I Remember Lemuria
“For the past twenty-five or thirty years we have had a great many of what are called fantastic or amazing stories printed in magazines and books. Now by far the greatest part of them are inspired by writers who, in their sleep state or other ways, actually contacted people who lived in these other planets. The stories were too fantastic for the normal person to visualize, yet it is quite conceivable that such places and things could exist for that is the Infinite Nature of God.” ~ Ernest L. Norman
Perhaps my parents never realized the puns that would be made on my name when they christened me Richard Sharpe Shaver. Under ordinary circumstances the puns would have been of little consequence, but because of the amazing fact of my amazing memory of the life of another person, long dead, it has been incredibly hard for me to speak convincingly and to make people believe in me. Invariably I get that oh-so-funny remark, “Sharp-shaver, eh? A regular cut-up, eh, kid!” accompanied by a sly dig in the ribs and a very stupid, “Get it?” How can a man get a serious audience after that?
And yet, there it is for all who wish—to pun and pun again. If I achieve nothing else at least you may laugh, and to laugh is to be physically and mentally healthy. For those of you who will read on and carefully weigh what I am about to tell you I am convinced there will be no thought of puns. Instead, when you consider the real truths behind what I say—and even better, experiment and study to corroborate them—it seems to me to be inevitable that you will forget that I am Richard Sharpe Shaver, and instead, am what science chooses to very vaguely define as the racial memory receptacle of a man (or should I say a being?) named Mutan Mion, who lived many thousands of years ago in Sub Atlan, one of the great cities of ancient Lemuria! (more…)
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How UN.AR.I.U.S. Answers Questions That Scientists Can’t – Part III
Recently Thunderbolts Project put out a video (see below) with independent researcher, Edwin Kaal, trying to explain the atom and how it functions. He listed six points that science is still trying to understand regarding the behavior of atoms. These six points have remained elusive to scientists trying to logically formulate the very basic building blocks of matter beginning with the atom.
In this post, we will tackle the fourth point here:
Explains in a logical manner how chemistry arises.
“You look out here into the air, but what is this air? It is mostly nitrogen and oxygen with a few other inert elements and gases such as argon. They resolve themselves into molecules; the molecules, in turn, are definite structures of tiny atoms, all held together by the same magnetic laws which hold the universe together. This power is the same which holds the universe together. This power is the same which holds the molecules together.” ~ The Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation
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Ufonauts On The Dangers of Nuclear Energy/War
Korendor Contact-Robert Renaud:
Nuclear War Foremost Threat To Earth:
Our main concern now is the possibility that your people will engage themselves in a nuclear war, which would inevitably mean the end of your race. We of other worlds cannot stop you from doing this. Our codes do not allow intervention in the affairs of man to the point of forceful action. Nowhere in the civilized galaxy are there any races who would impose themselves on another race to the extent of actually altering conditions in another world without the express consent of that world’s inhabitants.
Earth Must Disarm Or Perish:
Therefore, we can only warn you that your present course can lead in but one direction — the ultimate destruction of your people. We are somewhat heartened by your moratorium on nuclear weapons testing now being observed by your major powers on your world. However, we feel that this will not continue for long, and there is but one answer to that: complete disarmament. In future contacts we will speak of the way in which this could be accomplished. For the present we will say only that there is no alternative to this if your race is to continue. (more…)
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Six Strange Stories of Reincarnation: Past Lives Are Real!
Case Studies by Dr. Ian Stevenson
Reincarnation Story 1: The Case of Purnima Ekanayake
Psychology professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Iceland, Erlendur Haraldsson, researched the strange case of Purnima Ekanayake, a girl who claimed to have been a manufacturer of incense who died in a traffic accident.
Purnima was nine when Professor Erlendur Haraldsson saw her for the first time in September 1996 at her home in Bakamuna, a small town in the district center of Polunnaruwa, Sri Lanka. She was still talking about her former life, which is unusual at that age because most children stop doing this around the age of five or six years. According to her parents, she had started talking about her past life when she was just three years old. At the age of 4, after seeing a famous TV show that featured the Kelaniya Temple (Temple of pilgrimage for Buddhists in Sri Lanka and 145 km from Bakamuna), Purnima said she knew that temple. A few days later, the girl went with her parents to visit the city of Kelaniya Temple. Upon reaching the city, Purnima said: “I used to live on the other side of the river (Kelaniya River).” (more…)
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Life In The Afterlife: Concluding Thoughts
by Stafford Betty
One of the most revolutionary ideas ever conceived is that we are more than our bodies and that our true home lies beyond our physical planet. This idea, that we are or have souls that do not die at death, is found in all the earth’s religions. Under attack since the Enlightenment, it is reemerging in our own day as a revolutionary idea for a materialist culture.
