Spirit Releasement Therapy: Types of Possessing Entities ~ Part II
by Dr. William J. Baldwin
Thought Form
The thought form is a projection of consciousness. It can be in the form of an emotion such as anger, fear, or sadness. In this form, it can simulate an earthbound spirit in its effect on the host. As a thought form projected by a living person, it has no spark of God consciousness at its center, yet it seems to have consciousness, intelligence and purpose. It may have a mind fragment of the person who projected it.
Angie experienced what at first seemed to be an angry entity. Further probing revealed that in a past life she was a passenger on a sailing ship. The captain of the vessel was unscrupulous and attempted to force his affections on her, which she refused. Angry at her rejection, he pushed her overboard and she drowned at sea. His intense anger followed her as a thought form. In the session she forgave the captain. The thought form of his anger was dissolved by visualizing Light surrounding it.
A thought form can be a figure of some sort—for example, an imaginary playmate or protector that a child might wish into existence. A sorcerer, witch or black magician might conjure a spirit helper called a familiar spirit. The familiar spirit can be sent out to do the evil bidding of the conjurer. The thought form is connected to the conjurer by a cord of consciousness. A thought form can persist through lifetimes of its host. Since it is created by the sorcerer, it has no history, no memory of existence, prior to being conjured. Conscious beings are created by Source and can recall the experience of the Light. (more…)
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Spirit Releasement Therapy: Types of Possessing Entities ~ Part I
by Dr. William J. Baldwin
Earthbound Spirits
The earthbound spirits, that is the spirits of deceased humans, have indentifiable characteristics and specific signs of attachment. They have gender and a name. They retain the age at which they died. The present date for them is the date of their death. They feel and express human emotions and can influence the host’s emotions by imposing their own emotional residue.
The opinions, judgments, prejudices, and belief systems of the entity can affect the host’s intellectual outlook. This is the mental residue that is imposed by the spirit.
The earthbound spirit is often fixated on the physical and emotional trauma of its death and can impart to the host the physical and emotional symptoms of that trauma. This is part of the emotional and physical residue. (more…)
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Venusian Spaceships Are Landing ~ Part II
By Dr. Raymond A. Keller, a.k.a. the “Cosmic Ray,” author of the international awards-winning Venus Rising Trilogy
“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring….” ~ Luke 21:25
Flying Saucers as a Herald of the Latter Days
The arrival of the flying saucers in our atmosphere at the dawning of the atomic and space ages did not go unnoticed by the ecclesiastical community in the United States. On 5 June 1954, at the conclusion of the General Conference of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church held in San Francisco, California, the entire assembly rose in unison to declare with a loud, missionary voice to the world at large that the strong UFO presence over America signaled the end of an age of greed and selfishness and the fulfillment of the Bible prophecy found in Luke 21:25, that we should look to the heavens for the signs that the time of our global and personal salvation is drawing nigh. Jesus would soon be returning to the Earth, accompanied by his countless legions of angels. Their intention was thought to be that of cleaning up the mess we have created on this beautiful planet that the Infinite Creator has entrusted to our care. (more…)
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Hidden Messages In Water
By Masaru Emoto
Learning about water is like an exploration to discover how the cosmos works, and the crystals revealed through water are like the portal into another dimension. As we continued with our experiments in taking photographs of crystals, we found that we were setting out to climb the stairs toward an understanding of the profound truths of the cosmos.
We start out life being 99 percent water, as fetuses. When we are born, we are 90 percent water, and by the time we reach adulthood we are down to 70 percent. If we die of old age, we will probably be about 50 percent water. In other words, throughout our lives we exist mostly as water.
I first published my photographs in 1999, six long years after I started out on this unusual venture. During those first six years, a mountain of photographs had accumulated and was just sitting there in my office. (more…)
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A Time Traveler In Tibet
By Dr. Raymond A. Keller, a.k.a. the “Cosmic Ray”
We are all travelers through time. We pass from one incarnation to another until such an appointed time that we arrive at the fulfillment of our purpose for being here on this sad globe, and passing onto the next, more exalted sphere of existence. Thanks to my friendship with our celestial brothers and sisters from the paradisiacal orb of the planet widely known among the inhabitants of the Earth as Venus, access has been graciously granted for me to review the records of my past lives from the great Hall of History adjacent to the Cyther Dome in the temple city of Azure, situated on the second planet and connected through a mental bi-location signal to the crystal ice caves beneath the frigid, windswept surface of Uranus, nearly at the fringes of our solar system, of which facility an account has been provided you in the pages of my Venus Rising trilogy of books.
