Does Electricity Energize The Galaxies?

Electricity-Powers-Galaxies-main-4-postby Stephen Smith

In the cosmos there are regions where stars range in thousand light-year lines. Elsewhere, rings of stars can be found, along with galaxies stretching in filaments for enormous distances.Milky Way GalaxyThe Milky Way contains over 200 billion stars in its spiral arms and its nucleus. Recent observations from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) indicate that a torus of additional stars is surrounding it at a distance of 120,000 light-years. That vast halo could mean up to a trillion stars make up our galaxy. Most of the stars discovered by SDSS are invisible to visual platforms because they are in the same plane as the galaxy, itself. However, stars are detected using infrared and X-ray instruments that can “see through” the obscuring dust. (more…)

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Life After Death In The Astral Realms ~ Part II

Life-After-Death-In-The-Astral-Realms-main-two-4-postby Harriette & F. Homer Curtiss

The first Realm above the Physical World, in rate of vibration, we term the Realm of Reflection. Here we find reflected every object which exists in the Physical World, or to be more accurate, the physical object – man, animal, vegetable as well as all so-called inanimate things is the reflection or materialization of its astral duplicate. Here we find the astral pattern of all living things. But everything is seen reversed as in a mirror. For instance a number such as 123 would be seen as 321, etc. This fact caused the editors of Mme. Blavatsky’s manuscript for The Secret Doctrine much labor at first when they tried to verify the quotations made by her from books presented by her Teachers to her astral vision, for she frequently forgot to reverse the number of the page. When the editors learned this, if the quotation was not found on the page indicated, it would invariably be found on the page bearing the reversed number. This feature of the astral alone accounts for many of the mistakes of untrained psychics who are not familiar with this. Day and night are also the reverse of the corresponding periods on earth. Hence it is generally easier for a sensitive to contact the astral at night, although to one who is properly trained it makes little difference.

While the scenery of this Realm is the counterpart of the scenery of earth it is much more, for here there is a luminosity and translucence difficult to describe, which makes familiar objects far more brilliant and beautiful and reveals their true nature far more than does their physical counterpart on earth. While plants, trees, animals and people are all seen here they can also be seen through, just as on earth we can see into and through a glass of water for instance. In the Astral World we can also see all sides at once and not in perspective, and with the glow and colors imparted to everything by the currents of life-force which sweep through them. For the Astral World is a world of four dimensions instead of three. For this reason all attempts to locate the various Realms of this world in space or to limit its phenomena to our three dimensional conceptions, leads to misconception. That which is to manifest on earth descends from the higher Worlds into the Astral World and is embodied on earth. (more…)

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Life After Death In The Astral Realms ~ Part I

Life-After-Death-In-The-Astral-Realms-main-4-post-1By Harriette & F. Homer Curtiss

Since the astral body is the counterpart of the physical, when it is withdrawn from the physical, it bears the exact likeness of the mortal, with all the distinguishing marks, moles, etc., it possessed at the time of transition. Those who have passed on into the astral are therefore as easily recognized and identified as they would be on earth. For, as we have said repeatedly, after leaving the physical body, there is little more change of appearance than there is in a mortal when he removes his overcoat, except that when a physical limb or part is lost, the astral part will not be lost, unless so shown for purposes of identification.

After passing on from a long and exhausting illness, and especially in the case of an old person who is tired of life and no longer clings to it by either thought or desire, it is common for such a one to pass into a deep and restful sleep varying in duration according to the individual needs, previous ideas, etc. We know, of course, that thought and desire rule the Physical World, but in the Astral World they rule to a far greater degree and far more quickly, for the plastic matter of that World yields very rapidly to the creative and molding power of thought and will. Therefore a person who for years held the thought that leaving the Physical World ended all, or one who believed that he would sleep until Gabriel blew his trumpet, would naturally pass into a comatose or dense sleeping condition after passing on. This condition would perhaps last for years or even centuries, until the desire or thought force put into the idea was exhausted and he was released from its effects. (more…)

