Biology of Belief

Biology-of-Belief-main-4-postExcerpt from Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton

I was prone to thinking of cells as human-like because, after years behind a microscope, I had become humbled by the complexity and power of what at first appear to be anatomically simple, moving blobs in a petri dish. In school you may have learned the basic components of a cell: the nucleus that contains genetic material, the energy-producing mitochondria, the protective membrane at the Bruce Lipton with book coveroutside rim, and the cytoplasm in between. But within these anatomically simple–looking cells is a complex world; these smart cells employ technologies that scientists have yet to fully fathom.

The notion of cells as miniature humans that I was mulling over would be considered heresy by most biologists. Trying to explain the nature of anything not human by relating it to human behavior is called anthropomorphism. “True” scientists consider anthropomorphism to be something of a mortal sin and ostracize scientists who knowingly employ it in their work.

However, I believed that I was breaking out of orthodoxy for a good reason. Biologists try to gain scientific understanding by observing nature and conjuring up a hypothesis of how things work. Then they design experiments to test their ideas. By necessity, deriving the hypothesis and designing the experiments require the scientist to “think” how a cell or another living organism carries out its life. Applying these “human” solutions, i.e., a human view of resolving biology’s mysteries, automatically makes these scientists guilty of anthropomorphizing. No matter how you cut it, biological science is based to some degree on humanizing the subject matter. (more…)

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The Uncertainty Principle Explained by Unariun Mechanics

Uncertainty-Principle-main-4-postby Gloria Lynn

As we view an atom, we are visually interpreting what we think of as matter but what we are actually seeing is where the wave forms intersect giving the illusion of matter  or what the scientist calls “particle” movement.

A particle is not really a particle but where one or more wave forms intersect creating a denser location of wave forms which then is Bohr imageinterpreted as a particle. Because the waveforms are constantly gyrating, the intersection of wave forms crossing each others’ paths (particles) appear to be in all parts of the atom’s interior at the same time causing the uncertainty principle where you can either know the velocity or the location but you can’t know both at the same time.

As the wave forms gyrate, the positions of intersecting wave forms also change their location. This occurs so fast that it appears the particles are in all positions at once. The gyrating intersections of wave patterns also form geometric patterns individualizing each atom with its own unique atomic number. (more…)

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What Is True Spiritual Evolution Of Man And Animal

Evolution-of-Man-and-Animal-main-2-postInfinite Concept of Cosmic Creation – Lesson 6 ~ Part I

“Tonight the message will be inspired by Charles Darwin and Gregor Johann Mendel. As everyone knows, Darwin was called the father of evolution. Mendel was the so-called originator of genetics or the genetical sciences. As is customary, we shall first establish a continuity between this lesson and Darwin and Mendelthe last one. Last week we saw on the screen of the oscilloscope, energy in motion. Since our lesson pertained to frequency relationship and since we saw that everything moved in certain well-ordered patterns, it was established that in the Universe as the Infinite expressed Itself, all is law, order and harmony. We also learned that cycles manifested and remanifested themselves, or that they were wave forms or energies which entered into the numerous and infinite number of expressions of life which were in themselves, all products of this very highly integrated order of relationship.

It has also been established, universally speaking, that everything is energy. Man lives, comes, and goes through these terrestrial dimensions and spiritual planets, according to these well-ordered and perfect harmonics of frequency relationship. Now we are going into a concept which will give you at least one or two elements which have heretofore been missing in both fundamentalism and in science. (more…)

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The Importance Of Understanding The Sine Wave

Sine-Wave-Main-4-postby Gloria Lynn

Location is frequency and frequency is location. Observation is merely locking onto the frequency of something already in existence, has always existed and will always exist because energy cannot be created or destroyed only changed. When we observe something, we think we are bringing it into existence but that is not the case. We are only becoming aware or conscious of something that has always existed. Like they say, “Nothing new under the sun”.

