Time of Sleep
And there is the place where the old man sitteth in his garden,
And he looketh about and seeth not.
Neither doth his ears hear all the sounds of this life of which
his days have been many and long.
Yet his days are now numbered, as come and go the things of this earth.
Posted in Book Excerpts, Poetry, The Elysiumwith comments disabled.
The Pyramid Code
The Pyramid Code is a documentary series of five episodes that explores the pyramid fields and ancient temples in Egypt as well as ancient megalithic sites around the world looking for clues to
matriarchal consciousness, ancient knowledge and sophisticated technology in a Golden Age.
The series is based on the extensive research done in 23 trips to Egypt and 50 other countries around the world by Dr. Carmen Boulter in the Graduate Division of Educational Research at the University of Calgary.
The Pyramid Code features interviews with prominent scholars and authors in multidisciplinary fields: geology, physics, astrophysics, archeology, biological engineering, magnetic field theory, hieroglyphics, and Egyptology. (more…)
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Spiritual Healing
As to those who have been helped or healed by some seemingly miraculous force which has been called “spiritual healing” or “divine intercession”, the principles here are just the same. At the particular moment of healing, the individual has, to
some small degree, learned of a certain positive bias, so far as the proportions of energy formations are posed in his psychic body, in their relationship to the Infinite, in this positively biased condition, the infinite, positive, regenerative and rebuilding power can completely reconstitute the psychic body in whatever particular malformations of negative energy with which it is so concerned. But as has been previously explained, there must also be a direct conjunction with the different functioning principles as they concern these various energy wave forms and polarity patterns which are involved in this healing process.
The average individual, in his progression of life, must destroy these old fallacious concepts, such as “divine intercession” and the belief that he can be saved from his sins and iniquities by some Master or Avatar. This is the greatest of all hypocrisies which man perpetuates not only against himself, but in teaching it to his fellow man. The adherents to this hypocrisy are always doomed to disappointment and eventual destruction should they continue their unrealistic attitude toward the Infinite Creative Force which we call God. It is the purpose of this great Infinite Creative Force to constantly perpetuate itself, re-create itself and regenerate itself in an infinite number of forms and transmissions of numerous and varied energy wave forms, whether they are of an atomic nature or whether they resolve themselves into such infinite abstractions which may be concerned with higher spiritual worlds. There is no difference; it means Infinity. The Creator is living, breathing and regenerating in all of these Infinite configurations. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Cosmic Continuumwith 1 comment.
What is Consciousness? What is Existence?
So what is existence has been a question pondered on by many a scientist and philosopher and of course everyone has their own opinion so as each man’s opinion is different, existence must be a state of consciousness. “I think therefore I am.”
So what does existence mean to you? What does it mean to me?
To me it means that starting out as this one piece of consciousness condensed currently into a single aware consciousness reacting to light and frequencies of a third dimensional plane that while I am here, I am here to learn and discover exactly why I am here. But what is this one piece of consciousness? Let’s start out with what it isn’t. It can’t be a “piece” of consciousness for as we know or I mean as I know everything is interconnected so that one piece is not one but is one with all in some form, shape, or other. See just how hard it is to try to explain consciousness. It is hard. (more…)
Posted in Science For The New Agewith 1 comment.
Atlantean Society
Dweller on Two Planets is one of the most important texts of the 19th Century Atlantis canon. The book was ‘channeled’ by Frederick S. Oliver. Oliver was born in Washington D.C. in 1866 and came to Yreka, California, with his parents when he was two years old. Yreka is just north of Mount Shasta, a huge dormant volcanic peak in Northern California. Gives a depiction of the high technology of Atlantis.
Oliver started to write this book at the age of eighteen, in 1883-4, while surveying the boundaries of his family’s mining claim. He found himself uncontrollably in his notebook. He ran home in terror, where he sat down and let his hand write. These automatic writing spells continued for several years; he would write a few pages at a time. He completed writing this book in 1886, and died at the age of 33 in 1899.
A Dweller on Two Planets was finally published in 1905, by his mother Mary Elizabeth Manley-Oliver. (more…)
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Man Says He Saw The Afterlife And Returned
Ken Barnes says he has had two near-death experiences (NDEs) in which he left his body and had experiences that confirmed his belief in the afterlife. Whether one believes in such NDEs or not, Barnes’s story is one of perseverance, forgiveness, and positivity in the face of adversity.
The first NDE purportedly happened when he was 9 years old.
He had a bad reaction to medication he was taking and doctors gave him only a day or two to live. He was standing beside his parents in the hospital, talking to them, but they couldn’t hear him. Then he saw his own body on the bed.
