Q & A With Yada Di Shi’ite
Yada: Sina, sina-ha (ladies and gentlemen) I am the Yada Di Shi’ite.
Group: Good evening, Yada.
Yada: (Speaks at first in his own language of Yu, an ancient civilization which existed in the Himalaya mountains 500,000 years ago.) We could sit here all evening and if I talk in my language we get no place. I am most honored to come into your home again and to see that both of you are in good health.
RGM: Thank you, Yada, it is a pleasure to have you here again.
Yada: I would talk please on the question you were asking in this letter.
IP: Ray Palmer asks will you give something of your life? Will you give a specific introduction of yourself to our readers telling who you were, where you lived, what you did, and where you are now, and your occupation at present? Do you wish to do that Yada? (more…)
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Atlantean History – Part III
By Yolen, Scribe of Atlantis
Notes on Atlantean History during the Reign of Emperor Atlas:
An empire so advanced in civilization as Atlantis must have a government on a par with her other standards of progress.
Every citizen of age has the right to vote. Voting age for both male and female is twenty-five. Every State, city, and town, or mere settlement, has its representation in the government. It has its own Censors, Officers, Rulers and Governors. All the representatives come to the City of Paradise to convene and voice the opinions of their people.
Individual States are independent of each other, but are subject to the Capital Seat of government. All individual cities, towns or settlements are independent of each other, but subject to the laws enforced by the State Capital City, the Seat of Government. Every individual living in a city, town or settlement is independent of another, but subject to the laws enforced by the Censor of the place. (more…)
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Mars Update -Validating The Truth About Mars
Compilation by Gloria Lynn
Confirming again what was written more then 60 years ago, right now Mars is undergoing a planetary wide dust storm.
“Now I will contact my Martian guide and take an astral flight through space, and see just how it is that man lives (underground) on the red planet. Almost immediately a very distinguished looking man stands before me; he is Nur El, a man of high position and esteem from one of the Martian cities. He is dressed in a very brilliant red suit. The coat is long, almost to the knees, with loose fitting pantaloons. On his head is a red hat with a square shaped brim that is turned up on four sides.” (more…)
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Past Life Talents: Lost But Not Forgotten
by Bryan Jameison
One of the most fascinating things about regression work, is that it’s like exploring an uncharted river. One never knows where it might lead nor what surprise may lie around the next bend. By 1983, I was well aware of the healing power of past-life therapy because of the consistently positive results my clients reported to me. Then one day, I regressed a woman into a past life, which took place in South America. There she had been an accomplished potter, and her unique and beautiful creations were in great demand. She began describing how she actually created one of her pots. As she talked, it was obvious she loved her work.
Since I never have anyone rush through any enjoyable or enlightening experience, I suggested she really get into the hands-on process and make a special mental note of everything she was doing. I wanted her to pay particular attention to what she was experiencing physically (to feel the texture of the clay as she molded it, etc.), as well as how she felt about being able to do what she was doing as she was in the process of doing it. After recalling, the entire process from beginning to end, we went to the time when she “threw” the pot of which she was most proud. By that time, she had been making ceramic pots for over twenty years. Once again she took herself through the entire creative process, describing in detail not only what she was doing but why she was doing it the way she did. (more…)
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Spiritual Development Through The Races Of Man
Four score and seven years ago, our fathers conceived a new nation. Greetings, loved ones. I (Abraham Lincoln) have come for this occasion
from a distant neighboring planet of Clarion, one that is more properly known to the earth and to some of the people as Vulcan. Vulcan, as you have been given the information, is the planet of a spiritual nature which is of a somewhat higher rate of vibration – using the language of the scientist – wherein the black man makes a certain spiritual evolution. In leaving the planet earth, if the black person – and if I can pause for a moment to explain this cycle situation – who has a dark skin may have advanced spiritually to a point where he feels there are certain elements, certain factors of progression or integration, or he may have felt in some way the quickening of the spirit, so he will wish to further this evolution of his soul consciousness, then he shall come to the planet Vulcan. It is in this dimension and on this planet he will find such suitable companionship and environment which will be most helpful for his future development. I would say, too, the black man is primarily
– as far as the basic and elementary tribes of jungle people who have existed on the earth and who have been oppressed into slavery are concerned – a creature of a comparatively primitive state of development. While there is a certain line of demarcation where we might say there is the infusion of the God force, or the God Intelligence into every human, yet, it must be remembered this God Force does not come in one lifetime or in one generation. This life force must be the gradual development of consciousness within the individual through numerous evolutions. We say that the black man, primarily, as you know him in the early stages of his development on the planet earth, as he was first found in the jungles, was a creature who had evolved through certain integrations of evolutions from some of the lower structures. (more…)
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Atlantean History – Part II
By Yolen, Scribe of Atlantis
Notes on Atlantean History during the Reign of Emperor Atlas:
Another marvelous invention evolved by Atlantean genius during the first decade of the reign of Atlas is the Water-Shoen. It is a queer looking pair of small boats that fit to the feet of one who wishes to skim over the water. They are readily adjusted by slipping the feet into the toy-like boats and fastening the straps and snaps. The top is then covered by a folding radial roof, which closes snugly about the ankle. Once the radial lid is locked no water or air can gain admission inside the Shoen. The wearer is then ready to start his journey. He strikes out with the feet just as a skater glides upon the ice. But a voyageur upon Water-Shoen can travel faster than a skater upon the ice. The motors used to provide power for the Shoen are constructed similarly to the motor of the Bird-Wings. The batteries are automatic also, as in the Bird-Wings.
