A Spaceman’s Warning About The Dangers of Nuclear Radiation
Dino Kraspedon (1905–2004) was the pen name of Brazilian Aladino Felix, who claimed to be contacted by
an extraterrestrial from Jupiter’s moons of Ganymede and Io. Much information of a scientific (mainly astrophysics), medical, and moral nature is given in his book.
He was born in Pedra do Baú and died in Uberaba, Minas Gerais. In 1959 he published Meu Contato Com Os Discos Voadores (My Contact with Flying Saucers). The book tells the story of his contact with a flying saucer commander at his home. The extraterrestrial visitor was given a lengthy Q&A interview by Mr. Kraspedon in which he explained advanced concepts in physics and gave insights on how to improve humanity’s social conditions on earth. Later he publicly clarified that he did not witness the male human extraterrestrial leaving or entering a spacecraft. Mr. Kraspedon correctly predicted that there would be a period of terrorism and ironically was arrested for suspicion of being a terrorist in 1968. – Wikipedia
A Spaceman’s Warning About The Dangers of Nuclear Radiation ~ By Dino Kraspedon
Q: Please tell me why you think our use of atomic energy is dangerous?
A: I do not say that the use of atomic energy is a danger to Humanity. What I do say is that aggressive hatred coupled with atomic energy will destroy the earth. (more…)
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Seven Dimensional Spheres: A Visitation
by James Martin Peebles
“I am now leaving my body four hours each night, and listening to medical lectures in one of the most magnificent pavilions that study the spirit world. I also have a class that I am teaching in a sphere below the one in which I am a pupil.” ~ Dr. A. P. Pierce.
Souls build the bodies they inhabit. The will moves them. Intelligent motion implies mind.
The soul, a conscious entity, related to the infinite Soul, God, somewhat as spark to flame, is the mechanic, the spiritual form with its nerve-forces is the machinery, and the physical body the external building that covers mechanic and machinery. And why should not the thinking, conscious mechanic occasionally step out of his building for specific purposes, leaving, of course, every door and avenue well guarded?
Accompanied recently by Mrs. Taylor, of Brooklyn, N. Y., a personal friend of Miss Fancher, the psychological wonder, I was permitted to visit and enjoy a most interesting conversation with this young lady, who virtually subsists without food, and enjoys sleep only when in the trance state. During the interview she spoke freely, not only of her sensitiveness, her trances and visions, “but,” said she, “I sometimes leave my body and go away, — oh, so far away! — meeting my mother and other dear friends, with scenery too beautiful to describe. I traverse fields, and walk in gardens of flowers and fountains, and I listen to the most heavenly music. You cannot think how it rests me; and I feel so sad when I am asked to return again to my earthly home.” (more…)
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How Your Brain Is Like The Cosmic Web
Your Life’s Memories Could, In Principle, Be Stored in the Universe’s Structure
By Franco Vazza & Alberto Feletti
Christof Koch, a leading researcher on consciousness and the human brain, has famously called the brain “the most complex object in the known universe.” It’s not hard to see why this might be true. With a hundred billion neurons and a hundred trillion connections, the brain is a dizzyingly complex object.
But there are plenty of other complicated objects in the universe. For example, galaxies can group into enormous structures (called clusters, super clusters, and filaments) that stretch for hundreds of millions of light-years. The boundary between these structures and neighboring stretches of empty space called cosmic voids can be extremely complex. Gravity accelerates matter at these boundaries to speeds of thousands of kilometers per second, creating shock waves and turbulence in intergalactic gases. We have predicted that the void-filament boundary is one of the most complex volumes of the universe, as measured by the number of bits of information it takes to describe it. (more…)
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Handwritten Draft of The Bible Discovered Proves Complete Work of Fiction
Draft Shows How Religious Narratives Progressed Through Revisions
By Jay Greenberg
The Draft of the Bible Includes Notes And Commentary
An early draft of the Bible has been discovered at the University of Cambridge in the UK that has been marked as one of the most significant discoveries in modern history.
The handwritten draft was found after it had been mislabeled inside an archive and had gone undetected for decades.
The book has been confirmed by leading experts as an early working of The King James Bible which is one of the most influential and widely read books in the English language.
The discovery has been hailed as definitive proof that Bible is a work of fiction as it shows a process of revising, cutting, and then more rewriting, which contradicts popular belief that the book is the “divine word of God”. (more…)
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Hippocrates On The Practice of Present Day Medicine ~ Part III
The very simple and common ailment of headache, as it is so expressed in the general run of human beings as they exist about you in your own dimension, is in itself purely a product of hypertension. Incidentally, I might mention this is one of the ills of the human race today which is literally killing people by the thousands every year. Hypertension is purely a by-product of what Freud called the libido or drive; the tension of the times in which you are living. As was pointed out by Apollonius, the various pressures are induced, not only by governmental systems, but by the social and religious structures which exist around you, as you, in your various ways, are contriving to arrive at certain compensations and evaluations in these pressures.
