Realm Of The Quantum

Realm-Of-The-Quantum-main-4-postby Steve Nanninga

“All perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the Akasha or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles, all things and phenomena.” – Nikola Tesla, Man’s Greatest Achievement, 1907

“All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force.” – Max Planck

There is a persistent view of the material world in which every object is composed of separate particles, called atoms, which are themselves composed of still more separate particles, called subatomic particles. Those particles which cannot be divided into smaller parts are called elementary particles, or quanta, making them the ultimate substance of the entire universe. This picture of things gives us convenient and useable model of what the physical world seems to be, such as in the Standard Model of particle physics, but the more we come to understand just what quanta are, the more we begin to see how limited this classical view is. First of all, matter and energy are both composed of quanta and today are considered to be merely two different aspects of the same thing, which could be called, in the tradition of spacetime, matterenergy. Even the distinction between a particle and a wave becomes fuzzy in the quantum realm. Quanta can literally act like either a particle or a wave, which has led to them being referred to as wavicles. (more…)

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On Reincarnation

On-Reincarnation-main-4-postThe word reincarnation merely means to reenter into; in a sense, each time we reenter a room, we are reincarnating. Referring man-at-doorway-2again to psychology in the science of psychosomatic medicine, the proven theory is that everyone reacts from basic subconscious thought patterns derived from experiences which were formed first in our early childhood, therefore, in every moment of our daily lives, as it exists in the present, we are reliving the past from these subconscious abstractions. Sadly enough, present-day psychosomatics do not include past lifetimes which are often the true seat of some present-day illnesses or conditions incurred as psychic shock from some one particular past-life experience.

Scientist twoParadoxically, although none of the present-day sciences express or believe either in reincarnation or the continuity of life, these existing sciences are the ones which will form the first step in our personal evaluation of life and will help explain just what this mysterious force is. This scientific equation is, incidentally, the common ingredient lacking in all present-day dispensations of psychical knowledge, whether they relate either to reincarnation or to the more orthodox concepts. Neither modern science nor materia medica knows as yet, in a pure sense, what life is or what is commonly referred to as the creative or re-creative life force. (more…)

Posted in Book Excerpts, Reincarnation, Tempus Invictuswith 1 comment.


Unchained-stanza-1Bound am I not with chains of mortal flesh,
Nor doth the fetters thereof cut the flesh
Neither doth my heart bleed within me
And crieth for the freedom of the soul.


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The Many Dimensional Levels of Venus Presentation

The-Many-Dimensional-Levels-of-Venus-main-2-postFor those who may have missed the Unariuns United meetup presentation in El Cajon on “The Many Dimensional Levels of Venus”, please find below the main part of the presentation as powerpoint as pdf and part as videos. Enjoy and feel free to comment below.

First we presented the article by Noel Huntley, PhD. located here. Then presented the following videos:


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humulity-stanza-oneRaise not thine arms and shout that ‘I am He’
Neither that thy mind and voice
is greater than all others.
For surely there is none among ye,
but who canst also raise his voice and crieth out.


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Q & A: The Nature of Energy And Dimensions

On-The-Nature-Of-Energy-And-Dimensions-main-4-postExcerpt from The Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation

Q – You speak so much of energy.

A – Energy denotes an action. In order to have action, we must have a directive force.

Q – What is behind this energy, the component parts of energy?

A – Let us get into the physical or the material plane in explaining this to you—in a way in which we might understand it as seeing it on an oscilloscope as a definite change or a distortion of wave form patterns in some wave frequency. That distortion and that frequency appears and reappears as a fundamental part of that wave form until it is changed by external forces.

Q – Then what regulates the changes of form?

A – In the case of a television set, we use applications of external energy which are coupled with the original sine wave frequency through resistors, condensers, coils, etc.

