The Answer Is No We Are Not Alone In The Universe

No-We-Are-Not-Alone-In-The-Universe-main-4-postBy Arjun Walia

One of the most popular questions today is “Are we alone in the universe?” Believe it or not, you’re in the minority if you believe that absolutely no intelligent life exists in the universe.

In the United States alone, at least half of all Americans say that we’re not alone in the universe. Fifty percent of Americans already believe that there is some form of life on other planets, while only seventeen percent think that there isn’t.

A quarter of Americans believe that intelligent extraterrestrial visitors have already come to Earth and have been doing so for a long time. (source)

Here’s one of them:

“Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time.” (source) (source) – Apollo 14 Astronaut, Air Force Captain and Founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Dr. Edgar Mitchell

There are multiple reasons why the extraterrestrial question continues to gain popularity. People are starting to ask questions about the world around them, utilizing critical thinking and investigation. After thoroughly investigating this topic your conclusions will be similar to the conclusions of the majority, we are not alone, and we are being visited. (more…)

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Global Consciousness & Quantum Physics

Global-Consciousness-main-4-postby Gabriella Vento

In the past century science – and especially the traditional physics have had to face a great challenge: When they started to use the newly found, advanced technology, that made more research possible on the subatomic level, then it turned out that the particles, that make up any atom are far from being particles of matter. There were rather behaving like vibrations.

Dr. Norman knew this near 60 years ago: In Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation he wrote:…..[quote] p.54.

“In our world we can roughly divide the expression of energy into two different fields. We might say that there is the so-called static or the atomic form and there is also the dynamic or the kinetic form. In the static form we find these tiny structures which the scientist calls atoms. In the dynamic or kinetic form we find the energy moving in the different forms and dimensions which are necessary to our various ways of life. In the past and especially during the last fifty years, the thinkers and the savants of science have labored and struggled for long periods of time to try to orient or compromise their thoughts into finding the answer to mass and energy. It was only during the last few years of Einstein’s life that this foremost scientist came to the general conclusion that there was no such thing as mass and that we could, in a more abstract way, resolve all things into pure energy.”

This is why traditional physics is troubled by the fact, that they cannot define of their size location, mass or weight – because vibrations do not have these features. But they do have frequency, amplitude, and direction, they have a waveform. How is this possible, how could scientists miss this? (more…)

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Large Hadron Collider Set To Discover New Dimensions And Doorways

LHC and Parallel Universe main 4 postA NEW scientific theory which claims an almost infinite number of alternative universes are lined up alongside each other like a packet of cheese slices, is being tested by the Large Hadron Collider.

By Paul Baldwin

Scientists are searching for proof of the baffling ‘brane’ theory (short for membrane) which says a series of ‘two-dimensional’ universes may be only microscopic distances from ours – and they may be contactable, or even act as doorways from one to the other.

Cern Hadron ColliderThe brane concept is a spin-off from the equally mind-bending string theory, which says a series of almost incomprehensibly small vibrating strings are the substance behind everything from light to gravity to mass – everything in the universe basically.

Oh and they exist in nine dimensions. (more…)

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The Spiritual Side of Procreation And Genetics ~ Part I

The-Spiritual-Side-of-Procreation-And-Genetics-main-4-postAdvanced Lesson Course Six from from Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation

No course of instruction would be complete without including that all-important subject, procreation – moreman and woman loosely referred to as sex – for within this dimension we can find very important clues or keys to human behaviorisms, as well as to factually integrate mankind in the scale of evolution. Therefore the importance of this subject cannot be overemphasized for deep within the psychic anatomy of every human being are certain strong complexes which were originated and motivated in this dimension of human relationships.

Procreation itself enables humanity to reincarnate from one life to the next, taking with them from life to life, the various aggregates of their personality traits which they have thus developed in these various lifetimes and in these various aggregates polarize the all-important higher self. As of today, this branch of procreation is referred to scientifically and classically as genetics and the associated physiological inferences of psychology arereincarnation still in complete darkness as to the true and originating sources and functions of these sciences. As a consequence, there is just as much misunderstanding, misconception and unadulterated falsity as there is in all other branches of science simply because, in general, these sciences have always given the strong indication that such sciences were based upon such third dimensional aspects which contain the various reactionary elements of this third dimension and the presupposed laws governing these reactions; and as in all cases, the scientist has not yet discovered or oriented into his science the true originating sources and causes of his third dimensional sciences. (more…)

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Seven Steps To Eternity

Seven-Steps-to-Eternity-main-4-postby Stephen Turoff

‘I died in the Battle of the Somme…’ These were the astonishing first words spoken to clairvoyant and healer Stephen Turoff by the soul of James Legett, a young soldier who was killed in the First World War. For two years, the world famous psychic surgeon communicated with the soldier’s soul, and in the process wrote down his remarkable story; not the tale of Legett’s tragically short life on the physical plane, but of his death on a battlefield in France and his soul’s subsequent journey into the afterlife.

