Was Jesus Apollonius of Tyana?

Was-Jesus-Apollonius-of-Tyana-main-4-postApollonius of Tyana is said to have been a neo-Pythagorean philosopher, miracle worker, teacher and traveler. Some compare him to Jesus Christ. In fact, many agnostic and atheistic scholars as well as other free thinkers believe that some portions of the Gospels of Jesus Christ are actually modeled on the adventures of Apollonius. Quite possibly, due to the  lack of historical evidence for Jesus as depicted in the Gospels – some believe him to have actually been the Jesus Christ. Apollonius of Tyana may have been dropped in favor of Jesus Christ when the Christians decided who to believe was the true son of God.  The story is controversial but is it provable?

Apollonius of TyanaApollonius of Tyana

The precise birth date of Apollonius of Tyana is unknown. The birth date of Jesus Christ is also unknown historically, but speculated upon. However, it is generally thought that the two lived around the same time. The most common estimates for his birth put it around 15 CE and his death around 100 CE, though some quote his lifespan as “more than 100 years,” which would make those dates inaccurate. Some say he was older than Jesus Christ. The above dates would make him slightly younger than the commonly cited date of Jesus Christ’s birth. There are no contemporary sources for either of their births so historically speaking there is no way of knowing if these estimates are correct. Although for sure it is known that Apollonius of Tyana lived in the first century and Jesus also lived in the same century. (more…)

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Apollonius of Tyana

Apollonius-of-Tyana-main-4-postby Professor Solomon

Apollonius of Tyana is virtually unknown today. Yet according to G. R. S. Mead, his biographer, “Apollonius of Tyana was the most famous philosopher of the Græco-Roman world of the first century.”

During a busy and influential lifetime, Apollonius was a traveler (ranging as far as India); an advisor to emperors; a sage with disciples; an author (none of whose works have survived); a healer; and a reformer who, says Mead, “devoted the major part of his long life to the purification of the many cults of the Empire and to the instruction of the ministers and priests of its religions.” He was also a visitor to the Inner Earth. For while in India, Apollonius descended to the Abode of the Wise Men and studied there. Apollonius was born to a wealthy family in Tyana, a town in Cappadocia (a Greek-speaking region of Asia Minor, in what is now central Turkey). A precocious child, he was educated initially by learned tutors. Then, at the age of fourteen, he was sent to study in nearby Tarsus. (Saul of Tarsus—the future Saint Paul—may have been around at the time.) But a year later Apollonius moved on to Ægeæ, a seaport in Cilicia, to study at the local temple of Asclepius.

The priests at the temple adhered to various philosophies. But it was to a Pythagorean that young Apollonius was drawn. And he was soon adopting the philosophy and lifestyle of Pythagoras. (more…)

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New AKHENATEN Discovery Changes History

New-Akhenaten-Discovery-main-4-postby UFO Sightings Hotspot

In this earth-shattering episode full of historic changing revelations, Daniel Liszt and Pyramid expert Dr. Carmen Boulter talk about the shocking discovery of a secret site unearthed in Turkey of an Ancient Egyptian chamber that bears a strong resemblance to King Tut’s tomb and that contains a wealth of Egyptian treasure and lifelike statues of the heretic Pharaoh Akhenaten along with exotic antiquities of the Amarna period.

Exclusive photographic evidence provided in this episode to substantiate the claim makes this the most important Dark Journalist episode to date and represents an earthquake for our understanding of the ancient past, changing history forever!


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More On Mental Function And Hypnosis ~ Part II

More-On-Mental-Function-And-Hypnosis-Part-II-main-4-postTo complete our descriptive analysis and to further clarify any remaining questions which may arise from the text on hypnosis, let us continue: the question may arise, how does human-brain-4-postthe psychic anatomy establish and maintain contact with the brain cells. Now the description of the brain is quite well-known or is immediately available in encyclopedias, home medical books, etc. Briefly, it is of semi-spherical shape with a corrugated surface and is divided into four parts: the two front parts the cerebrum; the cerebellum is the rear portion and in the center is the hypothalamus which is actually the end of the spinal cord. This mass of brain cells is unique and different from any other physical structure. The number of cells is of academic interest; estimates vary from around the fifty to sixty billion mark. In appearance this brain mass has a soft putty-like appearance and feel. There are no connecting tissues or nerves and each cell floats in an envelope of plasma. (more…)