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An Astral Visit To Venus

Astral-Trip-to-Venus-main-4-post“Judging by the thoughts which are received by me from you, you are quite anxious that we shall begin our exploration directly on the planet Venus. This I will be most happy to do, as I believe that by now your minds have been sufficiently freed from the bondage of the limited earth-life concepts around you. I do not wish to be misconstrued in my attitude regarding your earth planet. It is a wondrously conceived and properly constituted place of life for people in your particular phase evolutionary starting point twoof development; and while your history reveals that there have been some good cycles and some not so good, yet with all it can be said that you are admirably situated in a world which was conceived as a battle ground and testing place between your emotions and carnal desires and as an actual starting place in your spiritual evolution. Of course I am making an exception of the many great old souls who have reincarnated from time to time into your way of life; and by the substance and strength of their wisdom have acted as a leavening agent which was a vital and necessary factor in maintaining the continuity of life in the lower orders of development in which they were working. Perhaps at some later time I will give you some more pertinent facts which will relate to the future history of your planet for not only is your past history well known to us here on Venus, but your future has also been written.

In going to the planet Venus I will ask one thing of you; that you must remember that while you may see some things which may in some way remind you of your more familiar planet, yet as I have explained there is nothing similar or comparable to what you call weight or mass, and while all things on Venus do have weight and solidity; but only to those who have evolved into this plane and are properly constituted so that the elemental substructure of their minds and bodies are in close relationship with the elements around them, which is, of course, exactly the same relationship which your minds and bodies bear toward the elemental structures of the earth plane.planet venus The difference being, if you will pardon my being repetitious, in the relationship of that hackneyed word dimension. I do not like this word as it has a confining sound and relates to such limitations as measurements, or is suggestive of limited confined spaces. However I must speak in your language and in such a way as you will best understand me. Now that we are on common ground we shall approach the Planet Venus and begin what I hope will be a profitable as well as enlightening venture, as has been done many times before. We will use as our vehicle our astral body and with our mind firmly ensconced within its comforting closeness, we will see what happens. But lo, I have hardly spoken before we are there, at least to our first stopping point, which is somewhat outside the astral shell of the planet, or as your astronomers call a similar one around the earth, the ionosphere. This astral shell around Venus differs somewhat from that of the earth planet. However such differences are not so important as to warrant a further discussion. We will instead merely say that its function is somewhat similar to that of the earth and that it is a protective shield against some of the dangerous radiations which come from various sources in outer space. Yoastral-flight-to-venus-4-postur astronomers, in looking at this planet, see only vague masses of cloud-like substances which seem at all times to be a complete envelope. Actually no earth-man has seen the surface of the planet through a telescope or with any other device he may use in conjunction with these optical instruments. (more…)

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Our Sun: Stargate? Refueling Station? Or Something Else?

sun-ships-main-4-postBy Yaz

Let’s be honest, some crazy things have been happening around our star lately (and I’m sure for a very long time!) from UFOs flying directly into it, huge motherships bigger than the Earth coming out of it, to crafts which seem to be refuelling and now this:

On the 8th of October, and more recently on the 9th of November, three rather similar looking crafts were firing some kind of beam, were they looking to open a portal’s gate?

Let’s have a look at some incredible videos from NASA’s SOHO satellite.

One of my favorites, a very large sphere coming out of the sun:

They come in all shapes and sizes: (more…)

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Smallness Of Self

stanza-one-4-postFor behold there are two who are pilgrims who journey to Mecca
That their pouches are filled with dates and they have with them
the belly of the sheep filled with fresh curds,

So that they need wasteth not, nor hunger upon the wayside.


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Edgar Cayce On Mastering Your Spiritual Growth

Mastering-Your-Spiritual-Growth-main-4-postby Kevin Todeschi

The universality of the Christ Self is explored in the work of Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), twentieth-century mystic and clairvoyant. Although Cayce himself was a Christian, his life’s work is deeply ecumenical. From Cayce’s perspective, regardless of an individual’s religious or personal beliefs, the Christ pattern exists in potential upon the very fiber of her or his being. It is that part of each of us that is in perfect accordedgar-cayce with the Creator and is simply waiting to find expression in our lives through the use of the will. This Christ pattern was further described as “…the awareness within each soul, imprinted in pattern on the mind and waiting to be awakened by the will, of the soul’s oneness with God”; its manifestation is the eventual destiny of each and every soul. With this in mind, Cayce presented Jesus as humankind’s “elder brother,” a soul who came to show each one of us the way back to our spiritual Source by perfectly manifesting the laws of the Creator in the earth.