Although he works with many discarnate spirits in his clinic, the dyslexic Turoff was initially reluctant to undertake the task of writing a book. But he was persuaded by the boisterous and genial soul of the dead man. Their literary collaboration involved an unusual method: Legett presented spiritual pictures to Turoff, who with clairvoyant perception interpreted them into words. The result is this enlightening testimony of life beyond the illusion of death, filled with insight, spiritual wisdom and delightful humour. It is written to show that we are all eternal; there is no death… only change.

~From the Back Cover (more…)

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Moldeth In Virtue

Moldeth-In-Virtue-stanza-oneHast thou given thought of thy life ~
Hast thou molded it in the virtues of compassion
Or hast it been as the iron in the smithy’s
forge, heated and tempered in flame;
Or as the potter’s clay molded and baked in the oven?


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Holographic Model Of The Brain

Brain-As-A-Hologram-main-4-postby Val Valerian

Numerous studies have corroborated the holographic model in studies of memory and perception. The question of how and where memories are stored was what led Carl Pribram on the road to formulating his holographic model. In the 1940’s it was thought that memories were stored at specific locations in the brain. There had been research conducted in the 1920’s which seemed to support this view. Researcher Wilder Penfield had offered convincing evidence that specific memories had specific locations in the brain. In a series of experiments, Penfield stimulated parts of the brain of patients and noticed that specific areas evoked certain specific memories.

In 1946, Pribram went to work for physiologist Carl Lashley at the Yerkes Institute of Primate Biology. Lashley had trained rats to perform complicated tasks which involved working their way through mazes. He then removed portions of their brain in an effort to try and remove the area that had the memory of the maze. No matter how much brain tissue he removed, the rats still retained the memory of how to run the maze. This indicated that memory itself was not localized but was somehow spread throughout the brain as a whole. No process existed at the time that would explain this. Around 1965, Pribram read an article describing the creation of the hologram and the answer became quite clear.

Holograms depend on the interference patterns that occur when the patterns of two or more waves ripple through each other. It was discovered that electrical impulses travel through the brain in waveforms that cause interference patterns, further substantiating the holographic nature of the brain. (more…)

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Akhnaton -The First Democrat

Akhnaton-The-First-Democrat-main-4-postby Manly P. Hall

The leader who had the first social consciousness in the administration of a nation
was a Pharaoh of Egypt, Akhnaton. … Born several thousand years too soon,
he was the first realist in democracy, the first humanitarian, the first internationalist. …
He saw that the duty of the ruler is to protect for all the right to live well,
to think, to dream, to hope, and to aspire. …

For his dream of the Brotherhood of Man he cheerfully gave his life.

Hall---The-Secret-Destiny-of-America-(1944)MAN has passed out of the state of savagery and become a civilized creature with the development of social consciousness. Civilization is a collective state. In our collective type of life the isolationist is a detriment to himself and a menace to all others.

There is a great difference between isolationism and intellectualism. Development of the mind releases the individual from mob psychology, but it does not set him apart from the common responsibilities of his kind. A true thinker becomes a force for good within the group life. If his intellectual powers lure him away from the practical problems and values of his world, he can no longer make his contribution to the social unity.

Political reforms are not accomplished by the people, but through the people. Behind all collective progress stands the enlightened individual’s leadership. His superiority does not free him from common responsibility; his is the obligation to assume the greater burden of directing his vision to the well being of all his people. (more…)

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The Strange Life of Nikola Tesla

The-Strange-Life-of-Nikola-Tesla-mainNikola Tesla is the true unsung prophet of the electric age, without whom our radio, auto ignition, telephone, television, and alternating current power generation and transmission would all have been impossible. Yet his life and times have vanished largely from public access. This autobiography is released to remedy this situation, and to understand the life and the mind of Nikola Tesla.


Chapter 1: My Early Life …The progressive development of man is vitally dependent on invention. It is the most important product of his creative brain. Its ultimate purpose is the complete mastery of mind over the material world, the harnessing of the forces of nature to human needs.

Chapter 2: …I shall dwell briefly on these extraordinary experiences, on account of their possible interest to students of psychology and physiology and also because this period of agony was of the greatest consequence on my mental development and subsequent labors.

