Waking Up From Religion
by Nanice Ellis
Often our religious beliefs are handed down to us by family and culture, and by the time we are old enough to consciously choose, it’s too late because we are already brainwashed with pre-ordained beliefs that seem to be set in stone.
Ideally, the true purpose of any religion should be to facilitate a direct connection with the “Divine,” and to support spiritual awakening.
Unfortunately, few, if any religions, fulfill this purpose. If they did, many more of us would be awake by now, or at least intimately connected to the Source of who we really are. Even with the prevalence of “new age” spiritual practices today, few of us have attained full spiritual awakening and direct Divine connection.
What’s wrong with this picture…? (more…)
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Meng Tse On The Origins Of Buddhist Philosophy ~ Part II
There are — while you are watching and looking about at this great temple of Manu and noticing the beautiful mosaic tiled floors — the great statues of the different gods as they are so manifest in India today, and you can further describe these scenes to your fellow earth man. We will progress somewhat along the lines of modern psychiatry as they are expounded in the medical translations of inductive therapies in the fields of psychology and psychiatry of your day. Anyone who is studying such philosophies or interpretation is, as a consequence, subject to a vast amount of different interpretations of what is called psychological or psychiatric material. The elements entering into such philosophies, as they are so numerous, must be, in direct contrast, quite confusing — and indeed they are.
The tides of expression as they have arisen from the middle ages, from the days in which people were burned at the stake for witchcraft — for merely conceiving some of the more mental and spiritual natures of man — are now being expressed into your present day, as some of these exponents have become known as psychiatrists or doctors or psychologists. For the purposes of analytical evaluation we shall classify psychology into two divisions; the reactionary group which is by far the largest group, and the liberal expression or the progressive group. In the reactionary group will be found the very numerous doctors or practitioners as they exist in different hospitals, clinics, or private practice in the various cities about your world today. It is this reactionary group which is largely practicing such concepts of psychology or psychiatry which have more or less been practiced by such exponents as Freud, Watson, James, and others whose names are too numerous to mention. The Freudian concept, in itself, seems to be one which is in more popular usage. It is based primarily, as it was in Freud’s time, upon two basic instincts, as he called them, the sexual nature and the will to survive. The modern psychologist has, however, modified these concepts to some extent. He immediately throws up his hands in horror at the mere mention of instinct. However, we might remind you that such facets that enter into the interpretation of psychology or psychiatry are not explained to any great extent in any concept of psychology or psychiatry as they exist today. The psychologist cannot tell you why it is that a child, almost from the time he starts to crawl, becomes somewhat destructive in his nature, and that he is continually
trying to break up things about which he knows nothing. The psychologist may mutter something about a reflex or impounded reactions into the consciousness of the child, but these are not so easily brushed aside. The fact remains that most children, if they become destructive in their childhood, are merely reflecting from their psychic consciousness the little wave forms and vortexes which are impounded in the psychic body; the numerous manifestations of destructiveness, which they have, at some time in their evolution manifested in a reactionary way from some previous earth lives. (more…)
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The Magnificence of 3, 6, 9
Nikola Tesla did countless mysterious experiments, but he was a whole other mystery on his own. Almost all genius minds have a certain obsession. Nikola Tesla had a pretty big one!
He was walking around a block repeatedly for three times before entering a building, he would clean his plates with 18 napkins, he lived in hotel rooms only with a number devisable by 3. He would make calculations about things in his immediate environment to make sure the result is devisable by 3 and base his choices upon the results. He would do everything in sets of 3.
Some say he had OCD, some say he was very superstitious.
However, the truth is a lot deeper. (more…)
Posted in Nikola Tesla, Science For The New Agewith 1 comment.
Meng Tse On The Origins Of Buddhist Philosophy
Greetings to my dear earth brothers and sisters; may I first say that I am so happy to come to you and to be of some service to you. I can be known in the
future as the personal identity of a small Chinaman who lived about a hundred years after Kung Fu, and was known as Mencius or Meng Tse. I have been given the privilege of conducting you through this great city of Helianthus; and we are about ready to somewhat explore the sections which are more immediately concerned with your earth history. However, before we go into this section, we shall pause in this beautiful parkway and discuss something more of the philosophies of Hinduism while your eyes are becoming accustomed to what you see about you.
The text of Buddha, in itself, was simply one which he largely devoted to the explanation of the origin of the different phases of Hinduism as they exist much as they do in India today. He was, during his earth life, very greatly shocked at seeing the suffering of the peoples who believed they were practicing the true monistic God Principles by this perversion and abuse of their bodies. The version of the Brahmanistic concepts or the Vedic translations as they have been so warped and distorted were completely vilified in many ways by the individual known as Brahavara, the person who became known as the god Janus. Buddha pointed this out specifically, knowing that no harm would come from this direct finger pointing at this individual, because he knows that this person has, since that time, come into a place of spiritual understanding; and although he did set aside the divine conception of Brahma — the triad of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva — yet, since that day, he has worked out and expiated his crime, and was enabled to reincarnate into your world and was known as the Mahatma Gandhi. (more…)
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Shambhala: Oasis of Light
By Andrew Tomas
A different theme demands an unconventional approach in the method of research, hence our choice of the aphorism of Pythagoras, ‘walk in unfrequented paths’. A new idea, no matter how unusual, must be a contribution to the already accumulated pool of knowledge. It must be validated by fact so as not to remain for ever in the realm of pure speculation, and also have some pragmatic value, otherwise it would be useless.