Our five senses detect energy which has as its structure a sine wave form – up and down motion. This type of energy transference takes place in the third dimension (the movement of energy goes from point A to point B) which we call our material world but is also the basic configuration of energy in the higher dimensions but there forms a circle or cycle where time and space is integrated and does not go from point A to point B. It is pure energy existing in a timeless spaceless dimension. As a matter of fact all is pure energy even the hard physical matter of our material world as Einstein’s equation E=MC sq proved resulting in the subsequent development of nuclear fission.

We tune into this reality with our five senses, that is we tune into these sine wave vibrations of energy. We have a sense of time because as we pass through the experiencing of experiencing we are merely moving through space-time something like a film clip that shows one picture at a time through a projector. Movement is just an illusion as we pass from viewing one frame of reality to another or attunement of one experience to another. This experience being the energy of existence. (more…)

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Mind-Blowing Experiment Confirms Reality Doesn’t Exist Until It Is Observed

New-Quantum-Physics-Experiment-main-4-postby Anna LeMind

According to a well-known theory in quantum physics, a particle’s behavior changes depending on whether there is an observer or not. It basically suggests that reality is a kind of illusion and exists only when we are looking at it. Numerous quantum experiments were conducted in the past and showed that this indeed might be the case.

Now, physicists at the Australian National University have found further evidence for the illusory nature of reality. They recreated the John Wheeler’s delayed-choice experiment and confirmed that reality doesn’t exist until it is measured, at least on the atomic scale. (more…)

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The Physics of Consciousness

Physics-of-Consciousness-main-2-postby Guest Talk

INTRO– Of all fields of study that have evolved in the last 200 years none can be said to be as confusing, complex and mysterious as physics. In our attempts to understand the universe we have observed, measured, quantified, pushed, pulled, dropped, exploded and done almost every conceivable action to almost every conceivable material we know of, in order to understand our world and our universe.

Classical physics’ greatest contributor was Isaac Newton, he discovered so many of the laws of physics that it came to be known as Newtonian physics. However, early in the 20th century it was discovered through experimentation that some of these laws of classical physics were not valid when working at a sub-atomic level.

Some experiments that were performed may lead one to believe the world is completely different than what our senses, our “common sense” would tell us. I am one such person. And I would like to share with you some of these experiments and to offer my “theory of everything”. (more…)

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Even The Sparrow Is Noted ~ Part I

Even-The-Sparrow-Is-Noted-Part-II-main“One of the classical utterances of Jesus which is often bandied about and severely misinterpreted is one in which He said, “Even the sparrow which falls by the wayside is noted.” This quotation is one which can well point up the various and obvious interpretations among the Christians as to just what God is; and in reference to this quotation, as well as other extractions which are made from the New Testament, the God-on-throne-4-postChristian religionist always comes up with some rather vague explanations as to what God really is. He may picture God as the Supreme Being, something like a white-robed Santa Claus of gigantic size, who sits upon a white throne somewhere off in the skies, and in some mysterious way has a mind which can instantaneously discern all that is going on, not only on planet earth, but in the countless millions of solar systems throughout great numbers of galaxies and universes.

Of course this particular ideosophy is utterly ridiculous and infantile; there is neither scientific reason nor logic to support such a fantastic supposition. However, in this present day age of science, we can reasonably equate what the Infinite Intelligence or God really is, and form a comprehensive idea within our own minds as to the complete entity of the Supreme Being if it can be called an entity – which it is not. As this God is the Creator of Heaven and earth, He must therefore be logically assumed to be an infinitely scientific sort of proposition; that is, a mind which could reasonably construct atoms, build up solar systems, and suns; as well as to construct the spiritual worlds, both astral, and sub-astral, etc. (more…)

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Sphinx of Egypt – The Akhenaten Revelations

Akhnaton-Egypt-Atlantis-main-4-postBy Ufo Sightings Hotspot

A lost culture, the antediluvian civilization, in Ancient Egypt was said by the Greek Philosopher Plato and the Famous Psychic Edgar Cayce to have possessed advanced technology, air and space travel and powerful mental and spiritual abilities.After their continent was destroyed in a massive cataclysm, they transferred their wisdom and building knowledge to Ancient Egypt and hid their history in the construction of the Great Pyramid, Sphinx and a yet to be discovered Hall of Records.