Chapter 3: How Tesla Conceived The Rotary Magnetic Field …At the age of ten I entered the Real Gymnasium which was a new and fairly well equipped institution. In the department of physics were various models of classical scientific apparatus, electrical and mechanical. The demonstrations and experiments performed from time to time by the instructors fascinated me and were undoubtedly a powerful incentive to invention. (more…)

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The Theory Of One

Theory-of-One-main-2-postBy Noel Huntley, Ph.D.

If humans weren’t educated to ignore, in fact, to fail to observe, event sequences and coincidences of an improbable nature they would be subject to a seemingly impossible mystery. And this is why it is easy for scientists to ignore, or turn a blind eye to all such phenomena—to say the least it disturbs the ego. Whenever science encounters anomalies after a theory has been established the anomalies are either invalidated or assumed that they will resolve as the theory is applied further.

The particular anomalies we are interested in are improbable coincidences that we sometimes call meaningful coincidences. If scientists became more aware of the extent to which these meaningful coincidences (synchronicities) occur in anyone’s life, new theories would be required and sought. Science does not recognise synchronicities (special orders), only randomness, that is, coincidences with different degrees of probability.

What we are claiming here is that these event coincidences are synchronistic—a term we use when referring to ‘coincidences’ which are actually connected. This simply means an unseen factor has entered into the equation. This hidden factor already has the events associated—even as one whole. We might just remind the reader at this early stage that the wave function in quantum physics can handle this. If the two events are represented each by a different wave packet, they can be linked by resonance, such that a single resultant wave packet can represent the unity or wholeness of the two events. (more…)

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Understanding Jesus And The Master Plan

Jesus-And-His-Master-Plan-mainIn order to understand both the intelligent God and His Master Plan, and especially in understanding Jesus, let us enter into a correct and all-inclusive hypothesis of various factors involved. Every material earth man can be considered dual in nature; that is, he has a psychic anatomy and mind, and a physical anatomy and mind which is, in actuality, one and the same in respect to the fact that the physical and psychic anatomies and their respective minds are functioning harmoniously, in all aspects of life on the basis of the oscillating principle.

It is conceivable in the normal course of evolution that any individual can become spiritually quickened or alerted; that is through contacts made in the life in between lives lived in spiritual worlds, as well as in other ways, the individual becomes aware of the higher spiritual worlds and a better way of life. When this alerted state is reached, this individual then begins to incarnate, spiritually, into some of these somewhat more advanced spiritual worlds, such as are described in the books of UN.AR.I.U.S., where he will study in some respective chosen field, a higher and more constructive expression of his vocation. He will then don the mantle of flesh in an earthly incarnation and bring into the world some form of the more advanced constructiveness of his particular vocation. Sometime in the more distant future, he will advance in his spiritual world life, to a point where he, temporarily at least, and for an indefinite period of time, will no longer have need for any further continuance of earth life incarnations.

In this state he has actually passed the point of necessity for an earth life; he is also most likely to be involved in a very concerted and specialized effort in the pursuance of more highly advanced knowledge and wisdom. In this state of consciousness, he is only vaguely conscious in memory of his former earth lives. Soon, however, he is confronted with the inevitable. Knowledge must be acquired in a certain ratio proportionate or equal with usage. He can not practice, so to speak, his newly acquired knowledge in even higher worlds than the one in which he is presently living. He must, obviously practice and use this knowledge in lower or earth worlds. In this respect he is also prompted by the mass of human misery which he vaguely remembers, and so he sets up a plan whereby he can, in a manner of speaking, incarnate into the material worlds. He does not do this by the usual method – rebirth into the physical body. He is spiritually advanced to the point where the physical body would be impossible to him; that is, he could not reasonably support a physical body in the usual psychic anatomy oscillating fashion, and so he uses an alternate method. (more…)

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Wave Function Is Real: The Holographic Quantum Model

Wave-Function-Holographic-Quantum-Model-main-2-postBy Noel Huntley, Ph.D.

In quantum physics the wave function (denoted by the Greek psi symbol) is sometimes referred to as mathematical fiction. When Schrodinger developed his famous wave equation, it was a puzzle as to what psi really represented. It was concluded that the wave function depicted probabilities—and not energy.

Here we shall be using the wave function to mean a packet of vibrations as in current quantum mechanics but that in our case we envision everything imaginable in the universe as made up of waves. Any specific thing whatsoever is not just represented by, but is a group of oscillations given by sine waves. These groups of sine waves representing all phenomena, such as a particle, an atom, planet, galaxy, objects, a thought, word, concepts or ideas, mind, etc. may be immensely complex, comprising waves in fractal groups extending into higher dimensions, in which their phase relationship is of key importance. These wave functions are holographic and have a precise geometry. This geometry is information.

