What I Have Learned From The Interplanetarians ~ Part I
Through the years since I first met Orthon on a California desert, I have had many meetings with our space traveling friends. Some have been very casual and unexpected. Others I expected, much as I described in Inside the Space Ships. Never have I been able to make definite appointments with them for a specific time and place, nor have I outgrown the inner exaltation of being in their company. However, even though I have had so many meetings with them, it would be as foolish for me to say that I know all who are on Earth, as it would be to say that I know everybody in any city or town. I have been told that on many occasions I have been visited by and talked with space travelers without recognizing them, and without their identifying themselves. On a few occasions, I have later met one or two on a ship whom I recognized as having talked with previously, without recognition.
It is for this reason that I have so often said and written that many people, in fact untold numbers of people, have met and talked with space travelers without recognizing them. Many work in industries and government positions throughout the world. They may also be found in the armed forces of every nation, working in divisions of science, communications, medical corps, etc. where they are not required to be trained for slaughter of their fellowmen.
I have been asked endless times how this can be, when so many personal identifications are required of everyone nowadays. These are not insurmountable problems even to Earth’s people. There are innumerable ways in which identifications can be established. If one questions this statement, let him start an investigation into the matter, and he may uncover surprises for himself!
Often the space people are recognized as being above the average in their natural friendliness, and slowness to anger, and at times in their telepathic abilities. But since telepathy is a science in which many people on Earth have developed an interest, with more or less success in using, the space people in business are usually shrugged off as just good telepathists, or as having extremely strong hunches. (more…)
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Tesla’s Resonant Theory Of Electromagnetism
by Prof. Velimir Abramovic, PhD
Tesla didn’t give us his own theory of physics, but with numerous experiments, he created a basis for a new, resonant understanding of electromagnetism. He considered that the world is a uniform, continuous, electromagnetic medium and matter is one of the manifestation of organized electromagnetic oscillations described by a mathematical algorithm. He considered that resonance is the most general natural law, which eliminates time and distance, and that all relations between phenomena are established only by mean of various simple and complex resonances, i.e. coordinated vibrations of physical systems, which have an electromagnetic nature.
Finally, instead of Newton’s integrals, Leibniz’s differentials and Maxwell’s theory lying in his calculations, Tesla used simple the mathematics of Ancient Greek mathematician Archimedes, first making an analogy between mechanics and electromagnetism. It is not possible to fully evaluate the significance of such method of thinking, which directly points out the necessity of full physical interpretation of elementary mathematical notions.
Obviously, the study of Tesla’s heritage is not related only with history of physics. We shouldn’t look for technological aspects; its essence is in miraculous human creativity in science. Tesla’s scientific ways need understanding and following. We need analysis of Tesla’s evidence relating with creativity lying in the base of new physical and technical processes discovered by him. It leads to opening a new way of cognition. It is important to understand the original scientific and research methods of Tesla and non-developed cosmic principles (relation), which are realized, with the world of ideas. (more…)
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Power Switch Of The Great Pyramid: The Benben
The Benben As An Anti-Gravity Device
Early Egyptian priests believed that RA and Khepra personally arrived on Earth in a mysterious ‘secret object’ called ‘Akka’. That object was later renamed ‘Benben’, a term deriving from an Egyptian word meaning ‘seed’ or ‘essence’. It is repeatedly recorded in traditional Egyptian history that the Benben ‘came from the sky’ and it became the most esteemed object of the time. The Great Ennead of Heliopolis constructed a square hewn stone column in the centre of a protective temple complex and placed the Benben upon its summit. The principal structure in that compound was called ‘The Palace of the Ancient One’ or sometimes, ‘The Palace of the Old Man’, the dwelling place of RA while he lived on Earth as King of the gods of Egypt.
The name Benben was subsequently applied to the pyramidion or apex-stone (cap-stone) on top of pyramids, tombs and obelisks and in a symbolic sense was always associated closely and directly with both RA and Khepra. The ancient priests became famous for their privileged access into the sanctuary of that powerful, mysterious and sacred object and its specially built temple became the site where the earliest religious concepts of humans on Earth crystallized in pre-historic time. Later Egyptian priests held the strong belief that their primary gods personally arrived on Earth in the Benben and, for many centuries, revered the intriguing object as the life creation force.
