Born Equal Versus Equal Rights ~ Part I
The popular phrase, “All men are born equal”, first came into prominence at the beginning of the
Revolutionary War and was perpetuated by its incorporation in the Declaration of Independence. It should be pointed out, however, that some of these instigators, advocates and underwriters of this war were children and descendants of religious refugees who came over on the Mayflower and similar vessels to colonize the New England States, where they set up one of the strongest and most oppressive of all religious systems still classically referred to as puritanical, etc. These people did all and more of the oppressions and atrocities in the name of religion, as were done by the Church of England—the cause of their migration. Yes, they even burned “witches” at the stake as late as 1890! (more…)
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The Universe – A Vast Complex Hologram
The universe might just be one “vast and complex hologram” and our vision of life as being in 3D may just be an illusion.
This astonishing find according to the astrophysicists from the University of Southampton, who worked in conjunction with other researchers from Canada and Italy.
Professor Kostas Skenderis, Director of STAG within Mathematical Sciences at the University of Southampton, says he now believes we live in a holographic universe.
The mathematical scientist said the theory could be compared to watching a 3D film. He explained we see 3D pictures as having height, width, and depth when we are only looking at a flat 2D screen. The only difference is that we can touch objects and we view the “projection” as “real” and substantial.
Scientists tested this astonishing new theory by looking at irregularities in the white noise left over from the Big Bang. After some astronomical calculations their equation results showed that if the universe was a hologram the irregularities would make sense. (more…)
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The Wall Of Light: Contact With Venus ~ Part II
It was during the fall of 1942 that the X-12 paid me another short visit, Frank wished to talk to me about a very private matter. During this visit I was lucky to be able to take a good look at the X-12 inside and out, Frank came into my home and after we finished our private talk, we walked down to the landing spot, when we reached the ship, I stood wild eyed looking at that great and wonderful thing, other members of the crew came out, all of them laughing at the surprised look on my face, but what I saw of the outside of that great ship was nothing to the wonders which I was to see and hear, inside. It was in fact the “thought-pictures,” which first convinced me that this ship and its crew of twenty-four persons, was indeed, as they said, from the planet Venus. When Frank and I arrived at the ship, he said, “Come inside and you may, if you wish, take a good look all over.”
I accepted his invitation, and he led me to a door, and we stepped into a small room, which he said was the elevator, in a few seconds, we arrived at the top level, or control room, located at the top of the elevator shaft (about 300 feet high:). “This is our control room,” said Frank. “You may inspect it.’ “But, “I replied, “Where are the controls?” (All I saw in the room was a circular seat, on which sat four persons; two women and two men. These four took no notice of us, they just sat and looked, so it appeared, directly at the wall). “These four are our controls,” said Frank “But where are the meters”, I asked, “and other things which appear to be an important part of our aircraft? In what manner can you guide, steer and control the power of this large ship without some form of control?” “Well,” said Frank, “perhaps the manner in which we control this ship, that is to say, the means we use, may appear to you Earth people an impossibility; every member of our crew is trained in the practical use of ‘Thought Power’. The four members whom you see here, keep the ship under perfect control at all times by the simple application of pure thought. In order to convince you, or at least try to convince you, that this ship has no other power, you may inspect every inch of it, but I can assure you there is no engine of any kind, either inside or outside. But, measure carefully, convince yourself. If you study the question, you will find nothing remarkable about our ability to make a practical use of the power of applied thought. Every person on Earth could, with advantage, do the same.” (more…)
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Nietzsche: Beyond Good and Evil
A brilliant young man, he was appointed professor at the University of Basel at age 24 having not even finished his degree. His evanescent philosophical
life ended 20 years later when he went insane and died shortly afterwards.
Nietzsche’s argued that the Christian system of faith and worship was not only incorrect, but harmful to society because it allowed the weak to rule the strong – it suppressed the will to power which was the driving force of human character. Nietzsche wanted people to throw off the shackles of our misguided Christian morality and become supermen – free and titanic.
However, without God he felt that the future of man might spiral into a society of nihilism, devoid of any meaning; his aim was for man to realize the lack of divine purpose and create his own values. The core of Nietzsche’s work, including Thus Spake Zarathustra (1883-92), Beyond Good and Evil (1886), The Birth of Tragedy (1872) was to find a meaning and morality in the absence of God. (Excerpt from (more…)
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Sweet Are The Flowers
Sweet are the flowers which bloom upon our
pathway of life . . . rarest of perfumes
of each precious moment
And of these things which are all of our togetherness.
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What NASA Is Hiding: Incredible Structures On Venus
The Magellan probe was launched by NASA with an aim to gather information about Venus. Launched back in 1989, the probe entered the atmosphere of the planet in 1994.
As part of its mission, the probe collected a huge number of photographs of the planet which were recently published by NASA on its website and is available for download and review here. This photographic evidence seems to show what appears to be cities and buildings on its surface.
Could Venus be inhabited by humanoids living in large cities on its surface? There simply seems to be no other explanation for the vast amount of structure seen in these photographs. This would make NASA’s conclusion that temperatures on Venus are supposedly hellishly hot and unlivable as fallacious. Even the massive cloud coverage over most of the surface of Venus directly contradicts this.
But wasn’t it back in the 1950s that most ET contacts were from the planet Venus? Several contactees made the same or similar claims. Many of the messages were consistently alike including warnings about nuclear war.
As I reflect on this and review the Venus Global GIS Map, I come to the same conclusion as I’ve always come to; the only one that makes sense: Life exists elsewhere and everywhere in the universe NOT excluding Venus. WE ARE NOT ALONE.
Maybe a way to achieve world peace will be just a simple acknowledgement that others exist, just like us, everywhere, not just in our solar system, but throughout the many billions of stars, their planets, and galaxies throughout the universe.