Every doctor knows that each patient coming to him in his practice, has symptoms which, in themselves, may indicate certain presupposed malformations or functions of the body; yet in a final diagnosis, there may be a whole host of other inductive conditions which have contrived to induce this condition into the human body. And as a consequence, every physician is confronted with a great deal of experimentation. (more…)
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Mysteries Of The Kingdom of Shambhala
By April Holloway
Shambhala, which is a Sanskrit word meaning “place of peace” or “place of silence”, is a mythical paradise spoken of in ancient texts, including the Kalachakra Tantra and the ancient scriptures of the Zhang Zhung culture which predated Tibetan Buddhism in western Tibet. According to legend, it is a land where only the pure of heart can live, a place where love and wisdom reigns and where people are immune to suffering, want or old age.
Shambhala is said to be the land of a thousand names. It has been called the Forbidden Land, the Land of White Waters, Land of Radiant Spirits, Land of Living Fire, Land of the Living Gods and Land of Wonders. The Hindus call it Aryavartha (The Land of the Worthy Ones); the Chinese know it as Hsi Tien, the Western Paradise of Hsi Wang Mu; and to the Russian Old Believers, it is known as Belovoyde. But throughout Asia, it is best known by its Sanskrit name, Shambhala, Shamballa, or Shangri-la. (more…)
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The Unariun Mission
Testimonial by Ruth E. Norman Regarding The Beginning of the UN.AR.I.U.S. Mission:
Always as the Moderator (Ernest L. Norman) would voice his illumined Message of Truth, great Powers were present, often so intense were the frequencies, the Rays so potent, I would become so transcended, it was most difficult to remain awake; the Beam would just project me right out of the physical at times! And with each dissertation He brought was a new revelation; more and greater Truths of the Higher Worlds were added; day, after day, after day. He would let the Light shine and the Word and Power flow! Often, as He voiced and described the scenes on the inner – Venus in particular – did I also view these happenings. At one time, I recall I saw my brother, in spirit, as the Moderator was describing the line of plebians just passing through the great flames or fountains of Light-Energies, and I said, after He had finished, “Danny was in the group of emerging entities?” He said, “Yes, the fourth from the end.” Thus, much of the time I traveled in consciousness through these many visitations to higher worlds and which, of course, could never have been possible without the great discharge, the release of the many earth negations and ties which existed a short time previously. (more…)
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Dearest One
Dearest ~ Once again you’ve come to me
from out of space into my starlit night
Borne swiftly by the magic wings of destiny
into my waiting, longing arms.
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The Philosopher’s Stone
by Paramhansa Yogananda
A proud prince and his large retinue galloped into a Hindustan jungle on a hunting expedition. After bagging many game birds and animals, the prince and his party lost their way in the jungle. They had food but no water, and though they searched frantically, they found no water.
As the danger-filled tropical night approached, the prince and his retinue rode even faster, now seeking shelter. Just as the sun was silently fading away, they came upon a crumbling, old cottage. The prince dismounted, pushed open the unlatched door, and went in. The cottage was dark except for a faint glimmer of sunlight coming through a hole in the roof.
Looking around, the prince saw the hole in the roof and despaired at the thought the cottage was deserted. He was about to leave when he decided to call aloud: “Hello, anybody here?” To his surprise, a calm, firm, peaceful voice replied: “I am here. Do you want water?” The prince was astounded that this person knew his thoughts even before meeting him. (more…)
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Soul Memories Between Lives
by Andy Tomlinson
The idea that we have past lives is becoming more widespread and an increasing number of people are having their own experiences. The majority of therapists who offer past life regression frequently use hypnotic trance which enables past life memories to quickly surface into conscious awareness, and often with amazing clarity. A considerable number of independently investigated cases have been published in which people have recalled information that has been subsequently verified. Often this information is obscure and so detailed about the period of the past life that it is unlikely to have been obtained by normal means. Also the circumstances of many of these cases have been fully investigated without any signs of deliberate deception. An example is the work of Dr. Ian Stevenson and his team at the University of Virginia who have investigated and documented thousands of cases in which children’s reports of past lives have been subsequently verified. One five-year old child reported 49 specific details of a past-life experience that were later verified by at least two independent witnesses who knew the past-life person. This research together with other evidence provides a compelling case that past lives are to be taken seriously. (more…)
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Spirit Attachment And Past Life Releasement
by William J. Baldwin, Ph.D.
Many traditional therapists and counselors reject the idea of past-life therapy, partly because it is based on the controversial spiritual notions of reincarnation and karma. Most traditional therapists and many past-life therapists reject the concept of spirit releasement therapy because it is based on the objectionable and, to many, frightening possibility of spirit possession.
Spirit releasement therapy and past-life therapy are closely linked in clinical practice. The event that led to the spirit attachment is often discovered in a past life of the client. This must be explored through the techniques of PLT (Past Life Therapy). The past-life events described and experienced by a client may be part of the soul memory not of that client, but of an attached entity. Differential diagnosis is critically important, the identity of the one speaking must be established before the appropriate techniques can be followed.