Every single wave function is a packet of information. The vibrations of the wave function are energy but also probabilities given by sub-sine wave groupings. The resonant linkages between them will vary in strength giving different probability weighting—no different from the principle of habit patterns. (Learning occurs by mode locking, that is, entraining separate oscillations—as in associating.) (more…)

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The Atom

Atom-main-4-postThe discovery that everything is made from atoms has been referred to as the greatest scientific breakthrough in history. As scientists delved deep into the atom, they unravelled nature’s most shocking secrets and abandoned traditional beliefs, leading to a whole new science which still underpins modern physics, chemistry and biology, and maybe even life itself. Nuclear physicist Professor Jim Al-Khalili tells the story of this discovery and the brilliant minds behind the breakthrough.

AtomThe second part of Professor Jim Al-Khalili’s three-part documentary about the basic building block of our universe, the atom. He shows how, in our quest to understand the tiny atom, we unravelled the mystery of how the universe was created – a story with dramatic twists and turns, taking in world-changing discoveries like radioactivity, the atom bomb and the Big Bang, as the greatest brains of the 20th century competed to answer the biggest questions of all.

The final part of Professor Jim Al-Khalili’s documentary series about the basic building block of our universe, the atom. He explores how studying the atom forced us to rethink the nature of reality itself, discovers how there might be parallel universes in which different versions of us exist and finds out that ’empty’ space isn’t empty at all. Al-Khalili shows how the world we think we know turns out to be a tiny sliver of an infinitely weirder universe than which we could have conceived. (more…)

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Food – Its Spiritual And Nutritional Elements ~ Part II

Food-main-4-postGood day again folks; I believe we were walking through a large supermarket and discussing some of the relative values of the many goodies which we saw about us, and the diet of the average American citizen; we have found that, just as in many ways ofsoft drinks and sugar life, considerable amounts of synthetics and processing have been entered into, which were rather deleterious to the proper assimilation and nutritional elements which should have been contained in the food. As Pasteur pointed out, pasteurizing milk partially destroyed some of the food values and the elements necessary for the full realization of the food value of milk; so, the numerous products of the farm and country which you see here in the market are also, to a large extent, very highly teeth before and afterprocessed and refined. The sugars which are used in some of these foods have a two-fold effect inasmuch as they are very acid producing, and can, with the mixture of saliva, be positively caustic upon tooth enamel. This is especially true with the sugars used in the soft drink industry; and there is a common complaint among teenagers, using a word which I will not mention for obvious reasons, that they have a soft drink tooth decay age. Also, as we studied the processing of the fruits and vegetables, it was evident that much of the roughage had been eliminated by this processing, and, as a consequence, teeth and gums suffered from lack of polishing and stimulation.

Going along a little further in this market we see a very large display counter which is devoted to the meat counter twovarious meat products. The subject of meat, in itself, is rather a touchy one, and is liable to produce great controversy. We may say that man is omnivorous or that he has a very highly adaptable intestinal tract which is capable of digesting all types of foodstuffs whether vegetable, fruit, or the meat variety. Contrasting, as we have said, the picture of the Eskimo who lives almost entirely upon a meat or fat diet with that of the various sects in India which prohibit even the consumption of fertilized eggs, we see, in these countries to eat meat, would be a very horrifying and vilifying act. (more…)

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Food – Its Spiritual And Nutritional Elements ~ Part I

Food-Nutritional-And-Spiritual-Elements-mainI would first like to get into some of the factors of the dietary system of the American public in particular. Some of these concepts, such as the harmful effects of the robot feeding of infants from the bottle, were entered into by a predecessor named Pasteur. The whole trend of the time is actually, in a sense of the word, to create people into actual machine-like robots.
the rat raceThey are going about their numerous tasks in an every day sense, by the ticking motions of the clock; they must arise at a certain time, hurry down to the office or to the factory, turn out a specified amount of their various and numerous tasks and efforts and hurry home where they can rest so that they can get up and repeat the whole thing all over again. This, in itself, is something of a treadmill-like existence which is highly productive of neurosis. The acts of civilization, while they present, on the outside or the exterior surface, some very glittering attractions — the beautiful automobiles which swirl up and down the highways, the lighted windows of the numerous shops which display a vast and glittering assemblage of wares and artifacts of jewelry and household appliances — are, in themselves, creative of the very earnest desires in the breath and the mind of every passing individual. (more…)

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