Q – Then you are saying there must be an energy behind the energy to direct it? (more…)

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Nikola Tesla: Harnessing Free Cosmic Energy

Tesla-Radiant-Energy-main-2-postby Bruce A. Perreault

Brooklyn Eagle July 10, 1932 Nikola Tesla states: “I have harnessed the cosmic rays and caused them to operate a motive device. Cosmic ray investigation is a subject that is very close to me. I was the first to discover these rays and I naturally feel toward them as I would toward my own flesh and blood. I have advanced a theory of the cosmic rays and at every step of my investigations I have found it completely justified. The attractive features of the cosmic rays is their constancy. They shower down on us throughout the whole 24 hours, and if a plant is developed to use their power it will not require devices for storing energy as would be necessary with devices using wind, tide or sunlight. All of my investigations seem to point to the conclusion that they are small particles, each carrying so small a charge that we are justified in calling them neutrons. They move with great velocity, exceeding that of light. More than 25 years ago I began my efforts to harness the cosmic rays and I can now state that I have succeeded in operating a motive device by means of them. I will tell you in the most general way, the cosmic ray ionizes the air, setting free many charges ions and electrons. These charges are captured in a condenser which is made to discharge through the circuit of the motor. I have hopes of building my motor on a large scale, but circumstances have not been favorable to carrying out my plan.”


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Atlantis And Its Advanced Use Of Crystals

Atlantean-Use-of-Crystals-main-4-postby James Tyberonn

Atlantis was a technological city that had advanced knowledge of how to use crystals for the purposes of healing, childbirth, crossing over, meditation, awakening, increasing psychic abilities, increasing mental capacity and clarity of thought.  Atlanteans used crystals for the progress of advancing their science and technology, they had many temples that housed labs which grew different types of crystals that were used for dematerialization, teleportation, and telekinesis, as well as magnetic force fields.  Atlantis had huge libraries that stored records and other knowledge using crystals much like a computer is used today.

The Atlanteans also used crystals to help with botany and agriculture, weather control, they had huge crystal tower generators within the city for creating electricity, balancing the energetic vibrations of the planet so it would spin on its correct planetary axis.  The crystals were also used for communication purposes as they have the ability to transfer energy, to retain it, to maintain its intensity, to focus and transmit energy over great distance to similar receivers as are equal or comparable to the transmitter.  Many of the larger stones, called Fire Crystals, were the central receiving and broadcasting stations, while others acted as receivers for individual cities, buildings, vehicles and homes. (more…)

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Chronicles of Lemuria & Atlantis

Lemuria-Atlantis-main-4-postExpert in hypnosis and time travel, Dr. Bruce Goldberg, talks about ancient lost civilizations via Dr-Bruce-Goldberg-4-postinformation he’s gleaned from past life regressions of his patients. Based on his data, he concludes that the ancient continent of Lemuria (also called Mu) was in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, and Atlantis, “was Mu’s first major conquest as a civilization in expanding their empire.” Mu was a huge continent around the size of the United States, he adds, and was “the true garden of Eden” that produced modern man and had a population of around 64 million, most of whom died when a planetary cataclysm caused the land mass to sink. (more…)

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Born Equal Versus Equal Rights ~ Part II

Born-Equal-vs-Equal-Rights-II-main-2-postTo those who live in Higher Worlds, this earth is indeed an elemental environment, a battleground of emotional vicissitudes waged frequently with passion and fire, hotter than the proverbial hell; and from this furnace of human iniquity runs the riotsmolten ore into the mold of human experience which, when cooled in the breeze of temperate wisdom will yield the etheric form of logic and reason which sublimates the reason and the necessity of evolutionary creation from the slime and muck of a material world.

As has been previously stated (see Part I), the problem of racial differences is indeed a rather dangerous area of introspection in which any statements or commitments made pro or con could wrongfully commit any person in the eye of his fellowman as some sort of an anarchist or misanthropist; such commitments could also be wrongly made as the proposition of equality is a total involvement of all factors involving human existence on this planet. Some of these factors not being known to man, he must therefore remain an caveman-4-postemotionally prejudiced judge until he so learns of this totality of human existence. Introspection and an analysis should begin, therefore, in the beginnings of man’s earth life evolution. As it is with all creatures, man too lives his earth life under the same primitive and elemental jungle law as do all other earth creatures. This is the law of survival. (more…)

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Is Free Energy For All Actually Possible?

Free-Energy-main-2-postby Arjun Walia

“Free energy” is a term being tossed around these days, and not one that many within the new energy movement like to use. That’s because it’s not really “free,” or what we perceive “free” to be. It’s not like the power source for generating the energy to run these machines (discussed below in this article) is coming from nowhere.

It’s coming from the quantum vacuum, which would seem to be available for our use in unlimited quantities, given the fact that it’s the invisible “stuff” that makes up our known entire universe, in which could be a sea of universes and dimensions. There is enough to go around.

