Tesla’s Spirit Radio
When you hear about ghosts, spirits, and other supernatural phenomena, it’s easy to take them as nothing more than tall tales. But every so often you’re faced with evidence that causes you to question everything.
In the early 1900s, electrical pioneer Nikola Tesla supposedly created a “crystal radio” that could channel the spirit realm. While many people cried foul and claimed his invention was bogus, one man recently recreated the very same device… and the results were absolutely spectacular.
This man decided to build the same spooky spirit radio that was originally constructed by inventor and experimental physicist Nikola Tesla.
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Venusian Contacts – Part VII
by Michael Barton
I had long believed that mental communication between planets was not only possible but that it would someday become almost as simple as our “long—distance” phone calls. So I set about the business of attempting to reach the planet Venus by means of telepathy.
I was, during this attempt at “space telepathy”, comfortably positioned on the roof of my house. There I was least liable to disturbance while concentrating. Also, it was quiet and dark so that I had no difficulty in focusing my thoughts. The message I decided to “transmit” to Venus was this:
This is the established “form” of communication language used by all Airline pilots on Earth. It is standard radio practice. I was, of course, not at all sure that interplanetary beings referred to their own planet as “Venus” or to ours as “Earth”. There would be, however, a mutual “meeting of the minds” as to what I meant. This I was sure of, since I would “transmit” in the form of Mind Images and Pictures rather than words. (more…)
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Conceiving The Inner Kingdom
It is the purpose of UN.AR.I.U.S. to explain what the inner Kingdom is, what its function is, what it is composed of,
what it does, and how you are connected to it with your inner self. Up until now there has been little, if any, available knowledge pertaining to what might be termed the spiritual worlds, the dimensional worlds outside this dimension which the scientist calls space. Space to scientists today is rather a vague and insecure concept which is constantly being subjected to different changes. One day he may think it is shaped like a saddle, another day he may think it is circular. Einstein himself went into the most abstract of mathematical formulas to try to conceive with in his mind and the objective mind what this dimension of space really is. This question cannot be answered by a mathematical formula. It never has been and never shall be.
Space, the spiritual worlds, and all things which reside in them, all substance and its elements and, in the infinite sense and in the abstract formations, all which we call God, is so completely abstract that it will have to be visualized; it will have to be assimilated, not in one lifetime, not in one progression but in thousands of progressions and lifetimes. (more…)
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Stairway To the Stars
He who walks the path of Truth
must lose himself a thousand times.
For in the losing of his way
does he find within himself
The thing he seeks most earnestly.
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Newly Observed: Magnetic Fields Link Galaxies
by The Daily Galaxy (University of Sydney)
For the first time, astronomers have detected a magnetic field associated with the Magellanic Bridge, the filament of gas stretching 75 thousand light-years between the Milky Way Galaxy’s nearest galactic neighbors: the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (LMC and SMC, respectively). “There were hints that this magnetic field might exist, but no one had observed it until now,” says Jane Kaczmarek, at the University of Sydney, and lead author of the paper describing the finding.
“Not only are entire galaxies magnetic, but the faint delicate threads joining galaxies are magnetic, too,” said Bryan Gaensler, Director of the Dunlap Institute for Astronomy & Astrophysics, University of Toronto, and a co-author on the paper. “Everywhere we look in the sky, we find magnetism.”
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What Is God ~ Part II
With Q & A from Lesson #1 of ICCC
Science and fundamentalism must accede to the fact that man is a generic creation of God’s own spiritual life forces and has a definite plan of evolution whereby through his numerous reincarnations, he learns of the Infinite nature of God and thus acquires what Jesus called the Father within, or the Christ-self.
Before going into this question period, let me explain something of that which is termed psychic liberation. You must understand what energy is; that energy in itself, in whatever dimension or form that it assumes, is intelligent. It re-creates that intelligence and continues to re-create it until it is further modified by some existing or external forces. We might liken a human being to a television set; we say that the Infinite is the transmitter. Within the television set are certain components which are known as condensers, resistors, coils, etc. By the continuity or the expression, or we say a polarized plane and frequency transmission from the transmitter, take unto themselves an amplification and separate these various single component parts to further integrate them and project them into the picture tube where they are flashed onto the fluorescent screen. There are at that time a series of dots moving at the rate of 16,000 per second which are in horizontal lines and as you would write in a letter across the page, there are certain elements of synchronization, retrace, etc., which are expressed. (more…)
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Water, Ice, Microbes And More On Mars
“Our quest on Mars has been to ‘follow the water,’ in our search for life in the universe, and now we have convincing science that validates what we’ve long suspected,” said John Grunsfeld, astronaut and associate administrator of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington. “This is a significant development, as it appears to confirm that water — albeit briny — is flowing today on the surface of Mars.”