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Angelic Orders
by Flower A. Newhouse
Strange wonders permeate our world, sublime mysteries almost too pure for our full understanding. Our planet, and its atmosphere, is not only pervaded by invisible radioactive waves and silent, potent rays, but by shining beings whose ceaseless ministries enliven and uplift us. More wonderful than the far-reaching effects of television, or the harnessing of the inimitable cosmic rays, will be our recognition of these glorious presences. Since time unfurled its amazing creation, Angelic Beings have nurtured the advancement and unfoldment of humanity. References to them have usually been accepted with amusement and disbelief. Behind every ageless belief, however, lies a hidden reality whose meaning should be sought with earnestness. Our ignorance of Angels does not make them nonexistent, it only closes us to their existence. Our yearning to realize them opens us to their association. (more…)
Posted in Life On The Other Side, Other Topicswith 1 comment.
The Psychic Anatomy Development Concept ~ Part II
It is within this psychic anatomy development concept that we find the true kernel of truth in evolution and
which was unknown by Darwin or any succeeding contemporaries! That is, true evolution takes place only within the psychic anatomy, the external or physical body—the expressionary agent.
For example, with a former presentation of Charlie, the amoeba: in his natural habitat, a watery pond, Charlie lives in a temperature of, say approximately 70 degrees F. However, if we begin to raise the temperature of his watery environment, we can in the succeeding weeks, see the progenies of the great, great, great, great-grandchildren of Charlie live in a water temperature which would have quickly killed good old Charlie! Now the tolerance factor was not passed on to the succeeding generation through the DNA molecule, which was only a secondary transmitting or oscillating element. The tolerance factor was information impounded in the psychic anatomy of each succeeding generation of amoebas; energy referring back to the same oscillating polarity exchange and the subsequent harmonic regeneration which impounded these harmonic fractions within the psychic anatomy, to again regenerate under the same closed-circuit conditions into the succeeding amoeba body, this tolerance factor. (more…)
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Venusian Spaceships Are Landing! ~ Part I
By Dr. Raymond A. Keller, a.k.a. the “Cosmic Ray,” author of the international awards-winning Venus Rising Trilogy
Follow the adventures of the “Cosmic Ray”/Dr. Keller and the “Queen of Outer Space”/Dolores Barrios in the London Festival of Books award-winning Cosmic Ray’s Excellent Venus Adventure (Headline Books, 2017).
(Note: The Venus expert, Dr. Raymond Keller, will be presenting important and thrilling information on the “Venusians Among Us” at the forthcoming meeting of Studies of Alternative Realities (SOAR), on Wednesday, 28 February, 6:30 p.m., at Cinnaminson Public Library, 1619 Riverton Road, Cinnaminson, New Jersey. Bring your space helmets, take your protein pills and buckle up for the ride of your life!) (more…)
Posted in Life On Other Worlds, Other Topics, UFOswith 2 comments.
Past, Parallel And Simultaneous Lifetimes
by Sal Rachele
The subject of other lifetimes is a vast area of mystery to many. It used to be that people thought of other lifetimes as part of a linear progression taking place in linear time. But it really depends on the dimension and level of awareness involved. From a higher dimensional perspective, all lifetimes are occurring simultaneously in both space and time, making them parallel rather than past in nature.
The value of thinking in terms of linear past lives is that we can “remember” a “past” lifetime and learn from our experience. One of the lifetimes I remember quite well was the last one on Atlantis. I left in a spaceship with about a dozen others as the continent sank beneath the sea.
The karmic lesson in this lifetime that relates to Atlantis is based on something like this: “When the going gets tough, the enlightened beam up and escape the trauma.” My tendency has been to have resistance to being grounded to the Earth plane, and when Earthly affairs get difficult, start looking for Scotty and the transporter beam. (more…)
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As Children
Happy are the days of little children
And in the hours of childish life
their feet doth dance the hours away.
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The Soul And Quantum Physics
An interview with Dr. Fred Alan Wolf
Dr. Fred Alan Wolf earned a Ph.D. in theoretical physics from U.C.L.A. He continues to write, lectures throughout the world, and conducts research on the relationship of quantum physics to consciousness. He is the National Book Award Winning author of Taking the Quantum Leap and many other books including The Spiritual Universe. Dr. Wolf has taught at the University of London, the University of Paris, the Hahn-Meitner Institute for Nuclear Physics in Berlin, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and San Diego State University in the United States.
“ . . . the most important phenomena not dealt with by our physical theories are those of life and consciousness. … Even if the physical theories could completely describe the motions of the atoms in our bodies, they would not give a picture of the content of our consciousnesses, they would not tell us whether we experience pain or pleasure, whether we are thinking of prime numbers or of our granddaughters. This fact is, in my opinion,the most obvious but also the most convincing evidence that life and consciousness are outside the area of present day physics.” ~ Eugene Wigner, Nobelist
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Perfected Beings And Their Tasks
by Flower A. Newhouse
Life is a movement toward the goal of Mastership. An evolutionary program impels the advancement, improvement and mastery of ourselves and our talents. The supreme endeavor of progress is to cause every man and every woman to become Adepts in the art of spiritual advancement and the right use of spiritual powers. Though the process is slow and gradual, from the chrysalis of preparation, after tireless effort, a perfected man or woman emerges.
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