While exploring the philosophical meaning of life, many individuals have incorrectly assumed that the goal of being in the earth is simply to reach heaven, find enlightenment, or somehow “get out of the earth.” This is a perspective quite different from that contained in the Cayce material, however. In part, Cayce believed that, as children of God, our mission is to somehow bring spirit into the earth, experiencing soul growth and personal development in the process.

Throughout his adult life, Edgar Cayce gave intuitive consultations, called “readings,” to individuals from all segments of society and various religious backgrounds. In addition to his work with hundreds of topics, including health and personal counsel, in nearly 2,000 “life readings” Cayce explored for individuals their soul history and their corresponding development through a series of lifetimes. From a source of information he called the “akashic records,” Cayce could view an individual’s soul development and describe how past-life influences and choices played out over time. Rather than being simply a philosophical discussion of possible past lives and corresponding strengths and weaknesses, the readings detail practical advice regarding what an individual might accomplish in the present, based upon the experiences and influences affecting her or him from the past. (more…)

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Vibrational Healing

Vibrational-Healing-main-4-postby Devon Love

The Vibrational Nature Of Reality

Reality cannot be found except in One single source, because of the interconnection of all things with one another.”—Gottfried Leibniz (1670)

“With compassion, one can love unconditionally. With unconditional love, one can heal boundlessly. With boundless energy, one can ascend spiritually.”—Yogi Sharanananda

What is meant by “vibrational healing?” To answer this question, it is necessary to attempt to understand the vibrational nature of reality. Human understanding of what matter is composed of, and of how different forms of energy interact, is mostly based on two sources, metaphysical psychic/intuitive/direct knowledge, and scientific experimentation/measurement/verification. This is such an exciting time on planet earth, because science is now proving and verifying what spiritual seekers and teachers have been telling humanity from the beginning. The truth being measured and verified is that time and space are one, that individual particles are also coherent waves of energy, and that what we based our assumptions about reality on as a culture, the Newtonian view of reality, focusing exclusively on what can be observed and measured, is a very limiting and elementary approach understanding the truth of the matter.

“Having recognised that the individual points in Newton’s absolute space have no physical reality, we must now inquire what remains of this concept at all.”—Max Born (more…)

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Trees, Trees, And More Trees On Mars

Plant Life On MarsSee Larger Image Here


Arthur C. Clarke’s Banyan Trees of Mars: Martian Civilization Evidence

In this image below, Arthur C. Clarke, popular author and scientist, argued Mars was showing very obvious indications of plant life…

He said there was an eerie similarity to sprawling Banyan trees found on Earth.


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What Is True Spiritual Evolution Of Man And Animal ~ Part III

Spiritual-Evolution-of-Man-and-Animal-main-4-postInfinite Concept of Cosmic Creation – Lesson 6 ~ Part III

Q – As Charlie, the amoeba, evolves until the time where he becomes man, does he bring through all these memories?

A – Oh no; it is similar to, say, baking a cake. You start with a few eggs, you add milk, and then flour and along the line other things. This is what has happened to Charlie: Through spiritual cycles in getting here, he has linked himself up with other spiritual dimensions in his psychic body so he took on these various ingredients which activated him into a higher dimension. The personality quotient which I just pointed out was not involved because through each one of these cycles, personal identity is not so contained as is true in man. The ingredients of Charlie, the amoeba, which his body contained do not mean that he was Charlie or that they remember Charlie; it merely means that there are a lot of wave forms and vortexes in this psychic body which expressed themselves with the material form as an idea. It’s a bit like chopping a tree down and cutting it up for wood to build a house. This is what we call spiritual evolution, taking these various energies, wave forms, structures, etc., and recreating them into different vehicles of transposition and various levels of life which we see as suitable to reincarnate into. The important thing to realize is that we have this psychic body which is composed of all these little vortexes, as we previously said, and it is constructed of millions and millions of tiny vortexes and waves of energy. That energy building is a product of evolution; it is not so much concerned with identity as it is concerned with how it functions in its own particular dimension and what its purpose is. It does not go about saying, I am so and so, and I was such and such back there eons ago.

