dr. Farnsworth is the true father of electronic television. He is one of the most conspicuously disregarded inventors of the Twentieth Century. In 1927, the young high school student received the entire working design for the electronic television system in a single insightful ray. Scrawled out on a scrap of notepaper and saved by his high school physics teacher, the very drawing became the document which sealed his name in later court proceedings.

His patents are remarkably advanced for their time. His ability to design electron tubes of extraordinary form allowed him to create incredibly new electronic components yet used by the military. No precedent had been set for electronic television. The system parts had to be invented. Proper design of the electronic television system required that every piece, every tube, every component be researched, tested, and implemented. In a rapid deployment of new designs, Dr. Farnsworth and his dedicated group of researchers designed, built, and implemented each part. During this arduous process, they learned how to manage the very production of their own parts, the television industry having developed among their members. This later enabled a small factory to be established for the manufacture of the various Farnsworth television systems. (more…)

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The ABC’s of Immortality ~ Part III

ABCs-of-Immortality-main-4-post“In our previous discussions on healing, it was emphatically stated that no earth man is a healer. This is true not only with any Unariun student, but with any and all individuals who may practice spiritual healing in different churches or religious groups throughout the world. Some of these people state they are ‘gifted healers’, a completely false claim. How could they be more powerful than was Jesus who openly admitted He did not heal? In alllaying on of hands two fairness, however, to these people and to the Unariun student, there are countless numbers of cases of spiritual healing where it seemed some miraculous healing or adjustment took place in circumstances involving a so-called healer. The Moderator grew up as a member of one such church which practiced spiritual or (divine) healing by the laying on of hands by specially ordained ministers, and he saw miracles happen when these rites were performed. However, here again these ministers were not the healers. They, like any other so-called healer, as well as the Unariun student, are what might be scientifically called healing polarities. No earth person — with possibly a single exception (and who is factually, not indigenous to the earth, but came from a higher spiritual planet for the sole purpose of bringing UN.AR.I.U.S. Science to earth man) has sufficient knowledge and training to bring about a healing by himself. He can, however, make of himself a sort of a channel wherein that extremely complex electrical energy charge can be projected into the body and psychic anatomy of the person to be healed. Here again the reasons are very scientific in nature.

Every person has an aura. An aura is a field of energy which radiates outwardly from the person for a distance of several feet. These energy aura chakrasradiations contain millions of different oscillating frequencies. All of these are grouped according to frequency into seven different plane rate classifications. There are three karmic or physical planes, three prana or mental planes, and one spiritual or Superconscious Radiation. Now most earth people have auras which vibrate very closely together even though they are all slightly different. There is not much of an effect when any number of these auras come together. However, if an Advanced Personality, like Jesus, walks among them, the situation is quite different. That is because the aura of this Advanced Person is radiating in frequencies on much higher planes than do the auras of the people around Him. This highly vibrating aura is also highly charged with Infinite Wisdom. It, therefore, can be considered positive in respect to the other auras as it is the Creative Law or Principle that positive must flow into the negative and the negative into the positive. This Advanced Person would be immediately aware that great energies were passing from Him and the negative energies or conditions of those around Him were flowing back into His aura. (more…)

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What I Have Learned From The Interplanetarians ~ Part I

Interplanetarians-main-4-postby George Adamski

Through the years since I first met Orthon on a California desert, I have had many meetings with our space traveling friends. Some have been very casual and unexpected. Others I expected, much as I described in Inside the Space Ships. Never have I Flying Saucers Farewell book coverbeen able to make definite appointments with them for a specific time and place, nor have I outgrown the inner exaltation of being in their company. However, even though I have had so many meetings with them, it would be as foolish for me to say that I know all who are on Earth, as it would be to say that I know everybody in any city or town. I have been told that on many occasions I have been visited by and talked with space travelers without recognizing them, and without their identifying themselves. On a few occasions, I have later met one or two on a ship whom I recognized as having talked with previously, without recognition.

It is for this reason that I have so often said and written that many people, in fact untold numbers of people, have met and talked with space travelers without recognizing them. Many work in industries and government positions throughout the world. They may also be found in the armed forces of every nation, working in divisions of science, communications, medical corps, etc. where they are not required to be trained for slaughter of their fellowmen.

I have been asked endless times how this can be, when so many personal identifications are required of everyone nowadays. These are not insurmountable problems even to Earth’s people. There are innumerable ways in which identifications can be established. If one questions this statement, let him start an investigation into the matter, and he may uncover surprises for himself!