Sure, solar, wind, and other clean energy initiatives are great, and the more the better, but the world has been completely blinded by the fact that there are many more advanced ways to generate clean energy that could revolutionize our world in several different paradigm changing ways.

“Much to my surprise, these concepts have been proven in hundreds of laboratories around the world, but have not really seen the light of day.”  – Dr. Brian O’Leary (more…)

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UnariansUnited-web-site-main-4-postPeriodically we will give an overview of a web site concerning the studies of Dr. Norman’s works. Today we will give a brief overview of and invite our readers to take a visit to this exceptionally informative web site on the works of Dr. Ernest L. Norman.

If you haven’t visited yet, you will be pleasantly surprised. Here you can access some of the main lesson courses as pdfs, audio, or epub. You can join in student conversations on a variety of topics concerning the Science of Life, enjoy Pictionary which depicts common words used throughout the curriculum, or get overviews on many subjects such as reincarnation, karma, obsession, and mastership.

Also you can join, contribute, or comment on blog posts on a variety of subjects such as the science of energy, spirituality, the higher planes, Atlantis, Lemuria and much more. Occasionally excellent student self-made videos are presented covering these same subjects. Students also contribute many articles on the more creative aspects of life such as music, dance, poetry, and artwork.

I encourage everyone to take a visit and sign up as a member. It is always free. You are always welcome whether you are just passing through or have studied for a long time or just simply have a question or two. Enjoy!

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So We Meet Again: Past Life Relationships

Past-Life-Relationships-main-4-postby Bryan Jameison

Life is real, life is earnest and the grave is not its goal. Dust thou art, to dust returnest, was not spoken of the soul.” Longfellow

“It’s so nice to see you again. It’s been such a long time.” Have you ever felt like saying that when meeting a total stranger for the first time? Or conversely, have you met someone you instantly disliked or feared? There seems to be a sense of inner recognition that you know this stranger, even though that awareness doesn’t quite logically fit. If reincarnation is not part of your belief system, then you may drive yourself crazy trying to figure out why you feel such a strong pull toward the person. On the other hand, if you accept reincarnation, you automatically may assume that the negative or positive feelings you have when encountering someone for the first time is traceable to a past-life connection. You may think this too weird, but I have found that all of my clients have known at least one person, and more often, several.

Roles change. Besides being a romantic partner or soul mate, the person also could have been an enemy, a child, an infuential teacher, a parent, a boss, a sibling or anyone else with whom we’ve had a relationship in a former life. A person who once killed us may now be our sibling, or we could have killed as an enemy who is now our best friend. The following is a case in point. Through regression, a young man in his twenties discovered that his father’s long-standing feelings of indifference towards him stemmed from a past life in which his father was a Cheyenne Indian brave who had killed him and his family as they were heading West. In this life, he simply gave my client, his son, a new life and a new body to replace the one he took. There was nothing in their contract saying the father had to love his son. This definitely is a perfect illustration of the principle “an eye for and eye…” in action.

Through many incarnations, it becomes obvious that our relationships can become extremely complicated and convoluted. However, according to my experience, the belief that all the people we now know are those we have known in the past to be without foundation. Along this line, much has been said and written about soul mates. In fact, it’s the most popular single topic among believers in reincarnation. It seems that nearly everyone wants to know if they have had a past relationship with their present-day spouse or lover. When the answer is “yes,” they generally want to explore those past-life connections A.S.A.P. The more history a relationship has, the wiser one would be to explore it. (more…)

Posted in Past Life Therapy, Reincarnationwith 1 comment.

New AKHENATEN Discovery Changes History ~ Part II

New-Akhenaten-Discovery-main-2-postby UFO Sightings Hotspot

Discovery of Ancient Artifacts dated to 10,000 B.C. show Nefertiti’s deep connection to Atlantis

New explosive archaeological discovery shows Egyptian Royal Pharaoh Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti deep connection to the lost continent of Atlantis in Ancient Artifacts dated to 10,000 B.C.!

Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Expert Dr. Carmen Boulter explains that her new and historic discoveries at a remote site in Turkey of an extensive collection of Ancient Egyptian artifacts reveal a connection to the Lost Continent of Atlantis.

The evidence of an Atlantean Princess found among the ruins of the Secret Tomb opens up all kinds of questions for our dating of Ancient Egyptian as well as Atlantean history. As Dr. Boulter explains, ‘this is history in the making and the stunning discovery will forever change the story of early humanity and the rise of civilization!’ (more…)

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