Q – Would there be any intelligence in this psychic which would enable it to remember environment, for example, in that long past? (more…)

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Life Beyond The Veil

Life-Beyond-The-Veil-main-4-postby George Vale Owen

This volume (what follows is a short excerpt) contains the first of a series of communications from beyond the veil, received and written down by the Rev. G. Vale Owen, Vicar of Orford, Lancashire.

It should be clearly understood that these messages, while complete in themselves, deal chiefly with the “Sphere of Light” nearest to the earth in which the Vicar’s mother, who is the principal communicator, states that she dwells, and that her impressions are chiefly individual to herself and are thus those of a newcomer and learner whose experiences are limited to a restricted area. Wider regions and greater heights and depths are explored, the inter-relation of this and the after-life is more fully explained, and both narrative and exposition of aims and principles are more vigorous, clear and comprehensive in succeeding messages, contained in other volumes of the series which follow this. ~ H. W. Engholm

“We walked over the plain, and then went through the air, which requires more exertion, but is more speedy, and, in a case like ours, more convenient in enabling us to get a view of the country.

We sighted the City and descended before the principal gateway, by which we entered the main thoroughfare. It ran straight through the City and emerged through another gateway on the other side. On each side of this broad street there were large houses, or palaces, in spacious grounds, the residences of the principal officials of that district of which the City itself was the Capital.

As we came towards the City we had seen people working in the fields, and also many buildings, evidently not residences, but erected for some useful purpose. And now that we were within the City walls we saw the perfection of both buildings and horticulture. For each building had a typical garden to match it both in color and design. We passed on, waiting for some sign as to our destination and mission, for on such occasions as this, a message is always sent on ahead, so that the visitors are expected. When we had gone some way we entered a large square, where beautiful trees grew on lawns of the greenest of green grass, and fountains played a harmony together; that is to say, there were perhaps a dozen fountains, and each had a tone of its own, and each was composed of many smaller jets of water, each being a note. These are manipulated, on occasion, so that a fairly complicated piece of music can he played, with an effect such as that produced by an organ with many stops. At such times there are large numbers of people assembled in the square, or park, as I might call it, both of the citizens and also those who dwell outside among the hills and pastures. But when we came to it, the fountains were playing a simple series of chords, in perfect harmony, and with a most pleasing effect. (more…)

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The Quantum Field: Interview With Nassim Haramein

Nassim-Harmein-Energy-Field-main-4-postby Amelia Leigh, Dr. Joshua Kreithen, & Jessica Luibrand

Physicist Nassim Haramein is a pioneer in quantum mechanics, unified field theory and energy research. He has dedicated his life to the investigation and the deep study of physics, sacred geometry, chemistry, biology, archeology and mathematics. Nassim leads the Resonance Project and directs and leads a team of physicists, electrical engineers, mathematicians and scientists with the purpose of exploring and advancing developments in quantum energy, life science and consciousness. Nassim currently resides in Encinitas California. This interview was conducted at the Los Angeles Hilton at the Conscious Life Expo in February 2016.

Question: You explain the brain as a receiver of different vibrational frequencies. Where do you think the signal originates?

Nassim: From a field of information that is present at the quantum level. This is on a very fine scale. Way below the atomic structure there is a field called the Planck Field, or the Planck oscillators. They are very small. Protons are already really small. So you are made out of a hundred trillion cells. There are a hundred trillion atoms approximately per cell. Atoms are really small. Imagine that protons are like a head of a pin on the dome of the Vatican. Then the dome is like the electron cloud of an atom. So a proton is really small. And realize that the Planck grains are making up the structure of space. So if the Planck would be the size of a grain of sand, then the proton would be a diameter from here to Alpha-Centari… which is about 40 trillion kilometers away. So the Planck is way teeny. It is the smallest proton of light, the smallest electromagnetic field that can exist. It is the portal of the fabric of space. And think the portal as a portal of information of all things being present in this field. Just like the electromagnetic waves carry information, that you can put up a radio set, tune the crystals to the right frequency and all of a sudden you can hear the music come out. It’s the same thing. The band that is making the music is not in the radio. The brain and nervous system is tapping into this field of information, which is a result of all other things radiating into it. So there is an exchange of information between everything and you that is occurring. (more…)

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Interesting Facts About Vibration, Sound, And Music

Vibration-Sound-Music-main-4-postby Becky Waters

“Music has charms to soothe the savage breast; To soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak.” – William Congreve, English dramatist (1637–1708)

Everything is vibrational energy – each atom – a nucleus surrounded by electrons, revolve at the speed of 600 miles per second.

