Bridging The Gap Between Science And Spirituality

Bridging-Science-And-Spirituality-main-4-postBy Zoe Blarowski

The term ‘quantum physics’ may sound like an abstract scientific concept that has no relation to everyday life. But, quantum physics is really the study of life itself, and what makes everything we experience possible. And as we discover more about the true nature of life, this branch of science is starting to find the same principles that many spiritual traditions have taught for millennia.


Quantum physics, also known as quantum mechanics, is a fundamental theory in physics that examines the smallest particles and energies discovered in nature. These include atoms and subatomic particles like electrons and photons. (more…)

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Life In The Afterlife ~ Part II

Life-In-The-Afterlife-II-main-4-postby Stafford Betty

Never have we read such a spontaneous, simple, direct, happy and instructive series of scripts from ‘the other side’. – Science of Thought Review

In December 1965, a month after her death, Frances Banks, an Anglican nun for 25 years, found a ‘pure, unobstructed channel’ through which to describe the bracing new world she found herself in. The ‘channel’ was the mind of her close friend Helen Greaves. Greaves tells us what it felt like when Frances came through: ‘Gently, imperceptibly, I became aware of Frances. She was influencing my mind and, quite distinctly, I “registered” the thoughts she was conveying to me. Indeed, as soon as I let myself “listen” the thoughts formed into words and without a moment’s hesitation I reached for my pen.’

Thus was born Testimony of Light, a this-world/next-world collaboration between two highly respected elderly Englishwomen. In a preface to the book, Anglican Canon J. D. Pearce-Higgins ranks Testimony of Light with Mother Julian of Norwich’s Christian classic Revelation of Divine Love. I agree with the ranking, but the comparison is in other respects misleading. Testimony is not a book from medieval Europe (like Revelation), and many a Christian would find Testimony heretical in several places. On the other hand, the spiritual and moral life urged on the reader (in Testimony) is entirely consistent with the gospel of love and forgiveness preached by Jesus – or indeed by the saints and sages of the world’s major religions. (more…)

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A Brief History Of The Planet Mars

A-Brief-History-of-Mars-main-2-postExcerpt from The Voice Of Venus by Ernest L. Norman:

The Voice of Venus book“About 500,000 years ago, the people of Mars were commuting regularly with the earth by spacecraft. They had established a colony on the southern edge of what is now called the Gobi desert at the foothills of the Himalayan mountains. They were however set upon from time to time by savage bands of native earth-men who roamed about the earth at that time. In the last of these forays a large group of Martians barely escaped with their lives into the nearby hills where they remained hidden and lost to their countrymen who finally abandoned the idea of colonization on the earth. They were a peace loving people and although they had weapons at their disposal that would have annihilated these savage earth men, yet they refused to use them and so the earth swung in its orbit, unattended for several hundred thousand years until the coming of the Lemurians from the planet Lemuria which is about 700 light years (figured in our planetary system of light measurement) away from our solar system. You may wonder how these men traversed this vast distance without consuming the best part of their lives. It was through the principle of change of frequency relationship which enabled the spacecraft to travel through inner space at speeds approximately ten times that of your known speed of light (186,000 miles per second). Therefore the distance from Lemuria to our solar system could be traversed in a very small fraction of the time which you might assume would normally be necessary, in other words about 5 or 6 years. During this journey the ship was flown and controlled by a robot calculator. The eleven who occupied the ship remained in a state of suspended animation, something like a cataleptic hypnotic trance. (more…)

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Life In The Afterlife

Life-In-The-Afterlife-main-4-postby Stafford Betty

“The day will assuredly come when our two worlds will be closely interrelated, when communication between the two will be a commonplace of life, and then the great wealth of resources of the spirit world will be open to the earth world, to draw upon for the benefit of the whole human race.” – Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson

Robert Hugh Benson, the communicator of this work, was born in 1871 the son of Edward White Benson, the Archbishop of Canterbury. The younger Benson was ordained to the Anglican priesthood in 1901, but converted to Roman Catholicism three years later. In 1911 he became privy chamberlain to Pope St. Pius X and managed the pope’s household and appointments. He was solidly identified with the Catholic world.