Past-life therapy is so effective in so many problem situations, it is a surprise when it doesn’t work well. PLT on a discarnate entity accomplishes little to nothing toward relief of the problem affecting the client. The therapist often can’t tell which condition, past-life trauma or attached entity, is present until well into the session. The following reports demonstrate the connection between past-life therapy and spirit releasement therapy in cases of physical and psychological problems. (more…)
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Q&A On The People From The Planet Clarion
Truman Bethurum (August 21, 1898 – May 21, 1969) was the second of the well known 1950s contactees, individuals who claimed to have spoken with people from other inhabited planets and entered or ridden in their spacecraft. His experiences led him to visit and discuss the issue with George Adamski.
Bethurum was born in Gavalin, California, and in the early 1950s worked as a mechanic on a road-building crew and as a spiritual advisor. In 1953 Bethurum first published magazine and newspaper (Redondo Beach Daily Breeze, September 25, 1953) accounts of being contacted on eleven separate occasions by the human crew of a landed space ship, and repeatedly conversing with its female captain, Aura Rhanes. Saucer and crew, who spoke colloquial English, came from the unknown planet Clarion, which, from the earth, always remains out of sight. A 1954 book, Aboard a Flying Saucer, gave many details of Bethurum’s suffering at the hands of skeptics and a great deal of information about Clarion and its people.
Most contactees of this period became (or already were) leaders in new paradigm movements to inform people of extraterrestrial intelligent life, including George Adamski, George Van Tassel, Daniel Fry, George King and many others. Mr. Bethurum made it known that the space people had asked him to consider creating a place of learning for those who were interested in considering the possibility of extraterrestrial intelligent life, with Mr. Bethurum as facilitator. The Sanctuary of Thought, a philosophical group, was subsequently created near Prescott, Arizona. Mr. Bethurum claimed to possess physical evidence such as unique items given to him by Captain Aura Rhanes. (more…)
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Our Cosmic Insignificance
by Nick Hughs and Guy Kuhane
Humanity occupies a very small place in an unfathomably vast Universe. Travelling at the speed of light – 671 million miles per hour – it would take us 100,000 years to cross the Milky Way. But we still wouldn’t have gone very far. Our modest Milky Way galaxy contains 100–400 billion stars. This isn’t very much: according to the latest calculations, the observable universe contains around 300 sextillion stars. By recent estimates, our Milky Way galaxy is just one of 2 trillion galaxies in the observable Universe, and the region of space that they occupy spans at least 90 billion light-years. If you imagine Earth shrunk down to the size of a single grain of sand, and you imagine the size of that grain of sand relative to the entirety of the Sahara Desert, you are still nowhere near to comprehending how infinitesimally small a position we occupy in space. The American astronomer Carl Sagan put the point vividly in 1994 when discussing the famous ‘Pale Blue Dot’ photograph taken by Voyager 1. Our planet, he said, is nothing more than ‘a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam’. Stephen Hawking delivers the news more bluntly. We are, he says, “just a chemical scum on a moderate-sized planet, orbiting round a very average star in the outer suburb of one among a hundred billion galaxies.” (more…)
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Angels, Devils and Demons ~ Part II
Now that we have discovered certain differences between angels, devils and demons, and we have found that the earth is one of the astral worlds—an underworld, peopled and populated by such expressionary forms as can be considered to be devilish in intent and purpose—this introspection leads us more directly to the comparisons between good and evil. Actually, the biblical depiction of God casting Satan into hell because he was insubordinate has a much more complete and abstract evaluation. It is a typical depiction of how a more advanced personality who had developed to that
point, where he was godlike in nature, could therefore be considered to be a son of God. At that highest point of his evolution, somehow he became tempted and, in the temptation, plunged himself, mentally and spiritually speaking, back into some earth-world environment, involved again in the intricate mazes of comparisons which are found in these earth-life dispensations.
At this point then, the, differences between evil and good are all-important. In numerous places (in UN.AR.I.U.S. Liturgies) it has been mentioned that God has become merged, from an old deistic configuration into the sum and total of Infinity; and, as Infinity is, in itself, an expressionary element constantly regenerating all forms with the substance of itself, as energy from these interdimensional planes; therefore this Infinite, or God, is also the net sum and total of all good and, is also the net sum and total of all evil. God thus becomes good and evil. Now this concept is not acceptable to the common, ordinary earth man who lacks the knowledge of the Infinite or who lacks other different, fundamental and basic concepts which would more rationally integrate the factors and the apparent truths in these statements. It is in the comparisons between good and evil and, in the determinants which are so superimposed that evil, in turn as a destructive element or a destructive intent does, by direct comparison, point out the goodness in good; and, as such, this evil therefore, whatever it is, does become good in this comparative system of evaluations. (more…)
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