The Psychology of Conditioned Reflexes
One of the first and central figures in our modern present-day psychology was a Russian psychologist and physician named Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1849-1936). It was Pavlov who
first discovered and developed what is no doubt the most basic underlying principle of this psychology—a basic tenet called conditioned reflexes. With a group of dogs, Pavlov began his famous experiment. Just before feeding the dogs, he would ring a certain little hand bell, then begin the feeding. After a few days time, Pavlov noticed that after he rang the bell the dogs began to exhibit certain reactions. They would begin to bark and howl and their saliva glands were very strongly activated. In time, Pavlov also noted that any time during the day he rang that bell, the saliva glands were activated; however, if any other bell was used, there was no reaction! It was this reaction Pavlov called a conditioned reflex.
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The Lost Gospels
This documentary presented by Anglican priest Pete Owen Jones explores the huge number of ancient Christian texts that didn’t make it into the New Testament. Shocking and challenging, these were works in which Jesus didn’t die, took revenge on his enemies and kissed Mary Magdalene on the mouth – a Jesus unrecognizable from that found in the traditional books of the New Testament.
Pete travels through Egypt and the former Roman Empire looking at the emerging evidence of a Christian world that’s very different to the one we know, and discovers that aside from the gospels of Mark, Matthew, Luke and John, there were over seventy gospels, acts, letters and apocalypses, all circulating in the early Church.
Through these lost Gospels, Pete reconstructs the intense intellectual and political struggles for orthodoxy that was fought in the early centuries of Christianity, a battle involving different Christian sects, each convinced that their gospels were true and sacred. (more…)
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Learning From Past Life Therapy
by Leo Bolduc
When I was fifteen years old, my brother, Raymond, brought home a five-cent used book, The Search for Bridey Murphy by Morey Bernstein. That book launched my career and provided an avocation which has spanned more than four decades.
In a manner of speaking, I was a pioneer in a new profession, a researcher in a new area of discovery. As a researcher, I designed new methods for others to use. As an author, I compiled the research and published several books on the topic. Later, I became a Board Certified teacher, trainer, and researcher, helping people to improve their lives by healing past trauma and building a better future.
This article highlights some of my learning from forty-four years in past-life therapy. My goal has been, and continues to be, practical application instead of the promotion of theory. (more…)
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The Afterlife ~ Part II
by Edward C. Randall
It is most difficult for the human mind to comprehend that anything which sight or sense does not disclose is material. The idea that what we call space is substantial and real, and composed of matter, the same as those things that are visible, presents a proposition difficult of acceptance—we know so little of matter’s physical properties.
If those in the after life live and progress in a world as substantial and material as this, have houses and other structures and buildings, if that plane has forests and fields and growing grain, flowers, mountains, meadow lands and flowing streams, then that world is as substantial and real and composed of the same substance as this, varying only in vibratory action. As a matter of fact, these two worlds or conditions now blend, one with the other. What we see, feel and touch, only clothes visible life. Through nature, as we use that word, the spirit world functions and has temporary physical expression. This fact science is just coming to understand, but as yet little is known of the constituent parts of matter that fill the Universe, whether physical or spiritual.
Heretofore matter has been known in but three conditions,—solid, liquid and gaseous. Sir William Crookes, the learned English chemist, while endeavoring to create a vacuum in a glass tube, discovered a fourth condition, which he named the radiant state. The atoms, freed by rarefaction, assume in this relative vacuum vibratory motions of intense and incalculable rapidity. They become flambent and produce effects of light and electrical radiations. This suggests a clue to most of the cosmic phenomena. (more…)
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Interview With Unariun Student – Thomas Miller
Thomas Miller has been a student of UN.AR.I.U.S. principles since he was 14 years old. At that time is when he first met Ernest L. Norman, the founder and teacher of UN.AR.I.U.S. – The Science of Life. Thomas has given many lectures on the UN.AR.I.U.S. principles over his 56 years of study. A frequent media guest of This Week In America; he has been featured in a documentary film. He has also written several books about the UN.AR.I.U.S. principles including a book of verse, The Epic, and a series of lectures which were published in the book The Keys To The Universe. Tom maintains the wonderfully informative website that features Dr. Norman’s teachings as well as student testimonials and discussion.
Please note that this is not just any ordinary student but a man who personally knew Ernest L. Norman, the author of the Unariun core curriculum featured on this website as the books menu upper right with most available for free download (in public domain).
In the following compelling interviews with Ric Bratton, Thomas discusses his incredible journey meeting with the Moderator (which Dr. Norman preferred to be called) and subsequent visitations. Dr. Norman referred to Thomas Miller as his son. Thomas also discusses his ensuing growth and spiritual development in his interactions with Dr. Norman as well as from his study of the teachings and how truly grateful he is for these monumental works as anyone would be who comes in contact with its life-changing and transcending message. Herewith presented are the interviews in chronological order: (more…)
Posted in Introduction to UN.AR.I.U.S., Keys To The Universe, Other Topics, Past Life Therapywith comments disabled.