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Q & A On Astral Influences, Dimensional Planes & More
Q – What is meant by dark forces?
A – Dark forces are those who lack a sense of direction or proper sense of directive relationship. In other words, they are selfish.
Q – Isn’t it easy to be under their influence instead of under the higher spiritual forces?
A – Yes, it is something like learning to ride a bicycle. We can tell you to maintain a positive attitude continually in all expressions. When you see the Infinite flowing into you and your thoughts or concepts, and when you will realize that everything about you is whispering that little secret of creation, that little secret of infinity, then you will gradually acquire the higher consciousness or attunement with the higher Spiritual forces and the dark forces cannot so easily influence you.
Q – Is it true that some of the lower astral forces portray themselves as being higher than they actually are, thus trying to influence us?
A – Yes, this is true; but people who are sincerely seeking, do arrive at a certain point of discrimination and need not fear because that Superconsciousness, the Still Small Voice, is the determinant which will determine that which enters our consciousness. Those of you who are along the path of evolution (a little farther than the average materialist), who lived on higher planes in between incarnations and have set up certain contacts, certain affiliations with certain organizations of more highly developed souls, you automatically know the light from dark powers, and the Enlightened Ones help to guide you and help to moderate your actions to a certain degree. Of course it is all according to how you can conceive of these things and how much you let yourself be guided and directed. As I say, I never get into trouble until I go against that “Inner Voice”.
Q – Is it always other intelligences who guide? Is it not your own Christ within? Do we need outside guidance?
A – Indeed, this Christ consciousness is our goal. That is right, but we very often do need help. Down here in this little old terrestrial planet, we very often need guidance until we have reached the place where we can function from the Superconscious at all times. When we reach that point the Yogi calls “Nirvana” we no longer need to reincarnate into this karmic world. We could not live five minutes unless we have this inflow of the Infinite energy through the hypothalamus from the higher dimensions. That energy supports every atom in your body, supports your intelligence, and supports many other things in your life today of which the scientist does not yet know. (more…)
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The Near Death Experience
Pim van Lommel is a Dutch author and researcher in the field of near-death studies. He studied medicine at Utrecht University, specializing in cardiology. He worked as a cardiologist at the Rijnstate Hospital, Arnhem, for 26 years.
In 1969, one of van Lommel’s patients was brought back from a death by heart attack. He recalled that the patient was “very very disappointed” that they needed to return to life. In the mid-1980s, Von Lommel began asking other patients about their experiences and decided that he would conduct a study of the phenomenon which culminated in a report which was published in the prestigious British medical journal The Lancet. The research created “a sensation.” The patients with NDEs reported out of body experiences which were verified by objective observers, as well as “no fear of death, unconditional love for yourself and others, and a connection with everything and everybody.” Many also felt that their near death state was “more real than life.”
The transformation that occurs to people who experience a near-death state is often traumatic for others, as von Lommel says that 70% of the experiencers end up getting divorced because their partners believe that the patient is “not the person they knew” before the event. According to his medical training, von Lommel was not supposed to think in terms of the human mind being able to process information when it was clinically dead, but his “scientific curiosity” allowed him to consider things which went against conventional wisdom. He now believes that our consciousness is not located in our brains, but is “non-local,” that is we are more like receivers where our minds function as intermediaries between spirit and body. (more…)
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The Last Supper
One of the daily tasks performed here at the Center is the reading and answering the numerous letters which come to us from those who would aspire to a better way; yet, hardly a task, f
or it is more often that we joyously read of wondrous happenings.
With all this, however, there is reflected in these letters, the rising and receding tides of emotionalism and desire, defeat and victory in personal conflicts; and in seeing all of these things, I am often reminded of an incident which took place nearly two thousand years ago, a scene depicted as the Last Supper, a time when the Nazarene sat with His twelve disciples and shared with them the symbolic bread and wine. And as this was done, He spoke of one among them who was a traitor and who would soon betray Him to the high priests. (more…)
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Debating Mind And Matter
By Deepak Chopra, MD and Pankaj S. Joshi, PhD
Although it takes place outside the headlines, even those that deal with science, a heated debate is occurring about mind and matter. On one side is a camp of so-called physicalists, formerly known as materialists, who hold fast to the assumption that any and all phenomena in nature can be reduced to physical processes, namely the forces and the interaction between objects (atoms, subatomic or elementary particles, etc.) — these are the building blocks of the universe. On the other side is no single camp but a mixed assortment of skeptics who hold that at least one natural phenomenon–the human mind–cannot be explained physically through such methods.
When one explanation (the physicalist) is supported by the weight of highly successful theories in physics, biology, biochemistry, and neuroscience, and the other side has no accepted theory on its side, the debate seems totally unequal. But in David versus Goliath battles, be careful of rooting for Goliath. The possibility of a science of consciousness, which would involve a thorough explanation of mind and how it relates to matter, can’t begin until the obstacles in its path are removed and old accepted assumptions are overturned.