Dr Carmen Boulter explains that her new discoveries reveal that the corrupt Amun Priesthood attempted to eliminate the royal family in Egypt and killed the Pharaoh Akhenaten and his son Tutankhamun (King Tut), but that Queen Nefertiti fled to another country and escaped their vicious treachery. The true story of Akhenaten (in four parts). (more…)

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The True Life of Jesus – Free Book Download

The-True-Life-of-Jesus-main--4-post“It has generally been conceded by all those who have read the New Testaments that the life of Jesus was indeed the greatest life ever lived, if this life is to be judged by its most unique character, and as it is so depicted in the Testaments. Also so depicted in these Testaments, this life presents the greatest enigma and an overwhelming contradiction, for it is impossible to compromise the concept of a man able to perform instantaneous miracles even bringing back the dead — that he did perform these acts without rhyme or reason other than, either as an exhibition of power or, as he was compassionately minded, etc., all against any wise and logical coarse of action which might be attributed to such power and intellect, i.e., that, psychologically speaking, such miraculous acts would also cause mass hallucinations, an addictive dependency on such miracles; or, again, that these miraculous acts were performed with the forseeable, and the inevitable result that it would arouse the ire and wrath of the incumbent priesthood.

Furthermore, such miraculous acts are in direct opposition to the preachments of the same individual who always emphatically insisted that it was a personal responsibility of each individual to seek out the *Father within, so that all things could be added unto, or corrected. Also most apparent, in the great contradiction of this life is in the context of the mission itself, which was to overthrow the Jehovan god and to represent a true creative facsimile as posed by this Father image, which dealt specifically as the creative factor in all aspects of life; not the Jehovan god, an emotional, vindictive, even murderous god, who had led the Jews through a senseless forty-year trek through the desert, ending this pilgrimage in long years of war; to dispossess the Canaanites of their lands and homes. (more…)

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Venusian Contacts – Part V

Venus-crater-tall-structureHere are two stories of Venusian contacts which like so many others in the past few decades are being confirmed by the evidence of cities and city-like structures on the planet Venus.

The above and following images were found here at the Venus USGS Global GIS site.
Venusian-city-one******* (more…)

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Interplanetary Craft

Interplanetary-Craft-main-2-postby Rolf Telano

The Adamic races of this planet have been under observation by and have been receiving aid from various of these higher races ever since their beginnings. Some members of their guardian races have been incarnated among them. Others have come here from other places, using for transport various craft which are now popularly, but incorrectly, grouped under the designation of “flying saucers”.

Just prior to World War II, it was noted that certain sinister forces were gaining considerable influence, and were likely to create a very dangerous unbalance between scientific and ethical progress. Scientific knowledge with a high potential of harm was being revealed and pushed rapidly forward before moral development had advanced to a point where such knowledge could be popularly employed. Observation and other activities were sharply stepped up to counter this trend.

An even greater increase in activity was made with the premature discovery of nuclear fission, which represents a very great menace to all entities on all planes, and “flying saucers” began to be seen much more frequently than before. The results of the present uncontrolled heavy metals atomic explosions, while very annoying, are not particularly dangerous except from the standpoint of atmospheric contamination. It is possible, however, to employ methods which will react with certain constituents of this planet, and thus cause its destruction. The present band of asteroids between Mars and Jupiter are the remains of a former planet which was destroyed by this means. The result was catastrophic on all planets and planes. This particular formula has not yet been discovered on your planet, and it has been determined that it shall not be developed. (more…)

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Of Life Equation

Of-LIfe-Equation-main-4-post“I will point out and describe to you more of the abstract equations of the individual soul progression. Part of this has already been given.

