The Inner Mysteries ~ Part I

The-Inner-Mysteries-main-4-postby Mark Probert


Some weeks ago Mark was watching a picture on television in which the characters were dolls in the bottom of a barrel. The barrel was sitting on a city street and a Salvation Army lass was ringing a bell. Then these dolls in the bottom of the barrel suddenly came alive, and had no idea where they were, or how they got into the barrel, or what the barrel consisted of, or what it was like outside the barrel, or if there was an outside.

Then they started investigating. Their first investigation was looking up. That looking up caused them to see a wider extent of space than the barrel, so they felt there must be something out there. They had no feeling, no thought whatsoever that they were dolls who had been thrown into the barrel for poor little children. They were now living human beings. (more…)

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Zeitgeist: Moving Forward

Zeitgeist-Moving-Forward-main-2-postThe following is a feature length documentary film which presents the case for the much needed transition out of the current socio-economic monetary paradigm into a more compassionate sustainable human-needs-centric society.

The subject matter transcends the issues of cultural relativism and traditional ideology and moves to relate the core, empirical life ground attributes of human and social survival, extrapolating those immutable natural laws into a newer sustainable social paradigm called a Resource-Based Economy.

This is presented in a crystal clear fashion beginning with an examination of the conditioning that shapes our behavior, moving on to the failures of the monetary/market system, it’s resultant socio-economic collapse and finally, the transition into a resource based economy for the betterment of humankind (if we survive). (more…)

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Christmas Conclave And A Healing Projection To Earth

Posted in Audio Excerpts, Spirituality, Voice of Muse, Unarius, Elysiumwith comments disabled.

Secret Science ~ Part II

Secret-Science-Part-II-main-4-postby Herbert G. Dorsey III

The Nazis weren’t just using Tesla’s and Thomas Townsend Brown’s discoveries in their saucer project. Another scientist who had developed antigravity technology was Victor Schauberger. He studied vortexes in nature and discovered many amazing things about vortexes and developed free energy and antigravity devices from his vortex implosion technology.

When a moving fluid is forced into a pipe of lesser cross sectional area, it has to speed up. When a fluid is rotated in a vortex inside a pipe, it experiences less friction as it flows through the pipe than a non-rotating fluid. When a rotating fluid is forced to rotate at a smaller radius, conservation of angular momentum causes the fluid to speed up. The center of a fluid vortex is cooler and the periphery is hotter. Electrical charge separation takes place in fluid vortexes. (more…)

Posted in Other Topics, Science For The New Age, UFOswith comments disabled.

Our Story Of Atlantis ~ Part IV

Our-Story-Of-Atlantis-Part-IV-main-4-postOur Story Of Atlantis ~ Part IV

by W.P. Phelon

It was a doctrine of the Atlantians that the body of the physical which enwraps us, is adapted to the need of the Ego holding it, as a manifestation of the processes of accomplishment. If the ego coming back into the lives cannot accomplish its own unfolding, save through some particular experience, it compasses that particular experience, if it is within its possibilities. From age to age, from generation to generation, that which stands behind all, is ever the same. That which overshadows all is a part of the Divine Existence, is one with the One a part of the Divine Existence, indivisible and always the same. This was the primary knowledge, taught first in the forests, amid the rocks and mountains; and afterwards in the Great Temple built into these mountains. It must be remembered that very much of the work done in the Temple was accomplished by the control of the elements or elemental forces, which the Brotherhood understood and exercised even in those far off days, for the lightening of the toil of the physical. This, you in this day and generation have somewhat recovered. But instead of saying to the force universal, do this, you chain some portion of it, and bring it under limitation of form. These limitations act for you, tirelessly toiling day and night. And so, there does not come out of the surrounding conditions and vibrations the reacting powers and forces which generally tend to the physical retarding of any great building or other work of importance, because they are made up of the groans and moans of those who toil in the physical body to accomplish. (more…)

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Secret Science ~ Part I

Secret-Science-Part-I-main-1-postby Herbert G. Dorsey III

The Science taught in schools and universities today is but a weak version of what is actually possible and much has been purposely omitted for economic advantage and military secrecy reasons. The following will cover some, but not all, of these omissions.

