Man’s Greatest Fear ~ Part II

Mans-Greatest-Fear-Part-II-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

And so it was of rather small significance whether John would be born male or female. The point which is child-reincarnationmost important to remember is that he was carrying all of his former lifetime impregnations in that mental part of his psychic anatomy, and so far as his subconscious was concerned, it was, to some extent, out-of-phase or out-of-tune with the present, and it could therefore only exist, or partially exist, in some respects, as an influential factor. Now, after John was born as a new infant, the process of breathing oxygen was immediately resumed; this is one of the factors which he had lived through in being born many other times, and so it was quite natural that his mental psychic anatomy could, at the proper moment—and instigated by such reactive factors as were then presently dominating him—oscillate with these factors and complete the whole mental and physical reaction which started the breathing process. (more…)

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Close Encounters Of The Fifth Kind

Close-Encounters-Of-The-Fifth-Kind-main-4-postWhile government officials are still dilly-dallying out there about whether UFOs are ET or not as published in today’s report, let us move on to what may really be happening and likely is: Close Encounters Of The Fifth Kind!

“Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind” is a feature documentary presented by Dr. Steven Greer, a global authority on extraterrestrials who created a world wide disclosure movement and routinely briefs the presidents and the heads of state on the ET phenomenon.

Dr. Steven Greer presents new top-secret evidence supporting extraterrestrial contact including witness testimony, classified documents, and UFO footage while also exploring the consequences of ruthlessly enforcing such secrecy. (more…)

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The Higher Dimensions ~ Part II

The-Higher-Dimensions-Part-II-main-4-postby Jurgen Ziewe

Heavenly Worlds

The higher a person ascends through the dimensions, the greater the power at their disposal. They also become more and more aware of an underlying intelligence, which permeates everything in the world around them. Everything is animated and has intrinsic intelligence and a serene presence. It now becomes clear why everything functions so beautifully, following the laws of attraction, imagination, and creativity. The feeling is that this is a placid ocean of ‘compassionate’ intelligence, resting in a state of peace and awaiting human intent so it can make new forms and new creations.

Something remarkable is happening to the people who dwell in these regions. Because there is an absence of separation, the overriding feeling is that of being home. Every feeling of being home or the desire to be home comes from this dimension. In the surrounding environment there is no such thing as inanimate matter. All matter on the higher dimensions is intensively alive and intelligent. Even in the dimensions below there is a feeling that whatever is created has a presence and a life of its own. Matter is intelligence. I simply cannot find a more appropriate description. We will find that the notion of The Blind Watchmaker (a book by Richard Dawkins), a theory which implies that natural selection, an unconscious, automatic, blind yet essentially non-random process that Darwin discovered, has no purpose in mind and implies in a wider sense that everything created in the physical universe follows blind mechanistic principles, is simply wrong. Although there may not be a comprehensible definitive purpose, in my observation at the root of every atom is a profound intelligence keeping it in motion. This principle holds true throughout all dimensions. Though whatever this intelligence is will probably always remain beyond our grasp and human understanding. (more…)

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Past Lives, Present Problems

Past-Lives-Present-Problems-main-2-postby Roger Woolger, Ph. D.

Very often, the portal into a past-life memory is a distressing event in our present life that awakens, or triggers, an older or deeper memory. In the prior examples explored here – Wendy’s story of the Indian raid, Cheryl’s fear from the Roman arena, Peter’s adolescent death wish – we saw how events in each of their lives had caused emotional chaos for many years. But we also saw how paying precise attention to the triggering situation in the present could open the door to the past. What follows is the story of a young woman who walked through just such a door. (more…)

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Somebody Else Is On The Moon

Somebody-Else-Is-On-The-Moon-main-4-postby George H. Leonard – With Videos by Bruce Sees All

What NASA Knows But Won’t Divulge!

With careful logic and reason, George Leonard has studied all the data (including official NASA photographs and the astronauts’ Apollo tapes) to prove his theory of a highly advanced underground civilization that is working the surface of the Moon—mining, manufacturing, communicating, and building!

Since the early 1950s, a few scientists and amateur astronomers have been startled by strange events and objects seen on the Moon. (more…)

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Sonic Geometry

Sonic-Geometry-main-2-postThroughout history, numerous clues and hints regarding geometry and frequency have been staring at us, calling to us, and waiting for us to put them into place like pieces of a giant puzzle. Here at the dawn of a new age, this sonic-geometric puzzle is finally nearing completion, revealing the building blocks of a language based on energy, frequency and form. ​How will we use it? With whom will we be communicating? Now that we know the basics of this new language, maybe we are ready to begin the conversation…. again? (more…)

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The Pulse Of Creation – New Website!

Crystal-Pavilion-main-4-postPlease take a moment to visit a new website dedicated to The Pulse of Creation Series by Ernest L. Norman.

Here is the link: — Ordering information is also available.

Here is a brief overview of the beautifully illustrated editions here and to come in the near future with descriptions from The Infinite Concept Of Cosmic Creation.

