No Big Bang? Universe May Have Existed Forever According To New Theory

No-Big-Bang-main-4-postQuantum equation predicts universe has no beginning or ending

( —The universe may have existed forever, according to a new model that applies quantum correction terms to complement Einstein’s theory of general relativity. The model may also account for dark matter and dark energy, resolving multiple problems at once.

The widely accepted age of the , as estimated by , is 13.8 billion years. In the beginning, everything in existence is thought to have occupied a single infinitely dense point, or . Only after this point began to expand in a “Big Bang” did the universe officially begin.

Although the Big Bang singularity arises directly and unavoidably from the mathematics of general relativity, some scientists see it as problematic because the math can explain only what happened immediately after—not at or before—the singularity.

“The Big Bang singularity is the most serious problem of general relativity because the laws of physics appear to break down there,” Ahmed Farag Ali at Benha University and the Zewail City of Science and Technology, both in Egypt, told (more…)

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The Face of Infinity

The-Face-of-Infinity-main-4-postAs you no doubt know by studying various historical configurations of religions, and other documentaries which are contained in the various historical archives of the world, that as it concerns man’s spiritual progress into the Infinite, and as has been previously religious-pageant-4-postexplained to you, is contained in great cycles which are manifest as infinite consciousness; and that always man, in his search for a better position to orientate himself into a happier and more compatible state of union with the Infinite, seeks out and brings into his daily life, various and different configurations which have been termed such things as religious or cultistic observances. And so the histories of the world are filled with innumerable depictions of pageantries, fiestas, and various other ritualistic observances which speak into the very subconscious fiber of each human being, and what he feels is some great and internal connection to the great Infinite. (more…)

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Close Encounters Of The Possession Kind

Close Encounters mainby William J. Baldwin, Ph.D.

The different types of close encounters with aliens have been designated by Roman numeral:

CE-I, Nearby UFO sightings.
CE-II, physical and mental affects on people, strange and unusual markings on the ground, and purported physical artifacts of alien spacecraft. CE-III, visual contact with alien beings.
CE-IV, uninvited, forceful alien abductions.
CE-V, intentional invitation to alien contact (as developed by the CSETI group100).

I am proposing CE-VI as the designation for the condition we have found so frequently in altered state sessions with clients: intrusion and parasitic attachment by non-human beings from another place, the alien beings or ETs. Historically, this condition is termed possession. In these cases, the possessing entity is not a demon, but an otherworldly or other-dimensional being.

There is a popular romantic notion, perhaps more frantic than romantic, that friendly ETs, our “space brothers,” are poised to assist us, or have been poised for some time, just waiting for the call. Bumper stickers read: “Beam me up Scotty.” In the popular movie, Independence Day, crowds stood on the roofs of tall buildings holding signs pleading and inviting: “TAKE ME HOME,” “WELCOME TO EARTH,” “TAKE ME WITH YOU,” “HELLO BROTHER,” “REMEMBER ME,” and other such greetings and pleas. (more…)

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The Continuing Mystery of Ceres

Ceres-PIA-19617-closer-examination-of-Occator-Lightsby UFO Sightings Hotspot with added material

NASA’s Dawn spacecraft has revealed marvelous sights on dwarf planet Ceres during its first year in orbit, including the mysterious bright spots in the Occator Crater.

The Occator Crater, measuring 57 miles (92 kilometers) across and 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) deep, contains the brightest area on Ceres, the dwarf planet that Dawn has explored since early 2015.

ceres bright spot rectangular structureWhat stands out is a strange spot next to the crater. The object in the spot appears to have a rectangular structure with in the middle something that looks like it has been artificially created, like a dome on top of the structure.


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Jesus Did Not Die On The Cross According to Scholars

Jesus Did Not Die On The Cross mainThe Swoon Theories

From the September 1928 issue of The Review of Religions. A compilation of various views and opinions from scholars of the 18th to 20th centuries on Jesus(as) surviving the Crucifixion, going into a coma and being resuscitated through healing herbs.

The following eminent scholars hold that Jesus Christ did not die on the Cross. We give their versions of the story in the words of Dr. Schweitzer as far as possible – (Ed.:“R.R.”)

Karl Bahrdt (1741-1792)

Karl Friedrich Bahrdt was born in 1741 at Bischofswerda. He died in 1792.

Bahrdt finds the key to the explanation of the life of Jesus in the appearance in the Gospel narrative of Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea. They are not disciples of Jesus, but belong to the upper classes. What role, then, can they have played in the life of Jesus, and how did they intercede on his behalf? They were Essenes.

In the end the piece is staged to perfection. Jesus provokes the authorities by his triumphal Messianic entry. The unsuspected Essenes in the Council urge on his arrest and secure his condemnation – though Pilate almost frustrates all their plans by acquitting him. Jesus, by uttering a loud cry and immediately afterwards bowing his head, shows every appearance of a sudden death. The centurion has been bribed not to allow any of his bones to be broken. Then comes Joseph or Ramath, as Bahrdt prefers to call Joseph of Arimathea, and removes the body to the cave of the Essenes, where he immediately commences measures of resuscitation…In the cave the most strengthening nutriment was supplied to him. “Since the humours of the body were in a thoroughly healthy condition, his wounds healed very rapidly, and by the third day he was able to walk, in spite of the fact that the wounds made by the nails were still open.” (more…)

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Come Walk With Me

Come-Walk-With-Me-stanza-twoCome walk with me ~ our pathway is a rainbow through the sky
No pot of gold to wait for us at other end
But life Immortal to be lived in summer skies.
Long corridors of rainbow hues, await us there
And rooms all filled with stardust bright.