Some inventors have developed antigravity as long ago as the late 1800s. John Worrell Keely had developed the science of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics (SVP). In 1872, Keely met secretly with a group of bankers. The meeting was arranged by a leading patent attorney, Charles Collier, who had previously seen numerous demonstrations of Keely’s inventions. (more…)

Posted in Nikola Tesla, Other Topics, Science For The New Agewith comments disabled.

The Prophetic Dream Of Jesus

The-Prophetic-Dream-Of-Jesus-main-4-postby Alexander Smyth

High up among the Judean mountains, on one of the most eastern ranges, not far from the city of Jericho, situated midway between the mountain top and the ravine’s deep abyss, there was a plateau containing a small fertile spot, being an oasis in the desert of the mountains. Several springs gushed from the mountains’ sides, and spreading over the small plain and mingling with the debris, a scanty supply of mold was produced, from which grass, shrubs, trees and moss sprang up spontaneously. This fertile spot was a miniature forest of pine, cedar, tamarisk, oak and palm trees. Interspersed with grass plats and running water near the center of this small verdant locality was a habitation or grotto, the cylindrical wall being constructed of rocky fragments, and the roof of rushes in the form of a cone; in the front of which, near to the entrance and under the shade of a tamarisk tree, was a long rude bench which seemed to be used as a seat or lounge. (more…)

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The Atlantean Crystal In The Bermuda Triangle

The-Atlantean-Crystal-In-The-Bermuda-Triangle-main-2-postFrom a talk by Daniel W. Fry

Today, many scientists, pursuing various paths of scientific inquiry, are mutually engaged in the attempt to advance and rediscover the art and science of crystalology that was lost to earth man during the last great collapse of science and civilization many thousands of years ago.

From those records of the lost civilization that are still available we can learn something of the tremendous powers that are inherent in the crystal. In our own laboratories we are working, sometimes almost feverishly, to rediscover and to put into operation the powers and abilities that our ancient ancestors used so wisely and so effectively. Our present Laser systems are one of the tangible results of such efforts. The output of the ruby crystal in a laser system is probably quite similar to that of the Vril stick about which so much has been written in the ancient records. Except of course, that the Vril stick employed a somewhat simpler and more compact system than any of those which we have yet been able to produce; although, with our rapid advance in miniaturization, we will soon begin to approach the results obtained by our ancestors. (more…)

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Hauntings-main-4-postby Dion Fortune

THERE are two forms of “haunting” which have to be considered, the one which is due to a discarnate soul who interferes with a particular person, and the one which is due to the conditions prevailing in a particular place, and which affects any person sufficiently sensitive who happens to go there. Except in cases where the influence is exceptionally strong, the insensitive person is immune. To perceive a “haunting” one needs, as a general rule, to be slightly psychic; it is for this reason that children and other more sensitive types suffer severely from such interferences.

Let us consider first of all the question of interference by a discarnate soul. It will be noted that I use the term “interference” and not “attack.” The disturbance need not necessarily be an attack, any more than the drowning man who clings to his rescuer and drags him under is motivated by malice. The entity that is causing the trouble may be a soul that is itself in distress on the Inner Planes, and is too ignorant of post mortem conditions to know the harm it is doing by clinging so desperately to the living. It is for this reason that the wide dissemination of Spiritualistic teachings is of value, for it helps to relieve the tension between this world and the next. (more…)

Posted in Other Topics, Spirit Releasement Therapy, Spiritualitywith comments disabled.

Into Eternal Light ~ Part II

Into-Eternal-Light-Part-II-main-4-postby Kenneth transmitted through by Madge Wood

Oh, it is good to be alive and deeply interested in everything, to love, and to remember loved ones and be near them. There is no barrier really between us and the dear ones we leave behind. When there is true affection; that is an eternal link and this I know that some day we will all be together again. We only leave our loved ones behind in the material sense, and we help and guide them inasmuch as they will allow us to do so.

