When Tesla was 82, instead of speaking at a dinner party, he issued a written statement:
“I have worked out a dynamic theory of gravity in all details and hope to give this to the world very soon. It explains the causes of this force and the motions of heavenly bodies under its influence so satisfactorily that it will put an end to idle speculations and false conceptions, as that of curved space. According to the relativists, space has a tendency to curvature owing to an inherent property or presence of celestial bodies.
“Granting a semblance of reality to this fantastic idea, it is still very self-contradictory. Every action is accompanied by an equivalent reaction and the effects of the latter are directly opposite to those of the former. Supposing that the bodies act upon the surrounding space causing curvature of the same, it appears to my simple mind that the curved spaces must react on the bodies and, producing the opposite effects, straighten out the curves.
“Since action and reaction are coexistent, it follows that the supposed curvature of space is entirely impossible – However, even if it existed it would not explain the motions of the bodies as observed. Only the existence of a field of force can account for them and its assumption dispenses with space curvature. All literature on this subject is futile and destined to oblivion.”(more…)
To seek happiness outside ourselves is like trying to lasso a cloud. Happiness is not a thing: It is a state of mind. It must be lived. Neither worldly power nor moneymaking schemes can ever capture happiness. Mental restlessness results from an outward focus of awareness. Restlessness itself guarantees that happiness will remain elusive. Temporal power and money are not states of mind. Once obtained, they only dilute a person’s happiness. Certainly they cannot enhance it.
The more widely we scatter our energies, the less power we have left to direct toward any specific undertaking. Octopus habits of worry and nervousness rise from ocean depths in the subconscious, fling tentacles around our minds, and crush to death all that we once knew of inner peace.
True happiness is never to be found outside the Self. Those who seek it there are as if chasing rainbows among the clouds!
The most objective thing which you see around you and which you call solid form or substance is merely an abstract supposition and nothing else. You, just as the walls of this building and every other terrestrial substance which you see about you, are nothing less than a pulsating mass of energy called atoms. Transpose these atoms into any other form and we have energy moving dynamically. Atomic energy is called static, based on 3rd dimension time-space concept. That is why you think it is solid; it is solid only because you are, in comparison, solid to it. If you could raise the vibration of the atoms in your body to a frequency a little different from that in which it normally exists in this world, you could do just as Jesus did, you could walk on water or through the walls of this building or through the stone of the tomb, for that matter. The Flying Saucer men of this day are doing that very thing. They come from other worlds; they fly in ships in which they have succeeded in changing the basic frequency of the atomic structures of the metal. Thus, they can span vast distances which our scientists call space. It is not space at all; instead, it is filled with this pulsating radiant energy which is the Infinite, itself.(more…)
Quarks in an atom; molecules in a liquid; proteins in a cell; cells in an organism; neurons in a brain; people in a city; grains of sand in a dune; snowflakes in an avalanche; stars in a galaxy: when the many parts of a system interact, behaviors appear in the whole system that weren’t present in the parts themselves. These surprising “emergent” behaviors are what our universe appears to be made of, from the Big Bang, to the unfathomable complexity of Life, to the unimaginable future yet to come.
Biology isn’t applied chemistry. Psychology isn’t applied biology. Every scale, every level of abstraction brings its own universe of phenomena, complexity, questions, hypotheses, exploration and experimentation. The whole is not only greater than the sum of its parts, it is fundamentally different. Analysis and reductionism can only provide limited insights, but never capture the essence of the indescribable. ~ SAND(more…)
E=MC2: Einstein proved Energy = Mass and Mass = Energy. That is why we were able to explode the first atomic bomb but it also means that since we are composed of atoms, “we” are also energy. Energy vibrates. It has certain properties. It vibrates at certain frequencies. It attracts and repels other wave forms based on frequency. Waveforms can piggy back other waveforms. These piggybacks can cause distortions giving the waveform a certain IQ which can be infinite in variety.
All this is necessary in understanding how our psychic anatomy functions. Our psychic anatomy is the spiritual counterpart of our physical, and just like the atoms in our body is composed of energy the psychic anatomy is composed of energy too. This energy body exists at a higher frequency level then the physical body and is as yet undetermined by science since scientists have yet to develop the scientific instrumentation to detect it with perhaps some exceptions like Kirlian photography which can detect some emanations of the aura.(more…)
Through the ages it has been known that the pineal is the interface between the higher dimensions and the physical realm. It can be said then to be the gateway between the ego personality, brain and the Divine Mind. It has been termed by metaphysicians such as Descartes and Edgar Cayce as being the ‘Seat of the Soul’. In a very real manner of speaking, the Pineal Gland is a ‘Bio-Stargate’. It is a bridge from physical to non-physical, from duality to higher dimension. It is extremely complex, and is the screen from 3d brain to Infinite Mind.
What Is The Pineal Gland?
The pineal gland is one of the most wondrous parts of our physical bodies. It is also called the epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis, conarium or the “Third Eye.” It is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. It produces serotonin and melatonin, hormones that affect mood and modulate our wake/sleep patterns and seasonal functions. Its shape resembles a tiny pine cone (hence its name in Latin, pinea, which means “pine cone”), and it is located near the center of the brain, between the two hemispheres, tucked in a groove where the two rounded thalamic bodies join.
