Free Energy Here And Now

Free-Energy-Here-And-Now-main-4-postby Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

In the late 1880’s, trade journals in the electrical sciences were predicting free electricity and free energy in the near future. Incredible discoveries about the nature of electricity were becoming common place. Nikola Tesla was demonstrating “wireless lighting” and other wonders associated with high frequency currents. There was an excitement about the future like never before.

Within 20 years, there would be automobiles, airplanes, movies, recorded music, telephones, radio, and practical cameras. The Victorian Age was giving way to something totally new. For the first time in history, common people were encouraged to envision a utopian future filled with abundant modern transportation and communication, as well as jobs, housing and food for everyone. Disease would be conquered, and so would poverty. Life was getting better, and this time, everyone was going to get a piece of the pie. (more…)

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Mystifying Properties of DNA

Mystifying-Properties-of-DNA-main-4-postFirst of all, what is DNA?

This short video will help you understand so that we may understand the significance of what is to follow.

The following three experiments, done by three different teams of scientists revealed some astounding unexplainable properties of DNA: (more…)

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Discerning-main-4-post---1There is within the eye of man the thing which he doth see about this earth;
And of these things he cries unto himself that he is greater yet than all of these.


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A Sage And His Message

A-Sage-And-His-Message-main-1-postby Paul Brunton

Paul Brunton (1898-1981) devoted his life to the practices, understanding, realization, and sharing of spiritual truths.  During his public life he wrote eleven books and lived on every continent but Antarctica—and no doubt would have visited there, were a saint or sage known to be in residence!  He also wrote daily thoughts in little notebooks, interviewed hundreds of teachers, fakirs, “fakers,” and saints around the globe. Here he recounts his meeting with one sage, Ramana Maharshi in India, on the meaning of “I”. (more…)

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Ancient City Ruins On Mars

Ancient-City-Ruins-On-Mars-main-4-postby Ennio Piccaluga

City Found On Mars  – Scott Waring

The following images were recently published by UFO and anomaly hunter Scott Waring (also video above). These images were transmitted by the American “MRO” probe with a HIRISE camera on board, capable of photos with resolutions up to 30 cm/pixel. (more…)

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The Little Understood Higher Self

The-Little-Understood-Higher-Self-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

After the passing of many years, since the beginning of the present inauguration of UN.AR.I.U.S. on the planet earth, it becomes higher-self-2-postapparent that the least understood and most abused concept of the interdimensional science of UN.AR.I.U.S. is that of the superconscious self; and to avoid the ever-present danger of egocentric flatulency—which could occur should any student, knowing that he has a superconscious or higher self, falsely indulge himself in some sort of a self-hypnotic grandiose state of consciousness we shall discuss further on this concept. When and if any person’s higher self develops to the point where it is the dominant personality, there will no longer be an earth-life personality or embodiment. In short, if you are here on earth in a physical body concerned with physical existence, also involved with the problems of life after death, higher evolution, etc., then you can be quite certain your higher self has just begun to develop; and as of this time, may or may not be strong enough through the channels of inspiration, intuition, etc., to keep you moving along your evolutionary pathway, for that small embryonic higher self is all that stands between you and total retrogression. And in the life in-between lives, it’s the little window you look through from your memory life into the higher worlds. (more…)

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Unto Thee ~ Book III, IV

Unto-Thee-Part-III---Part-IV-main-2-postby Akhnaton

Book Three



GIVE EAR, FAIR daughter of love, to the instructions of prudence, and let the precepts of truth sink deep in thy heart; so shall the charms of thy mind add lustre to the elegance of thy form: and the beauty like the rose it resembleth, shall retain its sweetness when its bloom is whithered.

In the spring of thy youth, in the morning of thy days, when the eyes of men gaze on thee with delight, and nature whispereth in thine ear the meaning of their looks; ah! hear with caution their seducing words, guard well thy heart, nor listen to their soft persuasions.

Remember thou art man’s reasonable companion, not the slave of his passion; the end of thy being is not merely to gratify his loose desire, but to assist him in the toils of life, to sooth him with thy tenderness, I and recompense his care with soft endearments. (more…)

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The Lowlands Of Heaven

The-Lowlands-Of-Heaven-main-4-postby G. Vale Owen

This volume (what follows is a short excerpt) contains the first of a series of communications from beyond the veil, received and written down by the Rev. G. Vale Owen, Vicar of Oxford, Lancashire.

It should be clearly understood that these messages, while complete in themselves, deal chiefly with the “Sphere of Light” nearest to the earth in which the Vicar’s mother, who is the principal communicator, states that she dwells, and that her impressions are chiefly individual to herself and are thus those of a newcomer and learner whose experiences are limited to a restricted area. Wider regions and greater heights and depths are explored, the interrelation of this and the afterlife is more fully explained, and both narrative and exposition of aims and principles are more vigorous, clear and comprehensive in succeeding messages, contained in other volumes of the series. ~ H. W. Engholm (more…)

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The Misguided Quest for Physical Immortality

Misguided-Quest-For-Physical-Immortality-main-4-postby Stafford Betty

As I drove down to Mission Viejo to give a talk on the afterlife, I thought back to the article in Newsweek I’d read a few days before. Brilliant scientists, including Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google, thought it possible to someday “cure death,” and Dmitry Itskov, the “godfather” of Russia’s Internet, predicted that the technology that would allow him to live for 10,000 years would be in place by 2045.