A minister was standing by his parents, giving his last rites. (more…)
Posted in Life After Death, Near Death Experience, Other Topicswith 1 comment.
Light Fantastic
In all cultures, there’s an intimate association between illumination and divinity, between life and creation. Light is color. Light is energy. It fuels life and it feeds the spirit. It inspires art, religion, and science. Light holds the secrets of the universe. For thousands of years, humanity has tried to unlock the mysteries of light in its’ search for the nature of God himself. Light Fantastic explores the phenomenon that surrounds and affects nearly every aspect of our lives but one which we take for granted – LIGHT.
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Earth’s History of Interplanetary Travel
Greetings again, my friends, and all my brothers and sisters on the earth plane. May I say first that I am very happy to be with you again and to thank you for the gracious way in which you received my brother during my enforced absence. I have decided that
inasmuch as you have begun to understand that the factors of energy and mass are but relative and that they depend primarily for expression upon the source or Fountainhead and that these equations of energy and mass are but the outward intelligence expressed from the Fountainhead, I have been very anxious that you understand this principle thoroughly. And it is partly because of this that I will discuss the topic of today which, although it does not necessarily pertain to the expression of life on Venus, is pertinent and vital for your understanding and peace of mind in the future generations of mankind upon the earth plane. Our topic today will deal with spacecraft and the historical background of the earth with regard to interplanetary travel. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, True History of Man, Voice of Venuswith comments disabled.
Obsessive Compulsive Behaviors And Their Link To Past Lives
By Bryan Jameison
Although many people are inclined to be controlled by repetitive thoughts and/or behavior patterns, most are not disruptive to their lives. Some simply involve rigid behavior, such as having a too orderly home or strict routine, which, when not followed, leads to feelings of anxiety. Being fastidiously clean, gambling, stalking, “unnecessary” shopping, and “workaholicism” are but a few of the of the behaviors classified as compulsions. If the behavior controls the person rather than the person controlling the behavior, the person possibly may need professional intervention to rid himself of this behavior. Thus far, it appears that most compulsions and/or obsessions have their root causes in this or one or more of their past lives.
For example, there are some people who feel they never can get themselves or their surroundings clean enough. In spite of the fact they may spend endless hours cleaning, they are never satisfied with the results. This compulsion often manifests in the form of taking numerous daily showers, constantly washing their hands or spending hours in the bathtub not just soaking, but thoroughly scrubbing themselves. Washing the kitchen floor or vacuuming the rug five or six time a day is another common behavior these people display. Regardless of how often they do this, they still perceive their houses and/or themselves as unclean.
This behavior frequently is traceable to some experience in which they lived and/or worked in unbelievable filth and squalor, or were victims of various forms of sexual abuse in either this or other lives. (It’s usually the victim who feels dirty after being sexually abused, and sadly, no amount of washing will remove these dirty feelings because they have nothing to do with the physical body.) As any rape victim knows, it takes more than a shower to feel clean again. The real cleansing must take place in the soul. Once that’s accomplished, I’ve noticed the dirty feelings often associated with being defiled and the compulsive need to constantly wash or bathe also disappears. (more…)
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Understanding Vibration Through Sound
By Tim Urban
We think of sound as something we hear—something that makes noise. But in pure physics terms, sound is just a vibration going through matter.
The way a vibration “goes through” matter is in the form of a sound wave. When you think of sound waves, you probably think of something like this:
But that’s not how sound waves work. A wave like that is called a transverse wave, where each individual particle moves up and down to create a snake situation. (more…)
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Spiritual Energy Restoration: Life On The Other Side
Soul Energy
We cannot define the soul in a physical way because to do so would establish limits on something that seems to have none. I see the soul as intelligent light energy. This energy appears to function as vibrational waves similar to electromagnetic force but without the limitations of charged particles of matter. Soul energy does not appear to be uniform. Like a fingerprint, each soul has a unique identity in its formation, composition and vibrational distribution. I am able to discern soul properties of development by color tones, yet none of this defines what the soul is as an entity.
