Past Lives Matter – Q & A ~ Part II
by Bryan Jameison
Q: Doesn’t the belief in reincarnation conflict with a belief in God?
A: Not at all. If anything, I believe it puts God in a much kinder, gentler and far more fair and merciful position than the one He now occupies in most mainstream Western churches. The law of karma, which operates through reincarnation, places all responsibility for what happens to us on ourselves as individual souls rather than on God. We, and we alone, have created all of our curses just as we alone have earned all of our blessings somewhere along the way. God has nothing to do with it except to make all things possible. If it were otherwise, we would have no free will.
Q: I’ve read the Bible many times and have yet to see any mention of reincarnation. Is it referred to in the Bible?
A: No, but neither are Chinese people, house cats or the pyramids mentioned in the Bible. Yet we know they all existed at the time the Bible was written. If we were to disavow the existence of everything not specifically mentioned in the Bible, we still would be living in caves and eating our meat raw. Also, those who contend there is no scriptural validation for reincarnation’s existence are obviously assuming that God is either Christian, Hebrew or Moslem because there are great volumes of scripture from other world class religions, which deal with the subject extensively. (more…)
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More On The Basics Of Energy ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
Transmission by William Crookes
This begins to give us a rough idea of what vibration means in the higher dimensions; for we are carrying the atom upward as it should truly be carried, not downward. The vibration or currents of the pulsations or frequencies of energy structures will determine, to a large extent, in what dimension it expresses itself. But the main point to remember is that all energy does express a certain intelligence, and that it re-creates and re-creates this intelligence as long as it is permitted to express itself without being changed, or, shall I say, rectified or reimpinged by future consequences of other energy forms which exist as harmonic transients.
As was explained by the simple allegory of the piano keyboard, energy is sympathetic to itself, according to the occurrence, or rate of vibration of any other similarly vibrating structure. Thus we generate harmonics, or what is called superharmonics or subharmonics, occurring at a direct multiple of two and one-half times the original two basic fundamental frequencies. This, in our dimension, is called the law of harmonic frequency relationship. Even your radios are attuned to function in this dimensional capacity. These same mathematical formulae can be carried up into other equivalents into other dimensions. We can thus begin to evaluate the importance of having a knowledge of the meaning of energy. We must properly constitute our concept into a form which will enable us to picture what the dimension is in which we are existing. Such wisdom will give you an insight into how God really works in the dimension with which you are associated at the present time. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Voice of Orionwith 1 comment.
George Van Tassel – The Sage of Giant Rock
by Bryant and Helen Reeve
The following is the short biography of the authors provided in Flying Saucer Pilgrimage.
Bryant Reeve was born in Princeton, Illinois, U.S.A. He was named Bryant because of a family relationship to the American poet William Cullen Bryant.
He has lived an unusual, exciting and varied life. When a youth he lived on the English Channel Island of Guernsey for six months, went to school in Dresden, Germany and travelled extensively with his parents in England, France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. Returning to the United States he attended school in Chicago, Illinois and then the Hotchkiss School at Lakeville, Connecticut. He is a graduate mechanical engineer of both the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was elected to the Sigma Xi Honorary Society. (more…)
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Past Life Influences
by Gina Cerminara
The solving of riddles is an instructive pastime. Underlying the solution of many a child’s trick is a significant principle of logic or of thought. Perhaps, then, when we come to that most important of all riddles—the riddle of man’s identity, his origin—we can apply to it the wisdom learned from a simple match trick.
In this trick a person is given six matches and asked to form with them the outline of four equilateral triangles. He begins confidently to make triangular arrangements, but his confidence soon wanes. Indeed, he finally despairs of finding the solution. The problem cannot be solved until it occurs to him to manipulate the matches in three dimensions rather than two, and to make an upright pyramid rather than a fruitless combination of flat triangles.
The enigma of man is, in a sense, comparable to the problem of the matches. Only through an added dimension—in this case, the dimension of time—does it seem likely that man will be able to understand himself. (more…)
Posted in Other Topics, Past Life Therapy, Reincarnationwith 1 comment.
by Swami Panchadasi
Telepathy, meaning Thought-Transference, bears a misleading title. Literally translated, it means “suffering at a distance,” or, perhaps, “feeling pain at a distance.” The name should really indicate “knowing at a distance,” in order to be properly descriptive. But as the term has acquired a forced meaning by reason of years of usage, it will probably be continued in popular favor. After all, names do not count, so long as the meaning is accepted and understood.