You see also the sleep state is a wonderful link between your world and ours. When your spirit leaves the body in sleep you are freed to be with us for a time, and we look forward to this. Many are the discussions that take place when you come, and the things you do and see. Naturally this is because earth is only your temporary home. Your real home and belonging is here. In sleep your spirit returns from whence it came and to the things known and understood. (more…)

Posted in Life After Death, Life On The Other Side, Other Topicswith 1 comment.

The Incredible Tale Of The Thought Resonator

The-Incredible-Tale-Of-The-Thought-Resonator-main-2-postby W. Gordon Allen

Following, we believe, is one of the most incredible tales ever to be offered of the never-never land between the two patterns of the scientist and the George-De-La-Warrecclesiast. It is the story of a highly, technically educated man who quit his responsible position to investigate forms of radiation unknown to science. The reply of the most responsible radiation laboratory in England, [known as] Harwell, to his discoveries is most amusing—or would be, if there were not a note of tragedy woven through the incredible tale. To think that the atomic future of the British Empire rests on the type of reception displayed toward new thought forms of George De La Warr astounds one’s credibility. We shall narrate the tale as we understand it and leave the reader to judge for himself and perhaps follow with some of their own research. (more…)

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Homecoming: End Of Life Experiences

Homecoming-End-Of-Life-Experiences-main-2-postAs Told By Various Caretakers

Choosing A Time To Go

Some hospice carers have told us that residents seem instinctively to know they are nearing the end of life. ‘It’s almost like something has told them “You’re nearly there, just calm down because something is going to happen”,’ said one interviewee. ‘I think the people who are dying know right at the end that something is happening,’ said another nurse.

Towards the end, from being very agitated they may calm down and just lie there peacefully. Sometimes they will get a sudden burst of energy, so that they are able to talk to their family for the last time. You get times when people suddenly seem to perk up just before they die. They seem to get better – enough sometimes to say goodbye to relatives . . . It’s really strange, it’s like an extra energy that they’ve got just prior to them going right off. They become coherent . . . and then they seem to just go. (more…)

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Our Psychic Self

Our-Psychic-Self-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

Again we come to you with our love from Venus. Yes, it is quite true our sister, Ruth, has discovered in her own way through her vision, that we are Shamballa—or should we more correctly say, part of Shamballa. We here in Azure are one of seven such cities and places.

Venusian-templesEach one of these cities is directly related to your earth plane in a certain separated type of spiritual service. We, in Azure, function with those who have passed on from the flesh in some form of maladjustment, such as the soldier boys and sailors, the suicides and murderers, and their victims. The other cities relate their activities to equally well defined fields of spiritual and physical therapies. It is my plan to go into these different cities and just as we have done here in Azure, make an exploration and find out more fully their own particular capacity. (more…)

Posted in Book Excerpts, Spirituality, Voice of Venuswith comments disabled.

Things In The Martian Sky

Things-In-The-Martian-Sky-main-4-postby William S. Romoser, Ph.D.

The web presence of the NASA/JPL databases has spawned an intrepid group of Mars anomaly hunters, who regularly post their often fascinating and William-S-Romoser-2-postprovocative findings on YouTube, and the Mars Anomaly Research Society site on Facebook. These persons piqued my interest. So, following full retirement from a 45 year academic career, I began studying the public NASA/JPL Mars rover photographic databases, particularly those from Curiosity rover. It came as a pleasant surprise to find what I have increasingly come to believe is evidence of higher metazoan forms on Mars. Several characteristic Martian motifs are identifiable in the NASA/JPL rover photographs, and when compared with various cultural artifacts on Earth, striking similarities can be found. Such similarities may indicate intimate associations between the Red Planet and Earth, both past and present. As with my professional research interests, this effort has been driven by curiosity, no pun intended. Three working hypotheses form the operating the hub of this project: Hypothesis 1: There are fossil and extant higher life forms (metazoans; multi-cellular organisms composed of eukaryotic cells) on Mars. Hypothesis 2: There is and/or has been intelligent civilization on Mars Hypothesis 3: There has been contact between intelligent beings on Mars and Earth. ~ Dr. Romoser, Emeritus Professor of Medical Entomology at Ohio University – Department of Biomedical Sciences. (more…)

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