During his short life – he died in 1914 – he became famous in England and America for several novels, especially The Necromancers (1909), in which he ridiculed and condemned spirit communication as ‘dealings with the devil.’ After his death he would be haunted by a need to atone for the mistake he made in this novel. It was not until much later, however, that he was permitted by his spirit advisors to correct it. Life in the World Unseen, first published in 1954, is now in its thirteenth printing. In this book Benson, speaking through the medium Anthony Borgia, tells us he was psychically gifted while functioning as a Catholic priest, but was taught by the Church to think of the gift as a “mental aberration”. He confesses: “To have followed my own inclinations would have entailed a complete upheaval in my life, a renunciation of orthodoxy, and most probably a great material sacrifice, since I had established a second reputation as a writer. … The truth was within my grasp, and I let it fall.” His regret would launch one of his tasks after passing: “What I wanted was to try to undo something that I wished I had never done. … What I had written I could never unwrite, but I could ease my mind by telling the truth, as I now know it, to those who were still on the earth-plane.” (more…)

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Secret Mysteries – Debunked

Secret-Mysteries-Debunked-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

Have you ever been sold a “bill of goods” about some great secret mystery teaching taught by some self-deified secret-mystery-school-purveyorMaster? No doubt you have; most Truth seekers have subscribed to at least one or more of these pseudo cults, and like the others, you have laid down cold hard cash for these so-called teachings and have ended up disappointed, disillusioned, your faith unjustified.

Children live in a make-believe world – a world of fantasy where they realistically play various adult roles. This is a common escape mechanism used by children to relieve psychic pressures generated in orienting themselves in their new earth life environment.

Adults, too, have their own world of fantasy. Common living methods and habits generate psychic pressures, deflations of the ego, escape mechanisms twocompromises and guilts and when compounded with misunderstood movements of natural forces around them, intensify these psychic pressures which demand relief; such relief usually being found in various diversions used by most people. Cigarettes, getting drunk, movies, television, hobbies and vacations are common relief valves; and heading the list of all escape mechanisms is religion. This applies to all past and present dispensations including Christianity. (more…)

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Ami “Child Of The Stars” ~ Internal Civilizations

Ami-Child-Of-The-Stars-Internal-Civilizations-main-4-postAmi is a trilogy of books written by author-writer Enrique Barrios. This fascinating other-worldly saga rumored to be based on real life began with his first book “Ami, Child of the Stars” (1986), followed by “Ami Returns” (1987), and ending enrique_barrioswith “Ami 3: Internal Civilizations” (1997-1998). Barrios wrote these books in response to an experience he had in August 1985 and which he has never given details or answered questions about. It was suggested to him to write about it “as if it were a children’s story, a fantasy … otherwise they will think you are a liar or crazy.”

The first chapter of the third part begins here with a full pdf link below. First and second part can be found here. (more…)

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Q & A On Biocentricity

Q-And-A-On-Biocentricity-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

Q – What about twin souls?

A – Biocentricity? It is a concept of polarity. Obviously, however, as far as the physical plane is concerned, we have to have certain generic concepts behind this too, which we call biological factors or genetics. But in the pure spiritual concepts, polarities merely mean that here is a factional relationship with God. We have two planes, we may call them sexes if we wish but we have two planes – two poles – between which is built what might be called a dynamically composed ball of energy which contains all of the forms of individual expression. Biocentricity stems from the celestial dimensions as a unified force which divides itself and it returns unto itself that way.

Q – In this biune or soul mate, is there eventually the male and female that does eventually come together as the one?

A – Yes, they are actually one and as I have said, they stem from the original concept – of where we find the evolution of the soul flight of the individual through various physical planes in the numerous physical incarnations. To understand the Infinity of God and to participate in this individually and collectively so that we return to the God-force and become unified with that. (more…)

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Nuclear Radiation: The Thresholds Of Agony ~ Part II

Nuclear-Radiation-And-Its-Effects-Part-II-main-4-postby Richard Curtis & Elizabeth Hogan

Thus far we have been discussing acute effects (see Part I here) of large doses of radiation taken on the whole body or on specific organs and tissues, the kind of doses likely to be received by people in the immediate and intermediate vicinity of a serious reactor accident. Suppose it could be vouchsafed that no such calamity would ever happen: Would you then be able to rest easily?

The answer is most emphatically No. As we shall see, the merely commonplace activities of the nuclear industry, the mining, milling, and processing of fuel, the day-to-day operations of nuclear electric plants, the reprocessing of fuel, and the transportation, storage, and disposal of waste fission products, are already contaminating our air and water with radioactivity. If the atomic power program is permitted to proliferate in the coming decade, the presence of these poisons in our environment will reach alarming proportions. (more…)

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Nuclear Radiation: The Thresholds Of Agony

Nuclear-Radiation-And-Its-Effects-main-4-postby Richard Curtis & Elizabeth Hogan

In order to understand the perils of radioactivity, it becomes necessary to review some of the things known about the way radioactivity kills and injures. Most readers are probably familiar with many of these facts, but are accustomed to thinking about them only in relation to nuclear war. It is imperative, however, that we be fully aware that mismanagement of the peaceful uses of atomic energy will subject humans to many of the same gruesome afflictions and agonizing deaths as those suffered by survivors of Hiroshima’s fireball.