While the term itself has been generally used in the sense of conscious and deliberate sending and receiving of thought-waves, there is a far wider field of phenomena really covered by it, namely, the unconscious sending and receiving of mental and emotional vibrations. (more…)
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Speak To Us Of Giving
by Kahlil Gibran
THEN said a rich man, Speak to us of Giving.
And he answered:
You give but little when you give of your possessions.
It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.
For what are your possessions but things you keep and guard for fear you may need them tomorrow?
And tomorrow, what shall tomorrow bring to the over-prudent dog burying bones in the trackless sand as he follows the pilgrims to the holy city?
And what is fear of need but need itself?
Is not dread of thirst when your well is full, the thirst that is unquenchable?
There are those who give little of the much which they have – and they give it for recognition and their hidden desire makes their gifts unwholesome. (more…)
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Past Lives Matter – Q & A
by Bryan Jameison
Q: What is the benefit of learning about one’s past lives?
A: Although there are many benefits, the reason is because most people want to find solutions to present-life problems that are causing them some kind of personal pain. Through regression [and other methods], they usually can discover what happened in the past to create their present problems. Once this is known, whatever is necessary is done to neutralize the cause, which invariably originates either in this life or one from the past. My own operating assumption is that nearly everything occurring in an individual’s present life is the effect of some former cause. Over the years, I have noticed that if the initial trauma is neutralized, a domino effect is created. Not only is the causal trauma neutralized but so, too, are the emotional consequences i.e. fear, begets fear, hate, etc. of those future experiences, which have been based upon the original trauma. (more…)
Posted in Other Topics, Past Life Therapy, Reincarnationwith 1 comment.
More On The Basics Of Energy ~ Part I
by Ernest L. Norman
Transmission by William Crookes
Hello there! For my personal identity, I was formerly known on your earth as a scientist by the name of William Crookes, and I lived in good old England somewhere in the beginning of the early 1900’s. I was interested in psychic phenomenon as well as in the development of certain electronic devices. However, biographies or histories will tell you more of these things, if you so desire to read them.
As this next transmission is of a very technical nature, I contrived to be the one who was chosen to deliver these excerpts from the compositions of the different minds. As you have rightly supposed by now, the composition of truth is very technical in nature, and indeed it is so. The vast cosmic and celestial universes, in whatever dimension they exist, are in themselves compositions and expressions of energy. It will have also been resolved in your minds by this time, as was given to you by Brother Pearce in a previous transmission, that the expression of energy was related in these different dimensions as vibrations.
A very important part of this concept was purposely omitted at that time, inasmuch as we know the human mind can absorb wisdom only drop by drop; therefore, we must take the concepts step by step, so that they may further infiltrate the consciousness of the individual.
Like Brother Pearce, I cannot overemphasize the importance of the understanding of what energy is. We have resolved there is nothing solid, for all is energy. Consequently, in our most logical conclusion or the pursuit of our hypothesis, we come to the definite conclusive fact that God Himself is Energy, and that he (if you want to call It, He), is the source of all energy in whatever dimensions It is expressing Itself. Therefore, it is logical to assume that if we better understand God and our relationship to Him in the different dimensions, we shall understand what energy is.
It is for this purpose that I am giving you a digest of some branches of physics, as it is called in the science of the earth; and even though you may have had some of these concepts of the physical laws included in your training or schooling, may I point out that this discussion can also be of great advantage to you, for these things will be somewhat refreshed and brought into your perspective in a different way, in order that they may be included in your concepts.
In the immediate future, you are to be taken into the second portion of Parhelion in which these very scientific principles will be shown to you in a more direct application, as they are used in the corrective therapies in the teachings and derivatives of the teachings, as they are expressed to the students who at this time are studying these relative concepts in this section of Parhelion.
Now back to energy. In your dimension, you might say that energy can be understood a little more fully if you divide it into two different kinds. We shall call the first dynamic, or energy which is moving – as sound, heat, or light. There is also that which we shall call static energy; it is really dynamic in its own dimension, but it expresses itself as atomic structures.
These in turn compound the molecular structures of the 109 known elements in atomic weights, as they are compounded by the earth scientist. May I put in a word of praise for the earth scientist in his work, for he has derived a good deal of truthful evaluation in the physical world about him. Now if he would just go on and get a little more of the spiritual concepts, he would indeed be a man of great value and purpose to mankind about him.