Voice-of-Venus-bgThe Voice of Venus

One evening during attunement, I saw a beautiful, radiant figure standing before me. He announced himself–not in words but through the means of telepathic communication which is always used in these higher dimensions and states of consciousness; he inferred he could be known as Mal Var. We later found out from other sources that he was the disciple John, or John the Revelator. He said that he had come to give us a new version or a new translation of that part of the New Testament which had been so badly and sadly garbled in translations, (Revelations), and if I was willing, he would start from the planet Venus, which is the mother-father planet of this planetary system. From there, the higher celestial forces were in direct communication at all times in the work of psycho-therapy and spiritual healings for the people of this earth and other planets of nearby solar systems. So naturally, I gladly acquiesced. (more…)

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The Woman Who Solved Crimes

The-Woman-Who-Solved-Crimes-main-4-postby Mabel Love

The taxi driver, becalmed in a New York traffic jam, fell to thinking about his own personal problems: should he sell his house in Bellcrose, take that job in Detroit—things like that.

“Don’t give up your job, son, your wife would not be happy out there,” a hearty voice boomed from the back seat of his cab.

“What the—what goes on here?” Shaken, the driver turned to size up the smiling middle-aged woman who seemed to have read his thoughts so accurately.

“You a mind reader, lady?”

“Something like that, only my gift is called extrasensory perception.” (more…)

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The Medical Racket ~ Part IV

The-Medical-Racket-Part-IV-main-2-postInoculations: The True Weapons Of Mass Destruction

by Rebecca Carley

“One basic truth can be used as a foundation for a mountain of lies, and if we dig down deep enough in the mountain of lies, and bring out that truth, to set it on top of the mountain of lies; the entire mountain of lies will crumble under the weight of that one truth. And there is nothing more devastating to a structure of lies than the revelation of the truth upon which the structure of lies was built, because the shock waves of the revelation of the truth reverberate, and continue to reverberate throughout the Earth for generations to follow, awakening even those people who had no desire to be awakened to the truth.” ~ Delamar Duvaris

The basic truth that served as the foundation for the mountain of lies known as vaccinations was the observation that mammals which recover from infection with microorganisms acquire natural immunity from further infections. Whenever cytotoxic T cells (the little Pac man cells which devour and neutralize viruses, bacteria, and cancer cells, thus conferring cellular immunity and are also responsible for allograft rejection) and B cells (antibody producing cells which confer humoral immunity by circulating in the body’s fluids or “humors”, primarily serum or lymph) are activated by various substances foreign to the body called antigens, some of the T and B cells become memory cells. Thus, the next time the individual meets up with that same antigen, the immune system can be quickly triggered to demolish it. This is the process known as natural immunity. (more…)

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Man’s Greatest Fear ~ Part I

Mans-Greatest-Fear---Part-I-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

life-and-deathWithout question or doubt, the greatest single fear so far as the general races of humanity are concerned is the fear of death and taking a secondary place of importance, though not one of fear, is the concept of birth. How strange then it is that mankind lives in fear of death, anticipates with joy the events of birth, yet knows nothing of the basic facts which relate these two events so closely together. Only when we understand the scientific application of knowledge as it is applied in the factors of evolution called reincarnation, do we substantially increase the knowledge and ascertain for ourselves the direct relationship between these two important events. (more…)

Posted in Book Excerpts, Life After Death, Tempus Procediumwith comments disabled.

In The Mind Of Plants

In-The-Mind-Of-Plants-main-2-postPlants are a vital source of life, providing sustenance and oxygen to the human and animal inhabitants of the world. But is plant life closer to sentient life than expected? This documentary from Jacques Mitsch outlines the ways in which intelligence is defined – by recognizing one’s environment and interacting with it; having a memory; being able to communicate and interact socially; and having a brain to coordinate everything. (more…)

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Military’s Acknowledgment Of UFOs As Real In The Fifties – Two Cases

Military-UFOs-main-4-postThe following two cases demonstrates the fact that the U.S. Military already knew flying saucers were real and likely extraterrestrial. Of course we can be sure there are many many more not in the public record.

This first case took place in the late 1950s more then 60 years ago.

From Saucer News – June 1963

by Clyde W. Fitch

The date was Nov. 7, 1957 – right at the height of the well remembered 1957 Flying Saucer “flap”. As recounted in many newspapers at the time (and in the Feb-March 1958 “Saucer News”), Olden Moore made a close sighting of a Flying Saucer. Moore, then living in Lake County, Ohio, was driving his car along Route 86 near Montville, when he noticed what he at first took to be a bright shooting star or meteor moving rapidly across the sky from right to left in front of him. (more…)

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Quest For The Truth About Cancer

Quest-For-The-Truth-About-Cancer-main-2-postby Ty Bollinger

The Truth About Cancer’s mission is to inform, educate, and eradicate the pandemic of cancer in our modern world. Every single day, tens of thousands of people just like you are curing cancer (and/or preventing it) from destroying their bodies. It’s time to take matters into your own hands and educate yourself on real cancer prevention and treatments. It could save your life or the life of someone you love. (more…)

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