Motion creates frequency and frequency creates sound.

Whether we hear it or not, everything has a sound, a vibration all it’s own.

Sound waves are everywhere.

Resonance is the frequency at which an object most naturally vibrates.

If you have two tuning forks made to vibrate at 440 hertz (cycles per second) and strike one of them, the other one will spontaneously vibrate or sing along also. (more…)

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What Is True Spiritual Evolution Of Man And Animal ~ Part II

True-Evolution-of-Man-And-Animal-Part-II-main-2-postInfinite Concept of Cosmic Creation – Lesson 6 ~ Part II

Now going back to the place where this life cycle enters in so that he becomes a man, it is very important to note too, that here we express these same quotients of positive and negative energy or experience in everything which we do.polarity 4

It is very likely at this time, as we may enter into these lower worlds as a primitive man or a jungle savage, that we are concerned with the various elements which sustain us upon this earth such as sex and the will to survive. Freud was one of the people who posed the hypothesis, and he would shake his head sadly and say that all our reactions were based primarily upon sex. Freud, like Darwin, in his expression upon this earth at that time, did not know of the important part of the spiritual cycle of evolution which exists not only in each animal but in every human being. It is quite true that while we are on this physical plane we are expressing a negative and positive polarity and that our sex is contained in this lower material level and all forms of physical life, as energy wave forms, are maintained in that level. That is the reciprocation, or oscillation, the law of polaritytime space factor. And so within this law of polarity there is also expressed another equation which is male and female since it is necessary for man to propagate and to re-create his physical form in a physical dimension for the spirit to enter into; therefore, procreation is necessary. We thus have these sustaining life forces which come from this negative or physical part of our world. (more…)

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Remarkable Healings: Spirit Releasement Therapy

Spirit-Releasement-Therapy-main-4-postRemarkable Healings was written by a psychiatrist who found that by working with people to remove spiritual entities and attachments, she could heal them of their psychiatric disorders.

Dr Modi is a psychiatrist, who followed in Baldwin’s footsteps. Her book gives many accounts of past life and spirit release therapy. She breaks new ground in her handling of soul fragmentation, for she reports that soul parts are often taken captive by demons which torture or otherwise manipulate them in Hell. This view, so far as I know, is not held by other leaders in the field. Modi analyses her case material, finding that spirit releasement and soul integration relieve emotional and psychotic symptoms in 80% of cases, while physical symptoms are relieved in 70% by past life therapy. There is no index, but an excellent bibliography. The book contains many case histories, with much to interest therapists.” ~Alan Sanderson

If we can imagine God as one body, then we are like different cells and parts of that body of God. When any part of that body hurts, the whole body hurts. Similarly, when we hurt any other person, we hurt ourselves as well. We must treat each other with love and care in order to preserve the whole. Love is the most powerful source in the universe. When we give love we also receive it and as it moves back and forth, it grows and provides the healing for everybody involved. Only love can heal, and it is the only thing that really matters.

by Dr. Shakuntala Modi, M.D.

Shakuntala-ModiWhen I was doing my psychiatric residency, there were times when I felt very discouraged because there was no single treatment that worked for every patient. Medication works, but not in every patient; and it can make some patients more dysfunctional because of the side effects. Traditional talk therapy helps only a small percentage of patients. I saw patients who suffered for years, going from doctor to doctor and from hospital to hospital, searching for relief from their symptoms.

During my residency, I strived to learn different types of available treatment methods. I learned individual psychotherapy, family therapy, group therapy, psychodrama, transactional analysis, hypnosis, and hypnotherapy so I could use these various techniques with different patients to suit their needs for healing.

Medication, in some cases, does correct the chemical imbalance in the brain; in other cases, however, it just pushes the problems back into the subconscious and covers them up. The patient feels better temporarily but the problems continue to surface. More and more medication is required over a long period, restricting patients day-to-day functioning. In some cases, patients become addicted to these medications, creating additional problems. (more…)

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