Rock Books: Hidden History Revealed ~ Part III
by Richard S. Shaver
Part I – The Ancient Earth – cont.
Now, the “Sea People” were ourselves, long and long ago. They have a familiar appearance to us. Their omnipresent humor, their several tongues, are all familiar things. There is also something indescribable (like the thrill in a boat’s wake behind you) that gives a feeling of kinship, like meeting a long-lost brother, with the sea people.
I feel the sea people came first from space and made their home in Earth’s seas and loved the place like home.
There is really no single reason for this; it is just a feeling. The sea people, as well as the larger Cyclopeans, have a singular thrilling something. One feels they are “star people”. But there is no way to prove such a feeling. (more…)
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Suppression By The Smithsonian
by Jim Marrs
What happens when unexpected archaeological discoveries beyond the norm get hijacked? Researcher and historian Martin Doutré related a conversation he had with a former National Park Service employee about an incident that took place at Arizona’s Canyon de Chelly National Monument in 1999. “A big washout had occurred in the canyon after torrential rains, and a number of skeletons were exposed at a few sites. All of the Park Service personnel were pressed into service to gather up and box up the newly revealed bones. However, in a somewhat sinister twist, all of the work was overseen by personnel from both the Smithsonian Institution and the FBI. The Parks Service workers were forbidden to bring cameras to the site and were subjected to full body searches by the FBI when arriving in the morning or leaving at night. All of the skeletal remains and artifacts were carefully boxed up and taken away by the Smithsonian Institute. The Park’s Service workers were forced to sign secrecy agreements of non-disclosure of information related to their activities in the canyon.” (more…)
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Into Eternal Light ~ Part I
by Kenneth through Madge Wood
During his earthly life Kenneth was never known to me, only through his communications with his parents during his contact with my Sanctuary after his passing over to spirit.
He was an only son of parents born in a Yorkshire town and was a Leeds University student, and afterwards served in the Army during the last war.
His passing to spirit some years later caused his mother to be completely overcome by grief and resulting in ill health, so much so that she lost interest in life. (more…)
Posted in Life After Death, Life On The Other Side, Spiritualitywith comments disabled.
The Sleeping Prophet On Lemuria ~ Part II
by Frank Joseph
Most of Cayce’s recorded statements about the lost Pacific kingdom follow its people to other parts of the world. During his life reading of April 17, 1936, Edgar Cayce told of immigrants from a global catastrophe arriving in the Near Eastern “lands of Zu.”
Interestingly, Har-Sag-Mu was known 5,000 years ago as “Mu of the Mountain Range,” where Zu, the Sumerian sky-god, settled after causing a terrible cataclysm. Thereafter, “stillness spread abroad, silence prevailed.” In the later Babylonian version, as preserved in the Assyrian library of Ashurbanipal, Zu stole the Tablets of Destiny from his fellow gods and brought them to Har-Sag-Mu. His self-transformation into a bird of prey to fight off a serpent guarding the tablets recurs in worldwide imagery of an eagle battling a snake, from the Greek Delphi and Norse Yggdrasil to Aztec Mexico and pre-Columbian Colombia. (more…)
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The Truth Seeker
by Ernest L. Norman
In his search for Truth and at different points in some particular lifetime (and we could consider the present life as an example), the average truth seeker may find himself more directly concerned with the outside world and the multitudes of people who inhabit these different countries with which he is connected. By some particular rapport with the Inner Consciousness, he has been quickened or alerted to higher spiritual values and these spiritual values, the knowledge of and the living in the spiritual worlds, have become a closer relationship to him. These things in themselves pose many and varied contrasts; some, very striking in nature with the outside world in which he lives. He may thus become acutely aware of the various derelictions, suffering and other particular types of life which can be basically animalistic or reactionary in nature. Thus quickened or sensitized in seeing these varied contrasts, he may immediately wish in some way or manner to change the whole contour of the existing world. This may even be aided and abetted, in a sense, by a psychological equivalent known as an escape mechanism. The sum and total of the various psychic pressures which are oscillating in his psychic self, as they are so concerned and connected with negative indispositions of a destructive nature with past lifetimes, along with this particular quickening (as he is now so spiritually posed), only tend in a way to aid or to further the urgency of his need to see his fellow men changed in their seemingly mad rush to oblivion. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Cosmic Continuumwith 1 comment.
The Ringmakers Of Saturn
by J.P. Robinson
Dr. Norman Bergrun, a former NASA research scientist published an astounding book The Ringmakers of Saturn which revealed photos taken of Saturn’s rings from the Voyager I flight in 1980. Voyager I was sent to the rings of Saturn to investigate some strange anomalies that they had witnessed through their observations from Earth and NASA couldn’t believe what they found in the images that were sent back.

Posted in Life On Other Worlds, Other Topics, UFOswith 1 comment.
Effects Of Radiation On Human Heredity
by Jack Schubert, Ph.D. and Ralph E. Lapp, Ph.D.
Of the next 100 million children born to the present population in the United States, 2 million will be burdened, either at birth or before adulthood, with obvious hereditary defects, including mental deficiency, congenital malformations, deafness, blindness, and many others. If the chances of producing these hereditary defects were permanently doubled, we would eventually have 2 million additional cases of mental and physical defects, of which 200,000 would probably appear in the first generation alone.