That has already begun, on all fronts. In physics, the essential problem of how something came out of nothing (i.e., the big bang coming out of the quantum vacuum state) stymies cosmologists, while at the microscopic level the same mystery, this time involving subatomic particles, emerging from the virtual state, is equally baffling. In biology the prevailing Darwinism cannot explain the quantum leap made, with astonishing rapidity, by Homo sapiens in terms of reasoning, creativity, language, our use of concepts as opposed to instincts, tool-making, and racial characteristics. We are the offspring of the newest part of the brain, the cerebral cortex, and yet there is no causal connection between its evolution and the primal Darwinian need to survive. This is evident by the survival of a hundred primate species lacking a higher brain, reasoning, tool-making, concepts, etc. Finally, in neuroscience and biochemistry, there is zero connection between nerve cells, and their chemical components, and mind. Unless someone can locate the point in time when molecules learned to think, the current assumption that the brain is doing the thinking has no solid footing. (more…)
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What Is God?
Below are excerpts from a letter written as a reply to a young student of twelve years of age who asked, “What is God?’
Dr. Norman, the Moderator, replies as follows:
…God and Infinity are one and the same; that is to say that all the world about you is actually God. There are trillions of atoms in your body; each one is a tiny solar system of energy or electricity, which is part of this God. Likewise, all of the flowers, trees, houses, the sun, the moon, the stars, even the earth itself are all part of this God. And there is much more than can be seen or touched, felt or heard or as Jesus said, “In my Father’s House, there are many mansions.” And when He spoke of the mansion, He spoke of a place in which people live. So that after you leave this earth in what is called death, you will go to live in one of these places or mansions, which the scientists of today call a dimension.
A dimension is only a group of atoms which have combined together to form molecules; the molecules, in turn, form all of the substances that you are familiar with in your life today. The air you breathe is composed of molecules of nitrogen and oxygen, which in turn are merely a number of little atoms of nitrogen to form a nitrogen molecule. This is common chemistry, which you can find in any of the schoolbooks in high school or in college books.
We must learn to understand God in this way; we should not try to look upon God as a Supreme Being or a separate person, because God is and composes all people, black, white, red, yellow, whatever race, color or whatever they believe; they are all a part of God, just as are all the animals, the birds, the fish–everything that lives on planet Earth is part of God, because they are all composed of the same little solar systems of energy which is called an atom. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Tempus Interludiumwith 1 comment.
The Soul Exists: Scientific Proof Of Reincarnation
by Dylan Harper
A lot of people are resistant to the idea of a soul because of how this term has gotten wrapped up in religious superstition and dogma. Some people think it is outright silly. But the concept of consciousness being able to detach from the body offers a lot of explanatory power when it comes to phenomenon such as Near Death Experiences, Out-Of-Body Experiences, astral projections, and even reincarnation.
In fact, the evidence for reincarnation is the best hard scientific evidence we have for the existence of a soul. This is a bold claim, but the evidence for reincarnation is undeniable and cannot collectively be attributed to chance or any other physical explanation. If reincarnation exists, the soul exists. Let’s take a look!
Before we explore the evidence, it’s helpful to remember that we do not need hard PROOF in order to be justified in believing in something. If the weatherman says there is a 70% chance of showers, I don’t need proof that it’s going to rain before I am justified in bringing an umbrella with me. I don’t have to be certain that a meteor isn’t going to fall on my head before I go outside.
I don’t need hard scientific proof of extra-terrestrial life in order to be justified in believing that life exists on other planets, because there are so many good reasons that, when taken together cumulatively, provide a plausible account for belief in life on other planets. This is known as “abductive reasoning” and is the kind of reasoning we use most in our every day lives. (more…)
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Why The Theory Of Everything Must Be Electrical
by Wal Thornhill
Until we have a sensible theory that can explain the natural spiral shape of galaxies without invoking unseen matter and strange forces, we have no right to claim we have the ability to deduce a “theory of everything.”
It has been said that the human talent for self-delusion is our most highly developed faculty. The very notion that some scientists are within grasp of a “theory of everything” is a fantasy on a par with the flat Earth theory. It is not possible to have a theory of everything until we know everything about the universe.
Physics’ greatest endeavour has ground to a halt. We are in “a period of utter confusion”, says Nobel laureate David Gross. That is worrying because the topic is central to finding a “theory of everything” that will describe every force and particle in nature.
Einstein’s relativity, which reigned supreme for a century, is a flawed basis for such a theory. Although it deals with gravity, it tells us nothing else about the nature and interactions of matter. Crucially, general relativity is incompatible with quantum theory. Since the 1960s, theorists have struggled to solve this problem, so far to no avail. And the trouble is we have nothing to put in relativity’s place. (more…)
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