Often the space people are recognized as being above the average in their natural friendliness, and slowness to anger, and at times in their telepathic abilities. But since telepathy is a science in which many people on Earth have developed an interest, with more or less success in using, the space people in business are usually shrugged off as just good telepathists, or as having extremely strong hunches. (more…)

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Tesla’s Resonant Theory Of Electromagnetism

Teslas-Theory-of-Electromagnetism-main-4-postby Prof. Velimir Abramovic, PhD

Tesla didn’t give us his own theory of physics, but with numerous experiments, he created a basis for a new, resonant understanding of electromagnetism. He considered that the world is a uniform, continuous, electromagnetic medium and matter is one of the manifestation of organized electromagnetic oscillations described by a mathematical algorithm. He considered that resonance is the most general natural law, which eliminates time and distance, and that all relations between phenomena are established only by mean of various simple and complex resonances, i.e. coordinated vibrations of physical systems, which have an electromagnetic nature.

Finally, instead of Newton’s integrals, Leibniz’s differentials and Maxwell’s theory lying in his calculations, Tesla used simple the mathematics of Ancient Greek mathematician Archimedes, first making an analogy between mechanics and electromagnetism. It is not possible to fully evaluate the significance of such method of thinking, which directly points out the necessity of full physical interpretation of elementary mathematical notions.

Obviously, the study of Tesla’s heritage is not related only with history of physics. We shouldn’t look for technological aspects; its essence is in miraculous human creativity in science. Tesla’s scientific ways need understanding and following. We need analysis of Tesla’s evidence relating with creativity lying in the base of new physical and technical processes discovered by him. It leads to opening a new way of cognition. It is important to understand the original scientific and research methods of Tesla and non-developed cosmic principles (relation), which are realized, with the world of ideas. (more…)

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Power Switch Of The Great Pyramid: The Benben

Benben-main-4-postby Tony Bushby

The Benben As An Anti-Gravity Device

Early Egyptian priests believed that RA and Khepra personally arrived on Earth in a mysterious ‘secret object’ called ‘Akka’. That object was later renamed ‘Benben’, a term deriving from an Egyptian word meaning ‘seed’ or ‘essence’. It is repeatedly recorded in traditional Egyptian history that the Benben ‘came from the sky’ and it became the most esteemed object of the time. The Great Ennead of Heliopolis constructed a square hewn stone column in the centre of a protective temple complex and placed the Benben upon its summit. The principal structure in that compound was called ‘The Palace of the Ancient One’ or sometimes, ‘The Palace of the Old Man’, the dwelling place of RA while he lived on Earth as King of the gods of Egypt.

pyramid-capstone-4-postThe name Benben was subsequently applied to the pyramidion or apex-stone (cap-stone) on top of pyramids, tombs and obelisks and in a symbolic sense was always associated closely and directly with both RA and Khepra. The ancient priests became famous for their privileged access into the sanctuary of that powerful, mysterious and sacred object and its specially built temple became the site where the earliest religious concepts of humans on Earth crystallized in pre-historic time. Later Egyptian priests held the strong belief that their primary gods personally arrived on Earth in the Benben and, for many centuries, revered the intriguing object as the life creation force.

By and large, modern pyramidologists forced to choose between regarding the records of a supernatural construction of the Great Pyramid as fact or fiction, have chosen to treat them as fiction. However, mankind is left with some extraordinary ancient records providing fascinating narratives relating to unusual procedures in place in the development of structures in Egypt. An intriguing tradition handed down by pre-Christian Egyptian priests stated that the Great Pyramid was built from the top down. They told Herodotus: The upper portion of the Pyramid was built first, then the middle, and finally the part which was lowest and nearest the ground. (more…)

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Space Ships And Gravity

Space-Ships-And-Gravity-mainby George Adamski

As the Earthman plans voyages into outer space, he is faced to a certain degree with problems comparable in many ways to those of the ancient mariner, for throughout space there are definite natural lanes, just as the oceans have their currents. Our pilots have found “rivers in space” above our planet as they were flying at certain altitudes. These were located by chance, but since have been described in numerous articles published in aviation magazines. Our scientists and our airmen are aware of various types of currents moving through the atmosphere, comparable to those of the oceans. We will find similar conditions throughout all space, between planets and systems.

As they studied such conditions in the atmospheres encompassing their own planets, inhabitants of other worlds were able to develop their first ships enabling them to venture into outer space. Since that time space has become as safe and simple for them to travel as the atmosphere through which our planes fly from place to place on Earth. They quickly realized that if they were to go out and return safely home, they could not burden their ships with heavy loads of fuel, but would have to learn how to use Nature’s energy for their propulsion power. So it was along these lines that their scientists worked, and finally succeeded.

To understand more clearly the magnetic propulsion of interplanetary spacecraft, we must first consider geomagnetism, the magnetic sphere of influence which surrounds every planet and every sun, filling all space.

We can liken Earth’s geomagnetic field to the series of circular ripples created by dropping a pebble into a pond. These circular ripples move outward from the center point where the pebble was dropped; expanding in size, but diminishing in force as they move. (more…)

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Altars-Stanza-OneSeek ye not, before the Altars of man’s lusts
Neither in the Temples of his own desires
For in the offerings of flesh and wine
Cometh only the needs of the body.


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