To start, radiation damage may be inflicted in a number of ways: in large doses or small, all at once or by stages, externally or internally. Irradiation may be of the whole body, of specific organs or tissues, or of only a few cells.

A number of basics should be understood at the outset. (more…)

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The Electrical Nature Of The Solar System

Solar-System-main-4-postOr How Life May Exist On Every Planet In The Solar System

by George Adamski

One of the most frequent problems encountered when giving a lecture on space is the insistence of scientists that the outer planets are devoid of light and heat. Their objection is Adamski-with-photo-of-scout-shipthat radiation from the sun is so weak at these vast distances that Pluto, for instance, would be at absolute zero or close to it, with a frozen atmosphere, and totally incapable of supporting life-forms of any type.

This is the main argument brought against me when doubt is expressed about my meeting human beings from some of these other planets.

The first thing to realize is that the sun does not emit light and heat in the form we observe here on Earth. Radiation from the sun does not manifest itself as light and heat until it penetrates the atmospheres of the planets themselves. Outer space is devoid of light as we know it. The light in outer space is a cold light caused by the phosphorescence of vast clouds of particles and gases responding to the radiation given off by the sun. To a human observer, outer space looks like a dark, vast void, filled with billions upon billions of tiny specks of multicolored light. All of these tiny lights are in a state of continuous motion and activity. (more…)

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The Multidimensional Afterlife

The-Multidimensional-Afterlife-main-4-postby Jenn

There are many ways that spirits describe their environment to those who still inhabit the earth; and yet like humans, spirits are fallible, prone to disagreements and misstatements; their words can be mangled by mediums, distorted by channels, prone to bias from the human mind or simply misinterpreted due to the general perplexity in communication between our worlds.  Hence, the adversities of the afterlife researcher, who struggles to piece together fragments and snippets of spirit communications, trying to avoid frauds and zealots, and find some sort of commonalities which can be used a basis to objectively describe a frustratingly subjective world.  The good news is that with an ever expanding body of experiences and expanding access to information, a picture of the afterlife emerges.  It’s far greater, more expansive and wondrous than we can imagine, but it also draws stark attention to the responsibility we have for our own thoughts, feelings and expectations.

Many people erroneously believe that once we cross over into this non-physical realm, that we become instantly enlightened, all-knowing, precognitive experts on the spirit realm.  While it does seem that we gain a much wider, less egotistic perspective, I have never seen a reliable report of spirits claiming to know the ‘mind of God’ if you will, for the depth of their knowledge about the spirit world has much to do with their own evolution and perspective.  If you are fortunate to come across a very highly-evolved spirit, for example Seth (as channeled by Jane Roberts), you may be privy to more information about the nature of consciousness, but even Seth admits his lack of knowledge in many areas. (more…)

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How UN.AR.I.U.S. Answers Questions That Scientists Can’t – Part II

How-Unariun-Science-Explains-The-Atom-Part-II-main-2-postRecently Thunderbolts Project put out a video (see below) with independent researcher, Edwin Kaal, trying to explain the atom and how it functions. He listed six points that science is still trying to understand regarding the behavior of atoms. These six points have remained elusive to scientists trying to logically formulate the very basic building blocks of matter beginning with the atom.

Questions-on-the-Atom-chartIn this post, we will tackle the second point and third point here, starting with point 2:

Explains why the atom has a positive nucleus with negative electrons around it. (more…)

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How Martin Luther Started A Religious Revolution

Martin-Luther-main-4-postBy Josep Orta

Five hundred years ago, a humble German friar challenged the Catholic church, sparked the Reformation, and plunged Europe into centuries of religious strife.

Some say that the beginnings of the Reformation can be traced back to a thunderstorm in 1505. After surviving the tempest, a promising law student at the University of Erfurt in Germany changed the course of his life. The young scholar’s name was Martin Luther, and the foul weather set him on a collision course with Rome and would trigger a crisis of faith in Western Christianity.

1 Martin Luther_portrait“Portrait of Martin Luther as a Young Man” by Lucas Cranach the Elder depicts the Protestant founder as a simple, sincere monk.

Luther came from a well-heeled family in the central region of Saxony. Luther was born in Eisleben in November 1483. Shortly after his birth, the family moved about 10 miles away to the town of Mansfeld. A successful businessman in copper mining and refining, his father, Hans, had young Martin educated at a local Latin school and later at schools in Magdeburg and Eisenach. In 1501, at age 19, he enrolled in the University of Erfurt to continue his studies. (more…)

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Christ Personified

Stanza-main-one-2-postTo each man is promised a personal Savior
And so it must be that in the hour and need
of each man that he will see his Jesus
For surely is not Jesus all of the things
which each man desires the most?
Is not the Son of God a part of each and every one?


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