Energy, as it is in your expression or dimension, or in any other dimension for that matter, must, and always does, travel in some form. This form is called, for practical purposes, a wave. If we toss a stone into a pond, we form what is called a wave. In tossing the stone into the pond, we see energy being converted into the form of waves which travel toward the shore in a regular succession of cycles.
Energy, whether it is static or dynamic, is convertible; by that I mean that we can convert static energy into dynamic or vice versa. A practical evaluation of this fact would be, as the sun transmits energy to the earth which warms and heats it, the waters of the ocean are thereby evaporated into the cloud masses which later form rain, and eventually become the rivers on the continents of the world. These, in turn, can propel the hydro-electric power plants, generating the electricity which lights your homes. This is one conversion of dynamic energy into static and again back into dynamic form.
The trees on the mountain sides are also converted from the same sunlight. Just as in the ages past, the great coal and petroleum deposits were actually sunlight which was converted into cellulose, and compressed in great coal of peat beds in the subsurface of the earth. The nylon garments which you ladies wear at this time, are actually converted sunlight which fell upon the earth millions of years ago. So, we can see numerous examples of energy as it is converted to static forms or vice versa.
Even the process of energy conversion is going on very rapidly in your body at all times. The very fact that you are warm means that energy is being converted into heat. It is also converted into cell structures, bones and tissues, and into such plasmic structures as blood, or the spleen, or the various other constituents of the body. It is our generally shared belief that understanding the true nature of God will relate you to a proper understanding of the biological, or, shall I say, natural synthetic processes which are revolving around you in your own dimension. These convey to your mind, a great deal of the natural and latent intelligence in the expression of energy in all its dimensional factors and expressions.
To clarify the understanding of this energy, it has been pointed out in previous discussions, that energy must travel in some form in what is termed a sine wave frequency. If you take a long straight piece of copper wire, or some such material, and bend it into a succession of S-formed waves, all of equal length and regular spacings, so that it forms an up-and-down wave-like motion, you will have a rough picture of what this sine wave looks like.
The energy which travels over your light wire and thereby gives you electric light, travels in some such form. You will better understand how it travels if you will walk rapidly with this coiled piece of wire held straight before you. It does not move the ethers or the etheric substances which you call space, or the dimension in which it is; instead, it moves through space in a wave form like which comes from the television transmitter and is picked up by your television set. Thus your television set is synchronized or locked with the wave form which comes from the transmitter.
There is another curious thing about this energy as it is expressed as electricity. We can take this same curved piece of wire, and at regular intervals – both at top and bottom – bend into it small steps.
These steps will, in consequence, be repeated time after time, in our understanding of the sine wave frequencies. In the vacuum tube of your TV set, the technician has placed a small piece of wire, just as in your light globe, through which must pass a great deal of energy, which in itself, it cannot tolerate. The fact that the air has been extracted from the surrounding globe means that the wire will not be consumed although it becomes red-hot or white-hot.
The energy traveling over this wire agitates the atomic structures of the wire in what is called resistance. In other words, there seems to be so much conflict going on in this wire, that it becomes red-hot or white-hot. The energy which is flowing into it is, to a large extent, casting off some of the broken up atomic structures of the wire itself. The wire will disintegrate in time to a point where it will become unfunctional, or when it can cast off no more of itself, it becomes a dead radiator.
Now if we place a small piece of metal in conjunction with this white-hot or red-hot wire, and put some positively charged electricity on the face of the plate, we shall find that the electrons, or the small energies, are attracted from the white-hot wire to the plate. If we further put a small coil of other wire between this plate and the filament, and so charge it either negatively or positively, we can modulate the transferences of energy from the filament to the plate. This principal of the vacuum tube, developed by the De Forest, makes possible a great deal of energy transference in the numerous electronic devices of your world today (now replaced by transistors).
Now, by adding additional resistance and capacity in the circuitry which goes into the functioning of this vacuum tube, we can say that the energy, as it goes in, is in an “S” wave form, and that it emerges in an “S” wave form. It can be further modulated so that it can carry into itself other wave forms which can be interpreted in some other relationship as light or sound. Thus your radio can become a sound producer because, in the end result, the final vacuum tube produces energy of a sufficiently modulated nature that it is directly translated to the cone or radiating area of the speaker in the confines of the voice coil of magnetic structures.
Now I know this seems to be very highly technical in nature to you; therefore, I shall attempt to resolve it into a more simple and understandable form, so that the layman as well as the more scientifically inclined individual can evaluate what it means. Any wave form in any dimension carries within itself, its intelligence, or that which we call its superimposed wave structure.