Each dose of radiation, no matter how small, to which the reproductive cells of a future parent are exposed increases the chances of passing on additional hereditary defects to the descendants. How much radiation will perceptibly increase the hereditary defects? How much would double them? Are the amounts of radiation being received from the testing of nuclear weapons, and from medical examinations now, and amounts expected in the near future, large enough to worry about? These are questions to which we attempt to give answers to here. (more…)
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Greatness, Goodness, And Unfailing Wisdom
by James Allen
Greatness And Goodness
GOODNESS, simplicity, greatness — these three are one, and this trinity of perfection cannot be separated. All greatness springs from goodness, and all goodness is profoundly simple. Without goodness there is no greatness. Some men pass through the world as destructive forces, like the tornado or the avalanche, but they are not great; they are to greatness as the avalanche is to the mountain. The work of greatness is enduring and preservative, and not violent and destructive. The greatest souls are the most gentle.
Greatness is never obtrusive. It works in silence, seeking no recognition. This is why it is not easily perceived and recognized. Like the mountain, it towers up in its vastness, so that those in its immediate vicinity, who receive its shelter and shade, do not see it. Its sublime grandeur is only beheld as they recede from it. The great man is not seen by his contemporaries; the majesty of his form is only outlined by its recession in time. This is the awe and enchantment of distance. Men occupy themselves with the small things; their houses, trees, lands. Few contemplate the mountain at whose base they live, and fewer still essay to explore it. But in the distance these small things disappear, and then the solitary beauty of the mountain is perceived. Popularity, noisy obtrusiveness, and shallow show, these superficialities rapidly disappear, and leave behind no enduring mark: whereas greatness slowly emerges from obscurity, and endures forever. (more…)
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The Sleeping Prophet On Lemuria
by Frank Joseph
Edgar Cayce is thought by many to have been the greatest clairvoyant and prophet since the days of apostolic revelation. ~ Brad Steiger
Of our era’s alleged “psychics,” one name stands out. Edgar Cayce’s status as a genuine seer not only survived his mid-twentieth-century death into the next millennium, but has grown considerably beyond his lifetime reputation as well. The cause is not difficult to understand. His forty years of subconscious health pronouncements form a body of recorded medical information sought out by sufferers from around the world as effective countermeasures to invasive surgical procedures. His reputation as a healing intuitive aside, the far fewer utterances he made about Lemuria are not, as skeptics might expect, statements of wild fantasy, but instead remarkably consistent, and well within the scope of archaeology and geology. More valuably, they shed new light on the people, spirituality, and destiny of Mu otherwise unavailable from conventional sources. Whether or not we give any credence to psychics, renowned or otherwise, his characterization of Lemurian people and events is surprisingly credible and illuminating if viewed through the lens of neither preconceived belief nor unbelief. (more…)
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Mental Illness: Dark Force Influences? ~ Part II
by Jerry Marzinsky BA M.ED
Patient Recovery Techniques
Schizophrenic patients need to learn to distinguish between their thoughts and those inserted by their voices. The general rule is to assume that every negative thought about themselves or others comes from these parasitic entities.
Usually, the patient’s first attempt to cope with their voices is to ignore them. This, however resulted in the voices getting louder. I counseled them not be block them but to watch those thoughts from a distance rather than engaging them. Positive changes began to appear in the patient’s mental state once they learned how to do this. (more…)
Posted in Health, Other Topics, Spirit Releasement Therapywith 2 comments.
Q & A On Psychic And Physical Relationships
by Ernest L. Norman
Let us now hear from those who have not previously been asking questions. As Einstein says, we are never fools until we stop asking.
Q – On his successive trips, Mr. Fry in his space-flight didn’t have this nose bleeding. How is this?
A – It merely means that he had placed that experience within the realm of his conscious mind and integrated it; and so he took the experience out of the realm of psychic shock. He was no longer influenced by that sudden subjugation which is based primarily on the sudden influx of fear. He had been transported into a dimension of which he knew nothing and was fearful of it, and it had an immediate effect on him. It would be the same as if a “bogie-man” jumped out of the dark at you. But the following trips were familiar situations. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creationwith comments disabled.
Cosmic Mind Receivers
by W. Gordon Allen
It is a strange world that we find in the laboratories of our Western science for if we cannot weigh it, see it, measure it, or get a specimen of it, it does not really exist. Research, renowned for the civilized gadgets which it puts on the market as advertised items before an eager public, is much to blame for this misconception. The sale of an intangible is pretty tough; the sale of an intangible reality is in our Western world nearly an impossibility. But that appears to be our problem.
For our next subject, let us talk to Mr. Ouspensky a bit about dimensions. We recommend P.D. Ouspensky’s A New Model Of The Universe to the reader who would like to delve more deeply into one facet of the problems of reality. (more…)
Posted in Nikola Tesla, Science For The New Age, Spiritualitywith comments disabled.
The Temple Of Brotherhood
by James Allen
Universal Brotherhood is the supreme Ideal of Humanity, and towards that Ideal the world is slowly but surely moving.
Today, as never before, numbers of earnest men and women are striving to make this Ideal tangible and real; Fraternities are springing up on every hand, and Press and Pulpit, the world over, are preaching the Brotherhood of Man.
The unselfish elements in all such efforts cannot fail to have their effect upon the race, and are with certainty urging it towards the goal of its noblest aspirations; but the ideal state has not yet manifested through any outward organization, and societies formed for the purpose of propagating Brotherhood are continually being shattered to pieces by internal dissension. (more…)
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