By and large, modern pyramidologists forced to choose between regarding the records of a supernatural construction of the Great Pyramid as fact or fiction, have chosen to treat them as fiction. However, mankind is left with some extraordinary ancient records providing fascinating narratives relating to unusual procedures in place in the development of structures in Egypt. An intriguing tradition handed down by pre-Christian Egyptian priests stated that the Great Pyramid was built from the top down. They told Herodotus: The upper portion of the Pyramid was built first, then the middle, and finally the part which was lowest and nearest the ground. (more…)
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Space Ships And Gravity
As the Earthman plans voyages into outer space, he is faced to a certain degree with problems comparable in many ways to those of the ancient mariner, for throughout space there are definite natural lanes, just as the oceans have their currents. Our pilots have found “rivers in space” above our planet as they were flying at certain altitudes. These were located by chance, but since have been described in numerous articles published in aviation magazines. Our scientists and our airmen are aware of various types of currents moving through the atmosphere, comparable to those of the oceans. We will find similar conditions throughout all space, between planets and systems.
As they studied such conditions in the atmospheres encompassing their own planets, inhabitants of other worlds were able to develop their first ships enabling them to venture into outer space. Since that time space has become as safe and simple for them to travel as the atmosphere through which our planes fly from place to place on Earth. They quickly realized that if they were to go out and return safely home, they could not burden their ships with heavy loads of fuel, but would have to learn how to use Nature’s energy for their propulsion power. So it was along these lines that their scientists worked, and finally succeeded.
To understand more clearly the magnetic propulsion of interplanetary spacecraft, we must first consider geomagnetism, the magnetic sphere of influence which surrounds every planet and every sun, filling all space.
We can liken Earth’s geomagnetic field to the series of circular ripples created by dropping a pebble into a pond. These circular ripples move outward from the center point where the pebble was dropped; expanding in size, but diminishing in force as they move. (more…)
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Seek ye not, before the Altars of man’s lusts
Neither in the Temples of his own desires
For in the offerings of flesh and wine
Cometh only the needs of the body.
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Multi-Dimensional Explorations
by Jurgen Ziewe
“Surprisingly, it has taken science quite a long time to realise that we are part of a multiple-universe. It is the same paradigm shift for our perception as the discoveries of fire, the wheel and that the Earth is a sphere and revolves around the sun. Incredibly, psychology and the science of the mind still need to catch up and move beyond looking at consciousness as a function of biological and chemical events within the brain.
What we will have to acknowledge is the fact that the universe ‘outside’ not only has its origin in other dimensions, but that we as living organisms are at every moment operating in other dimensions without realising it, here and now. In fact, to imagine that we could function as purely physical dimensional entities strikes me as absurd, because it would be akin to imagining that the Earth could exist without the space it is suspended in.
Incredibly, we still believe that the brain is the main storage organ for everything we experience. Considering the fact that every moment – every split second – we encounter trillions of bits of information via our vision alone, it is clear that scientists still have no idea as to where or how the data is stored. All we know is that the brain’s synapses process the data. By studying the brain from a biological viewpoint we may understand its function but not its deeper mystery.
When looking at it from the next dimension up the brain is a fantastic relay station – a processing and communication plant between two dimensions. The information appears to be stored on another dimension altogether in a state that simply cannot be attributed to molecules or physical atoms. This doesn’t apply only to the information gathered in our present time-space continuum, but also to information gathered while living in different energy configurations such as previous lives and inter-lives.” Excerpt From Multidimensional Man (more…)
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Adventures In The Spirit World
A Life After Death Communication by Anthony Borgia
Knowledge is the best antidote for fear, especially if that fear should be of the possible or probable state of existence after we have made the change from this life to the next. To discover what kind of place is the next world, we must inquire of someone who lives there, and record what is said. That is what has been done in this present volume.
The communicator, whom I first came to know in 1909 — five years before his passing into the spirit world — was known on earth as Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson, a son of Edward White Benson, former Archbishop of Canterbury. Until the present scripts were written he had never communicated with me directly, but I was once told (by another spirit friend) that there were certain matters he wished to set right. The difficulties of communication were explained to him by spirit friends and advisers, but he held to his purpose. And so when a suitable time was reached, he was told that he could communicate through a friend of his earthly days, and it has been my privilege to act as his recorder.
