“I don’t believe that consciousness is generated by the brain. I believe that the brain is more of a receiver of consciousness.” ~ Graham Hancock
Soul Fragmentation Therapy
by William J. Baldwin, Ph.D.
William James, the father of American psychology, wrote there was “much alarmist writing in psychopathy about degeneration,” and he suggested that “if there were devils, if there are supernormal powers, it is through the cracked and fragmented self that they enter.”
Some attached entities claim to be human, to be alive in their own bodies and aware of the current date. They are not fixated in death trauma because they haven’t died. These entities are mind fragments of living people, attached to other living people.
Multiple personality disorder was considered rare in earlier decades, if not fictitious. Mental health professionals have been extremely skeptical about the diagnosis. In recent years, though, this disorder has been identified as a valid mental condition with specific causative factors, with typical progression of the disorder, that can be treated with some success. (more…)
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Dysfunctional Relationships And Their Roots In Past Lives
by Bryan Jameison
Inasmuch as most of my clients are female, the majority of my work has naturally been focused on working with issues affecting their lives. A common problem many women have is finding themselves enmeshed in dysfunctional relationships, yet not being able to extricate themselves from them. Despite the ability of many women to care for themselves in today’s society, many, nonetheless, are plagued by obviously inappropriate feelings of guilt. When contemplating terminating a chronically abusive or dissatisfying relationship, I’ve found several past-life reasons, which often cause them to stay, even though their good sense said get out of it.
In their past lives, most women seldom could read or write and most certainly knew nothing about the outside world. Most had very little to offer in exchange for their keep, aside from sex, cooking, etc. Without a father or husband to protect and provide for her, the average female literally was at the mercy of the male populace. She was very lucky if she could find employment as a scullery maid, barmaid, or housekeeper. Her other options were to become a whore, a beggar, a thief or a nun. What most unmarried women could expect to look forward to without a man was a life of humiliation; begging on the streets, prostitution or scavenging for food in alleys. (more…)
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More Strange Mars Anomalies Update
The following video presentations provide excellent updates for the ongoing discoveries of more unexplainable and high-strangeness anomalies found on the surface of Mars.
“Peeling back the layers of mystery to show evidence that there was an advanced ancient civilization on Mars. We look at NASA images of tunnel systems, temples and ruins and exposes the sophisticated NASA conspiracy designed to hide them and discredit the researchers that discovered these exotic ruins. Data from the Mars rovers Spirit, Opportunity and Curiosity is examined; everything from fossilized plants to mechanical debris is exposed in images taken directly from NASA’s own archives.” (more…)
Posted in Life On Other Worlds, The Truth About Marswith comments disabled.
Perfected Beings And their Tasks ~ Part II
by Flower A. Newhouse (artwork by Vladimir Suvorov)
The Masters in charge of the governments on our globe, about whom we know, are either guardians of nations, originators of systems, or distributors of power. The Master Ragoczy is overseer of Europe, though the various Adepts of each race assist Him considerably. The Master Morya helps direct the affairs of Asia. The director at the helm of these United States is called (after our country) the Master “Americus”. His center of power has its unseen outlet over Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.
The Adept called “The Conqueror” has the most strongly developed will power of all the Great Ones interested in governmental affairs. When a nation needs to arouse its capacity for self-defense or self-preservation, this Adept becomes the hidden power behind the country’s transition. At present the Conqueror is over-shadowing China, due to the necessity for this nation to overcome its lethargy. India will be awakened from inertia by the same Director. (more…)
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The Parallel Universes-Worlds-Atoms ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
Scientists have not yet explained the power behind all of these motions which are found in interstellar space. They have not yet lucidly explained the “Red Shift” which they have found in their astronomical observations. This article will again prove what I have just stated concerning the positive and the negative universes as they are so integrated in infinity and in the oscillating processes thereof. The scientist of this world, in his observations, sees interstellar objects such as the quasar stars receding from the Earth at tremendous velocities. This gives rise to what he calls the Red Shift or, in other words, in a spectral analysis, using a spectroscope, he finds that rays of light appear at a different place on the spectroscopic scale than these red lines would appear in an earth-world dispensation; or that he could shine red light to the spectroscope from a mile away and compare it with the same spectroscopic lines from a quasar star billions of light years away and the two would not coincide. (more…)
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Our Ultimate Journey Home
Where do enlightened people go when they die?
By Jurgen Ziewe
Generally, people who have researched the subject of life after death in some depth, will find that our afterlife may simply be a world very much like ours, hopefully prettier, less challenging with bonuses attached, like the freedom from the decay of a physical body and no need to struggle for survival. Indeed there are dimensional levels which are indistinguishable from earth, but for people, whose life has been carried on a positive note, who have lived primarily via a giving heart, will see all of their secret wishes materializing or at least they will been given the opportunity to make their wishes come true. These Astral levels are designed by nature to settle our unfulfilled desires and harmonize our negative energies, but they are by no means the pinnacle of our existence.
Some less informed people imagine that once we step over the threshold of death we will enter immediately into the eternal light of God and unite with our creator by default, regardless of the life we have led or the character we have indulged in. The reality is that all unsettled energies will need to be dealt with, all misdeeds balanced out and understood, all our needs, drives and wishes will need to be addressed and their inner energies exhausted. Even after all this has taken place however there are no guarantees that we will not be attracted to another round into physical flesh or any other part in the material or non material universe. (more…)
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Beware False Promises of Space Fleet Landings
by George Adamski
Promises have been made from time to time of mass landings by space people planning to take over control of Earth and her inhabitants. One man has declared himself to be the one chosen to become ruler of the world when this takes place. Nothing could be further from the truth!
The Brothers have no intention of taking over anybody. To the best of my knowledge, no Earthman has been appointed to act as their sole representative. True, many have volunteered their services, but not one has been accepted above all others.