But the idea has an entirely different face today. Evidence for it is not based on traditional religious teaching, but on secular research into the mysterious depths of human consciousness. Researchers as diverse as physicians studying the near-death experience and engineers setting up electronic equipment through which the deceased can communicate are the new high priests telling us about what to expect when we die. Missing, happily, are those primitive theologies of eternal damnation for some and divinely favored fates for others. What is emerging from spirit sources is not only fascinating but of potential importance for the well being of our planet. (more…)
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Swedenborg And The Sweet Hereafter
By Mark Harrison
Taller than the others, this man
Walked among them, at a distance,
Now and then calling the angels
By their secret names. He would see
That which earthly eyes do not see:
The fierce geometry, the crystal
Labyrinth of God and the sordid
Milling of infernal delights.
He knew that Glory and Hell too
Are in your soul, with all their myths;
He knew, like the Greek, that the days
Of time are Eternity’s mirrors.
In unadorned Latin he went on listing
The unconditional Last Things.
(Poem by Jorge Luis Borges)
Emmanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772), son of a Lutheran Bishop and professor, was a respected scientist and practical engineer prior to his emergence as a philosopher whose primary concern was the spirit world. Before the publication of his first religious text, Worship and the Love of God, Swedenborg had published formative works on cosmology, anatomy, mineralogy and metaphysics as well as developing weapons and a system for the overland transportation of boats. At the age of 59, Swedenborg resigned his post as Special Assessor to the Royal College of Mines and retired to a life of contemplation, study and communion with the world of spirits. We see in the example of Swedenborg’s oeuvre, a simultaneity of science and the world of spirit rather than some clear split between. This overlap between science and metaphysics was more the rule than the exception up through the eighteenth century. (more…)
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The Reformation ~ The Liberation of Man – Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
Now getting back to our original discussion in this great age of reformation and liberation, the field of music was also very fortunately blessed with a flood of personages from the planes of Shamballa. What other age has produced such names as Brahms, Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Mendelssohn, Chopin, Liszt? The age of opera, as it came into being then, has never before been equaled in the history of earth. The musical composers and exponents of these operatic arts, known by the names of Puccini, Poncelli, are but a few illustrious names, if you will pardon me for mentioning them again, who have been given in
previous transmissions; however, all of this must be brought out and favorably placed at this time; so please bear with me. In the more pure philosophical vein, we find great and luminous minds typified by Leibnitz, John Locke, Emanuel Swedenborg, Immanuel Kant, Mesmer, Hartley, Descartes, Condorcet, Carlyle, Emerson, Hume, etc. Incidentally, your own American philosopher is here with me this evening, standing by in your dimension and helping to interpret my little speech. (more…)
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Occupations On The Other Side
by Dr. Michael Newton
Teacher Guides
Teacher Guides, or Spirit Guides are intermediate to advanced souls that have finished their own cycles of incarnation and are now assigned to help guide the soul development of groups of developing souls. Your guide is a mentor and advocate, helping your progression without hindering your freedom or independence. Guides watch over us throughout our incarnations on Earth, and at times we can call on them for affirmation. Becoming a spirit guide is a very common path for most souls, even those that specialize tend to become guides for younger souls. Some teacher guides specialize in teaching certain skills or work with specific development levels. But most guides work in a general sense with a small group of 3-15 souls in a soul group and will remain with that group in some fashion for a very long time.
Dream Masters
A Dream Master is a soul that learns the subtle art of crafting dreams in the minds of sleeping humans in order to allow loved ones to communicate, provide information, premonitions or warnings. The Dream Master can merge into a dream that is already in progress, so that the dreamer isn’t startled, or they can craft a dream from scratch (more difficult). Timing and imagery is most important. The Dream Master must know how the dream will be best interpreted, using imagery and symbolism that the dreamer will comprehend and accept. In addition, the Dream Master must work to build energy into the dream to ensure the dream will be recalled when the dreamer is awake. Finally, the message must be meaningful to the dreamer so that it will be taken seriously. A Dream Master must have the skill to work between the lighter energy of the spirit world and the dense energy of Earth, crafting energy into shapes and symbols in the mind of a human, and understand the psychology of the person in question. (more…)
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The Ether
by Dale Pond
Aether (also known as ether) in physics propose the existence of a medium, the aether, a space-filling substance or field, thought to be necessary as a transmission medium for the propagation of electromagnetic or gravitational forces. The assorted aether theories embody the various conceptions of this “medium” and “substance”. ~ Wikipedia
Its sympathetic activity and infinite tenuity give it a frequency so great as to evolve self-luminescence. The same luminescent ether is bound latent in the corpuscular embrace in all aggregated mater until liberated by a “compound vibratory negative medium: – heat, vibration or sympathetic negative attraction. This very property of self-lumenescence evidenced by the ether indicates a still greater region beyond.” (more…)
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The Great Vegetarians
These great vegetarians, such as Pythagoras, Plato, Leo Tolstoy, Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Einstein, George Bernard Shaw, Nikola Tesla, Shopenhauer, Thoreau, Leonardo Da Vinci, Voltaire, etc., knew there could be no spiritual advancement while attaining ones nourishment from cruelty and the exploitation of others.
Albert Einstein:
“Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.”