The first script was composed under the title of Beyond This Life; the second under that of The World Unseen. In the former, the communicator gives, in a general survey, an account of his passing and his subsequent travels through various parts of spirit lands. In the latter script he deals at much greater length with a number of important and interesting facts and facets of spirit life, upon which previously he had touched only lightly or in passing. For example: in Beyond This Life he mentions the highest realms and the lowest. In The World Unseen he actually visits them and describes what he saw and what took place in both regions. (more…)
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The ABC’s of Immortality ~ Part II
“In the world today, just as in the past, there are many references to the term ‘power’, power in a multitude of forms and uses. Some forms of power are real, others imaginary; some exert their effect in a reactionary way, some autosuggestively. In all cases, however, where reference is
made to power — and if power exists in any suggested or supposed manner or that it is felt or realized in any manner or form — all such power forms must be, like anything else, a scientific extension of principle and must be scientifically understood. Power then, is simply a motion of energy and whether a quanta of power is large or small, it must be a scientific proposition wherein a certain principle of Infinite Intelligence is expressed for this is indeed the true origin of all things. The expression of power in the physical world is therefore a determinant of motion. Electrical power through wires is a great motivating force in our civilization. The electrical impulses in the nervous system are also energy in motion — power — and one of the agencies which make life possible on this planet. (more…)
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Astral City: A Spiritual Journey
Nosso Lar (“Our Home” in Portuguese) is the best-selling novel by the Brazilian spiritist medium Francisco Cândido Xavier.
Published in 1943, the book tells the interesting story of the spirit of André Luiz, a prominent doctor who lived in the city of Rio de Janeiro. After dying, André Luiz encounters neither the Heaven nor the Hell depicted in the teachings he had received during his Catholic upbringing. Rather, he initially has to endure a period in the so-called umbral, a region where less-than-perfect souls face the consequences of their infelicitous actions while alive.
After a while, André Luiz is able to perceive the presence of Clarêncio, a friendly spirit who had been trying to help him all along during his stay in the umbral. Clarêncio then takes André Luiz to Nosso Lar, a spirit colony, or astral city, where André becomes acquainted with the intricacies of afterlife and reincarnation. Astral City: A Spiritual Journey (also known as Nosso Lar) is a 2010 Brazilian drama film based on the book Nosso Lar directed by Wagner de Assis. It was distributed by 20th Century Fox and features a soundtrack composed by Philip Glass. Source –Wikipedia (more…)
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The Scientific Basis For The Akasha (Akashic)
In his classic Raja Yoga, Swami Vivekananda gave the following account of Akasha:
“It is the omnipresent, all-penetrating existence. Everything that has form, everything that is the result of combination, is evolved out of this Akasha. It is the Akasha that becomes the air, that becomes the liquids, that becomes the solids; it is the Akasha that becomes the sun, the earth, the moon, the stars, the comets; it is the Akasha that becomes the human body, the animal body, the plants, every form that we see, everything that can be sensed, everything that exists. It cannot be perceived; it is so subtle that it is beyond all ordinary perception; it can only be seen when it has become gross, has taken form. At the beginning of creation there is only this Akasha. At the end of the cycle; the solid, the liquids, and the gases all melt into the Akasha again, and the next creation similarly proceeds out of this Akasha.”
In the traditional conception Akasha is an all-encompassing medium that underlies all things; the medium that becomes all things. It is real, but so subtle that it cannot be perceived until it becomes the many things that populate the manifest world. According to the contemporary Indian sage Radja Deekshithar we can experience Akasha: our normal senses do not register it, but we can reach it through spiritual practice. The ancient Rishis reached Akasha through a disciplined, spiritual way of life, and through yoga. That is why they could describe its nature in words, making it an essential element of the philosophy and mythology of India. (more…)
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The ABC’s of Immortality ~ Part I
“To any person the subject of healing or to be healed is all important, and particularly to those who have religious affiliations and to those who are suffering from any of the infinite variety of mental and physical conditions. The Unariun student is, of course greatly concerned with healing, in fact his whole future
evolution depends upon whether or not he is healed from any and all aberrations as well as a countless host of physical experiences called karma, through which he has passed in his many lifetimes. Quite frequently Unariun students have wonderful miraculous demonstrations, and, also, quite frequently their friends or relatives; yes, and unknowingly, strangers may also be miraculously healed of some condition after the Unariun student has made some kind of contact with them. These miraculous transitions may give the Unariun student a sense of power or a belief that he (or she) is now a ‘healer’. This false assumption is very dangerous and should be watched for and instantly suppressed when the student finds himself incurring such a belief. (more…)
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Life On Venus – Contactees Of The 50s And 60s
In case you missed it, here is the powerpoint presentation of Life On Venus – Contactees Of The 50s And 60s from our San Diego UNARIUNS UNITED Monthly Meetup. Many more contactees could have been included however there was neither sufficient time nor space to cover them all.