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New Science: DNA Begins As A Quantum Wave

DNA-Begins-As-A-Quantum-Wave-main-4-postby Lance Schuttler

One strand of DNA from one single cell contains enough information to clone an entire organism. Obviously, understanding DNA allows us to understand much about life and the universe around us. A deeper understanding of the new science tell us that DNA beings not as a molecule, but as a wave form. Even more interestingly, this wave form exists as a pattern within time and space and is coded throughout the entire universe.

We are surrounded by pulsating waves of invisible genetic information, whose waves create microscopic gravitational forces that pull in atoms and molecules from their surrounding environment to construct DNA.

One scientist who caught these microgravitational forces in their action is Dr. Sergey Leikin. In 2008, Leikin put different types of DNA in regular salt water and marked each type with a different fluorescent color and the DNA molecules were then scattered throughout the water. In the experiment’s major surprise, matching DNA molecules were found pairing together. After a short time, entire clusters of the same colored DNA molecules had formed. Leikin believes some sort of electromagnetic charge allowed the same colored molecules to cluster. However, other experiments show that this is not the case. That it is most likely to be gravity. Let us explain. (more…)

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Robert Maxxim at Conscious Life Expo – Los Angeles

Legacy-Series-2-postBorn in 1957, Robert Maxxim experienced several sleep-time visits to other worlds as a child, and witnessed countless alien craft. These visions continue to date, in both wake and sleep states. He studied concert piano starting at age three, but changed his calling to science following his visionary experiences. His book series called Legacy is the culmination of these experiences, shared with the world for the first time.

Robert-Maxxim-4-postThe author spent 40 years studying science, religion, and the Science of Life presented by Dr. Ernest L. Norman, validating his visions starting on July 13, 1973. The author proceeded to confirm his sightings and experiences with other established sources such as George Adamski, and personally met Brothers from other worlds that helped instruct him over the years. His book series is the culmination of such visionary and confirmation efforts, written in novel form.

See him in person at the Conscious Life Expo at the LAX Hilton in Los Angeles, CA, from Friday, February 10th to Sunday,  February 12th at booth 704.

His lecture entitled ” Energy And Life 101″ free with Friday Day Pass will be February 10th from 4:00  p.m. to 5:00  p.m. in room Century D. (more…)

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Life Between Life: The Council of Elders

Life-Between-Life-main-4-postby Deborah Bromley, EFT

People who come for life-between-lives regression are usually very familiar with the books written by Dr. Michael Newton. It’s not surprising that reading such inspiring stories about the afterlife awakens a deep desire to seek the experience for oneself. At the time of her LBL (Life Between Life), Helen had no knowledge of Newton’s books or ideas about the structure of the spirit world, so what makes this LBL fascinating for me is not only the freshness of Helen’s spiritual journey but also the firsthand validation of the material in the books.

Sometimes the mind can construct doubts and expectations so that clients may come with a set of preconceived ideas about their life as a soul between incarnations. Fortunately, the guides have other ideas, and they gently direct the action and the energy to ensure the session is both revealing and fulfilling so the client receives the spiritual journey that meets their needs.

IT ISN’T POSSIBLE to describe the experience of LBL on the written page—it defies explanation. Your focus may be on your burning “this life” questions, but as soon as you are connected with the memory of your life as a soul, you are able to recall the limitless love that exists for you in this place—love that holds you and supports you through your incarnations, the love of your guide, the wisdom of your council, the deep connection with your soul friends—and it is overwhelming. Once you have been immersed in this love, you cannot feel alone or in doubt. It is like having your connection to the spiritual Internet opened: by recalling your LBL, you can reexperience and reconnect with your soul intelligence. Then life’s everyday struggles pale into insignificance, because you can put them into a proper perspective. (more…)

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Connecting Spirit Releasement To Past Life Therapy

Spirit-Releasement-And-Past-Life-Therapy-main-4-postby William J. Baldwin, Ph.D.