Inventions such as described must have scientists that understand mechanics, electricity, the principles of water, air and fire, as well as the great forces and power forever pouring forth from the sun. If our inventors knew nothing about the laws governing gravitation and levitation their devices would be harmful and useless for man. But the Templars of Atlantis do understand these laws, because for ages past they have understood the Law of One! Whence issues all sciences, all ideas, all laws for the welfare of its communicants. The Law of One, which is the Light radiating in the Inner Shrine of man’s consciousness, is the only Source of Inspiration, revelation and demonstration in the world, because It is the one Source of all Substance. (more…)
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The Silversmith
And there is the silversmith
Who labors long to draweth the gold and silver finely
That he doth fashion it with jewels thereon.
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Ether Technology
by Rho Sigma
“The view from space which I was privileged to have of our planet is an event that has profoundly affected my life. The pictures you have seen in books, magazines and on television help give some sense of that awesome but magnificent sight. But photography has its limits and a photograph cannot tell you of the way my philosophy and my commitment to philosophy has been changing since that voyage to the moon.” Thus began an address written by the former U.S. astronaut, Capt. Edgar D. Mitchell, and presented August 25, 1972, to the 21st International Conference on Parapsychology and the Sciences in Amsterdam by my colleague, NASA Engineer James B. Beal.
“To see a small, majestic planet Earth floating in a black sky—in its blue and white splendor is something you cannot forget. It stays with you profoundly, long after the splashdown, the hero’s welcome and the parades have been forgotten. Because the view from space has shown me—as no other event in my life has—how limited a view man has of his own life and that of the planet. (more…)
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Atlantean History – Part I
By Yolen, Scribe of Atlantis
Notes on Atlantean History during the Reign of Emperor Atlas:
In this abbreviated account of the eons of civilization of Atlantis, it must be remembered that such statements made, which refer to ancient times, may be verified by the records kept in the Museum of the Temple of Literature, of the City of Paradise. In this volume of current history, beginning with the coronation of Atlas, and continuing through to the present day—more than two decades since Atlas began his reign—the space is too limited to give more than the merest hint of events that were most important in ancient days. Hence we will say here that Ancient Atlantean Records prove conclusively that at the time of the First Deluge, 800,000 years ago, the Atlanteans led the entire world in civilization.
It is now generally known to Atlantean Templars that the awful cataclysms, known as the Second Deluge, 200,000 years ago, and the Third Deluge of 80,000 years ago, were caused by the chemicalizations of Nature in this physical world; they were the direct result of the vibrations of evil upon this earthly plane, conflicting with and resisting the relentless spiritual forces. Therefore it may be said that the frightful upheaval 80,000 years ago was brought about by the indifference and recklessness of mankind on earth, to the higher and inexorable Law of One—the spiritual Light that is the only Causation. (more…)
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Color On The Other Side
by Anthony Borgia
ABOUT half-way along a passage upon the upper floor of our house there is a small bay in which a brief flight of stairs leads to a door. Through this door I have taken many friends, especially new arrivals in spirit lands, for this door opens directly upon a section of flat roof.
From here a magnificent view is to be gained of a great tract of the countryside, with the city gleaming in the distance. To those who have not as yet traveled through these realms, or at least this small segment of them, the view from the roof comes as something of an inspiring revelation to them. With scarcely an exception, we receive the same reply to a question which one or other of us delights in putting to our new visitor, namely: what strikes you most forcibly as you gaze upon this scene? The answer: the riot of color.
Most assuredly, that is so. It is a sight which never fails to fill us with fresh wonder and charm, seasoned residents though we be. The reason is to be found not only in the delight to the physical sense of sight, but what is more important in many ways, the color itself is exhilarating. This feeling of exhilaration is not some doubtful spiritual experience, intangible and apt to evaporate after a brief while. It is much more than that. It rejuvenates one, even in these realms of juvenility. It braces one up, as you would say, and acts like a tonic. (more…)
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Contactee: George Van Tassel
George Van Tassel was born in Jefferson, Ohio in 1910, and grew up in a fairly prosperous middle-class family. He finished high school in the 10th grade and held a job at a Cleveland airport; he also acquired a pilot’s license. At 20, he headed for California, where at first he worked for a garage owned by an uncle.