From years of study on how the soul interacts within a variety of human minds over many incarnations, and what it subsequently does in the spirit world, I have come to know something of its yearnings for perfection. This does not tell me what the soul is either. To fully understand soul energy, we would need to know all the aspects of its creation and, indeed, the consciousness of its source. This is a perfection that I cannot know, despite all my efforts investigating the mysteries of life after death. (more…)
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Science of Energy: Transmission by Christian Huygens
A good day to you, brother and sister. I am an individual known as Christian Huygens, who lived in the 1600’s, in the proximity of Newton’s time. As you have studied in the
histories of the period of the Reformation, those were indeed hectic times; the very air seemed to be filled with a new essence, which excited and infused the minds of mankind. If you examine your histories, you will learn that, living in Holland, I tinkered some with physics, mathematics, and things of that nature; and that I invented a double pendulum clock, a kind of pendulum which was rather an innovation to the commonly accepted type, which swung back and forth with each escaping moment. I was also in very violent opposition to part of Newton’s theory about light. He maintained a corpusclar theory, that light was a tiny minute submicroscopic particle; whereas I postulated the theory that light traveled in a wave, or in an undulatory fashion, through the atmosphere. As you will soon see, we were only partially right, as is the case with all mankind, who live in such dimensions or places on the earth that they can, in their own concept, evolve only a small part of the truth at any time. They must wait until future evolutions and cycles to enlarge their concepts, so that they can more truly ascertain the nature of the great universes about them.
Posted in Book Excerpts, Voice of Hermeswith comments disabled.
Lessons From The Tao
Good deeds leave no signs.
Good words leave no flaws.
Good scheme needs no deliberate plans.
A good lock uses no bolts, yet it cannot be opened.
A good knot uses no rope, yet it cannot be united.
Hence, a saint is always kind by saving other people and rejects no one.
He is always kind by saving all things and therefore nothing is being rejected.
This is the true enlightenment.
Thus, a kind person is the teacher of the unkind.
An unkind person is a lesson for the kind to learn.
He who does not value his teacher and dislikes the valuable lesson, although knowledgeable, is in fact greatly confused.
This is the fundamental essence. (more…)
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Paradigm Shift: Scientists Show the Wavelike Nature of Van der Waals Forces
Like the gravitational forces that are responsible for the attraction between the Earth and the moon as well as the dynamics of the entire solar system, there exist attractive forces between objects at the nanoscale. These are the so-called van der Waals forces, which are ubiquitous in nature and thought to play a crucial role in determining the structure, stability and function of a wide variety of molecules and materials.
Treating van der Waals interactions as coupling between waves is a paradigm shift for chemistry and materials science.
A group of researchers, led by Alexandre Tkatchenko, Professor at the University of Luxembourg, demonstrated that the true nature of these forces differs from conventional wisdom in chemistry and biology.The scientists showed that these interactions have to be treated as coupling between waves rather than as mutual attraction between particles. “In the simplest case, you can think of two chains of atoms and you could identify points in these chains that are attracted to each other. Typically, you would compute the van der Waals energy by just summing up all these pairs,” explains Alexandre Tkatchenko, Professor of Condensed-Matter Physics at the Faculty of Science, Technology and Communication (FSTC) of the University of Luxembourg. (more…)
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Questions & Answers Regarding The Mission of The Master Jesus
Q – Was the polarity of Jesus on the earth at His time?
A – That is a good question and the better you can clear that sort of abstraction in your consciousness into the spiritual dimensions and consciousness, the more you will become overshadowed with the superconsciousness of the superself. That will supplant the physical self. It will make it much more easy to understand that Jesus (the Higher Self) was not actually crucified, because the overself or the Spiritual self was so strong that it wasn’t within the bounds of its tenets of the physical interpretations.
In coming to the earth, the man, as Jesus, went through all the Centers of UN.AR.I.U.S., taking 2,000 or more years in each, and then He came to the earth and some of the other numerous terrestrial dimensions to prove His Mastership under any and all conditions, including what is called death, or the ability to survive it. The mission of Jesus was to prove that this Mastery could be attained by any person; that the Christ Consciousness, the Father Within, as He called it, was within every individual. That was our personal Savior—the realizing and knowing of this overself or the superconsciousness. And regarding your question, such a developed being as was Jesus can oscillate with any other one of like or similar frequency. His espoused who walked by his side, served as a pole or battery with him. It is not generally known, but much Truth pertaining to his true life is not known.
Q – What about Jesus after the crucifixion?
A – As far as the histories of the world are concerned, there are several different stories; one group has it that he was taken down before he was dead–this is the Rosicrucian concept. Incidentally, while he was incarcerated in his tomb he used all his powers, his spiritual healing to bring himself back into a perfectly—healed condition; his disciples came and rolled away a stone from the rear entrance of the sepulcher and he came forth and lived for some six months time. Now as far as these histories of the world are concerned, you may as well take your choice one way or another because he was a very highly developed person. He would not have needed to remain on the earth as far as that was concerned for he came and went in a materialized body. (more…)
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