Causes of Spirit Possession
by Eugene Maurey
Psychic attack, whether it is spirit possession or comes in some other form, may happen to anyone at any time. The condition may come into being whether or not the victim has a knowledge of psychic activities. The problems may range from only a minor illness, a negative change in attitude to a complete change of personality. Unless the victim or someone near him can recognize the symptoms and seek help from a competent psychic, he is in serious trouble. With such help the psychic can unravel the causes of such infestation and correct the problem. Such help will restore the mind as well as improve the health of the patient.
There are two common roads to possession. The first is voluntarily asking a spirit to enter one’s mind. In most instances the victim does not realize that he cause this condition. His motive may have been sympathy, grief, need for companionship, or simply curiosity. No evil was intended. The second is a state of mind when a spirit enters without invitation. This is called an involuntary, it usually leads to serious problems for the victim as well as for those the victim influences. (more…)
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Venusian Contacts Part X ~ Revisiting Adamski
by Neil Gould
The events that took place in a remote area of New Mexico during the predawn hours of July 16, 1945 forever changed the world. The incredible destructive powers of the atom were first unleashed; what had been theoretical became reality. Shockwaves were exported Exo-Solar; the cosmic telegraph rattled the walls of the upper octaves of light; Earthlings had found the key to the atomic lock. Human looking Galactic ambassadors were dispatched, to reason with the Earth government whose technology had exceeded its ability to safely utilize this enormous power. Military priorities remained sacrosanct and the ETs were rejected forcing them to engage in citizen’s diplomacy directly with ordinary people, soon to become known as contactees. Under a carefully orchestrated Counter Intelligence Program, claims of ET contact were ridiculed and debunked. Overwhelming empirical evidence proving the reality of Human looking ETS surfaced to overshadow the military’s web of deceit. Pilots, a Government Employee, a photographic expert, an optical physicists and footage of a space craft in flight assisted in peeling back the stratified layers of time. (more…)
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After Death: Waking Up On The Other Side ~ Part I
by Carl Wickland
Unenlightened spirits often wander aimlessly for many years in the earth sphere, their lack of knowledge of a higher spirit world, which is attained only through understanding, keeping them in a dreary condition of confusion, monotony and suffering; many remain in the scenes of their earth lives, continuing their former activities, while others fall into a state of heavy sleep from which they are with difficulty aroused.
The Case of MINNIE DAY
Pathos and tragedy are often the grim accompaniment of the sufferings of earthbound spirits. The spirit of the following narrative was taken from a patient who was subject to doleful spells of crying and afflicted with intense head pains, all of which ceased after the spirit was removed. (more…)
Posted in Life On The Other Side, Spirit Releasement Therapywith 1 comment.
Proof Of Reincarnation In Major Religions
Reincarnation: A term applied to the understanding that beings, souls, or intelligences return or are reborn into a physical embodiment.
Throughout the history of countless civilizations world-wide dating far back as thousands of years, reincarnation has implied that living intelligent consciousness cannot persist in a physical state but must make temporary visits in cycles. Also called transmigration or metempsychosis by religions, theologians, and philosophers, an entity’s mind, soul, or consciousness not only persists after death but returns to physical life for purposes established by the particular belief.
Some traditional beliefs establish that reembodiment occurs in a variety of physical forms, though mostly human. These beliefs are not only held by Asian traditions but appear in established intellectual development of people throughout the world over the ages such as Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and the Americas. Thus, reincarnation is not a new idea but rather an understanding of life dating back to the beginnings of man. (more…)
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More On Interdimensional Concepts ~ Part II
The value of time in any person’s mind is a quasi-evaluation. The consensus of even a few years time, memory-wise speaking
is, so far as the time factor is concerned, absolutely meaningless. A person may remember many incidents of his past life but so far as reliving them, so to speak, with the actual time consonant is impossible, because time, as it relates to any happening in a person’s life, must relate itself harmonically to all life processes, past and present and in the combination of harmonic structures, the time element is the differentiation factor which separates these wave form patterns into understandable reactive components.