Even though this gland is hidden deep inside the brain and is only the size of a pea, it has been an almost fanatical obsession of masters, mystery schools and religions throughout the ages. It was prominent in the writings of Pythagoras, Plato, and Iamblichus, as well as in Egyptian, Tibetan and Roman Catholic Church. It is even mentioned by the Founding Fathers of the USA.(more…)
In the liturgies and expressionary elements of UN.AR.I.U.S., there has been on several occasions mention of devils, or of how devils became angels. It is conceivable that some person or student may, to some extent, misunderstand these statements; therefore, it would serve a good purpose if we might fully explore this dimension of introspection, and which would also serve a double purpose, inasmuch as it would acquaint any person or student with these particular dimensions of expression which are everywhere about him, or in which he could conceivably become so enmeshed at some future time.
Our first classification of devils should be made clear and distinct. They should not be confused with one other classification which could more properly be called demons. Everyone who has seen pictures of devil masks used by natives of Africa, or in the religious ceremonies in Tibet, has seen these weirdly carved and contorted figure faces used on these occasions. They were called devils but most properly should be called demon forms; for the witch doctors or priests who contrived these forms did so somewhat in replica or facsimile from the demon forms which they had envisioned perhaps in a trance state, or even brought back the memory of these visionary forms from one of the underworlds. Briefly then, a demon is simply one or more astral bodies which have undergone a complete deformation of all forms and continuities in the wave form structures of these astral psychic anatomies. They are oscillating without cause or purpose; they are wildly gyrating in numerous expressionary elements without thought or cause. Therefore, these expressionary elements, if they could be considered as a personal form, would indeed have a very insane attitude toward all things involved, so much more so that they would become extremely violent and destructive in all intents and purposes.(more…)
by Paul Ratner ~ Courtesy of the Blue Brain Project
The brain continues to surprise us with its magnificent complexity. Groundbreaking research that combines neuroscience with math tells us that our brain creates neural structures with up to eleven dimensions when it processes information. Essentially, you will a multiverse in and out of existence when you think. The researchers “found a world that we had never imagined,” said Henry Markram, director of the Blue Brain Project, which made the discovery.
The goal of the Blue Brain Project, which is based in Switzerland, is to digitally create a “biologically detailed” simulation of the human brain. By creating digital brains with an “unprecedented” level of biological information, the scientists aim to advance our understanding of the incredibly intricate human brain, which has about 86 billion neurons.
To get a clearer vision of how such an immense network operates to form our thoughts and actions, the scientists employed supercomputers and a peculiar branch of math. The team based its current research on the digital model of the neocortex that it finished in 2015. They probed the way this digital neocortex responded by using the mathematical system of algebraic topology. It allowed themto determine that our brain constantly creates very intricate multi-dimensional geometrical shapes and spaces that look like “sandcastles”.
Contactees became a cultural phenomenon in the 1940s and continued throughout the 1950s and 1960s, often giving lectures and writing books about their experiences. The phenomenon still continues and with this new photographic evidence would indicate contacts with Venus are still ongoing today.
As we will see, the figure that appears in the photograph bears a strong resemblance to the Venusians of the contactees of the ’50s and 60s namely George Adamski, George Hunt Williamson and Howard Menger.
The following paragraphs are intended as the shortest possible synopsis of the factors involved. The supporting data and reasoning are extensive and can be found in the various publications of Borderland Science Research.
The aeroforms (flying discs, “saucers”, and UFOs) are best understood with respect to their origin and nature as being EMERGENTS: that is, they emerge onto our plane of perception from a space time frame of reference which is different from ours. This process may also be described as a conversion of energy and a change of vibratory rates.
That this is so, is obviously suggested by the phenomena themselves; since physical matter, as we know it, could not withstand the speed, temperature, and strain imposed by the observed operations of the discs and other forms. This does not conflict with the apparent composition of the ‘landed’ discs.
When the energy conversion takes place, the aeroform becomes visible and tangible. It appears to be and definitely is what we call solid substance, and so remains until the vibratory rate is again converted. The “steel” of the landed disc is an etheric steel and its copper is etheric copper – since the prototypes of all our metals exist in etheric matter; nevertheless chemical analysis has shown certain radical differences. The conversion process amounts to materialization and dematerialization (“mat and demat”). “Demat” on our plane of perception would be “mat” for any consciousness functioning on the etheric level, and vice versa.(more…)
One of the mysteries in the science of biology today is how a living entity acquires its form. It is considered that the DNA will eventually reveal this missing information, and as we shall see this is both correct and incorrect depending on the context. In fact, the information in the DNA strands is so complex that we sometimes refer to such systems as random. However, what we shall be mainly concerned with here is specifically how the geometry of a living organism takes action.