Seeing Fractals
by Jason Padgett and Maureen Seaberg
No one else sees the world the way Jason Padgett does. Water pours from the faucet in crystalline patterns, numbers call to mind distinct geometric shapes, and intricate fractal patterns emerge from the leaves and branches of trees, revealing the intrinsic mathematical designs hidden in the objects around us.
Amazingly, Jason wasn’t born this way. Twelve years ago, he was a party-loving jock and a college dropout who’d never made it past pre-algebra. But a violent mugging permanently and profoundly altered the way his brain works, giving him unique gifts. His ability to understand math and physics skyrocketed. He’s now a devoted student and award-winning artist, hand-drawing the stunning geometric patterns he sees everywhere.
The first documented case of acquired savant syndrome with mathematical synesthesia, Jason is a medical marvel. Some researchers see his transformation as proof that every brain possesses stunning abilities only some people are able to consciously access. (more…)
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To See Or Not To See
In the various epistles of UN.AR.I.U.S., it has been frequently stressed that the doorway to heaven is not through some ecclesiastical system, but by beginning to understand and by learning the functioning principles of the great Infinite Intelligence, through the doorway of personal consciousness. This is quite true and the only way any person attains
salvation from these material worlds. It is the way which Jesus spoke of and pointed out to His people 2000 years ago.
Obviously, to begin to understand this Creative Intelligence, we must begin at the bottom point in the scale of evolution which is the material world. No person could begin to understand the Creative Intelligence from the top, for he would have to be an Infinite Intelligence himself before such a feat could be accomplished. (more…)
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The Moderator On Black And White Magic
There is at the present time much literature, if one wishes to seek such literature, both ancient and modern, relating to ancient translations of various esoteric sciences as exorcism or casting out. The average student can become somewhat acquainted with these things by reading. Our purpose with UN.AR.I.U.S. is to explain these things to you scientifically, in the nomenclature of the modern day scientist, of the savant of this time. From these teachings we shall begin to build a future concept wherein those false structures of the subversive elements of negativity as they reside in the astral planes shall be torn down and voided, for truly, man is today—and particularly the people of America—suffering from derelictions and malformations of interpretation from the lower astral orders.
We do not need to fear that man will blow himself into a cloud of atomic dust, neither do we need to fear invasions of spacecraft. These things have given the uninitiated or the unobservant person on the earth today something of a fearful consequence in his mind. But we need to be more aware within ourselves of the forces of negativity which are about us and are moving for the destructive purposes of mankind. It is safe to assume that our modern medicine and our modern psychiatry are struggling with these subversive forces, and that in this struggle while they may have fallen on one side or another on the path of truth, they must rise again, they must reinstate themselves. They must come back to the fundamental elements of man’s true spiritual nature. The future scientist and psychiatrist of the world will learn and know all of these things which you people are being taught and he will use them for the benefit of mankind. For the hopelessly insane, incarcerated behind bars into screaming, raving masses of incurable humanity, we shall have ways and means, either through scientific instrumentation or with the aid of clairvoyant perception, to cure all of them. We shall not do so with the crude use of shock therapy which is in use today but actual electronic instruments shall remove obsessions in a scientific and orderly manner. The patient will neither suffer pain nor consequence. These things are being done on other planets among other races of people in other dimensions. They will be brought into this world in their proper time when people require and demand that they be given. (more…)
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Men of Miracles
by Howard Murphet
Most of us meet with the miraculous and magical in the tales of early childhood, and in those plastic years, before the “shades of the prison house” have begun to close around us, miracles are part of the accepted order. There is no incredibility, for example, in the magic power of Aladdin’s lamp, or in Jack’s beanstalk to the land of the giants, or in Christ walking over the storm-tossed water.
Such stories are not, of course, confined to the folklore and religious scriptures of the western world. The written chronicles of Man in all areas unroll a record of miracles that stretches from Lord Krishna, some 5,000 years ago, down to the present day. The Age of Miracles has always been with us. We read of its rosy morning on the far horizons of ancient Egypt, Chaldea, India and Palestine. And in the old Alexandria of the early Christian Era there were theurgists who at public ceremonies made statues “walk, talk and prophesy”.
In Europe during the Middle Ages the church unfortunately claimed a monopoly of the miraculous, and those who worked outside it had to work in secrecy. Such secular theurgical workers, belonging to the Rosicrucian and other brotherhoods of occult practice, did exist. However, and despite ecclesiastical power and jealousy, some great personalities – adepts like Paracelsus and the Comte de St. Germain – caught the attention of the public, stirring its cupidity, its fears and its suspicions. (more…)
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Tesla’s Lost Papers
by Tim Swartz
Nikola Tesla was beyond a doubt the greatest genius of the 20th century. Our way of life today, the technology that we take for granted, is all possible because of this one incredible man from Europe.