To look at a piece of moon rock and say equivocally that it is 4.7 billion years old is meaningless even if it were true because such elements as were at that time, 4.7 billion years ago, concerned with integrating atoms into molecule combinations which formed the rock—were then expressing the time consonant as the reactionary element in the formation of this rock, which could be quite analogous to witnessing a lava flow from a volcano. Perhaps the Earth scientists might get some satisfaction from this comparison and feel within themselves a great sense of accomplishment at having arrived at this meaningless comparison. In his limited thinking, he would not be concerned with t
he possible billions of years, time-wise, which were necessary to bring this atom-molecule lava flow up to its expressionary point or that such lava flows could recur hundreds of thousands of years apart. Yes, even the same lava could have been re-melted and cooled many times, again giving no information as to what form these atom-molecule combinations took and for that matter what every atom-molecule combination takes which could be found anywhere in the galaxy or universe as planets or suns, etc. The 4.7 billion year age denotes a sharp and immediate creation from apparently nothing and imparts no information as to the total evolutionary consensus involved before and after the lava flow which formed this rock. (more…)
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Infinite Light
And so the Three Wise Men that cometh from the East
Give not the treasures of spices and ambers and myrrh
And brought to the lowly born.
Posted in Book Excerpts, Poetry, The Antheniumwith 1 comment.
We Are Not The First – Part II
by Andrew Tomas
At the birth of Sumer, a weird creature landed on the shores of the Persian Gulf. It looked like a large fish but in its mouth was a human face. This monster, which could have been a cosmic visitor in a space suit after the ‘splashdown’, spoke to the primitive dwellers of Mesopotamia and taught them how to build cities, compile laws, plant wheat, write down thoughts, count with numbers and observe the stars. This fish-like god, known as Oannes, civilized the savages and humanized their lives. His scientific legacy was of the highest quality, and the people of the Tigris and Euphrates valleys became great astronomers and mathematicians.
Far away from Babylon, in South America, a tall white man came from the land of dawn. He revealed to the Indians the secrets of civilization and inspired them with high ethical ideals. When his mission was completed, like Oannes, he disappeared into the sea. His name was Viracocha – ‘the foam of the sea’. Yet another legend about a missionary from the stars, whose ship could sail on water as well as in space? (more…)
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Everything Is Relative
Relativity, a theory formulated by Albert Einstein, means that all motion is defined relative to a frame of reference, and that space and time are relative, rather than absolute concepts.
What this means to me is that EVERYTHING IS RELATIVE and that space and time is an illusion because when one is in one space and time doesn’t mean that someone else is in that same space and time. What one sees from one perspective is not the same as what someone else sees from another perspective and isn’t that what life is all about anyway. Maybe what this means is that it is impossible for two people to have the same exact opinion at the same exact time so then what are we all fighting about? One day you might agree with this person, the next day you don’t. One day you might like chocolate ice cream, the next day you don’t. Does that mean that also your same religious viewpoints and/or opinions should also belong to everyone else? No! Of course not. Science proves that everything is relative.
Going back to space and time. Space-time forms the very basis of reality in which we live. We live in space-time. Ask any physicist and he will tell you we operate in a space-time continuum which is essentially a four-dimensional continuum having three spatial coordinates. So by this we could say we are fourth dimensional beings having a third dimensional experience which is exactly what UN.AR.I.U.S. explains in its liturgies. (more…)
Posted in Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation, Science For The New Agewith comments disabled.
Discovering Past Lives Through Dreams
by Andrew Parr
When you close your eyes and fall asleep each evening, your conscious, everyday, busy mind shuts down and allows you to rest. If you have trouble getting to sleep, it is usually because this busy mind still has too much to think about.
When you do get to sleep, however, as the conscious you drifts into sleepy oblivion, the inner you is then more free to come to the surface. The dreams, images, feelings and experiences that you sense on waking are generally due to the activities of your inner self throughout the night (or whenever it is that you sleep).
But when you dream, are these dreams all creations of your subconscious? Or could it be that at times during sleep your mind is free to wander and tune in to past life experiences in exactly the same way you would with past life regression? (more…)
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More On Interdimensional Concepts ~ Part I
Judging by the current news media (at the time of this writing, 1971), the
Apollo #15 flight to the moon is still very much in evidence; in fact, scientists and astronauts are eagerly beginning the examination of the various lunar rocks which were brought back on this flight, and in particular, that piece of black, glass-like rock called the Genesis rock which they believe to be about 4.7 billion years old. Astronaut David Scott also made a statement that these moon explorations should be continued, that it was very necessary and important. The 18th and 19th trips or flights have been cancelled and Scott believes these should be reinstated, etc.