Posted in Book Excerpts, Poetry, The Antheniumwith 1 comment.

Can String Theory Unify Physics?

Evidence that the universe is made of strings has been elusive for 30 years,
but the theory’s mathematical insights continue to have an alluring pull

by Brian Greene

In October 1984 I arrived at Oxford University, trailing a large steamer trunk containing a couple of changes of clothing and about five dozen textbooks. I had a freshly minted bachelor’s degree in physics from Harvard, and I was raring to launch into graduate study. But within a couple of weeks, the more advanced students had sucked the wind from my sails. Change fields now while you still can, many said. There’s nothing happening in fundamental physics.


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The Spiritual Ego

The-Spiritual-Ego-main-4-post“In common abstractions based on our nuclear science, all matter can be resolved into energy. Therefore, in the pure idiom, this energy is part of the sum and total of what is commonly referred to as spirit. Inenergy-man-2-post other words, interdimensional forms of energy, manner of transmissional factors of dynamics, and the appearance of energy – as seemingly solid matter – are all part of these abstractions. Consequently, it can be universally resolved that as all is energy, and as energy is dynamic, all action must therefore first take place in these seemingly invisible dimensions. This is just as true with man and his course of life as it is with the atomic constituents which make up his body.

Consciousness in daily life is therefore an integrated pattern of relationships with numerous past transmissions of life as well as past lifetimes. These relationships, moving as oscillating patterns harmonically attuned to consciousness, can be pictured as various formations of sine wave energies. These past life experience relationships represent, in scientific parlance, the negative polarity of life. (more…)

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Another Reason Man Must Incarnate On A Earth World

Another-Reason-Man-Must-Incarnate-mainby Gloria Lynn

The earth plane is for those who cannot learn to get along with others. Man busies himself with separation and ego; that one person is better then the other with continued lack of cooperation. Can you imagine in the inner angelic realms if one angel said or thought it was more powerful then the other what chaos there would be? That is why, now and then, when an angel falls, they fall to the earth plane or earth world dimensions. The earth world has the “everything and anything goes” attitude. That is why there is no peace here and why it is considered a hell world by those above.

If we would look at each other as another part of the Infinite, if we could only cooperate to make this a better place, if we could let go of ego, id and that we are better or more entitled then others – what a better world this would be. That is what the higher spiritual beings do when they incarnate like Gandhi and Paramahansa Yogananda. They unite people not divide people. Other examples are Martin Luther King and JFK. They unite people not divide people. That is what makes them cherished in our history books. They gave us great examples that unification is greater and more powerful than division.

The way to freedom is through service to others. ~ Parmahansa Yogananda

This world feeds a legal system with billions of dollars every year based on strife and division. Wouldn’t it be better to take that money instead and create a more peaceful world?

Our future lives and evolution will depend on our cooperation and our understanding of the importance of cooperation. If the angels couldn’t cooperate there would be chaos in the universe as they form the very fabric of the cosmos. If we don’t cooperate then guess what – we don’t get to inhabit those beautiful spiritual worlds where they exist. We are condemned to repeat our incarnations on planet earth – a realm considered hell by those above.

Go out of your way to make others happy. Reach out to help others every day, in whatever way you can. ~ Parmahansa Yogananda

Forms of lack of cooperation: Dissension, strife, hatred, separation, ego, self-righteousness, hostility. I can’t tell anyone to overcome this. All I can do is apply this principle to myself and continue forth in my development as a spiritual being. All I can do is share these thoughts which I received through contemplation in the hopes that it will benefit others. I have to overcome my own anger, hatred, and hostility if I hope in some way to progress out of this earth world.

I do know one thing for sure as I take periodic peeks into the higher realms above. There is a lot of cooperation, kindness and care for each other there. There is no differentiation, separation, or strife. If there were – that one person or entity could not be there – they would reincarnate again at the “beginning stage” in a earth world over and over again until they learned to overcome those negative reactions/vibrations.

There is a place for everyone. The earth is a place for those fighting hateful spirits – there has to be a place for souls like that and this earth world is just one of them. So if you look around and wonder why this earth is so full of war and strife, now you know. The next question is what am I doing here. Obviously for me it is overcoming the reactions that keep me here as stated before – the hate, anger, division, strife, unwillingness to cooperate with my fellow man to make this a better place. But I grow like others and eventually learn these things and take care not to engage in negative destructive emotions or behaviors. I have a lot riding on it – my evolution.

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The Christ Self

Christ-Self-Main-4-postThe “Second Coming,” like all other particular visions is, in a sense, a personal return of consciousness to each and every individual when he makes a certain junction of consciousness with these more immediate spiritual worlds. Buddha called this “Nirvana.” What it actually meanshigher-self-of-man-4-post is that at some particular point in evolution, the individual gradually becomes more dominantly guided and motivated by the higher or Superconscious Self.