While working at the garage he met Frank Critzer, an eccentric loner who claimed to be working a mine somewhere near Giant Rock, a 7-story boulder near Landers, California. Frank Critzer was a German immigrant trying to make a living in the desert as a prospector. During World War II, Critzer was under suspicion as a German spy and died during a police siege at the Rock in 1942. Upon receiving news of Critzer’s death, Van Tassel applied for a lease of the abandoned airport near Giant Rock from the Bureau of Land Management, who managed the land, and was eventually given a renewable Federal Government contract to develop the airstrip.
Van Tassel became an aircraft mechanic and flight inspector who at various times between 1930 and 1947 worked for Douglas Aircraft, Hughes Aircraft, and Lockheed. While at Hughes Aircraft he was the Top Flight Inspector. He finally left Southern California’s booming aerospace industry for the desert in 1947. He and his family at first lived a simple existence in the rooms Frank Critzer had dug out under Giant Rock. Van Tassel eventually built a home, a cafe, a small airstrip, and a dude ranch beside the Rock. (more…)
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The Song of Creation
by Ernest L. Norman
As for the white dove which fluttered down and the speaking of the voice of God, this is an obvious embellishment, a bit of chicanery, if you please, which would so slant these various descriptive depictions with the necessary supernatural aura. As for the voice of God and any such reputed speaking of this voice, this can be considered as such obvious devices, or that those who heard this voice were suffering from a certain neurotic illness, called by modern psychologists, as traumatic hallucinations; for indeed how can God speak with such a voice for God is not a personal being but is the sum and substance of the Infinite. Nor does He need to speak in any voice or language, for His message is ever and always about us, a voice which speaks in that constant, never-ending resurgent pattern of life; the creative and re-creative forms of all things of which mankind is conscious; yes, and of all things which will be his even beyond eternity. Nor is God’s word so contained in any book, for even as the Christian says his Bible is the word of God, he is only giving his strength to a great lie, for no man can understand or know of God through this book. (more…)
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Remote Depossession
by Irene Hickman
There is a growing awareness among health professionals that it has become imperative to look beyond the traditional views of main-line psychology and medicine.
With a rapidly expanding body of evidence supporting the concept of personal survival of bodily death, we must now look beyond the narrow views of behavioral psychology and the chemical approach to health and disease.
This approach is not new. Alexis Carrel, M.D., discussed the need for better knowledge of man in 1935 in his book, Man, the Unknown.
“Men cannot follow modern civilization along its present course, because it is degenerating. They have been fascinated by the beauty of the sciences of inert matter. They have not understood that their body and consciousness are subjected to natural laws, more obscure than, but as inexorable as, the laws of the sidereal world. Neither have they understood that they cannot transgress these laws without being punished. (more…)
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The Goldilocks Theory Debunked
by Mark Seivert
The Goldilocks Theory (GT) application to astronomy states:
“A Goldilocks planet is a planet that falls within a star’s habitable zone, and the name is often specifically used for planets close to the size of Earth. The name comes from the children’s fairy tale of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, in which a little girl chooses from sets of three items, ignoring the ones that are too extreme (large or small, hot or cold, etc.), and settling on the one in the middle, which is “just right”. Likewise, a planet following this Goldilocks Principle is one that is neither too close nor too far from a star to rule out liquid water on its surface and thus life (as humans understand it) on the planet. However, planets within a habitable zone that are unlikely to host life (e.g., gas giants) may also be called Goldilocks planets. The best example of a Goldilocks planet is the Earth itself.” – crystalinks.com
Recently at a physics meetup I attended, the Goldilocks Theory (GT) came up in a video being shown. The scientists were just scratching their heads over how the conditions of this world could be so perfect for life. (more…)
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ESP – The Space Travel Problem ~ Part II
Lecture given on March 4, 1965, by Riley Crabb
Lauritzen wrote to us: “When the distance between a man and the earth is increased, the shielding effect of the earth will be lesser; he will receive more cosmic, free, kinetic energy; the power of his thought energy will therefore be stronger, so strong that it has an influence on physical matter. If he fears that the windows in the cabin will break through, they will break through. If he fears that some unknown force will destroy the instruments and the furniture, some unknown force will destroy the instruments and furniture.”
Then Lauritzen goes on to claim that this happened to the first Russian astronauts. They were “lost in space because some unknown force destroyed the cabin and instruments. . . a man said that something strange had come into the cabin; and even if it was invisible, it was destroying the instruments.” (more…)
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