Wow. And here I was about to tell 70 seniors that death was no big deal because all it involved was the shedding of the body — the same body that these scientists would go to any length and expense to keep running. (more…)

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Our Magnetic Universe ~ Part II

Our-Magnetic-Universe-Part-II-main-4-postby Partana Vegan

As we approach the new age with increased use and knowledge of magnetic energy, the standard of living will rise slowly to undreamt heights for all nations on Earth, more quickly, easily, and inexpensively than any other method yet known. It will gradually free men from long working hours, and balance his economy and cultural level so well that he will have time to raise his level of thinking by enlightening himself in schools that will be increased both in number and intellectual level. This is the dream that is the right of every man, to create a world that is the expression of man’s highest nature. This new power, under wise control in the free world, would be such a shining example to those nations yet in darkness that they could not help but accept the merits of this example, and turn from their outmoded ways of thinking. They would eventually realize that a peaceful world is one in which all people work in harmony. (more…)

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Our Magnetic Universe ~ Part I

The-Magnetic-Universe-main-4-postby Partana Vegan

When, in the course of events, this planet finally reaches the era of the Golden Age, it will no longer be caught in the web of any of the social or governmental systems now present on Earth. In the last few thousand years, mankind has reached forward through many ages from the stone age, the wheel age, the iron age, the steam age, the electric age, and now the age of advanced flight and the atom. The last two have lifted man’s mind to seek the mysteries of the cosmos more than any other, but these two will be the shortest lived, as powerful as they seem now, because all of the effort made in order to successfully get into outer space, as well as all of the probing of the atom, is done in a manner completely incompatible with natural or Universal Laws. (more…)

Posted in Other Topics, Science For The New Age, UFOswith 2 comments.

On The Infinite Evolutionary Pathway ~ Part III

On-The-Infinite-Evolutionary-Pathway-Pt-III-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

Just as a small infant will eventually learn to stand upon his legs and walk about the room, so you too will learn to function andvibration-aura-4-post to arrive at a more conclusive way of life in a higher spiritual dimension which is not so confined and impounded with the factional differences of the time and space and materialistic elements with which you have learned to function and live in your daily life on the earth plane. As Pearce explained to you, everything is vibration or is in some way a wave form, or, if I may use the word rather loosely, an electronic structure as it relates itself in the natural order and conclusion of expression which is called the law of harmonics or frequency relationship; for such structures as wave forms generate and regenerate themselves into various different frequency spectrums in properly order rates of vibration which are somewhat similar to and can be equated into mathematical formulas. However, for the present we shall not attempt to explain to you these principles, which would be in themselves something of a more advanced understanding in the realms of pure spiritual calculus. (more…)

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Tesla Speaks ~ Part II

Tesla-Speaks-Part-II-main-2-postby Dr. Robert R. Leichtman


Nikola Tesla spent his lifetime making the impossible possible–and doing it with brilliance, style, and seeming ease. He made practical the generation of alternating current, which electrical scientists had thought impossible. He developed a system for the long distance transmission of electricity, which Thomas Edison had thought impossible. He broadcast electricity through the air without wires, which many “experts” still think is impossible. And although he died in 1943, his work is currently attracting more attention than ever, as scientists try to duplicate his work in resonance, magnetism, and death rays.

The following is a short excerpt from a conversation with the spirit of Nikola Tesla, through the mediumship of the author, Dr. Robert R. Leichtman.

Q: Since today is a full moon, would you have anything to say about the relationship between the phases of the moon and the concentration of energy? Is this an area scientists ought to be investigating more fully? (more…)

Posted in Nikola Tesla, Other Topics, Science For The New Agewith 1 comment.

Pale Blue Dot: Humility

Pale-Blue-Dot-Humility-main-4-postCarl SaganThe long-awaited second part of the unauthorized documentary series based on Carl Sagan’s groundbreaking 1994 book has arrived. The insightful Pale Blue Dot: Humility examines how our perspective on the vastness of the cosmos has shaped our shifting sense of self through the ages.

Pieced together as a mosaic of pop culture clips, historical stills and footage, appealing animations, and Sagan’s own audio commentary, the film is a rebuke against the plague of bloated self-importance, and the need to claim superiority over others for control of insignificant specks of territory. Even the field of science has not been immune to these selfish pursuits.

From that foundation, Sagan’s probing commentary provides a brief recap of carl_sagan_pale_blue_dot-book coverour understanding of the heavens and the Earth throughout history. This evolution of discovery represents an epic and ongoing battle between our quest for supremacy and the reality of our insignificance. For many generations, the deeply held belief that the Earth was the center of the universe was impervious to reason or to revelations obtained through further investigation. Mainstream thinking was slow to evolve when it came to the correlation between the Earth and the Sun, or for example, the age of our planet in comparison to the universe at large. The widespread and steadfast acceptance of various theologies further clouded our capacity for reasoned judgment.

But the ceaseless canvas of the universe – adorned with hundreds of billions of galaxies, distant planets and brilliant stars – provides the ultimate lesson in humility. Our modern understanding of the universe demands a more nuanced and less conceited perspective. Yet our yearning to give special meaning to our existence is a barrier to these scientific discoveries. After all, we have to be here for a reason. As Sagan states during the course of the film, it is a battle between our quest for “deep knowledge and shallow reassurance”.

It is obvious that great care went into assembling the film, and the flow of complex information is cleanly and artfully presented. Pale Blue Dot: Humility is an affectionate representation and tribute to Sagan’s trailblazing intellect.

The original 2007 “Pale Blue Dot: Wanderers” can be seen here.

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Balance As A Role In Karma

Balance-As-A-Role-In-Karma-main-4-postby Gina Cerminara

Certainly there is nothing new in the thought that balance is important in human life. As long as men have been riding horses they have known that balance—equilibrium—is essential to successful horsemanship. Whether a man have for his sport swimming, bowling, wrestling, tennis, or golf, he knows that balance is necessary for good form and good performance.

Balance in the sense of proportion or symmetry was known to the ancient Greeks; in fact, principles of balance in this sense have been applied consciously or instinctively throughout all the history of art by any artist worthy of the name. (more…)

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