Ruth: Would you define please, problems caused by psychic shock, etc.?
Moderator: Tensions caused by shock from the outside, such as those caused by an operation, are one type. Psychic shocks are like static charges. They, in turn, reflect back some kind of galvanic action; they come back into the physical and cause pain from the psychic. In other words, the pain the person suffered before going to the hospital to have an operation reflects it back like an echo at this time when vibrations are set up where they are synchronized or harmonized through frequency relationship with the present, due to the state of mind the person is in or with other different wave forms being reflected through from the psychic.
That is a lesson in itself, isn’t it? To better understand, let me say it is something like standing in a valley or on the other side of a mountain and shouting and hearing your echo. That is because the voice travels across, hits the side of the mountain and is reflected back to you. As sound travels so many feet per second, you get it delayed a second or two later, after it is reflected back to you. That’s an echo. The frequency which we call pain, distress or various other emotional complexes of the mind, reflects back into the psyche and later on it is reflected into consciousness as pain. We are not concerned with time in this dimension; we are concerned with harmonic frequencies synchronized in frequency relationship, the same as we would have sound in pictures traveling at a certain rate of speed which, in this case, would be the element of frequency relationship. In the present, combined with various states of fear consciousness, fear assumes a new and different prospectus; similar to the message you were given on the concept of thought. Do you follow that now?
Ruth: Yes, and that’s true; the added fears, the negation or fear one has adds to it?
Moderator: Yes, it colors it, just like adding vegetable coloring to a paint box to make it pink or green. So that is a new slant entirely, because
there you are actually getting psychic pain that was caused, like an echo, from a previous circumstance. That reverts back to the more original concept which has been the trouble, such as cancer and various conditions in the psychic, existing as shocks of previous times; in fact, this can be related back hundreds or thousands of years from the past. In that case, they take on and assume more definite characteristics; cancer would be a definite characteristic rather than just pain itself. You could describe certain pain to a doctor, and at the same time, he could not vocalize it to you or tell you exactly what caused it because there would be no indication in the physical. There would be, however, with cancer. You might have some other organs which were defective or were not functioning correctly, which would be a direct reflection or oscillation from a psychic shock in a previous lifetime and which was very different than the present condition. (more…)