The handful presented herewith were mainly the more prominent ones of those eras but nevertheless the lessons and teachings that they have transmitted to the earth man from our Venusian space brothers and sisters are of timeless importance and as such not to be overlooked. Their messages will in the future be regarded with greater reverence than is now accorded.
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Curing Alzheimers With Sound Waves
by JB Bardot
Australian researchers have come up with a non-invasive ultrasound technology that clears the brain of neurotoxic amyloid plaques – structures that are responsible for memory loss and a decline in cognitive function in Alzheimer’s patients.
If a person has Alzheimer’s disease, it’s usually the result of a build-up of two types of lesions – amyloid plaques, and neurofibrillary tangles. Amyloid plaques sit between the neurons and end up as dense clusters of beta-amyloid molecules, a sticky type of protein that clumps together and forms plaques.
Neurofibrillary tangles are found inside the neurons of the brain, and they’re caused by defective tau proteins that clump up into a thick, insoluble mass. This causes tiny filaments called microtubules to get all twisted, which disrupts the transportation of essential materials such as nutrients and organelles along them, just like when you twist up the vacuum cleaner tube.
As we don’t have any kind of vaccine or preventative measure for Alzheimer’s – a disease that affects 343,000 people in Australia, and 50 million worldwide – it’s been a race to figure out how best to treat it, starting with how to clear the build-up of defective beta-amyloid and tau proteins from a patient’s brain. Now a team from the Queensland Brain Institute (QBI) at the University of Queensland have come up with a pretty promising solution for removing the former. (more…)
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Evidence Of Super Volcanoes On Mars
Newest research follows the below excerpt again confirming The Truth About Mars written 60 years ago:
“Now I will contact my Martian guide and take an astral flight through space, and see just how it is that man lives on the red planet. Almost immediately a very distinguished looking man stands before me; he is Nur El, a man of high position and esteem from one of the Martian cities. He is dressed in a very brilliant red suit. The coat is long, almost to the knees, with loose fitting pantaloons. On his head is a red hat with a square shaped brim that is turned up on four sides.
Our trip there is a matter of split seconds as no craft is used or needed. Arriving on the surface of Mars, we are at once aware of the extremely rugged terrain, rocky hills and sandy wastes, that stretches out endlessly around us. There are many peculiar whirling dust clouds all about. Nur El explains that the ionosphere is very thin which leaves the surface almost unprotected from the various beta, gamma and cosmic rays. This high concentration of rays ionizes the very rare and gaseous atmosphere and together with thermal currents, creates terrific dust storms. There is also a very thinly divided dust layer on the ionosphere which helps create the reddish appearance of the planet. There are also a number of volcanoes, three of which are of major size; one of these was just barely visible on the horizon trailing a thin wisp of smoke from its truncated cone. It was also explained that as Mars has only seven degrees axis inclination there is not much of a seasonal change. Water is very scarce on this arid planet; most of the precipitation falls at the poles.” See more here. (more…)
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An Astral Visit To Eros
“Let us now go directly to our planet and obtain our first view of the fifth spiritual plane of Shamballa which is the scientific plane. Now we find ourselves sitting on what apparently looks like a mountain top; and while you are looking at the substance upon which you are sitting as something similar in shape and form to your familiar earth planet as rock, yet it possesses some peculiar transparency or brilliance to which you are unaccustomed. As in the case of Venus, all elemental substances are in a much higher state of evolution than your earth planet. This principle of evolution was somewhat explained to you and in a more proper understanding of this principle, you will begin to understand that there is nothing happenstance or by chance in God’s great Celestial universe, but is all a thoroughly and completely integrated relationship. And so it is with the things around you on your earth plane: your mountains, your trees, your streams, your lakes, your cities, and so on, are all just a very small fragment of manifestation of the Infinite Mind. If you will think a moment, you can see that this same manifestation will take place on and on up into many, many other dimensions which are completely foreign to your understanding. Thus it is with Venus, and so it is with us and numerous other great planets and solar systems throughout the universe. (more…)
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