At such a time the individual can see within himself that the Superconscious Self is the all-motivating, the all-intelligent participle in Infinite expression as it concerns himself individually. To more fully explain this concept, we must refer to some of the different teachings of UN.AR.I.U.S., and in particular to the lesson on the psychic anatomy. Knowledge of the psychic anatomy will clear up one of the age-old mysteries which has always confused, not only the religious dispensator of the past, but is also confusing the modern doctor of medicine and the psychiatrist.

In the ancient language of the East, such as the Aramaic, the psychic anatomy was called the “Christos” or the soul; and during the passage of time the Christian dispensations, the “Christos” or Christ, or the soul became personally integrated with Jesus; whereas in the true understanding of all human beings it can be immediately resolved that everyone has a psychic anatomy. As a matter of fact, no one could exist without it, for it is through the psychic anatomy that the various individual propensities are carried from one lifetime on through another; and it is the more ultimate concept of the Infinite Creator. (more…)

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What Became of Atlantis: The Flood from Heaven

Skeptics and believers alike tend to overlook the fact that the story of Atlantis, as told by the Egyptian priests who related the story to Solon, is a complex narrative involving three civilizations that supposedly existed contemporaneously with each other; namely, Athens, Egypt, and Atlantis itself.

According to Sonchis, the head priest of Sais, the distant ancestors of the Athenians had led a coalition that counted amongst its members’ other Hellenic city-states and an ancient Egypt to a spectacular victory over the armies of Atlantis—which had aggressed upon them and attempted to reduce all who dwelt along the shores of the Mediterranean to slavery. (more…)

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The Great Pyramid of Giza: A Tesla-Like Powerplant Created Thousands of Years Ago

Tesla-and-Pyramid-main-4-postby Ancient Code

The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the best examples of ancient energy machines. It was a Tesla-like power plant created thousands of years ago. It was a huge ancient structure that was capable of using the Earth’s natural properties in order to create or produce a great amount of energy. This energy is believed to have been used by the ancient Egyptians and other cultures such as the ancient Maya and other cultures around the globe for millennia. This theory, however, has been firmly rejected by mainstream researchers.

If we approach the history of ancient civilizations from another perspective, we will encounter that ancient civilizations around the globe were, in fact, extremely sophisticated and used advanced technologies thousands of years before mainstream science ‘reinvented them’.

The Great Pyramid A Giant Power Plant from the distant past

The idea that civilizations around the world have evolved from a primitive state, towards a more advanced one is something that mainstream scholars have tried to implement and place as the ultimate truth inside our society, schools and history books. However, this is not the case as numerous researchers around the globe suggest. In fact, ancient civilizations were far more advanced than we believe. (more…)

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How The Dark Forces Hurt And Influence People

How-Dark-Forces-Influence-You-mainby William J. Baldwin, Ph.D.

There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them. They themselves are equally pleased by both errors and hail a materialist or a magician with the same delight.

From ancient times to the present day, religious literature has depicted the polarity of light and dark either as a schism within God as Source, or as arising from different sources. Zoroastrianism, the religious philosophy founded in Persia (Iran) around the sixth century B.C., held the dualistic view that Ahura-Mazda, the being of Light, was all good and totally separate from Ahriman, the being of Darkness. This religious dualism was the first to posit an absolute principle of evil, a clearly defined Devil. A basic tenet of this philosophy was that the forces of good and evil constantly war over the soul of man.

In our Western culture, even in churches, the existence of Lucifer, the Prince of Darkness with legions of demons in his command, is considered symbolic, metaphoric, even mythical. Whether the forces of darkness are a figment of imagination, a product of zealous prophets, a thoughtform creation of the collective unconscious, or something else unknown, speculations regarding good and evil will continue unabated. (more…)

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Uncovering Past Lives ~ Part I

Past-Life-Therapy-Part-I-mainby William J. Baldwin, Ph.D.

When past-life therapy is mentioned, many people reject the idea of looking into a past lifetime for problems. They claim to have enough troubles in the present. However, when they explore present issues and conflicts in therapy sessions, the problems nearly always result from painful events in earlier lifetimes.

In a therapy session we normally don’t direct clients into a past life, but guide them to locate the source of the problems or unwanted conditions in the present time. Their inner mind uncovers the time, place, and circumstances that caused the present-life situation. As we seek the source of current problems, people uncover emotionally painful moments and traumatic events in this or other lifetimes.

Clients seldom find luxury, fame, or wealth in other lifetimes. People claiming to have been past-life personalities such as Cleopatra, Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Anne Boleyn, or other notable persons are reported in the supermarket tabloids, but this does not occur in past-life therapy sessions. (more…)

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His Eternal Love

His-Eternal-Love-stanza-oneThe earth has wounded thee, for thou comest unto the Lord
And in thy faith He shall bind up thy wounds
For as thou art long suffering, and many and grievous are thy wounds
Yet surely with all of this and in the binding thereof
Thou art made in the wholeness of thy God.


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