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Newly Released Documents: Remote Viewing Mars
A remote viewing session conducted by the CIA on Mars as it existed one million years B.C. was just recently released in a CIA declassified data dump.
Astoundingly Mars is probed by an intuitive, under the directions of a CIA monitor, who claims to see people who are “very tall…thin” wearing “strange clothes” living in a “rabbit warren” network of “pyramids”.
The CIA transcript dated May 22, 1984, reveals the amazing details of this remote viewing journey.
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The World Of The Abstract
The modern present-day scientist is making the same mistakes as in days of old, in the relative values and equations which relate to
energy. For instance, in the relative equation of heat there is an immediate relationship with all particular sources which he has learned from his experiences are emanating radiated sources of heat which is warm or hot according to the sense of reaction of feeling. As a child he may have learned that touching a flame or some hot surface burned the skin and was a painful experience, therefore, any such future relationship with such source of energy called heat will have a definite psychosomatic action.
It is in the aspects of general relationships that while man is commonly called third-dimensional in a physical and material sense, he is therefore definitely an active integrated participant of such a material plane of consciousness. He has learned through experience to view all things objectively or from the front side only. This has become an unconscious thought pattern inasmuch as everything he does in his daily life happens objectively and from one moment to the other. He can, of course, if given time through such sources of information as are retained in his memory consciousness, place or imagine other particular correlated aspects which are pertinent to the immediate objective reaction. However, here enters a rather fallacious interpretation of objective reasoning: that while he may have substantially experienced such correlated facets, he has not yet progressed sufficiently far in his mind evolution where such thought forms of past experiences can replace the more
substantial objective placement in the association of his immediate realization. Something of an example of these objective relationships could be pictured as in the act of driving a car. While the driver, through long experience has perfect control in the forward motion of the vehicle, and while this in itself may be an integrated system of reflexes, they are all primarily connected with a long chain of circumstances and experiences; and yet with all this, there is still another and even greater part which makes it possible for this driver to drive this car. (more…)
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Chronicles of Atlantis ~ Part II
by Edgar Cayce and Edgar Evans Cayce/Video by Roberto Gaetan
According to the Edgar Cayce readings, many individual souls (or entities) who had one or more incarnations in Atlantis are reincarnating in the earth in this century, particularly in America. Along with technological abilities, they bring tendencies for being extremists. Often they exhibit individual and group karma associated with selfishness and exploitation where others are concerned. Many of them lived during one of the periods of destruction or geological change in Atlantean history. If Edgar Cayce’s prophecies are correct, a similar period of earth changes is imminent.
Hundreds and thousands of people are being reincarnated now who carry urges from the once highly technical civilization of Atlantis. The problems they had then such as selfishness, slavery and destruction are being recreated like unfinished business to plague them again. These individuals are often extremists, with innate capacity for great good or great evil. How they meet their karma may well determine the future of our civilization.
What follows are some excerpts of Cayce’s readings on Atlantis:
“The position . . . the continent of Atlantis occupied is between the Gulf of Mexico on the one hand and the Mediterranean upon the other. Evidences of this lost civilization are to be found in the Pyrenees and Morocco, British Honduras, Yucatan and America. There are some protruding portions . . . that must have at one time or another been a portion of this great continent. The British West Indies, or the Bahamas, are a portion of same that may be seen in the present. If the geological survey would be made in some of these especially, or notably in Bimini and in the Gulf Stream through this vicinity, these may be even yet determined.” (364-3) (more…)
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The Wall Of Light: Contact With Venus ~ Part I
In relating this account of the landings of a large spaceship on my property at Lac Beauport, of my strange experience in meeting with people who claimed they were from Venus and what I learned about life on their planet, I would like to emphasize that I consider myself of little importance in this story. If my name is known at all, it is due to my long friendship with Nikola Tesla and an intimate knowledge of his great work for mankind. Perhaps I may be excused if I say that it affords me a certain amount of amused satisfaction to realize that I am now probably the last living person who knew and loved Tesla, but in all humility, I am aware that it was only because Tesla left me some of his ideas to develop that I was thus able to meet these people from Venus who claimed Tesla as one of their own.
Due to the fact that my story covers several visits of the Venusian spaceship, I am, for space reasons, condensing its details into one account and will therefore leave out dates. It is sufficient to say that the first visit was in Spring, 1941, with continued landings about every two years until 1961, which, to date, included the last landing. These landings took place on my 100-acre property in the hollow of a large meadow formed by the sloping mountainside at the back and the rise of ground at the front. (more…)
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The Symbolic World
It has been observed that man is a creature of many and diverse proclivities. In this respect he is somewhat different than other forms of life abounding on the earth plane whose life expressions are more
closely confined within specific dimensions.
While the earth man is quite capable of expressing and re-expressing an infinite number and variety of expressions in his earth life, he would no doubt be nonplussed and horrified to be suddenly confronted with the realization that all these expressionary forms, even the most grandiose of intellectual efforts were almost entirely a system of idolatries constantly reasserted into consciousness in symbolic forms. (more…)
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Chronicles of Atlantis – Part I
by Locklip
Advanced ancient civilizations are a big topic of interest among researchers, historians, archaeologists, and scientists. Every single year we are gifted with a mysterious find that has us questioning the origins of the human race and imagining the cultures which roamed the earth before us.
We have found much evidence to suggest that there may have been civilizations in existence before us which were intellectually, and even technologically superior.
That being said, this theory is still thought to be quite fantastical; despite all of the evidence which has been brought to light in recent years to support this notion, it is still largely ignored by the mainstream.
If you are interested in looking at some of this evidence, a great place to start is with author Graham Hancock, in his book titled The Magicians of The Gods. (more…)
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