To a person who has some insight and understanding of the interdimensional cosmos, such efforts and explorations, the belief that determining the age of a rock or the kind of a rock that it is will give them insight into the creation of the universe—such an assumption is ridiculous, asinine and elemental. It clearly points out the very obvious fact that these so-called scientists are trying to understand creation in much the same way as a blind man trying to describe the elephant after holding the animal’s tail for a few moments. (more…)
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Extraterrestrials Among Us
Michael E. Salla, PhD
There is startling evidence from a number of independent sources that ‘human looking’ extraterrestrial visitors have integrated with and lived in major population centers up until recently, and this is known by a select number of government agencies and military departments. A range of highly classified government documents and military programs give credence to this phenomenon, as revealed by a number of whistleblowers. Command Sergeant Major Robert Dean, for example, claims that a top secret NATO document he witnessed in 1964 described how senior political and military leaders had been visited by and interacted with ‘human looking’ extraterrestrials who could easily blend into human society. What really concerned NATO leaders, according to Dean, was that extraterrestrials could be walking in the corridors of key political and military institutions. Aside from whistleblower testimonies, a number of private individuals claim to have encountered extraterrestrials posing as ordinary citizens in major cities around the planet.
George Adamski was the first to write about extraterrestrials secretly living among the human population. In his second non-fiction book describing his extraterrestrial contact experiences, Inside the Space Ships, Adamski discussed how human looking extraterrestrials had established a presence among the human population. They apparently looked so much like us that they could get jobs, lived in neighborhoods, drove cars, and could blend in easily with the human population. Adamski wrote about how they contacted him to set up meetings that led to his famous flights aboard extraterrestrial vehicles. While controversy over Adamski’s contact experiences and his credibility continues, Adamski’s UFO sightings and contacts with extraterrestrials were supported by an impressive collection of witnesses, photographs and films that a number of independent investigators concluded were not hoaxes. (more…)
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Children’s Past Life Memories And Healing
by Carol Bowman
Young children all over the world have spontaneous memories of previous lives, regardless of the religious beliefs of the parents. It’s a natural phenomenon. Children usually begin speaking of “when they were big before” or “when they died” around the age of three, and may speak of their memories for a period of a few years. Many of the memories children recall are of traumatic deaths, which may continue to affect a child in their present life as phobias and other emotional problems. By combining what I’ve learned from collecting my own cases of children’s past life memories for more than twenty years, and from the large body of research of spontaneous past life memories from Dr. Ian Stevenson, with the healing model of past life therapy with adults, I derive a method of healing traumatic past life memories as they emerge spontaneously in early childhood. By studying the cases of children who speak with conviction of their other lives, we also observe that many aspects of the child’s present personality have carried forward intact from the past life: behaviors, emotions, phobias, talents, knowledge, the quality of relationships, and even physical symptoms. The fact that these personality traits carry forward suggests a new way of looking at personality formation and a theory of personality that spans lifetimes. The children’s cases also add an important piece to the metaphysical discussion of the survival of consciousness after death, because it is clear from the cases that some form of personal consciousness continues from one life to another. (more…)
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We Are Not The First
by Andrew Tomas
In this work, I attempt to show that there existed a much higher level of science and technology in antiquity and prehistory than is generally supposed.
Some of this knowledge is an enigma. For instance, how could the Mayas have devised a more precise calendar than we in this age of science? Why is the Khufu Pyramid still the biggest megalithic edifice in the world? What made the Babylonians invent electric batteries 4,000 years ago? Why did the ancient Greeks and Romans expect to find planets beyond Saturn?
The scientist does not have a ready explanation for riddles of this kind because he is overburdened with the practical problems on hand. Moreover, the average man of science functions in a narrow field, possessing an in-depth knowledge of his branch of science but comparatively little about other branches outside of it. The scientists themselves admit this limited specialization and jokingly call it ‘professional cretinism’. With the chain reaction in science and the overproduction of information, nothing can be done about this tendency for the moment. After all, the scientist is a man and not a computer. (more…)
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Mars Anomalies
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The Psychology of Conditioned Reflexes
One of the first and central figures in our modern present-day psychology was a Russian psychologist and physician named Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1849-1936). It was Pavlov who
first discovered and developed what is no doubt the most basic underlying principle of this psychology—a basic tenet called conditioned reflexes. With a group of dogs, Pavlov began his famous experiment. Just before feeding the dogs, he would ring a certain little hand bell, then begin the feeding. After a few days time, Pavlov noticed that after he rang the bell the dogs began to exhibit certain reactions. They would begin to bark and howl and their saliva glands were very strongly activated. In time, Pavlov also noted that any time during the day he rang that bell, the saliva glands were activated; however, if any other bell was used, there was no reaction! It was this reaction Pavlov called a conditioned reflex.
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