At the time of death several choices are available for the deceased soul. It can move into the Light, accompanied by the guiding spirits that come. It can also linger on the Earth plane for any number of reasons, remaining in some favored location as a haunting spirit, or joining a living person as an attached entity.

When a client describes the death scene in a past-life therapy session, the past-life experience is not over and the regression is not complete until the being returns to the Light. If the being does not move toward the Light after death but instead describes floating in a gray place, drifting over their hometown, or being drawn toward a living human, this may indicate a spirit attachment. The therapist continues to probe for the experience of either moving fully into the Light or joining another living person. The discovery questions must continue until one of these two events is recalled.

I continue to repeat my favorite question:

“What happens next?”

The newly deceased spirit may describe a brief period of wandering before moving into the Light. This indicates a past life of the client.

This question may also reveal the experience of attachment to a living host, who is the client. Since a spirit is capable of “floating” indefinitely, more prompting may be needed to locate the crucial moment. The longer the soul remains near the Earth, the more likely is attachment to a living human. The next question is asked:

“Skip forward to the next thing that happens.” (more…)

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The Universe As a Symphony of Strings

Universe-As-a-Symphony-of-Strings-main-4-postby Jill Mattson 

From Superstrings to BioAcoustics

What do fifth century B.C.E. Pythagoreans have in common with modern state-of-the art cosmologists and physicists? In a word — strings! For the ancient Greek Pythagoreans it was the lyre string, but modern scientists postulate infinitesimally small strings as the ultimate building blocks of the universe.

The Greeks found that the tone of a plucked lyre string corresponded to its length. Changing the length of the vibrating string changed the tone in a precise way; double the length and the tone goes down by a full octave; reduce the length by two-thirds, the note changes by a fifth. The laws of music and harmonics are discovered and reduced to mathematics. The Pythagoreans believe everything is based on music and math.

The Pythagoreans extended this thinking in an attempt to explain the entire universe. They partially succeeded but ultimately failed in their attempts.

Modern scientists now feel that they have the theory-of-everything , based on incredibly small strings. These vibrating strings are the fundamental unit of all matter and energy. When a string vibrates in a certain way, the result is an electron. If you change the vibration of this same string another particle appears — the electron changes into a neutrino. As with the plucked lyre, it is the string that is fundamental; the tone, in the musical example, or the subatomic particle, arise from the way that the string is vibrating. (more…)

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Voice of Spirit

Voice-of-Spirit-Stanza-AMan goeth about the earth
And there is much knocking and grinding,
Likewise there is great haste
Unto the end of nothing.


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Reality Is An Illusion

Reality-Is-An-Illusion-main-4-post“Stop yelling at the movie. You ain’t never gonna change it like that. Go change the movie in the projector. You are the projector.” ~ David Icke

“As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.” ~ Max Planck, Nobel Prize Winner in Physics in 1918, considered to be the founder of Quantum Physics

“Matter seems like a good place to begin. The solidity of the world seems totally indisputable. As a fixed thing that you can see and touch, your body is also reassuring the solid.  But beginning with Einstein, modern physics have assured us that this solidity is a mirage.” ~ Deepak Chopra

“It’s as if reality is so connected that when you look at one small part you can see things about other parts, that the entire whole is contained in the part. You can’t divide reality up because you are trying to cut up a hologram, and we can’t find where one particle is because it’s always a reflection of all particles.” (more…)

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The Voice of Venus ~ Full Book Download

The-Voice-of-Venus-Full-Book-Download-4-postThe Voice of Venus, due to lack of renewal of copyright, is in public domain and available for download here.

If you are a serious student of Dr. Norman then this will bring you great joy as well as I hope you share with your friends.

What does it mean when a book is in public domain?

“When a book (or any written work) enters the public domain, you can copy and use it without getting permission or paying fees. That’s because public domain books are no longer — or never were — protected by copyright.

What can you do with public domain books? Republish them as they are, or add your own material to create new works. Recast them in new media, remix them with other works, translate them into new languages … the possibilities are limited only by your imagination.