We may start at some individual’s spiritual birth, and as it was similarized in the cycle of life equation, the individual double-polarities-life-cycle-4-postbegan as an infinite concept. In this life cycle were the many multiple things which were all part of the wisdom of the Infinite God, and that as God is Infinite, He expresses both finitely and infinitely. Thus, in the life cycle, we see two diametrically opposed polarities or opposites, which so separate him into something like two poles. It is the oscillation and the various transferences of energy forms between these two poles which begin to construct for him his psychic body, or rather, two psychic bodies.

The individual will assume, in the course of many spiritual evolutions in eacpolarityh of these psychic bodies, two equally opposing concepts of such truths or structures as have entered into his psychic make-up. I would point out that the two poles, as I have called them, are linked by the life cycle. This is, in essence, his soul or spirit. So it is that he goes through many spiritual cycles or reincarnations before he is ready to be initiated in this new phase of concept. Thus, he will have arrived at the point where he must reincarnate into some lower physical form in the earth plane dimensions. This he will do in a separate or divided state of consciousness, as he now becomes male or female. (more…)

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Venusian Contacts – Part IV

Venusian-Contacts-IV-main-4-postBy Willaru Huayta in a lecture given in Peru, September, 1997


I asked them (Venusians) to give me the opportunity to see. I only wanted to know, to experience Venus, to compare that civilization with our civilization here

First Impression of Venus… After going past the astral plane, I arrived on Venus at a sea port. Many cosmic ships were there in the ocean. It was very, very alive, like in the sixth dimension. Everything has life, brilliant vibration, very, very delicious life. You feel good. Your spiritual body feels really good. It feels like home. It is something that I do not feel here on Earth. But when I got there, they were waiting for me, the celestial marines. All the boys there were young, because they live eternal life. They have “a physical body” like us, but live eternal life. They are very young looking, like the age 22, wearing white uniforms like American Marines. They have a blue light, a celestial cape over them.

It was very, very nice when I got there. I said “Wow”! I got very emotional. “Wow”! “Finally I’m here”! But it was no good, because it was an inferior type of happiness. So I didn’t pass the test of the emotional body. My happiness was still a little bit of an animal nature, but which is natural on planet Earth, being human. They (the Venusians) understand this, so they showed me a little bit more. (more…)

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Venusian Contacts – Part III

Venusian-Astral-Visit-main-4-postby Soren Dreier

In my first Venus experience in out body travels I catapulted myself out into space. By the way: There is no ‘silver string’ as many say. We are so absolutely non-attached to this reality in its essence. Maybe we really know that, since the hype is very much about detachment in general.

My minds eye caught a glimpse of Venus and I debated whether to get up close or not. While debating, something pulled me in.

I found myself in a very beautiful vibrant surrounding on Venus. When we do this kind of liberating traveling we are surfing the Morph but founded in the etheric universe. We have our physical body, we have our astral body and we have our etheric body. Those are the three densest realities. The Morph is very much higher in lightness and altitudes above this perceptional field.

I will describe the place for you if you haven’t been, but first I will like to tell you this: I’m very critical towards these experiences and certainly my own, since I like spiritually to be sober and not too much inflated by the principal of ‘anything goes’.

So for some years I didn’t mention the place, I just went. (more…)

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The Mysterious Burning Lamps Of The Pyramids

Pyramid-Lamp-main-4-postby Tony Bushby

In spite of amazing discoveries, the stark truth is that the early history of Egypt remains largely unknown and therefore unmapped territory. It is not possible, then, to say precisely how many miles of underground passageways and chambers beneath the Giza Plateau were lit, but one thing is for sure: unless the ancients could see in the dark, the vast subterranean areas were somehow illuminated. The same question is addressed of the interior of the Great Pyramid, and Egyptologists have agreed that flaming torches were not used, for ceilings had not been blackened with residual smoke.

From what is currently known about subsurface passageways under the Pyramid Plateau, it is possible to determine that there are at least three miles of passageways 10 to 12 stories below ground level. Both the Book of the Dead and the Pyramid Texts make striking references to “The Light-Makers”, and that extraordinary description may have referred to a body of people responsible for lighting the subterranean areas of their complexes. (more…)

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