Phylos The Thibetan: A Dweller On Two Planets
This story was first published in 1894. The preface states that it was written in California between 1884 and 1886 by Frederick S. Oliver under the spirit guidance of Phylos, who after many earthly lives now works in and from the higher realms.
The work is a fascinating account of the two most significant incarnations of Phylos and his nearest companions, showing by these “case histories” the action of the law of Karma, “whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap”, both good and bad. The laws of the Spiritual Universe, whereby humans are rewarded for their good deeds, and move toward the ultimate elimination of evil by working out the consequences of their had actions, are shown in their slow but unfailing application to individuals. The book is replete with explanations of such problems as the atonement, forgiveness of sins, the “spiritual mechanics” of physical death and of life in the successively expanding post-mortem conditions. Certain episodes will be particularly enlightening to readers who have been led by Jesus’s words, “before Abraham was, I am”, to ponder on the relation of the Timeless Christ to the inhabitants of the earth before His manifestation in Judea.
The swiftly moving story paints an absorbing picture of the customs and daily life in the heyday of a great Atlantean culture, when they utilized scientific knowledge which the present world is just now regaining. (more…)
Posted in Other Topics, Past Life Therapywith 1 comment.
Up to 50 Books Were Left Out of the Bible – Here’s Why
Did Jesus marry and have children? Was Mary Magdalene a prostitute — or an apostle? Did Cain commit incest? Will there be an apocalypse or is this God’s trick to scare us? The answers to these questions aren’t found in the Bible as we know it, but they exist in scriptures banned when powerful leaders deemed them unacceptable for reasons both political and religious.
The Gospel of Peter, The Gospel of Mary, The Gospel of Judas, The Gospel of Thomas and The Secret Gospel of Mark…these are just a few of the books that were left out of the Bible. The reasons why they were excluded provide astonishing insight into the concerns of church leaders and scholars responsible for spreading the faith an illuminating look at early Christian and religious history. (more…)
Posted in The True Life of Jesus, True History of Manwith 3 comments.
Mechanics of Personal Evolution ~ Part II
“If we look at the picture of a universe in a planetarium or in a scientific book of astronomy, we shall see that a universe — such as the one in which our galaxy is revolving — has a center core, and from this core there are radiating outwardly in a spiral—like fashion great arms of lighted energy; these
arms of energy are following those same cyclic paths of motion — previously described to you — which occur within these cyclic motions of the great vortex forming the universe. This leads us to some of the more indirect expressions of energy configurations.
An atom does, in itself, express outwardly into the third dimension a certain electromagnetic field, just as the sun is expressing outwardly into the confines of the solar system, a great amount of energy which is a composite field of force — that is, it is composed of many kinds of energy, including the magnetic fluxes which hold this planetary system together and which relink it to the galaxy and in turn to the universe. The composite energy which is pouring outwardly from the center of the vortex known as the sun, is again re-transferred in that magnetic stress condition which is called hysteresis, and is reconverted into such quantities of energy spectrums which we call heat, light, etc.
The same condition holds true within your body, and the same principles are as inviolate there as they are in the function of a solar system or a universe. Each atom, as it has an electromagnetic field, does in proportion, radiate outwardly around it in its field of force either a direct opposition to other kinds of atoms, or it presents, in the inphase and out of phase wave form motion of these electromagnetic fields, an affinity to some other atom. It is in this manner and way that molecules are formed. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Infinite Perspectuswith 1 comment.
Anaxagoras of Clazomenae
“Men would live very peacefully if these two words – my and yours – were taken away,” said Anaxagoras of Clazomenae, a lesser known but important pre-Socratic thinker. Two words from his quote- ‘my’ and ‘yours’ form
the epicentre of most evils to date, including greed, hatred, jealousy and conflict that can sometimes assume dangerous proportions.
Anaxagoras’ aphorism was not based on conflicts or jealousy and other inherent emotions of humans. Instead, his axioms revolved around the theory that everything in this world was composed of similar elements or ingredients, that nothing was large or small. Everything in the world was a part of the greater cosmos, which collectively controlled the minds of all humans. By this corollary, a person could own or lose nothing. Hence, claiming to own an object or saying it belongs to someone else, was wrong, Anaxagoras propounded. He said, the common human notion that they can possess material things in the world, was a fallacy based on wrong perceptions. (more…)
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Resonance of Strings
According to string theory, absolutely everything in the universe—all of the particles that make up matter and forces—is comprised of tiny vibrating fundamental strings. Moreover, every one of these strings is identical. The only difference between one string and another, whether it’s a heavy particle that is part of an atom or a mass-less particle that carries light, is its resonant pattern, or how it vibrates.
All objects, not just fundamental strings, have resonant patterns associated with them. Pluck the string of a violin and you hear mainly one tone. This is the string’s fundamental resonant pattern, or frequency. And the instrument’s resonance doesn’t stop there. The body of the violin has resonant frequencies, which work to amplify the sound created by the vibrating string. There’s resonance in objects that aren’t musical, too. Your desk has resonant frequencies, and so does a flagpole, and so does the Earth. (more…)
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