You can also quote freely from public domain books and other writings. Also if a book or other written work is in the public domain you won’t have to pay permissions fees and you won’t have to rely on fair use. You can stage your play, or write your screenplay, or digitize the work and publish it online … you can create stuff without needing a lawyer.” per Public Domain Sherpa (more…)

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The Many Dimensional Levels of Venus – Part II

Many-Dimensional-Levels-of-Venus-main-4-postAlthough only a few hours have passed since my last visit conditions are so propitious that it was deemed advantageous that I again make contact. I hope that you will pardon my intrusion in your daily earth life routine.

venusSo we will resume our little trip where it was left off the previous evening. Now we are again back on the surface of Venus and we find ourselves standing in a beautiful forest glade, and although it is quite familiar to me, I see in your mind that you are almost overwhelmed with the beauty. For the benefit of your earth brothers,Venusian-glade-4-post let us sit down upon this grassy bank beside a pool so that I may not only explain more fully these things about you, but that I may also clear up some of the salient points which I see are not quite transparent. As you look about you, you see many tall trees which stretch hundreds of feet into the air, and the overhanging branches seem to reach out and form a canopy which delicately laces the radiant solar energy that comes from the great golden orb which shines above; and while it is the same sun which shines on your earth it has here quite a different appearance, not being small and white and extremely brilliant, but being large and of a soft golden yellow color which can be easily looked into. As you have been told the sun is not as commonly supposed, a mass of disintegrating atomic energy which is dissipating itself as white hot heat, but is instead a radiant energy projector which converts energy and reflects its light and other associated energy fluxes into what you term your three dimensional world. This energy source is of course the Fountainhead. (more…)

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Space Is Not Empty: “The Quantum Vacuum”

Space-Is-Not-Empty-main-2-postby Arjun Walia

A century from now, it will be well known that: the vacuum of space which fills the universe is itself the real substratum of the universe; vacuum in a circulating state becomes matter; the electron is the fundamental particle of matter and is a vortex of vacuum with a vacuum-less void at the center and it is dynamically stable; the speed of light relative to vacuum is the maximum speed that nature has provided and is an inherent property of the vacuum; vacuum is a subtle fluid unknown in material media; vacuum is mass-less, continuous, non viscous, and incompressible and is responsible for all the properties of matter; and that vacuum has always existed and will exist forever….Then scientists, engineers and philosophers will bend their heads in shame knowing that modern science ignored the vacuum in our chase to discover reality for more than a century.

The quote above comes from Paramahamsa Tewari, Inventor of what’s called the Reactionless AC Synchronous Generator (RLG).

What he says above has been the subject of discussion within the realms of physics and astronomy for decades.  At the turn of the nineteenth century, physicists started to explore the relationship between energy and the structure of matter. In doing so, the belief that a physical, Newtonian material universe that was at the very heart of scientific knowing was dropped, and the realization that matter is nothing but an illusion replaced it. Scientists began to recognize that everything in the Universe is made out of energy. (more…)

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The Many Dimensional Levels of Venus – Part I

Venus-Dimensional-Levels-main-4-postJudging by the thoughts which are received by me from you, you are quite anxious that we shall begin our exploration directly on the planet Venus. This I will be most happy to do, as I believe that by now your minds have been sufficiently freed from the bondage of the limited earth-life concepts around you. I do not wish to be misconstrued in my attitude testing groundregarding your earth planet. It is a wondrously conceived and properly constituted place of life for people in your particular phase of development and while your history reveals that there have been some good cycles and some not so good, yet with all it can be said that you are admirably situated in a world which was conceived as a battle ground and testing place between your emotions and carnal desires and as an actual starting place in your spiritual evolution. Of course I am making an exception of the many great old souls who have reincarnated from time to time into your way of life and by the substance and strength of their wisdom have acted as a leavening agent which was a vital and necessary factor in maintaining the continuity of life in the lower orders of development in which they were working. Perhaps at some later time I will give you some more pertinent facts which will relate to the future history of your planet for not only is your past history well known to us here on Venus, but your future has also been written. (more…)

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