During Krishna’s times the pundit Narada warned about the danger of a hasty condemnation of fresh thoughts: ‘Never utter these words – I do not know this, therefore it is false – one must study to know, know to understand, understand to judge.’ The intolerance amidst which modern science was born can serve as an example of the fallacy of rejecting novel concepts and untried methods.
In an atmosphere of narrow-mindedness and persecution during Cromwell’s reign, progressive scholars of England founded the Invisible College which has eventually become the highest scientific institution of the kingdom, the Royal Society. Hardly anything is known of the activities of another ‘invisible’ scientific and philosophic society which pursues its studies in the majestic isolation of the Himalayas. These savants possess the answers to the most abstruse questions of science. (more…)
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The Paranormal Roots of The Mummy’s Curse
Excerpt from A Search in Secret Egypt by Paul Brunton
(Paul Brunton (October 21, 1898 – July 27, 1981) was a British philosopher, mystic, traveler, and guru. He left a journalistic career to live among yogis, mystics, and holy men, and studied a wide variety of Eastern and Western esoteric teachings.)
The second meeting duly took place in the ruined temple of Luxor. I sat on a long block of stone carved with hieroglyphs, while the Adept squatted cross-legs on the same block, and faced me.
My note-book was prepared and, with pen poised expectantly, I was ready to take down his message; to inscribe on the white sheets the less picturesque characters of our twentieth-century system of hieroglyphs-shorthand!
Ra-Mak-Hotep wasted no time on preliminaries but plunged straightway into the subject of his message:
“Those who broke open the tombs of ancient Egypt have released forces upon the world that have endangered it. Both the tomb robbers of long ago and the archaeologists of our own days have all unwittingly opened the tombs of those who dealt in black magic. For in the final cycle of Egyptian history – the priesthood – and sorcery and the black arts were commonly practiced. When the white light of truth was formerly shining through the pure Egyptian religion became dimmed, and the noise-some shadows of false, materialistic doctrines crept in to replace it, the practice of mummification arose, together with all the elaborate accompanying rituals. Yet under the misleading and cunningly perverted teachings which supported this practice, there was an element of secret self-interest which sought to keep a long-preserved physical link with the physical world through the embalmment of the body. (more…)
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The Evidence For Reincarnation
by Stephen Wagner
Have you lived before? The concept of reincarnation is that our souls may experience many lifetimes over centuries, maybe even thousands of years. It has been present in virtually every culture since ancient times. The Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and Aztecs all believed in the “transmigration of souls” from one body to another after death. It’s a fundamental precept of Hinduism.
Although reincarnation is not a part of official Christian doctrine, many Christians believe in it or at least accept its possibility.
The idea that after death we can live again as another person, maybe as the opposite sex or in a completely different station in life, is intriguing and, for many people, highly appealing. (more…)
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The Evolutionary Pathway
Christianity or any other religion; (the author) knows how essential such systems are, in the first
progressive steps of evolution, and which are man’s first acknowledgement of the great mysterious creative forces. He knows that as every man started as a cell, or entity of consciousness, which began to reappear or reincarnate in cyclic movements from life to life; and that through frequency relationship, this entity of consciousness gathered about it and wove together other entities which were harmonically attuned to it. Thus begins each man as he has always begun and as he starts this evolutionary pathway, so will he find this pathway threading its way among the things with which he is familiar, and which were either partly or wholly responsible for this regenerative process stemming from the Infinite Source. (more…)
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The Torus – Dynamic Flow Process
by Cosmometry
Whereas the Vector Equilibrium represents the ultimate stillness of energy, the Torus shows us how energy moves in its most balanced dynamic flow process. The important thing to understand about the torus is that it represents a process, not just a particular form.
A torus consists of a central axis with a vortex at both ends and a surrounding coherent field. Energy flows in one vortex, through the central axis, out the other vortex, and then wraps around itself to return to the first incoming vortex. The simplest description of its overall form is that of a donut, though it takes many different shapes, depending upon the medium in which it exists. For example, a smoke ring in air or a bubble ring in water are both very donut shaped. And yet an apple or an orange, which are both torus forms, are more overtly spherical. Plants and trees all display the same energy flow process, yet exhibit a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Hurricanes, tornadoes, magnetic fields around planets and stars, and whole galaxies themselves are all toroidal energy systems. Extending this observation of the consistent presence of this flow form into the quantum realm, we can postulate that atomic structures and systems are also made of the same dynamic form. (more…)
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Hippocrates On The Practice of Present Day Medicine ~ Part IV
In the future day, the weapons and guns of war and the battleships and the various impedimenta of the armies and navies which you so frantically construct (since you believe in a defense against destructive powers) shall be melted down into the plowshares to turn over the fertile earth as you have so familiarly termed it.
Your instruments, your scalpels, your various contrivances which are used for anesthesia, and many of the artifacts of present medical science, shall likewise be relegated to the dump heap; and these, too, shall be melted down into more useful instrumentation for the future world. The patient of tomorrow will be, indeed, a much more fortunate individual.
The masses of humans who are striving in the dimension of terrestrial expression as they are on the earth today, so steeped in the fear of ignorance and superstition in the age and time in which they live, are so warped and contorted in their expression and way of life, that these things do seem to us here to pose a problem of tremendous scope; and they cannot be alleviated in any one immediate age or in one immediate dimension. (more…)
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