In Europe, I encountered reports of two Ashtars, totally different in character, but each claiming supreme command over large numbers of space travelers.
From such dubious sources have come promises of personal contacts, sometimes even with specific dates and instructions as to time and place. I have yet to hear of any of these promises being fulfilled. Many people have been promised rides in space ships and were sadly disillusioned when the trips did not occur. Warnings of tragic events to take place, with promises to pick up and save those who have “raised their frequencies,” fall into the same category. These are but a few of the many “messages” being promiscuously broadcast today, purportedly from the space visitors. Such fallacies have no place in our associations with people of other worlds! (more…)
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How UN.AR.I.U.S. Answers Questions That Scientists Can’t – Part I
Recently Thunderbolts Project put out a video (see below) with independent researcher, Edwin Kaal, trying to explain the atom and how it functions. He listed six points that science is still trying to understand regarding the behavior of atoms. These six points have remained elusive to scientists trying to logically formulate the very basic building blocks of matter beginning with the atom.
In the first post of this series, we will tackle the first point here, that being:
The atomic model should show a logical construction of the atom in accordance with observations. (more…)
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The Subjective Character of Time
By Andrew Tomas
The Problem of Time
Einstein’s Theory of Relativity shows that our attempt to separate the three dimensions of Space—breadth, depth and height—from Time is purely subjective. By referring our experiences to a clock or a calendar, we artificially create Time as an objective reality.
To show how relative Time is, let us analyze the flight of an astronaut around the earth. Cape Kennedy rotates around the planetary axis once in twenty-four hours. But the U.S. Astronaut orbits the planet in some 90 minutes, so he sees sixteen “days” while we see only one. The length of the day is thus decided by the speed of rotation around the axis. If the astronaut is paid wages by the day, he should get sixteen times more than the technician on the ground, provided NASA accepts his calendar.
In The Conquest of Time H.G. Wells gives a good example of the relative significance of Time. He imagines himself standing on the North Pole and looking at the sun. It is 12 o’clock on Sunday. As he rotates with the Earth on top of the planet, it remains 12 o’clock on Sunday until he makes a complete revolution when it becomes 12 o’clock on Monday. What happens if one begins to turn oneself faster than the Earth? One gets to the starting-point sooner than the Earth. (more…)
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The Golden Rule
(as expressed in various religious traditions)
“Lay not on any soul a load that you would not wish to be laid upon you, and desire not for anyone the things you would not desire for yourself.” – Baha’u’llah, Gleanings
“Treat not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful.” – Gautama Buddha, Udana-Varga 5:18
“Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself.” – Confucius, Analects 15.23
“Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.” – Jesus, Matthew 7:12 (more…)
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The Parallel Universes-Worlds-Atoms ~ Part I
by Ernest L. Norman
On December 2, 1970, there appeared in the Los Angeles Times an article of particular importance; that is, important to those who are striving and seeking a way and means to understand life and the creative principles of life.
“Meteorite That Fell in 1969 Still Revealing Secrets of the Early Solar System” ~ Source
This article (in 1970) came from no less than the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Ames Research Center at Mountain View, California, and dealt specifically with research and findings which came from a meteorite (known as the Murchison Meteorite) which was found in Australia in September, 1969.
This meteorite contained an abundance of the basic building blocks of life known as amino acids. Also important was the fact that these amino acids were of non-organic origin. All plant and animal life on the Earth create and generate in the metabolism of their life processes, amino acids. These, however, are considered organic in nature. The fact that the meteorite contained inorganic amino acids was, to the scientists, very valid and definite proof that life does exist in other parts of the galaxy and the universe, in other solar systems and upon other planets. (more…)
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Song Of Creation
For it may be that you come into the forest
That you will see about you the mightiness of the great oaks,
or the tallness of the pine trees ~
Or that you will cast your eye upon the beauty of many others
of those splendid trees which groweth in the forest;
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Shifting To A New Paradigm ~ The Electric Universe
by Nicholas Sykes
“Dark Matter” and “Dark Energy” are concepts only a few decades old. They are seen to be mathematically necessary in a Gravitational Universe. This is because the model of the cosmos that we have constructed cannot work without them.
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The Connected Universe
How can we learn to see the world differently?
The CONNECTED UNIVERSE explores new understandings in science that reveal a bigger picture of interconnection than what we have ever imagined. Discover amazing ideas that will not only help change THE WORLD… but will also help change YOUR WORLD.
People in today’s world want to feel more connected. In the midst of an accelerated pace of living, many people wish – hope – “feel” that there is more to life than what they are experiencing on a day to day basis. Through the lens of science this film helps people to see the world differently. It inspires them to think differently about their connection to the Universe and to each other, just as some of humanity’s greatest minds discovered that the world and our Universe is more connected than anyone thought possible.
“Nothing would be the same if we weren’t there. We’re actually participating in this incredible, complex, will-works of nature. [the] communication of all the things in it is occurring through this imprint that we leave on the structure of space-time as we go along, as we interpret what we see and how we feel. So we have a responsibility in our interpretations, in our feelings, in our behaviors, in what we are feeding the universe.” ~ Nassim Haramein
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The Brain: A Radio Receiver
by Steve Taylor, Ph.D.
We must realize that; we all have a radio sending and receiving set in our heads or brains. We are always sending and receiving, even though we are not conscious of it. ~ Ernest L. Norman, ICCC
Over the latest 20 years ago, the field of consciousness studies has become increasingly popular, partly because some scientists believe that consciousness is one of the last remaining mysteries. According to this narrative, we have now reached the point where we largely understand problems like evolution, the of life and the origins of the universe, so now it’s time for us to turn our attention inside and solve the problem of consciousness.
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