A full description of even some of the subsidiary concepts involved here is not possible since we are considering processes which generalize to all fundamental systems of mind, life, and the universe; for example, how minds communicate verbally (from concepts), how physical mobility is achieved in musculature system, and even how advanced extraterrestrial propulsion systems work (which are based on nature’s universal processes).
This information is not being presented in a form suitable for the orthodox scientist since there will not be the space to justify the concepts; it will be assumed the reader already has some familiarity, such as with the nature of the vortex.(more…)
When scientists talk about the universe, more often than not they are actually referring to the observable universe.
The observable universe is everything that astronomers can see through light that has travelled to Earth over the last 13.8billion years – the Big Bang and the dawn of time as we know it.
By that reasoning, you would think that the observable universe is 13.8bn light-years either way, so almost 28bn light-years wide.
However, space is always expanding and astronomers actually put the observable universe at somewhere around 92bn light-years.
But let’s start on a smaller scale.
The Earth has a diameter of 12,742 km – which, if you were to travel the entire diameter of our planet, then it would be the longest distance you will ever travel – providing there are no astronauts reading this.
The closest thing to Earth is the Moon, which is approximately 384,400 km – in between these celestial bodies you could fit every planet in our Solar System.
Already that number seems huge, but the distance between the Sun and Neptune – the most outer planet in our Solar System – is 4.498bn kilometres.
So, if you could somehow manage to get all of the planets in one picture, the Earth would be roughly the size of a microscopic virus in relation to the Solar System.
Then, our solar system would not even register if you were to get a snap shot of the galaxy that we are in, the Milky Way – which is around 950,000,000,000,000,000 kilometres wide.
The Milky Way alone is so vast that it would take around four years for light from the nearest star, not including the Sun, to reach us and around 100,000 years for light from the edge of our galaxy to arrive at Earth.
When you consider that light travels at 299,792 kilometres per SECOND you begin to get a feel for how big the universe is.
Additionally, the Milky Way is not unique in its size.
Astronomers predict that there are around two trillion galaxies in the observable universe.
To fit two trillion galaxies in the observable universe it would need to be pretty big, which brings us back to the start.
The observable universe is 92bn light-years wide, with a light-year being the distance light takes to travel in, you guessed it, a year – which is about 10 trillion kilometres.
In terms of a distance that we can slightly fathom, 92bn light-years is roughly 440 sextillion kilometres.
That as a number is 440,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kilometres.
If it takes the average person an hour to walk five kilometres, it would take 88,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 hours to walk across the entire observable universe – The Milky Way is 950,000,000,000,000,000 kilometres wide.
However, as our brains are not capable of fathoming that distance, there is something about it which makes it seem as if it is not that great.
Astronomer Royal Martin Rees likened it to a chimpanzee trying to understand Albert Einstein’s theories.
He once said: “Some aspects of reality – a unified theory of physics or a full understanding of consciousness – might elude us simply because they’re beyond human brains, just as surely as Einstein’s ideas would baffle a chimpanzee.”
And that is just the observable universe – what we are able to see.
Beyond that is unknown.
Experts believe that the universe is probably infinite and does not have an edge, making all of these numbers seem even more insignificant.
The physician of the earth today, takes pride in feeling that he is somewhat responsible for extending the span of human life. While this is quite true in some relative aspects, we must compare the statistics which state that man lives ten or twelve years longer than he did at some comparatively recent time. We must take these statistics on the analysis from which they were so compounded; they could be quite wrongfully slanted in a false interpretation. The great plagues of the past, such as the bubonic, or the epidemics of flue, smallpox, and various other types of diseases which decimated whole populations, have now vanished; but there have been other decimators of human population which are rapidly taking their place; these lie within the dimension of that which is called mental illness.
The mental illnesses in themselves are twofold in their destructive nature. An individual cannot be immunized against a mental illness, except through the induction of spiritual principles within his consciousness. This cannot be done with a needle, or with any other manufactured type of vaccine which might be contained and manufactured from a test tube in a laboratory.(more…)
As most readers probably know, the vast majority of our DNA “text” is not used in the coding of proteins and enzymes—it is non-coding—and scientists generally don’t have any idea what its purpose is. Thus, in their infinite wisdom, they initially dubbed it “junk DNA”. How much of our DNA is junk? About 95–98 per cent—rather a lot of waste for Nature to hang onto, I think you will agree (some scientific estimates go as high as 99 per cent). Since it is not responsible for constructing our basic physical form, its purpose has remained mysterious to conventional mindsets until very recently. We now know that a large portion of that “junk” DNA is made up of mobile genetic elements (transposons and retrotransposons) or “jumping DNA”, which can rewrite and activate—or deactivate—certain genetic codes. Jumping DNA reportedly makes up as much as half of the total DNA nucleotides.
Another major portion of the non-protein-coding regions of the genome is comprised of variable-number, tandemly repeating sequences known as “satellite DNA”. Microbiologist William Brown believes that through specific conformational arrangements, satellite DNA interfaces with the so-called “morphic field”; various conformations have specific resonances with the morphic field and can therefore tune into different information programs. Since satellite DNA is very specific to each person, each of us tunes into a distinct and unique morphogenetic pattern.(more…)