If you could examine the instruments in the various laboratories or radio shops in your cities, you would find an instrument which is known as the oscilloscope. The technician there would couple it to your TV set so that you would actually see the picture expressed in a certain position of a very highly curved shaped wave form as it progressed through the different circuits or various parts of the TV set. The picture thus appearing would be merely a mass of tiny wiggly lines, which appeared in a certain section of this wave. To your own advantage, you might stop by the TV department in one of the stores and ask the technician to show you this particular phenomenon; it is indeed very interesting.
Upon these concepts of radiation of energy from very hotly heated filaments, I have based the construction of that which is known as the Crooks’ tube. The Roentgen, or the X-ray tube, is also a somewhat similar evaluation which projects intense radiation into a very high dimension of vibration.
At this time we know that vibration is the number of times, or the frequency, at which the wave will occur as its basic fundamental frequency, and we also know that the wave can carry additional frequencies, which are called its intelligence. It is these additional frequencies, which are in the formation of the wave that determines that which is superimposed within the wave itself. This same concept is carried on into the structures of the psychic body, and into the tiny vortexes, just as they are in the atomic structures. The disintegrated atoms which fly off a cathode or filament are such portions of this atomic structure which are the junctions, or parallaxes of numerous frequency integrations. They were formerly called electrons or neutrons.
If you had a microscope sufficiently powerful to look into these parallaxes, or the junction of the numerous wave forms of the atom, you would see there, a great amassment of the intelligent wave structures carried in the wave forms themselves.
Extending this concept on down and down, we could re-create and re-create additional dimensions with the aid of more and more powerful microscopes, down into Infinity, or perhaps I should say on up into Infinity. (Actually Infinity extends in all directions).
Excerpt from The Voice Of Orion
See Part II here.
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A Spaceman Speaks: Overcoming Gravity ~ Part II
Dino Kraspedon (1905–2004) was the pen name of Brazilian Aladino Felix, who claimed to be contacted by an
extraterrestrial from Jupiter’s moons of Ganymede and Io. Much information of a scientific (mainly astrophysics), medical, and moral nature is given in his book.
He was born in Pedra do Baú and died in Uberaba, Minas Gerais. In 1959 he published Meu Contato Com Os Discos Voadores (My Contact with Flying Saucers). The book tells the story of his contact with a flying saucer commander at his home. The extraterrestrial visitor was given a lengthy Q&A interview by Mr. Kraspedon in which he explained advanced concepts in physics and gave insights on how to improve humanity’s social conditions on earth. Later he publicly clarified that he did not witness the male human extraterrestrial leaving or entering a spacecraft. Mr. Kraspedon correctly predicted that there would be a period of terrorism and ironically was arrested for suspicion of being a terrorist in 1968. – Wikipedia (more…)
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The Concept Of The Ether And The Etherians ~ Part III
by Yada di Shi’ite (channeled by Mark Probert)
Yada: Now, into the space age we go. I rode with this man in the capsule you know.
(Q.) Carpenter?
(A.) Yes, and I went with the other man also.
(Q.) With Glenn?
(A.) Yes, also another man.
(Q.) Do you mean from Russia?
(A.) No.
(Q.) Shepard?
(A.) Yes, Shepard. I went with all of these men, getting their emotional reactions to their experiences. They could not have chosen better men that were more emotionally adjusted, more emotionally detached from their own physical welfare than these men were. And this is also true of the man from Russia, the rocket man from Russia. A very strong man, strong of character, a disciplined man.
People in your world, the lay individual of life, get wrong pictures, wrong ideas about what is called strong characters, strong bodies, strong minds. One can have very cold blooded desires and yet have a very strong character. Some of these beings you call space beings are very intelligent beings, highly intelligent, very evolved beings, but their way of thinking is so different from yours that they could do things to you here that you would think were horrible, terrible things, most inhuman. But, you see, they are beyond the human level and so they do things because they see the need to be done, and they do not involve their emotions in what they are doing. (more…)
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It Has All Happened Before
by Andrew Tomas
Civilization is largely the product of human intelligence. From caves to skyscrapers, from boomerangs to space satellites, is a jump achieved by the power of mind. Deprive man of one half of his present intellect, and the whole social edifice of today will suffer a setback comparable with a planetary disaster. Culture the mind, and you will have a sky-rocketing civilization. Develop the moral nature of humanity, and you will have a utopia to live in.