However, despite all of his contributions to science, his name is little remembered outside the field of electronics and physics. In fact, Thomas Edison is often mistakenly credited in school textbooks with inventions that were developed and patented by Tesla.
Most scholars acknowledge that Tesla’s obscurity is partially due to his eccentric ways and fantastic claims during the waning years of his life, of communicating with other planets and death rays. It is now known that many of these fantastic inventions of Tesla are scientifically accurate and workable. It has simply taken mankind this long to catch up to the astonishing ideas of a man who died in 1943.
It is known that Tesla suffered from financial troubles throughout his adult life. Because of this, Tesla had to move several times when he could no longer afford his surroundings. The Waldorf Astoria in New York had been Tesla’s residence for twenty years, yet he had to move in 1920 when he could no longer afford it. Tesla then moved into the Hotel St. Regis, but again was forced to vacate due to lack of financial support.
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Spirit Possession
By Dr. William Baldwin
“The condition of spirit possession, (that is, full or partial takeover of a living human by a discarnate being) has been recognized or at least theorized in every era and every culture. In 90% of societies worldwide there are records of possession-like phenomena.” (Foulks, 1985).
Extensive contemporary clinical evidence suggests that discarnate beings, the spirits of deceased humans, can influence living people by forming a physical or mental connection or attachment, and subsequently imposing detrimental physical and/or emotional conditions and symptoms. This condition has been called the “possession state,” “possession disorder,” “spirit possession,” or “spirit attachment”.
Earthbound spirits, the surviving consciousness of deceased humans, are the most prevalent possessing, obsessing or attaching entities to be found. The disembodied consciousness seems to attach itself and merge fully or partially with the subconscious mind of a living person, exerting some degree of influence on thought processes, emotions, behavior and the physical body. The entity becomes a parasite in the mind of the host. A victim of this condition can be totally amnesic about episodes of complete takeover. (more…)
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Fuels or Fools?
There can be no doubt in the mind of any person but that we have entered well into a new scientific age; for
everywhere about us, are the many manifestations of this technocracy. Cities and the highways which link these cities contain vast evidence of this new age of science and the very skies are now used as highroads for various devices of communications brought about by this science. Yes, even the small children play about in space suits and helmets, riding rockets through imaginary skies to distant planets.
Several of these much talked about scientific achievements or projects are however, still dreams which have yet to be fulfilled. Heading the list of these dreams is atomic power; for despite various developments in nuclear weapons, power plants, and atomically powered submarines, man is still far from his goal in achieving an abundance of cheap atomic power. For the present and future generations comes the idea of the vast and staggering proportions of this need and which can be gathered from some currently available statistics. (more…)
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Life On The Other Side: One Soul’s Experience
by Clyde Irion
It was closing time at the bar where Joe was a bartender. Somehow it had been an especially tough night and Joe was even more short-tempered than usual, cursing the inclement weather, his waiter who had quit, and his lot in general, as he quickly surveyed the scene before locking the door and walking out into the street. Although it was far past midnight the traffic was still very heavy. And Joe was in no mood to be tolerant of the cars and their drivers as they passed him, seeming not to care whether they hit him or not as he crossed at several intersections.
One driver especially Joe would have liked to tear limb from limb with his bare hands. And with his extremely powerful shoulders, arms and hands, he could have done it with little waste of time. He seemed almost blind with rage as he paused to hurl further invectives in the direction of the car that was already losing its identity in the heavy traffic.
As Joe quickly resumed his steps toward the curb, he suddenly became aware of a car bearing down on him much too speedily. He also heard the screeching of brakes. Like a crouching panther Joe sprang toward the curb. Time itself stood still; everything stopped-everything, that is, except that forebodingly awesome screeching of brakes. That hideous sound seemed to go on and on. (more…)
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Remembering A Past Life In Atlantis
by Ingrid Bennett
Many thanks to our Guides and Helpers in Spirit. In the following, I have recorded some of the memories and events of my past life in Atlantis with the special help of my guides: White Cloud and White Eagle.
I see a spacious room in a domed building. The floor is tiled sandstone. A large crystal is inside a domed case on a black pedestal which dominates the room. It is used to energize the city. In my Altantean life, I had much knowledge and was raised to be a ‘Keeper of the Crystal’, a priestess if you like (it is the closest explanation which sums up my position). I work in this dome protecting and working with the crystal. I am strong in myself – I know myself and this is an important part of the work I do. The other ‘Keepers’ are also women, except one man, who is very spiritual and wise. He is also our protector. (more…)
Posted in Reincarnation, True History of Manwith 1 comment.
Newfound Spring
It was April when I came to earth, and a
gentle rain was falling
And the air was filled with the promise of
Spring – and so I waited until May
Then my eyes feasted with the beauty of
fresh flowers and the multitude
of growing things.
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