Leonardo DaVinci:
“I have from an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men.” Da Vinci claimed that flesh eaters were using their bodies as “grave yards”.
Charles Darwin:
“The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man.” (more…)
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Life In The Afterlife ~ Part III
by Stafford Betty
“From my experience I have learned that the spirit world is around us, that our spirit friends are with us every day, and that there is a tie which binds their hearts to ours so that they are with us many times and try to make us feel their presence.” ~ Alice Stringfellow
Leslie Stringfellow died in his hometown of Galveston, Texas, in 1886 after a brief illness. He was 20 years old. His father, Henry, was a prominent horticulturalist and his mother a pianist. Leslie himself was a gifted musician doted on by both parents, especially his mother, Alice. He was an only child. Alice was devastated by his death and out of desperation sought to make contact with him using a planchette. She would describe the process many years later: (more…)
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The Reformation ~ The Liberation of Man
by Ernest L. Norman
Early Development of the Christian Church
…into the time of the advent of Christ, we find that there had been some new developments on the religious or esoterical fields throughout the Mediterranean countries, particularly in Greece. One of these cults was called Mithraism, which was a direct outgrowth of the Zoroastrian concept, which had been expounded in Persia with the advent of the prophet Zoroaster. Mithraism was very attractive, inasmuch as it offered a large amount of pomp and circumstance, various observances and ceremonies, all of which were quite attractive to the people of that time. Other orders included the rabbinical orders of the Essenes, which stemmed from the more ancient Hebraic concepts from the Holy Land. We also find at that time a large group which was growing out of some of the lighter orders of Christian concepts, known as the Gnostics, who were spiritually minded people who believed that the true wisdom and knowledge and interpretations of life stemmed directly from the inward consciousness of man.
Beginning somewhere about twenty or thirty years after the time of Jesus, we find Paul in Greece very busily at work. It had been some time since his conversion on the road to Damascus; and he had already lived some time in Corinth and written some of his very famous letters to the people of that city. These letters and teachings exist in the modern translations of the New Testament. Paul, as you know, was formerly anti-Christ and persecuted the Christians to the utmost of his ability until his conversion. It was Paul who started the first Christian church; and as Paul was also a very clever businessman in his own way, he realized that religion, just as anything else, should be attractive and should present certain aspects to the convert; consequently, he contrived to weave the concepts of Mithraism into his own Christian church. (more…)
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Journey To Venus
by George Adamski
Inasmuch as I have already described in detail a journey in this same Scout ship, I shall state only that I found Orthon awaiting us with the little ship hovering slightly above the ground, ready for an immediate take-off. On this trip we did not even sit down. I divided my attention between watching the changing graphs and Orthon at the control panels. As we entered the Venusian carrier, this time I was entirely free of any dropping sensation in the pit of my stomach. We reached the platform and stopped again, as on our first trip. The same man was there to attach the clamp over the Scout for its recharge, but this time he followed us down the steps and into the lounge.
As we entered, Ramu (who was also present) must have touched a button for I saw two very small seats rise as if by magic out of the floor. And at the same time, directly in front of them, I saw our Moon appear in the center of a large screen. I was amazed at how close it looked, and not at all as if pictured on a screen, but with depth of space all around it. So this was the surprise! For a moment I thought we might be actually coming in for a landing. (more…)
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Nikola Tesla ~ One Of The Greatest Minds Of All Time
Nikola Tesla’s contributions to science and technology include the invention of radio, television, radio-astronomy, remote control and robotics, radar, medical x-ray and the wireless transmission of electricity. Many of Nikola Tesla’s inventions were and in some cases are still considered too revolutionary by government agencies and the power brokers of this time.
Encyclopedia Britannica lists Nikola Tesla as one of the top ten most fascinating people in history. So why is he virtually unknown to the general public? These videos provide a penetrating study of the life and mind of a scientific superman who, against all odds, dedicated his life to the task of designing and improving technology for the service and advancement of humanity. (more…)
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Soul Fragmentation Therapy ~ Part II
by William J. Baldwin, Ph.D.
Shamanism is an ancient form of spirituality and healing practiced in indigenous cultures around the world. Soul retrieval is a shamanic approach to healing. In the tradition of shamanism, illness is an indication that the soul has vacated the body. The shaman enters an altered state of consciousness through the rhythmic beating of a drum or by ingesting a plant substance such as peyote or ayahuasca. The shaman is able to journey into the upper world, the lower world, or wherever the soul is located, to retrieve the soul and return it to the sick person, restoring wholeness and health.
In 1989, I heard a lecture on the work of Sandra Ingerman, as described in her book, Soul Retrieval. As the presenter described various forms of soul loss, it became clear to me that these conditions were a part of my practice that I had never recognized. Mind fragments of living people are sometimes discovered as attached entities, yet I hadn’t considered the other person who had lost the fragment. I found confirmation of this type of attachment in Ralph Allison’s book, Minds in Many Pieces, and Adam Crabtree’s classic work, Multiple Man. (more…)
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