Intellectual development in human society is not unlike a chain reaction in nuclear physics. Jean Sylvain Bailly, the French astronomer of the eighteenth century, summed up this process like this: “Ideas have been successively gathered together, heaped up; they have mutually engendered each other, the one has led to another. It remains therefore merely to rediscover this succession, to begin with the earliest ideas; the path is traced out; it is journey that one may make again because it has already been made.” (more…)
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Spirit Lands
by Charlotte E. Dresser
Seventeen years ago, when quite alone, after the ‘passing’ of father, mother, sister, and brothers, I formed a friendship, that grew into a companionship so fine that the world became for me a happier place and life a brighter thing. We were a trio: ‘Dee,’ ‘F. R.,’ and ‘Sis’; for so we changed our names to familiar and intimate expression.
Twelve years passed, with no break in the happy association, and then suddenly and with little warning Dee passed out of this earthly life. To me, remained the hope of renewing the companionship in a world where parting is unknown. To. F. R. a black wall, beyond which, nothing! For, long before, his mind had accepted the reasoning of materialistic philosophy, and, arguing from that standpoint, death ended all; and life, going out like a spent candle, could in nowise be relighted.
Months went by. Finally a few friends, interested in psychic phenomena, asked us to join them in an experiment. I was asked to try automatic writing; and, after a few trials, found the pencil moving quite freely and giving messages which I could not have anticipated, and which many times were quite contrary to my own thought and belief. (more…)
Posted in Life After Death, Life On The Other Side, Other Topicswith comments disabled.
A Spaceman Speaks: Overcoming Gravity
Dino Kraspedon (1905–2004) was the pen name of Brazilian Aladino Felix, who claimed to be contacted by an
extraterrestrial from Jupiter’s moons of Ganymede and Io. Much information of a scientific (mainly astrophysics), medical, and moral nature is given in his book.
He was born in Pedra do Baú and died in Uberaba, Minas Gerais. In 1959 he published Meu Contato Com Os Discos Voadores (My Contact with Flying Saucers). The book tells the story of his contact with a flying saucer commander at his home. The extraterrestrial visitor was given a lengthy Q&A interview by Mr. Kraspedon in which he explained advanced concepts in physics and gave insights on how to improve humanity’s social conditions on earth. Later he publicly clarified that he did not witness the male human extraterrestrial leaving or entering a spacecraft. Mr. Kraspedon correctly predicted that there would be a period of terrorism and ironically was arrested for suspicion of being a terrorist in 1968. – Wikipedia (more…)
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Energy: The Great Infinite Force ~ Part III
by Ernest L. Norman
Just what are these astral worlds, as man lives in his spiritual transcendency? There are various spiritual planes from which man functions in between his terrestrial experiences and are all reflected down into our everyday lives. It is up to us to decide whether we are to become seekers and doers or whether we become subservient to the negative forces which surround us. However, everything comes in its due course of time. I believe that if we really get these lessons, these principles, we will have actually made a big step in our progression.
Mr. Hayes, who was kind enough to bring this oscilloscope from some distance, is to demonstrate and explain the process of making the invisible energy rays entering the room into visible ones upon the television screen. This process of integration shall be explained to you. We shall show you how each one is a living, walking, breathing television set. In the struggle for wisdom and knowledge, man finds that science has achieved some very close approximations or parallels in developing scientific apparatus, such as the television set, that bear a remarkable similarity in many ways to our own processes of life. (more…)
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The Astral World ~ Part II
by Swami Panchadasi
Reality of The Astral
It is customary among occultists to speak of the Astral Plane, simply as “the Astral” as for instance “out in the Astral;” “visiting the Astral;” “phenomena of the Astral;” “inhabitants of the Astral,” etc., etc. The student may as well familiarize himself with this use of the term “the Astral,” in order to understand, and be understood by, others interested in occult study. Accordingly, I shall from now on use this term, “the Astral,” as indicating the Astral Regions, – the Astral Plane – without further explanation.
One of the hardest things for the elementary student to realize is that the Astral is just as real, abiding, and fixed as is the material world. Just as steam is actually as real as water, or even as ice, so is the Astral just as real as the world of the physical senses. For that matter, if we could see our world of matter placed under a sufficiently strong magnifying glass, we should perceive it not as a great body of solid fixed matter, but rather as an aggregation of an infinite number of the tiniest particles themselves built into atoms; these built into molecules; and these built into solid masses. (more…)
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